What's your favorite Final Fantasy?
What's your favorite Final Fantasy?
Because VI is fun but I don't like grinding for the shield
I could replay V forever.
XI>>>>Tactics>VI>everything else
>tfw had to quit playing FFX because it felt like I was just playing to finish rather than to enjoy
Why do status effects suck so much in FF games besides X
VII > IX >=VI > X > V > IV > XII > VIII > XV > XIII > I > III > II
IV and V super famicom versions since they are the two most challenging.
your mom
It's still the greatest video game ever, or close to it, anyway.
XIII is too high.
they are the best in FFTactics. you can do crazy shit like turn people into frogs and whatnot
Every time I replay V I have a great time.
Nobody wants to see your boring-ass roman mathematical formulas, give an actual answer with words.
My favorite is X, because it has a tropical setting, and tropical settings are extra comfy.
>IV super famicom is the most challenging version of IV
Still VII somehow. I REALLY loved IX after finishing two days ago, but i still really like VII more, and i only first finished VII one year ago. Playing X now, it's "ok".
IX because It has my favorite character from the entire series
Tactics war of the lions > FFX > FFIX > the rest
Man, I remember spending like an hour just swimming and listening to the relaxing besaid theme.
The only other game that has ever given me a similiar feel was spyro (3?) "free flight" levels
I'm trying to get into the series right now. I wasn't a fan of turn based combat but I've managed to get past that and i'm slowly but surely getting into JRPGs, and I'm planning to get through the DQ series too (beaten DQ1 and got past Dhoulmagus in DQ8).
I've beaten FF1 and I'm halfway through IV
I'm currently trying to be done with FF3 (DS version) but the last bit is completely fucked up. Beat Titan before lvl 50, but now I've been grinding for 8+ hours already (died and lost some progress several times too) because I currently don't stand a chance with the phase post Xande and red dragons are still able to wipe the floor with my body.
Will the whole "half of your time spent on the game was spent grinding for the final boss" trope come back in the next games? Because it was already not enjoyable with Chaos, but for the crystal tower it's sickening.
>"half of your time spent on the game was spent grinding for the final boss"
It gets progressively better almost every sequel, but you're always going to have to do some form of grinding.
VIII, then X, VII and IX. VIII is the comfiest to me, with fantastic characters that play well off of each other. Through plot itself is weak, obviously, but everything else in the game is peak to me.
X similarly has great characters and a much better plot, but I don't love the tropical setting and the lack of an overworld kills my enjoyment a bit.
I also like that FFVIII and X have very open levelling systems in the Junction and Sphere Grid.
Are you counting things like battling RNG for a drop grinding, or literally grinding for levels?
what's the word for having to take 20 levels just to beat the final boss then?
I'm in Babyl's tower in IV and so far, I love the story, I'd hate to have to grind at this point, that would just break the pace of story.
8 and 4
Not a Final Fantasy, it's a side-game.
I don't give a heck
It's still the best game in the franchise
Everything made by Matsuno/Sakimoto/Yoshida is anything but side-games.
crystal chronicles
11 hands down
Let me know when they develop one with sci fi elements and a good battle system again.
I really wish II was better thought out or was tried again, because the level up system feels really nice, just too many flaws.
Also, the job system needs to be more popular because god I love the outfits characters get in III and V.
have sex
VIII ironically
Fate Grand Order Fantasy
What the fuck?? She's my fantasy too...
pretty good in 5 and 6
V may not have the best story but goddamn did they nail the gameplay. The job system just flows so well and lets you build into nearly any strategy you want. We need more of that shit because its just one of the best mechanics a jrpg can utilize. Squeenix if you're reading this make more games with it. Sell us a third bravely default game or put that stuff into Final Fantasy XVI because I freaking need that dopamine rush of mastering one job and using its skills to bolster another.
Also X is pretty good too. I admit it was my first but I still enjoy going back to it every once in a while.
Just find the soundtrack to be one of the best.
bravely default
is FF IV for the ds worth it?
Good job system terrible plot, the sequel is better in every way short of ringabel not being in the party.
>I really wish II was better thought out or was tried again, because the level up system feels really nice, just too many flaws.
It was tried in other genres, like morrowind uses that kind of learning system fairly well.
Sure you do grind some of the stuff out, but the controls for doing so are better.
Also now I want to go all out dancers with a ff5 team.
Dancer+Monk for Galuf
Dancer+Thief for Faris
Dancer+Red Mage for Lenna
Dancer+Blue Mage for Butz
The only good thing about dancers is the outfits and the ability to equip ribbons. Their dance skill is pretty shit, and even if it could be controlled the output is never enough to make a difference.
PSP is better
naeh it's not so bad, like 50% to get 4x power.
x-fight gives you 4 attacks at 0.5x power, making them roughly equal in just that respect.
only in a vacuum. !Rapid fire is far more consistent because you click it and get four attacks every time, while the dance has a chance of doing actually nothing.