Literally what is the appeal here?

Literally what is the appeal here?

>hit boss once
>run away
>hit boss once
>run away
>hit boss once
>get greedy and bored
>hit boss twice
>You Died.
wow, and you played 5 games of this

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lotta dark souls 3 is like that, which is weird cause it reminded me of bloodborne, but bloodborne had the rally system so it was actually smart to just wail away

ive tried replaying this game a few times now but im always reminded how not fun the combat is most of the time

Git gud.

I can git gud
but it can't git fun

Is that seriously how you played this game? Try optimizing.

Clearly not, git gud.

so to get gud, i just have to be not greedy?


>get greedy and bored
>get mad

Attached: yourenotperfect.png (911x819, 720K)

why do I need to take 20 minutes to circle strafe around a boss or dodge roll after every 5hp hit until his huge healthbar is deplted?

is this your idea of fun?

Attached: areyouretarded.png (402x413, 156K)

Or you could have ended the boss fight in two minutes with chaos fire orb like I did

Or you could have learned the fight and ended it in about 5 with any weapon

that sounds boring

>Or you could have learned the fight and ended it in about 5 with any weapon
soulsfags call it "cheating"

Dancer is not that bud.
Hug the ass and you can get a ton of free hits.
Just watch out for the spin attack

I'm complaining about the whole franchise.

Says the fucking weeaboo faggot R1 straightswording the entirety of a FromSoft game

>learning what does more damage to a particular boss is 'cheating'
I don't fucking think so Tim

Dancer takes like 2mins tops. Don't run away.


because it's fun. The genre is clearly not for you, go play something else.

Attached: ds26.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

>20 minutes
you may want to use a weapon

what is this image meant to convey

What's this? The demon of song in iron keep?

this is about the whole games.

Hey so I see you ignored my earlier post telling you to stop playing the game like a fucking vagina

That's not the game's problem, it's yours

>because it's fun.
no arguments

I finished the game.
Then I looked back and I realized I had not had fun.

Post character, weapons/stats, I don't believe you

look up a speedrun, you can continiously hit her basically if you strafe right and you dont have to run away for a second

it's all so tiresome

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That isn't yours

I agree OP

These games are just not fun.
Their only worth is so people can say how fucking boring they are by finishing them.

the closest thing I felt to fun was relief.

or how fucking elite they are because they played thorugh the game zero deaths no flasks first bow only every shot a hit with a Logitech G25 racing wheel .......and everyone else is of course a pleb for not doing so

>with a Logitech G25 racing wheel
you're trying too hard, redditor.

Attached: 100percent_sweetie.png (680x680, 416K)

>I dont have fun
riveting argument

What am I supposed to argue against your needless reductionism
>jumping over platforms
>"literally what is the appeal here"
>moving the mouse over the head of an enemy and clicking the left button
>"literally what is the appeal here"

>fun is a buzzword

just use heavy weapons you dumb anime poster.

>fps and platformers are shit
nothing new here

It's because the Souls formula is becoming stale and showing its age. I completely agree with you and I've been a massive fan since Demon's.

It was fun with demons and Dark Souls 1 but now its just boring, tedious and just incredibly cumbersome. You will find that people will just throw 'git gud' at you because they have no real defence or argument against it, they are literally sticking their fingers in their and ears and screaming "git gud xD" until you shut up or go away.

Don't waste your time, there are other games worth playing.

>there are others games worth playing
good joke shill

I beat it in one try. I want to play again to see if I'll have any difficult.

anyone have a link to the ds2 sotfs random enemy mod? the creator took it down and have yet to put it back up.

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