Windows is somehow becoming shittier than ever.
Meanwhile, Linux gaming has made giant leaps in just a couple years.

>more and more native Linux games released
>WINE and Proton able to play perfectly many great windows only games, such as Nier Automata, STALKER, even Overwatch, and many others
>can play ALL GAMES if you set up a VM with GPU passthrough
>also have all of the console emulators available to you
>people keep jumping ship, Windows being abandoned slowly but surely

Just a reminder for user.
Leave the past and join the future.

Attached: 1200px-Tux.svg.png (1200x1414, 259K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>can play ALL GAMES if you set up a VM with GPU passthrough

Feels like that defeats the purpose of Linux then. Why bother installing a whole separate OS that still requires you to create a VM just so you can use your specialty programs? Might as well just use Windows anyway.

>oprn ProtonDB
>check game I'm currently playing
>WORKS ON MY MACHINEā„¢ (15 minutes played)

Attached: 1476069780107.jpg (1002x960, 165K)

>Games on Linux.
Yeah, no I don't wanna play Tux racing thanks.


>installed Ubuntu
>Built in Nvidia drivers have not even 10% of the performance of windows
>Download Nvidia drivers from Nvidia
>Black screen, even after restarting can't log in
Yeah great OS lol

Super Tux Kart is GOTC kys.

The point is using Windows exclusively for those programs while being able to switch to a real operating system instantly, any time you want, and even do multitasking between the operating systems.

>using a windows emulator

Attached: 000.jpg (462x490, 40K)

>Meanwhile, Linux gaming has made giant leaps in just a couple years.
>proceeds to list things that let Linux do things windows can
lmao seething

check Lutris

If you like googling how to make shit work 24/7, then by all means go for it. Or if you just wanna go with the easy "plug and play" approach, stay the fuck out of that nonsense.

>Or if you just wanna go with the easy "plug and play" approach
Windows isn't perfect either, if only to be better than Linux.

I can't wait for Microsoft to die
don't bully me tho, I'm using debian RN

Wine is not an emulator.

le blideogaymes is the only thing Windows has over Linux. Linux being able to play Windows games means there is no reason to use that turd anymore.

You had to google how to do things for Windows as well, you just forgot.

Windows is great until something (and something will) breaks and you then have no fucking way of diagnosing the issue. At least self-respecting UNIX Like systems actually give you a fucking error with readable info when something crashes rather than:
>ERROR x004213 Contact Microsoft
>Google error code
>This code is a general purpose error for when a program crashes

Well i have experience in both, and windows just seems like a breeze most of the time. Could be just that i'm an idiot, but linux isn't easy to handle.

I'm just saying. Hell, there's a dedicated "pcgamingwiki" for tweaks, mods, fixes, etc. for PC games (that would apply to anything that can run them, not just Windows).

>programming is comfier on linux
>uses the cpu in a much more efficient way
>not bloted with surveilance camers
bideo gaemz are the only reason to use windows

Debian is just fine, the only problem is that the software it gives you isn't the most up to date, that's why people recommend other distros, especially for gaming.
It's not a big problem though, Ubuntu is based on Debian unstable.

No lies in this thread except those made by Microsoft shills

Attached: rice.png (1500x2239, 788K)

I lurk /g/ and they sure know how to have fun with Linux

Attached: 1555950602183.jpg (2560x1080, 1.08M)

every time

i simply don't like ubuntu and his bloatware but want the lest amount of hassle to work and play.
litterally my father uses Mageia in his office, if you can't take the linux pill in current year you are litterally a brainlet

Mageia still exists?

yeah, it just werks for what my father has to do in his office

>Built in Nvidia drivers have not even 10% of the performance of windows
Nice larp

linux is a joke and will always be a joke. the only hope for people who are sick of windows is if apple ever gets a ceo who sees gaming as a viable market to appeal to and changes their products accordingly.

Oh what a great joke, now someone's shilling Apple.
Your bullshit is irrelevant.

In no time we went from nothing to running Nier Automata just as well as it does on Windows, without any VM.
Imagine what waits in the coming years.

Linux is already the most used Kernel in the world. From servers, to routers, to TVs, to phones.
Soon it will take over the desktop market as well, and you'll be sucking the penguin dick whether you like it or not. I'm sure you'll like it considering how gay Apple users are.

Attached: arch.png (602x500, 45K)

people have been trying to promote linux for years and years. truth is, if it was any good it would be bigger and more widely used.

It's funny because Ubuntu is actually faster than windows with the nvidia drivers

Attached: file.png (1191x841, 48K)

>changes their products accordingly.
they've actually done the complete opposite within the past few years, on top of already having outdated versions of OGL.

>Linux being able to play Windows games means there is no reason to use that turd anymore.

>plug in new wifi adapter/card
>has no drivers for Linux
>plug in a new keyboard with RGB
>no way to turn the RGB off from max brightness because the software for it isn't for Linux
>have to learn how to program to make a script that interacts with the keyboard and autoruns at startup
>plug in flight stick for flight sims
>no drivers
>have to use a gamepad mapper program to bind it to keyboard keys and lose out on a fuckton of features
>thing breaks or crashes
>Google problem
>find forum post with the exact problem I have
>"hello poster! this is how you fix that problem!"
>"thanks it worked!"
>try fix
>doesn't work
>post in forums why this doesn't work
>"uhh, this fix is only for peepeepoopoo Linux not the Linux you have, idiot. couldn't you tell because of the extra slash in the 27th of the 50 terminal commands you had to type in???"

Linux didn't buy you an RGB keyboard

Why arent you using Linux in the current year?
>just works
>no spyware

>Every single wifi card made in recent history from all major manufacturers have native built-in linux drivers.
>Udev/Evdev literally lets you modify firmware settings for keyboards and has support for almost every usb/ps2 peripheral you can insert.
Nice bullshit post

Nope. Further away Apple stays from the gaming, better.

Nice made up story you glowing nigger.
Modern Linux distros come with everything needed for wifi out of the box and the Linux kernel itself now has better support than Windows for gamepads.

I'm sorry you have gay RGB keyboards but you can get it to work if you actually google, even the fat guy on Linus Tech Tips tell you how.

Attached: 1533159154537.jpg (800x690, 81K)

ah yes, it's my fault for buying a keyboard, not Linux for not being able to use it properly, my bad, next time I'll just stick to PC peripherals from 2001 to be sure they work properly because 2012 is too early for someone to give a fuck and write fake drivers for it

>conveniently drops the RGB from the keyboard
no, you bought an rgb keyboard friend. you dug your grave now lie in it.

apple at least is a professional enterprise. not some homebrew bullshit full of "i pmed you the fix" and "works on my machine. :)"

card maybe, you're right I added that, but I've bought 3 different wifi USB adapters and none of them have ever worked on Linux, and they've been anywhere from cheap Chinese shit to expensive ass Netgear shit. though I plug any of those onto my PC with windows and you don't even need a driver

didnt work on my machine :^)

old games are even easier to launch on linux since MS dropped so many directx versions

>wahhh i need my LGBT-approved rainbow lights on my keyboard and im too stupid to google how to make it work on a heterosexual operating system

Linux is as enterprise as it gets.
Everything you use on the internet runs Linux.

do this with skub

wine actually has far better Legacy compatibility than windows since you can use different versions of it to run older programs unlike Microsoft's compatibility mode which only tells the program it's running on XP or something.

nah, linux is too shitty for that
it breaks really fucking easily and very few people are stupid enough to learn how to fix stuff that shouldnt have to be fixed to begin with

>it breaks really fucking easily
stop listening to arch fags and install a super slow distro instead, such as Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for a middleground of newness.

Quit Linux mint and moved to Ubuntu

What do I think of it

Linux Mint has had some stumbles in the past to get some bad notes on its reputation.
If you just want it's Cinnamon desktop you don't need to be on it so I guess it balances out.

Avoiding having Winblows installed on bare metal.

As if linux doesn't have that ten-fold

Arch Linux user here.
It just werks. I play vidya just fine.

Attached: 2019_04_23-18_24_51.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

congrats you're not retarded like the other guy

also best roll

>Install Windows
>All games work
>Install Linux
>X game not compatible with Proton or Wine
>Y game works but glitch
>Z game run slower than on Windows

Attached: 012.gif (600x538, 205K)

Gonna give Linux an honest try as my primary OS once Win 7's support period ends. Been dual-booting/using VMs for various things for ages.

>A game runs better on Linux

name 10 games

No. It literally doesn't because in the UNIX world we have something called Standard error. Which will give you a description of what caused the issue when you launch the program.

I've never heard of that one, sorry.


I don't want to dualboot W10 with Linux
I'm not sure i can run all my current games at platinum proton/wine rank.

10 games not having to be run on Windows is already running better on Linux.

>boot up laptop one day
>no more updates for windows 7 user!
Uhh what should I do?
Is it possible to swap Operating systems or something? What do they expect from me.

Attached: Oh GOD.jpg (752x584, 64K)

windows 7 won't magically stop working when updates cease, just stick with it if you want.

>w-wine isn't an emulator!!
Literally seething

Attached: 1554151599384.jpg (538x960, 34K)

I'd been looking for a reason to get rid of windows and I finally did. I have nearly one hundred games in my library and all of them I can play either natively or play very well. Deleted my windows partition last week and not looking back. Some of the games I have played on my system:

Nier Automata
Civ V

It goes on and on. I've never had such a good gaming experience on GNU+Linux before. Feels good desu.

So Linux is the GOG of desktop OS?

>W-Windows Subsystem Linux is all you need don't go!

Posting from my freetard setup right now
Super Tux Kart is unironically fucking amazing, especially after their recent 1.0 release with a graphics overhaul and online mode, so this meme doesn't hold up anymore.
>using Novideo
>suprised the drivers suck
Get an AMD card or install the proprietary Nvidia drivers. AMD's free drivers are better than the proprietary ones on Windows.
Based WindowMaker poster
I've used Linux for the past 11 years and I can tell you that wifi is not a problem 99% of the time in the past 5 years, and you brought this stupid shit on yourself by buying a keyboard marketed to twelve year olds. I bet you have a window in your case too.

Attached: 2019-04-23-105429_1024x768_scrot.png (1024x768, 492K)

You won't regret it.
I did that a year ago.
It's a much better and smoother experience for literally everything other than gaming.
And for gaming, it's getting there fast.

>I'm not sure i can run all my current games at platinum proton/wine rank.
You most likely won't be able to, but soon you will.
Huge steps are being made, just remember it for the future.

Recently I tried upgrading my Windows 7 partition to W10 to keep it as dual boot, and the W10 installer had some retarded error from W7 days except the fix this time didn't work, so I just nuked the partition and made my PC entirely Windows-free

I'm glad it's working out good for you, I just started playing STALKER and I swear it has less loading times than on Windows.

Oh shit really? Thanks, I thought it would just cease to boot up one day.

Attached: 1555622544146.png (210x260, 15K)

unrelated to gaming but I have a braswell netbook with 32GB! of storage

windows 10 on it was abysmal, xubuntu actually keeps it relevant now for light normie tasks and as a thin client (i.e. moonlight since steam doesn't have updated vaapi)

Praise the penguin for he revives old devices.
Xfce is great.

Attached: 1531836570666.jpg (1024x768, 216K)

>3gb available RAM
>77mb in use
amazing. I thought my debian netinst was good only consuming around 200mb.

>Works on my machine :^) : the os
no thank you

>keep switching between Ubuntu flavors and manjaro
I can't make up my mind on what i like best

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