What would be the most interesting, practical new setting for a game?

What would be the most interesting, practical new setting for a game?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Black Marsh, Akavir or Pyandonea.

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black marsh


Allied Men invasion of Summerset Isles in 'Operation Atmorans', led by Ulfric Stormcloak.

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What's the next step of Todd's master plan?

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There is not a god damn thing that's practical about Black Marsh or Valenwood.

Elsweyr or Summerset.
Also, were is Arena, Blades and ESO in that pic.

Arena was all of Tamriel I believe

They should do another High Rock/Hammerfell but with the modern scale.

TES VI is going to be set in Hammerfell

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Oh no, do you know how many we wuz kangz memes there will be? Won't be able to have good TES VI threads.

And apparently dungeons weren't easy enough in Skyrim that they gave you a spell to find your way.

It'll be the same as AC Origins, the shitposting will stop after the game releases.
I just hope 6 adds in the Reach, Orsinium, and High Rock as well as Hammerfell

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ESO's available areas, which takes places a few hundred years before the single player games.

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ESO would make a good mainline TES game if they dropped the MMO shit, probably better than whatever todd will shit out.

I literally don't care at all unless Bethesda does a complete 180 from their current direction regarding their games.

It doesn't matter where the game is set if it's a microtransaction-ridden hellscape of lazy game design. So until Bethesda can prove to me that it won't end up like that then I don't give a fuck about their shitty games.

I don't think the we wuz meme will be that many. It doesn't have anything historical going on, not like in AC were it was the definition of the we wuz.
I'd love a game in Hammerfell, they have very interesting lore though I fear it would all be shat on by bethesda.

I said Hammerfell+Highrock since before the announcement and I will continue to say it.

Elsweyr, but that’s most likely a TES VII or even a TES VIII location.

Yeah that’s why I said it :^)
Gonna be funny watching Yea Forums decide whether they hate Elves or Kangz more since the Aldmeri are gonna most likely be the oppressors/antags this game instead of White people

A thousand years before Skyrim.

Where the FUCK is Blades located?

Go listen to the HL2 dev commentary again

>we started with a ant lion nest having multiple paths and levels
>but the play testers got lost and kept turning the same direction, bringing them round in circles
>this upset them so we made it a linear corridor

Blame testers for being brain dead but it does accurately represent the bulk of the player base.

It doesn't matter because they will ruin it like they ruined Cyrodiil and Skyrim already

If the Redguards weren’t black, Yea Forums would never ever stop calling them the most based race on Tamriel. Really, they succeeded at everything that the Nords are struggling with heavily, but no one here plays games, they just shitpost.

For a black race I see a lot of love for them on Yea Forums.

They will try to replicate the political intrigue and low fantasy that made GoT popular so they will settle for High Rock

Are you sure we go to the same site?

>walk to dungeon door
>loading screen
>once it finishes loading you're in the same spot but with a bunch of random items for completing the dungeon

If you forget for a second they are not real-life naggers and remember it's fantasy then you will realise why people who actually played the games like them

This is completely true and yet they're still the settings I'd most like to see.

If that was true, the Redguards wouldn’t be the least played race and the Nords wouldn’t be the most played.

[citation needed]

I don't need to, I like them too.
>Are you sure we go to the same site?
Yes, the aldmer are concentrating a lot of the racial hate for good reasons. Also since everyone is racist in the Elder Scrolls lore anyway.

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yeah I play it basically as a single player game, its pretty fun that way.

In Skyrim. A lot of people tend to play the race of the region were the game takes place.

It's like when you had the ability to kill children in the Fable games, but during playtesting some guy apparently rounded up all the children in the school and went on a murder spree, which prompted Lionhead to quickly remove that option from the game.

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>The same cherry picking bullshit pasta in every fucking thread.
Why does the game tell you where to go now? I'll tell you why, because there is literally no reason at all not to. If they just gave you vague journal pages like in Morrowind, this is what will happen, the player will either find it by using the clues given to him, or if that doesn't work he will just find out where it is by searching the internet. And that's it. Your whole "figure it out for yourself" bullshit superiority complex means absolutely nothing. NOTHING!
Games change, you faggot, all games change, it isn't just Bethesda.
You know I'm right and no amount of childish green texts or retarded reaction macros you make to this post will change that.
You have allot of growing up to do.

>hate Elves or Kangz more since the Aldmeri are

>The Ra Gada's extermination of elven colonies along the coast of Hammerfell is due to their hatred of the Lefthanded Elves.[3] The Redguards no longer speak of the Lefthanded Elves, as recalling the elves' abominations serves only to darken their days.


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not niggerfell

Men > Mer

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Morrowind as a province is overrated. It's a shitty fuse of asiatic culture and it's only liked because bethesda never bothered to make anything as original yet. I wish they didn't butcher Skyrim


I always wondered what's with the modern fetishism for dulling all the colors on races, I mean look at the Skyrim Orcs. Would it have killed them to make them at least a subtle shade of green, instead of 100% grey? The Oblivion version overdid it, though Oblivion is by far the ugliest game in the series in this regard, but some of the Skyrim orcs are so grey, some of them seem to be tinting into very subtle shades of blue or pruple, what the fuck?

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Yokuda in the previous kalpa

I don't get how Morrowind still have the best hair options of all Elder Scrolls games. They are very varied and different between each races.

>Genociding an entire people because of the hand they’re more comfortable with
Is there a more based race?

>Yokuda in the previous kalpa

Is that the one where the world is ruled by Dreugh?
Or the one with the Leaper King and Sheogorath trying to fuck with Alduin?

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why are the 2D khajiit literally just humans with face paint

Same with Dark Elves, they had a very particular tint in Morrowind but completely lost it for basic grey.

That's a dumb theory. If Yokuda and Atmora is the previous kalpa and Akavir is the next kalpa how can they tamrielites interact with Akavir? Numerous invasions from Akavir, one imperial invasion to Akavir, tsaesci potentates ruling Reman Empire?

>only female one depicted is the blonde aryan nords
>between colovian spics and bixnoods

What did Bethesda mean by this?

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Apart from everything else that pic fucks up,
>the Dwemer one isn't just blank
Kinda fucked up there.

Argonian is female too.

Nobody mentioned Akavir, but Yokuda is almost literally confirmed.

>Then evil came to Yokuda, and red war, and forbidden rites were practiced, and fell things were summoned that should never have been called forth. It was a Time of Ending. Satakal arose from the starry deeps, and Yokuda was pulled down beneath the waves. But after every End Time comes a New Time, and it was even so in this case. For some of the people were permitted to sojourn to Tamriel, where we took Hammefell for our own. There we were given a chance to once again worship the gods in proper reverence.

Valenwood and Elsweyr.
>cannibals in moving treehouse cities
>furry desert thieves

They're one of the many Khajiit variants. Some Khajiit look like housecats, some look like massive tigers, some stand on two legs, and some just straight up look like elves, but they paint their faces to not be confused for actual elves.

It's supposed to be fucked up.

ESO is more single-player friendly than most other MMOs though

TES VI should have Highrock, Hammerfell, Cyrodill, Valenwood, Elsweyr and Sumerset Isles

Of course Bethesda chooses the absolute most boring province they could possibly have as the setting. Literally any of the other remaining provinces would be more interesting.

the version of these images showed all of the presets for all of the races

>Nobody mentioned Akavir
it's a theory i often stumble upon that's why i talked about it
>the Hunger of Sep
>what is unreliable narrator

This was long before TES had an established lore. Imperials weren't even a thing and Orcs were only seen as monsters until Morrowind. Literally all of the Deadra (and Aedra?) were names or rather internet handles from beta testers, that's why there's no consistency with the names (having fantastic names next to mundane words like "Nocturnal" for example).

One of the playtesters was called "Smaug" after the old dragon from Tolkien's The Hobbit. Since they obviously couldn't use a trademark name, they used the abbreviation "Also Known As The Old Smaug Himself", i.e. "A.K.A.T.O.S.H." who would become the dragon god of time.

TES have always always been a meltingpot of ideas from various DnD campaigns, references to fantasy works and direct fan input.

What emotion is this expression meant to convey?

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This guy's living the good life.

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FudgeMuppet and other TES personalities had a poll of their community’s favorite race, and so did UESP.
Don’t avoid the question you fucking dumbass, people here hate Redguards for being black and love the Nords for hating elves, even though the Redguards are the ones with the objectively best man lore, are currently independent and nationalistic, and singlehandedly held off the Aldmeri Dominion.

I love that they named Julianos after Julian LeFay. At least he was immortalised this way because not many people even know who he is

>singlehandedly held off the Aldmeri Dominion
b-but Zaric said it's because they just deployed smaller force!!!

>love the Nords for hating elves
Not really, I like Nords, Dunmer and Altmer, but not so much Redguards or Bosmer.

>going anywhere that doesn't have humans as the primary race.
>Modern games
It was the logical choice.

it's gonna be Niggerfell and you're gonna like it.

Probably because you’re an insecure /pol/tard who is so pathetic that he LARPs as fictional racists in his spare time.
Hang yourself.

Not really.

I'd really like a game set in Elsweyr, I know TESO released an extension for it but I dropped the game after finishing the main quest (not a fan of mmo)

>comparing real world blacks to based Redguard

only wishful lorelets believe Akavir. expect High Rock with heavy european fantasy aesthetic and basebuilding

Your favorite three races are the most xenophobic and racist ones in TES, it’s rhat damn obvious.
feigning ignorance is pathetic as fuck.

>Ulfric invades the lands of his sugar mommies

Todd is probably testing out procedural generation with starfield and will apply it to TES6 to create the whole Tamriel

He canonically gets executed by Tullius.

>thalmor puppet

>t. lorelet
hammerfell is fucking awesome.

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Only if you're retarded

Ain't nothing wrong with that.


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I want altmer mommy gf. Secretly every nord does.

>calling Hammerfell the most boring province when we’ve already been to the not-viking land of Skyrim

Honestly, given how fucked up Tamriel can get, being overly paranoid and cautious around people that aren't your own is the safe option.

That would be fucking awesome!
Based Stormcloak

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hammerfell for muslim mythology.

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it's in another dimension tho

don't you ever get tired of posting cherry picked images?
dungeons have only been getting better. they are actually designed as levels now instead of glued together lego pieces. just look at your morrowind and oblivion images. you can SEE the copypasted entire rooms.

Why not when Todd does too?

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Thanks for proving my entire argument, smoothbrain.

Arena and Daggerfall have extensive procedural generation.

honestly while I like morrowind's weirdness it needs to stay in that game and province only. i hate people saying we need to make the other provinces like morrowind. i don't want any more bug aliens or mushroom houses.
even non-human provinces like elswyr and valenwood aren't "weird" like morrowind. elswyr is just a tribal cat culture with plantations and vallenwood is just giant tree cities.
all i'm saying is fuck morrowfags.

Black Marsh or Summerset Isles

thats racist yo

you can change the orcs face tint like all the other races retard.

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>Wulfharth got btfo in almost everything
>Alessia was a bullfucking degenerate
>Reman lost his empire to snake gooks
>Talos was a filthy Breton who backstabbed every decent person around him.
Humanity was a mistake

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>valenwood isn't "weird" like morrowind
if you're a born-in-valenwood wood elf, the entire forest will gangrape your ass if you break the green pact, and then gangrape your village until they dredge your spirit up and put it on trial to say you're sorry

>Blunt +10

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i don't know why people think akavir when bethesda has said multiple times they won't leave tamriel until all the provinces are done.

I just hope next game allows me to marry qt altmer or dunmer woman as a nord.

Its pretty cool how Morrowinds faces are so diverse feature wise. Clay faces are good for customisation but they're always boring and rather unmemorable.

Just let them take over already.

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it isn't procedural generation. it is quixel's tech.

To be honest entire Skyrim is grey. Kinda suffers from same problem as entire Fallout 3 was green.

>xenophobic and racist
Of course there's going to be fucking racial tensions when all races are CONSTANTLY ENSLAVING OR OTHERWISE SHITTING ON EACH OTHER
The apparent lack of it is what pissed me off in Skyrim. I could play an Altmer, who should be hated by literally everyone in Skyrim, and nothing would change. I could play a Khajiit, who no one trusts because of their thieving ways, and nothing would change. And Argonians, who "aren't allowed inside Windhelm's walls"? Yeah, I can just walk right in.

>>Talos was a filthy Breton who backstabbed every decent person around him
And also a God

You know what they mean.

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Made for Nord heart.

Definetly not the case as with fallout3. F3 was just puke inducing awful, like the video games from early 2000's with very little texture diversity that made levels confusing. Skyrim representing the cold north still had ranges from green to yellow to cold white.

If anything Oblivion was like Fallout3 - one shade of green.

Talos isn’t a real god, his cult in the Nibenay managed to convince the Imperial Cult that the Eight became Nine somehow.

Birth of this universe

s-shut up! baka

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dark elf qts are for big imperial cock

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Doesn't matter if the game is shit.

You're a fucking retard, Redguards are racist as fuck too. They hate elves like everyone else. See It's rare to see someone getting so mad at the thought that other people might like the same things has he do.

Canonically the Hist is making the Argonians tougher and better fighters so I'm hoping they finally break their neutrality and start going full guerilla warfare on the gestapo elves

They butchered the Khajiit lore.

>Blessings work
>Blood of a divine to open Mankar Camoran's Paradise you get from Tiber Septim's armor.

"Totally not a God you stupid men. Only us Mer could achieve such a feat."

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Go back to drinking sap like the sugar sniffers, you dumb lizard.

I bet Thalmor might get removed by altmer themselves, maybe nobility who I imagine should dislike them for curtailing their power.

I fucking hate sand games

>most interesting

Black Marsh

>what we're going to get

Hammerfell, unless Bethesda goes so hard with the Morrowind pandering that they abandon the Dominion/Empire storyline in favor of a "Dunmer rebel against their Argonian masters" thing.


I don't get your problem. Because some people are retards, like you I presume, and have to search things on the internet, they should make it so that nobody can enjoy searching by themselves ?

t. Dunmer

Do Skyrim even have waterbreathing potions ?

I haven't played Oblivion a lot so I can't tell for it but that's blatantly wrong for Morrowind.



>Black Marsh
>most interesting
yeah more aztec swam! yeah not I prefer the summerset islands

God I wish that were me

I wish they would include of the more interesting characters in the next game. They already got the art and voice actors for most of them from their card game.

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Love how this triggers the brainlets.

You're a big retard, asking provinces to not be generic isn't asking them to be like Morrowind ar else it would become generic too. Nobody wants the same mushrooms and everything. What people want is something very different from generic medieval fantasy or not!vikings. If you knew anything about the lore you would know that Elsweyr and Vlenwood are weird as fuck too if not weirder than Morrowind.

This, they were limited but you could recognize a Breton from an Imperial right away.

Who wants to help me remove some lizards?

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I kind of agree and don't. While i like the Circular design of no-backtracking in Skyrim for some none-essential casual dungeons, they made it so its nothing but the same design over and over. So in the end the result is the same as oblivions, every cave seems to be the same. Less hassle than with oblivion, don't have to go through numerous loading screens, but it's so predictable and 'child proof' it starts to feel like a ubisoft game design decision, where features are made for human vegetables with non existent attention span.

I just didn't remember, I haven't played it in a long time and don't tell me you used them a lot.


They're really not aztec inspired, though. Black Marsh WOULD be an interesting setting, but there's no point in believing Bethesda would bother with actually representing provinces as described in their own lore. The deeper reaches of the swamps are so fucking vile, anything non-Argonian couldn't even get close to it without dying a horribly painful death. Also it wouldn't really work because the main story of Black Marsh would most likely involve the Hist Trees, and only Argonians can communicate wit them, so if you played anything but lizards you, by all rights of the lore, wouldn't even be able to progress in the main quest. Unless, of course, they bend and buttfuck their lore once again and just find excuses for their usual "everyone can do anything" agenda. Nothing's canon, anyway. Fuck Bethesda.

Is the texture broken over those eyebrows ?

Dude all the Skyrim dungeons looks the same.


>They're really not aztec inspired, though.
They are, now. Thanks to ESO they're nothing more than Warhammer lizards.

Which one, Yea Forums?

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they just going to copy what TESO does and make them aztec lizards like Warhammer

Redpill me on Zaric Zakharon.

No they don't

Neither. Both look out of place.

¿porque no las dos?

Souldn't it be
>los dos

Bro, it's just a funny image I saved for shitposting. And to be fair, Skyrim had some pretty amazing dungeons (for TES standards), like the caves with the giant interiors or the gothic vampire-castles), and in almost all cases, the dungeons had a shortcut to the start after you reached the last room, so you could quickly exit and not have to backtrack for minutes, unlike in previous TES games. It's just that Skyrim dungeons felt a lot more linear and more like a gauntlet you have to hack and slash your way through than the classic exploration RPG feel.

ESO made them not-Aztecs, just like how they spat on the description of Summerset Isle being like a luscious tropical islands with colorful coral reefs surrounding it into generic elf land.

>people actually want niggerdesert
>people actually want boring swampland full of lizardmen

>Zaric Zakharon
I liked his video on creation engine not being as bad as people say and that it's the dev incompetence that adds to it, can't say much more.

>females don't get STR bonuses like their male counterparts


>people like different things than me
boo hoo

not because they are females (with vagina) if they were males then would be los dos
los = masculine
las = feminine

this is untrue. the overhead map view doesn't show it well but skyrim dungeons are not the same. in previous games the rooms were premade and stuck together. in skyrim rooms are actually built from smaller floor wall and ceiling pieces. so now you have caves that can have a waterfall come from the ceiling and multiple levels. tilesets could also be mixed now so a falmer cave can open into a dwarven dungeon.
it is obviously clear when you play skyrim dungeons how unique each one is compared to easily recognizing the copy pasted rooms and hallways of previous games.
and the dungeons were always linear and not hard.

>she didn't want to marry me
Fuck this bitch, I went to different dimension to help her stop her father and that's how she thanks me

>Racist AND sexist.
Dare I say, based Todd?

Goddamnit, I'm tired of the aztec-lizard trope.

With some mods you can do more than marry her. Imagine banging both her and her mom in Harkon's castle.

the only major lore change was oblivions jungle to european forest (which was only a part of cyrodiil anyway).
everything else has shown they follow the lore. so where the fuck do you get ideas like they would turn black marsh from a swamp to a tropical resort.
and everyone could always do everything in every game you dumb retard.

Also por que (accent on the e), not porque.

By that argument every game should be just a button that shows credits since you could just google rest of the shit anyways.

>You have allot of growing up to do.
>allot of growing up

It's funny cuz in Morrowind most of the female counterparts get speed or intelligence bonuses instead of strength, to counter the imbalance of stats. Female sheboons get no int bonus whatsoever.

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That's what I did but I'm still mad

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No personality penalty.

Yeah, i don't mean that they're copy pasted, i mean overarching design is the same, You either circle back to the entrance or theres another exit in the end. As in it's almost always linear, walk forward = you will always exit. It just starts to repeat and feel like the game doesnt have confidence in your ability to cope with navigation. Some diversity from the formula with the attention for detail they had would've worked wonders. Its always best if your users don't notice what's behind the curtain and just get absorbed in the experience.

Was half watching him play Daggerfall the other day out of curiosity
>no time to get in to that shit myself
And it seemed he had some rather persistent trolls talking about some topic and he just kept saying to see his video on that subject and banning people. Any idea what that was about?

>everything else has shown they follow the lore

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your typical fat lore "master" retard. doesn't understand that good games and artistic creativity come first rather than autistically adhering to a lore that in canon is already contradictory.

Legitimate grievances, tbqh.


not an argument

Just here to remind everyone that Redguards are the 2nd most based race in Elder Scrolls, only second to the Dunmer. Argonians and Nords are the niggers of TES and Stormcloaks are an army of onions guzzlers. If you disagree you're wrong, unbased and retarded.

get murdered fast

It's good in Warhammer but there's no reason for everybody to copy it.
>and the dungeons were always linear and not hard.
You never played Daggerfall then. Even Morrowind dungeons can be convoluted. Proof is how many people had a hard time finding the dwemer puzzle box. Also I prefer a dungeon that ask me to do some backtracking but have a non-linear design to shitty corridors even if every pixel of it is handcrafted though that's subjective.
Also when i say that every Skyrim dungeon look the same it's the feel they give, not the shape.

Glad they did away with jungle shit, though terrain could have used more variation in Oblivion to reflect different climate more.
>black marsh resort
I mean, maybe that's how southern coast would look like.

Those poor young men.
Although to be fair the people these dupes and G men represent are probably more angry about plunging living standards, lack of job opportunity in their communities and ever increasing taxes to pay for war and gibs while constantly being told that their whiteness is problematic and they are actually privileged by the corporate media than mandatory cuckery in Hollywood films. Just a thought.

Nah, at least they took dunmer in.

>What would be the most interesting, practical new setting for a game?
Empire invasion into Thalmor scum lands

>Glad they did away with jungle shit
Not me, medieval/roman buildings in the jungle would have been great. It's not something you see everyday.

>glued together lego pieces
have you used the CE CK?
fuck even FO4 interiors are made like this

You can do that in other locations, though I think southern part of the map should have been a jungle.


yeah they fucking do

Of course since clearly none of you newfriends actually played Daggerfall, nobody here will even mention the fact that the metropolitan and rich cities in Daggerfall were populated by white NPCs, while as you travel more inlands to the deserts and shittier places, you encounter more and more Redguards.

So before you fags keep posting your WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET memes, please play the fucking game and realize that Redguards may be capable fighters, but have no sense or sentiment for civilization.

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Are you talking about Cyrodiil or Black Marsh ?

I thought Daggerfall lore was outdated

daggerfall is shit what else is new
the dwemer box is because it is a tiny object at the start of the dungeon when most players would expect it to be at the very end. the dungeon itself is a normal linear dungeon.
the dungeons never had backtracking with non-linear design. they added the shortcut back to the entrance because everyone would walk through rooms they already cleared. and in many cases in skyrim it isn't even to the entrance. sometimes it is another exit that opens onto the mountainside. or the dwemer dungeons open up elevators to the surface. things that would make sense if someone actually built these places.


He's comes across as one of those "edgelord atheist" types (eventhough he's Agnostic).

I enjoy listening to his videos in the background while I play something, but Jesus Christ every once in a while this fucking faggot says something incredibly pretentious that I wish I could kick his face in.

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Climbing cliffs by using tamed flesh-eating plants in Murkmire was a more interesting mechanic than anything in the entirety of Skyrim and "Lost Tales of the Famed Explored" is easily more interesting than any singular piece of work that debuted in Skyrim.

And you're a frogposting faggot

>Crashing this series.

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Reported for racism, enjoy your exile n wah.

It doesn't have to be because your statement is just plain wrong and you know it. Now hush, you will not be getting anymore (You)s from me, pleb.

If Bethesda were actually good writers High Rock could have some cool shit going on but since they're not a fantasy desert setting seems the most unique and interesting

>Redguards are racist as fuck too
Elves by and large want to unmake the world of Nirn

>Not wanting your new setting to be in a dense jungle filled with canibal midget elves after 2 games of boring human kingdoms
Perfect place to have a rebellion against the Altmer too since Valenwood is the closest to the Isles

literally fanfiction

Wherever there are fewest faggots and other undesirables.

have you?
here are the actual level designers talking about how improved the ck is compared to before.

>Imperial City
>the largest city in the world whose length spans from one horizon to the other
>host to the Imperial Fleet, the biggest Armada known in the world with ten-thousands of ships
>in game city has less than 20 buildings
>there's 2 (two!) docked ships
>taking a stroll around the lake takes less than an hour

>The Elder Scrolls: AkaVIr
Come the fuck on Bethesda, its right there

Guys I desperately want a tall, fit, and somewhat muscular Altmer woman to step on my chest and call me cute but derogatory names.

TES VI near the city of chorrol.


Mommy for me.

It is.
The dwemer box dungeon isn't linear, you have two very distinct areas. Most Morrowind dungeons are like that, you have a goal somewhere where you can go straight but you'll miss big areas on the side.
>the dungeons never had backtracking with non-linear design.
>everyone would walk through rooms they already cleared.
Then there's some backtracking. Though I and like a lot of people I think would just use the mark and recall spells to not do it. Weird that they aren't in Skyrim since there's fast travel.
Atlmerr do, I'm not sure about Bosmerr and Dunmerr surely don't want to.
Why then ? For the classic medieval fantasy environment we already had High Rocks. Why make Cyrodiil just like that too ?

More like ayyyleids, am I right

Attached: 1555725604623.gif (112x112, 128K)

>he said nigger! he must be an actual racist!


Oblivion II

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the aztec thing may be uninspired but where does it contradict previous lore? i don't think the argonian province was described previously other than an inhospitable marsh.

Making a game set in Akavir would remove the mystery of the Akavir, also do you believe nu-bethesda could do justice to the islands without turning them into generic japs with furries and scalies?

I will be your mommy now.

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holy shit she is gorgeous

>I will be your mommy now.
I dunno, the mom replacement is a bit weird, most I think I'd go for is Aunty Altmer GF.

Good taste. But even better.
>why then
Ideally it should have variation, being the central province. And I do like classic medieval look.

Great too. .

They should remake DAGGERFALL

not bethesda but try daggerfall unity

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Who cares, its going to be generic medieval urop either way. I hope they managed to somehow combine health/magicka/fatigue into 1 bar too. Just completely destroy the franchise once and for all.

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where do i get more

From the in-game lore that I remember, Argonians barely had any structures at all. Most of their settlements are little more than camps with tents, or whatever equivalent a reptile can come up with, certainly no Aztec-inspired temples. Half of their population seem to be living out in the wilds, randomly killing each other and jacking off on Histsap. The few derelict structures that Black Marsh does have are virtually all of Imperial origin, but decayed to near fatal conditions due to the shitty environments of that godforsaken province.

that isn't non-linearity. that is an optional room to explore. the flow of the dungeon is still linear. non-linearity would be something like Thief's level design. where it is a big mansion with the goal somewhere and the entire building open to you. and the dwemer puzzle box dungeon is an example of a quest dungeon which would get more attention. like how blackreach is.
>Most Morrowind dungeons are like that
lmao no just randomly scroll and click and see how wrong you are.
>Then there's some backtracking
i never said there wasn't backtracking. i said there wasn't backtracking AND non-linearity.

Jesus CHRIST why can this be real?


What mods are you using? I recently installed Skyrim Special Edition with CBBE and every face looked like a puffy pudgy potatoe with no eyebrows.

Attached: bethlord.png (714x714, 204K)

You can play it as a single player game you retard. You wouldn't miss any content at all because Dungeons have inconsequential self contained stories and Trials have basically no story at all.

Single player ESO is absolute TES kino, and has about 300 hours worth of game.

Go to /tesg/. All they do is pot this shit and they also have a booru. Booru is pretty tight, tbqwyf.

More like crashing the game. And your system.
With no survivors.

couldn't that just be chalked up to non-argonians never actually venturing into black marsh proper? like people thinking native americans were just tribal people but not knowing about the aztecs and mayans?

Summerset isle if they had balls to stick to the lore and build some bioshock esque cities

for real? never been to /tesg/ and i kinda regret it now

Is this actually true or did you just post an out-of-context screenshot?

>What mods are you using?
That's Bijin

Attached: 1546298299030.jpg (1440x2560, 1.29M)

The chronologically first orc in that image you're responding to is straight up gray.

>they also have a booru
post link, though I heard it's down, not sure

>Probably the smallest map in the main series
>Largest geographically
>4x the size of Daggerfall
>Daggerfall being famous for its ridiculous size that takes days to traverse without quick travel

Here's the map editing process actually in action:
So shut the fuck up, don't even reply to me.

The chronologically first orc in that image is the Morrowind one and he's very green. You're probably mistaking with the female argonian from Arena.

Not him but there's /tesg/ on /vg/ and then there's another one on (I think) /aco/ for even lewder stuff.

All of it.
Of course that will never happen because Todd is a shit.

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This is supposed to be an elf?
TES elves are supposed to have brow ridges, sharper chins, more oval eyes... They can be cute and all but they have to look as another species.
This type of modded female character looks like Nord women with elf years.

Attached: Mer-3.jpg (700x866, 216K)

Are there skyrim mods that make the combat fun?
What about the magic system?

>Not only are dungeons in Skyrim basically just corridors
>They also always have a back door right next to the look chest
>But people are so blinded by the quest compass they always go in the front door

Attached: dae.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

What happened to all the Medusas? Champion fucked them all to death?

Magic yes combat no.

Oh, yeah I guess it’s gone. I haven’t been to tesg in a while. There’s a link to /aco/ though.

>Todd is a shit
Todd is just sales pitcher.

Attached: just works.gif (500x375, 2.25M)

>you wouldnt miss content except for the neat lil quests and gear

Attached: 1555024531434.jpg (960x960, 43K)

why are you posting something that agrees with me? it is showing separate walls and ceilings sets. not pre-built rooms put together. fucking retard.


Attached: fish happy.jpg (735x414, 78K)

Better example

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They looked human enough in daggerfall. You can keep your ayy elves if you want.

So cute.

Hammerfell. The truth is that no one cares about the furry or elf areas except for literal faggots.

>FudgeMuppet and other TES personalities had a poll of their community’s favorite race, and so did UESP.


Attached: FBI stats 1549298319371.jpg (1024x1024, 105K)

>glued together lego pieces
>video showing process that involves putting together walls and floors like lego pieces
no it proves my point, not yours, kys retard

Daughter because of that voice.

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If they set it anywhere that white people aren't the majority I'm going to boycott it to hell
Day 1 multiple piratings
Fuck SJWs

Can you spoonfeed me the polls link from UESP

I can’t speak for oblivion, but making dungeons in morrowind is the exact same. I did both extensively, and I tell you it’s the exact same snapping LEGO piece system.

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the lego pieces in my analogy were entire rooms you dumb retard. that was clear from my post. clean your fucking glasses.

Correct and based.

Valenwood, because it sounds pretty interesting from a lore perspective (mainly the walking city, but ofc Bethesda would fuck it up and just not include it in the game), and it would be a welcome sight from the drab snowy grimdark planes of Skyrim.

Also, more importantly, Wood Elves really need some attention, they're by far the most boring and unexplored race so far. Dunmer became a favourites amongst fans after Morrowind because the game expanded their lore and culture so much and made them distinct and interesting, I hope Bosmer get the same treatment if the next game was set in their home province. Right now they're just midget high elves who like using bows. Whoop-de-fuckin-doo.

why do these stats leave out that white men are over 75% to be arrested for CP and kid fucking?

1 is making a weird face. I'm sure she's cute too normally.

>Wood Elves really need some attention, they're by far the most boring and unexplored race so far
Inb4 they're made into tolkeinesque elves rather than cannibalistic manlets because Bethesda

(you) autist

Attached: 1554020610213.gif (100x100, 23K)

They're all cute, I was going by sexy.

morrowind has separate wall floor and ceiling pieces?

>t. retard

>why do these stats leave out that white men are over 75% to be arrested for CP and kid fucking?

Probably you just pulled that number out of your ass and hispanics and middle easterns have entire organizations of child sex rings.

>hispanics and middle easterns have entire organizations of child sex rings.

Whatever happened to Bosmer that they have literally no magic stat bonuses in the games despite the fact that they're High Elven descendants? Even Bretons are only 50% Elves, they're fully decked out on magical capabilites, but Bosmer seem to have shifted entirely to martial combat and some thieving assets.

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I live in Mexico and it's really common for teacher to fuck students for grades. Whenever it appears on the news people just laugh and say "You barely just noticed? I remember back in high school everyone used to do that".

Can't we have a thread about a video game with cute elves without you self-conscious cunts shitting stuff up with your bullshit?

>starts whataboutism
>bitches when someone else responds with whataboutisms

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Both morrowind and Skyrim do, as far as I remember. There are pieces in both kits that are entire “room” pieces like hallways. In Creation Kit (Skyrim) there’s also some pieces that are actually rooms, but these are built using other pieces from the kit (a pre-fab). Morrowind might have had these too, can’t recall.

But yes, if you went into a dungeon in the construction set you could select, move, modify or delete separate pieces of wall, floor or ceiling.

Probably because only white people care about kid fucking, so only white people report it
Lmao, CP was legal in Japan like 10 years ago until the west went full on cultural imperialist and forced them to change

Based on the Fang of Haynekhtnamet's name, I thought at the time that argonians were swamp egiptians, like how the imperials were jungle romans. As far as I know, the first mention of them being aztec was from the novels.

Nope, libcuckcommies invaded practically every strait of social interaction at this point. No matter where you go, it's political these days. Have fun.

I was a believer in this but after the TES celebration video its obviously TES VI: Hammerfell

Unless of course the dumbfucks at Bethesda retconned Akavir lore and turned the area into a desert/rocky place

I played a Redguard in Oblivion

I would take them both. Thanks to user that recommended amorous adventures mod. I will claim and tame these vampiressess.

>morrowind has separate wall floor and ceiling pieces?

It doesn't, which is why every dungeon set corridor has the exact same height, with rare exceptions, though the big rooms are also just preset lego pieces, so.

More like blackguard.

>Caring about gear when you want to play ESO as a single player game

What's the point? You can solo the entire singleplayer wearing nothing but common gear. I mean that user clearly said he doesn't care about the MMO aspects of the game.

Also even if you do play the dungeons you'll never know the story because no one ever stops to pay attention to them and by the time you're done talking to an NPC the party is already at the final bass with his health halfway.

the blackguard are the Thieves Guild higher ups like Vex and Delvin

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Hammerfell please.

Attached: hammerfell.jpg (1416x2592, 390K)

Ok, niggerguard then. Or maybe negroguard, sounds better.

Clearing dungeons helps ease the grind and repetitiveness with loot and mat drops. Its what breaks up the monotony of MMO core fundamental flaws like fetch quests and farming

That being said. When i played on launch i solod most of them thanks to dragonknights self healing. So i was able to actually enjoy some of the content. But i doubt thats the case now.

Hammerfell if they make the game political focused

Elsweyr or Blackmarsh if they make it exploration focused

Valenwood or Summerset if they want to make it super high fantasy on the same level of morrowind.

>Hammerfell if they make the game political focused
do you have a small brain

>all that art
>in reality we'd just get a 2-3 sandstone houses per city


Honestly, I don't think so. The catastrophe that Fallout 76 has been for their image will probably lead them to up their game consequently.

If anything TES VI will take place across multiple place like Hammerfell, Orsinium, High Rock, and The Reach

Again you're putting the game in an MMO framework, when you can play it exactly as a singleplayer TES game. At this point in the game the only thing you can't do is play with the physics. But if you want to steal, you can do it, you want to go on random killing streaks, you can do that too.

Also ESO questing rarely has fetch quests, or kill x mobs quests. Most of them have at least an interesting story.

Base game: Hammerfell.
First DLC: Orsinium.
Second DLC: another daedric prince.
Microtransactions: skills, weapons, armor, spells, level ups, houses, the Creation Kit.

>when you can play it exactly as a singleplayer TES game
Except for all the MTX and daily quest bullshit, retards running around with rainbow cosmetics, structural limitations like not being able to change anything in the world based on personal story progression and constantly respawning enemies, ESO is a good game despite its MMOness but it could be better.

Gonna have to disagree with you. They are traditional mmo quests, but they are cleverly disguised all give them that. They were fun, and the gameplay is actually imi better than Skyrim. BUT, the lore breaking and the lack of belonging in the world.(kinda ruins the self worth of the PC when you see tons of bodies flooding into an instance dungeon that only the "chosen one" can unlock its secret etc...)

Like I said I only played on launch . Buts its hard not to treat it as an MMO when they constantly advertised a subscription.


Skyrim 2: The Skyrimming.

How well would it sell, you think?

I'll just play ESO.

Better development team. Has the entire map which is actually well made and full of quests.

Nigger you literally go what Skyrim is, it's even MORE boring, filled with snow, and generic viking diarrhea. Just admit that your "muh ancestas" culture is dogshit, boring, and has been overused to the point of genericism.

We'd all buy it. Again. Don't even think for a second that you wouldn't.

>In the Merethic Era, Argonians built stone stepped pyramids called Xanmeers. The artistic carvings adorned on the ancient xanmeers depict reptilian heads, stylized with right angles. Many present-day Argonian settlements are built on the site of Xanmeers, utilizing the structures as palaces and plazas.

>Daily quests
Easy to ignore if you are playing it as a SP game and don't care about skins

>Rainbow cosmetics
Valid argument but honestly it's not as bad as in other MMOs except for the newer lootbox mounts, which luckily are rare enough that you only see them once or twice a day

>Not being able to change the world
I don't remember being able to do that in the last three TES games

>Constantly respawning enemies
Hardly a problem, enemies in mainline TES respawn too (even if not as fast)

This is an argument mostly used by people who haven't played the game and base themselves of what other retards spew. The game is as lore accurate as possible within technical limitations and even expands the lore in many cases. Hell this is the only ESO game where the hardcore Sci Find aspects of the Dwemer are shown. The latest dungeon has robots and lasers and shit.

Lasers? Why? They’re steam powered and use steam to boil enemies alive, how the hell did they get to lasers?

>how the hell did they get to lasers?

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Don’t bring up the shitty excuses, you smoothbrained virgin. They’re called the Deep Elves for a very good reason in the sense that they use the heat dissipated by Nirn’s volcanic center to power their machinery and automatons, not magicka.

The Aetherium Forge literally proves all of that.

Focusing crystals if I had to guess.

You're practically breaking into a vault filled with their most advanced traps to keep anyone out.

Is it somehow surprising that Dwemers have lasers when the Imperials in the 3rd era had the equivalent of spaceships and space stations without even being close in technological or magical advancement?

Never forget

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>Not Magicka
Steam was used to keep the facilities functioning but the interest of the Dwemers was always beyond simple engineering. Their machines were meant to harness Magicka as well.

The existence of lasers isn’t what’s being questioned here, what’s questioned is why the Dwemer use lasers and how it even is possible for them to use it if all their technology is centered around steam and volcanic heat?

High Rock and Hammerfell are the two most boring choices but also the two most likely to be picked

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The smartest thing for them to do would be Valenwood. It would capture the alien vibe from Morrowind + they could add parts of Elsweyr and Summerset as dlc

The ruins in Morrowind and Skyrim never suggested that. I can take expanding on lesser explored lore, but the Dwemer lore is bloated as fuck already, and subverting a mechanic in a prequel setting that was never shown in the current timeline is fanfiction-tier writing.

I don't think High Rock can be the most likely or the most unlikely depending on how you see it. If Beth entered the development of the game looking at the popularity of Game of Thrones then it's definitely gonna be High Rock since that province is basically Westeros with the constant warring houses.

If they want to do something different in a fantasy RPG then they'll go with Hammerfell.

>The ruins in Morrowind and Skyrim never suggested that
you mean the Soul Gem powered automatons?

The games rarely manage to communicate what's in the lore of the game, Bethesda is super lazy and tries to not be overly subversive with what they show their audience but I'm 100% sure that if read lore books you're bound to come across one or two mentions of something similar to lasers or at least beams of fire or light. Again in the lore of the game the dungeon I'm talking off is supposed to be a super secret highly advance vault meant to hide a weapon.

High Rock isn't like GoT at all. In fact no region of Tamriel is "like GoT" even for the simple fact that you have elves and humanoid lizards and cats running around in every city and magic being acknowledged by all, something fundamentally different from GoT.

A setting isn't "low fantasy" just because it has castles and temperate climate as some very ignorant TES fans seem to think.

I didn't say the world was similar you idiot. I meant the plot of the game would be similar because it could center on various Noble family deuda vying for control of the region. Isn't that the whole basis of GoT?

judging from what we've seen in the teaser it's probably high rock

most interesting to me would be Atmora because I'm a sucker for snow maps/biomes

Or they could throw a wild card and blow all of our minds by making both Hammerfell and High Rock accessible.
Which still dissipate steam while they’re active, thus suggesting they’re powered by the generators of the ruins they’re in?

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Haven't seen this TES celebration video you speak of, but the landscape in the teaser trailer looks like High Rock to me.

They can barely get one province at a time right, imagine if they had to do two. I mean they could pull a Daggerfall I guess where the game doesn't take in a specific province but rather in a region that spans multiple provinces, but then again Daggerfall already exists so.

>imagine if they had to do two.
they did the Reach,Blackreach, Soltheim, and the Soul Cairn in Skyrim

Reach is part of Skyrim so, it doesn't count. I was talking more of doing the entirety of Hammerfell and them the entirety of High Rock. Or at least it's how I interpreted your post.

So diverse. If only real life were like this, am I right Yea Forumsros?

Source? I thought the canon ending was the war being endless

You know litterally nothing about TES lore, right ? Hammerfell has one of the best lore in Tamriel.

Magicka-powered lightning projectiles and flamethrowers.
Also the Dwarven Colossus has missiles.

Attached: Brass_Arquebus_card_art.png (512x512, 292K)

it will be hammerfell and high rock with the illiac bay and a huge ocean with islands to explore and sailing. everything points to it. the massive map size increase in fallout 76, quixel tech that allows them to create huge photo realistic worlds. starfield with space ship flight and combat and a massive galaxy with planets because of todd calling it the most epic sci fi thing you can imagine. the elder scrolls 6 teaser showing a huge environment and the coast and ocean taking up half the frame. and since you would be able to sail it only makes sense to also go to high rock since it is so close and a fairly small map. it also allows for a contrast in the world design and a place for magic users since hammerfell and the redguard are more about melee combat.
fuck it is going to be amazing. todd's magnum opus.

Attached: smjky7wh9vr21.jpg (745x323, 14K)

why do retards come into elder scrolls threads knowing jack shit about the lore and still spouting their dumb opinions?

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of course, todd always uses generic medieval settings as a cruth, because he is uncreative.

Pretty autistic but good content. I think I would start watching him again if his editing was more interesting than "standing in front of green screen" or "Oblvion trailer played on loop."

>literally 1 game

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Attached: 19587-1-1361416894.jpg (1364x768, 872K)

>were da nord boy at

>fat orc negress with 4 children all over the place
>ethnic elf thots lusting over the white adventurer's cocks
>rich white king
pretty accurate, yeah

I for sure wouldn't.
I would.

all of tamriel, to scale
DLC akavir and atmora

go away retard

Attached: 19587-3-1361416895.jpg (1364x768, 770K)

why is windhelm that far north

nerevarine looking on in amusement is great

their skin color is white

no it isn't

The whole game takes place inside different realms of Oblivion and you play as some kind of Daedra.

Attached: 1480756961001.png (400x400, 3K)

Would play. That remind me of that daggerfall mod where you play as a daedra.

Attached: 1481769457234.png (1280x1700, 1.12M)

>and you play as some kind of Daedra.
Are Vampires in TES another form of Daedra since that's where they came from?

is that the dragon age concept guy?

Attached: Morrowind vs Skyrim.jpg (1158x1244, 581K)


>all of tamriel

Attached: 51kHwYidVEL.jpg (328x414, 44K)

What ? You're forgetting a lot of things in Balmora, the Hlaalo manor, the council club, the Morag Tong house. And that's only from memory.
You're also showing merchant houses as content in the Skyrim pic, that would add a lot to Balmora.

yeah but to scale and with the same or more detail as stuff like morrowind or skyrim

Aren't large swaths of Black Marsh uninhabitable by non-Argonian species?

Wait for Tamriel rebuilt and the other projects that goes with it, then.


Attached: 1509924705100.jpg (2560x1440, 1.13M)

No they just count as undead.

How the hell would a game set in Black Marsh work, then? You'd have to ignore over half the province.

>How the hell would a game set in Black Marsh work, then?
Hist turn off the poison

The first thing I noticed was that the Balmora Fighters Guild is highlighted but the Mages Guild right next to it isn't. It's shit bait.

nice bait friendo

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Ah, France

I fucking wish.
t. french

You're right, there are still whites in that picture

France is mostly white.

I'd love to see one of the three southern provinces I really want to see what they look like, but I doubt they'll do it anytime soon.
Eben with TES being a well known brand, I think it's way easier to market a "generic" fantasy setting over some furry bullshit.

Next scrolls game just needs to have more interesting architecture and world design. Morrowind had a huge city with a floating boulder as a prison, Ottoman/Paleochristian citires, swamps and bogs, lava carved canyons, and Mushroom cities. Skyrim at least had a city built into a Dwemer Temple but it's such a small part of the boring and soulless medieval overworld. I've already accepted that the next game will be an action based game and will drop the fun magic, spells and star signs from previous games just to be an even dumber Skyrim, but at least make the game fun to adventure in ffs.


Attached: 1390920267503.jpg (1307x892, 456K)

Skyrim is the opposite of soulless.

Attached: Skyrim.jpg (3840x1800, 1.9M)

france is still something like 93% white

That's why I'd prefer Hammerfell over High Rocks, you don't have a lot of games with oriental architecture.

>gets retconned like Skyrim did
I'd be so mad.


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>Show the Morrowind-themed expansion.