So now that the dust has settled, how was it?
So now that the dust has settled, how was it?
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If you can't grt invested into the story then its kinda Ehhh cause every mission just turns into another shooting gallery with the worlds worst aiming controls, in gonna buy it on pc because I wanna play through it without just mindlessly pressing left trigger then right trigger over and over and over again but to me it wss a 9/10
It has everything that I hate about modern vidya:
>linear mission structure
>forced walking segments
>focus on story over gameplay
And yet, I still loved it because i'm a total fucking cuck for Westerns and that's exactly who this game was made for.
The actual state of Yea Forums
>Its got really bad everything
>But solid 10/10 I fucking loved it guys!
Its shit user, analysis over.
it ran at 30 frames
This game perfectly exemplifies the false illusion of open world games
you can go anywhere you want; but the moment you start a mission the game becomes INCREDIBLY linear, they wont even let you step off the pathway or go an alternate route, its such a facade. the game needed to have more confidence in story based missions and not turn every mission, as other user said, into shooting galleries
besides that, the game is pretty incredible and im glad we have some good western games
It's great. Probably going to replay it on PC whenever that comes out.
None of those things are objectively bad you brainlet. There things I personally dislike about gaming but the pros (setting/gunplay/details/writing etc) overweigh the cons for me.
Get a reading comprehension
Postmodernist garbage with anti white themes.
its my favorite game i dont understand the how someone could dislike it
I fucking love Arthur Morgan
Great everything, except gameplay. I'm hoping PC fixes that.
And fuck you
good fuck rdr2
I loved the story and the characters, which is the only reason to play rockstar games anymore despite the amount of "realism" they cram into them.
If you wanted a truly open world western sandbox with a non-linear story and missions system then tame a horse im minecraft and knock yourself out.
game of the decade
Incredible, an experience more than anything else
From the combat, riding around, minigames, music, storyline, missions, all the way to the atmosphere it's an achievement
Incredibly immersive and fun as fuck
Hunting is fun. Can dress up your cowboy, then get sad.
Could have been good if they focused as much on gameplay and mission design as they did on all that other shit that ultimately doesn't matter. Shit like the camp system felt like wasted potential, how giving Pearson food does nothing, the wanted/witness system feeling half baked and broken at times, bandanna's working retardedly (whole point is that nobody recognizes you when you use one but Law always recognize you), how you can never rob a train without getting caught, felt like you were suppose to have fewer rations and such so you'd be required to hunt/forage for food if you were away from any towns or outposts for a long period but was changed last minute so you never have to worry about cores and properly some other shit I'm forgetting about.
>1 hour
I'm not watching all that /pol/, just give us the quick rundown.
Online was the worst garbage i've ever seen. Brings the games rating down to a 7/10.
Ragdolls, gore and weapons all feel satisfying.
fuck off falseflagging tranny
Rockstar games are pretty neutral when it comes to politics
Basically, rockstar has always acted to be edgy and cool so they can pretend to wax poetically about "what it means to be an american" while promoting degeneracy. I would recommend giving this guys videos a watch though. He isn't really /pol/.
better than any nip shit in years
Watch the video faggot.
Cool characters apart from Sadie in the mid game I liked her much better During John's segment. The rest was meh. I've had a bit of a buyers remorse after purchasing the game at full price.
Unironically a 10/10
Most beautiful open world ever realized
So dedicated to realism and immersion it could almost qualify as a sim
Top tier writing. Morgan is one of the best protags ever
So much content, even after hundreds of hours still finding things i hadnt seen before
Ive literally had sessions where I just spent hours traveling the world, taking in the atmosphere, hunting and just stumbling on things I haven't before.
It's a masterpiece.
Rockstar shills in force itt. Game is boring shit, only redeeming value is graphics and shooting. That shotgun goddamn
It makes me feel like a cowboy
To be honest, its way inferior to Breath of the Wild
>Implying R* shills aren't the only people play this
>R* shills are als scientifically proven to at least be 90% of the males in the world
>Be based
Fuck rockstar and fuck you
based schizo
nope its shit.
Already postedObjectively it isn't shit but has hamfisted politics.
haha good one
>watching 1 hour long /pol/tard videos on youtube instead of actually playing the game
Yeah you're nu-Yea Forums alright.
we really need to rise up over this already
>How dare rockstar portray white people in a negative light it's a regular white genocide!!!
have sex
Find Love Emcel
Shilled to all fuck and back and I didn't buy it anyway.
Me 1
Poorly paid team of viral marketers 0
What the fuck does that even mean?
Americans did do shitty things. It's not so much political in any real sense to portray pseudo historical events that were mostly based on real world events.
at least meme adequately
Game of the gen my man.
I just watched and I agree that some of this shit is obnoxious like the whole Sadie character, but it's not that big part of the game. I just hope that Rockstar goes back to being more centrist with the next GTA game.
They won't bigot. And that is a good thing.
I'll probably never play it again. Story was kind of cool at first but it just got stupid when Dutch kept not explaining anything or did shit for no real reason. I was just rushing to finish it halfway through.
>And yet, I still loved it because i'm a total fucking cuck for Westerns
Probably helps that the amount of good western videogames you can count on a single hand
it's forgettable. maybe even the most forgettable game in R* history. The ping pong game gives me more feels than this.
this. on top of the looting i just lost interest and waited for rdr2 online. but that has its own problems too so i just stopped caring.
mission structure too go too predictable
>ride horse to here meet up with guy
>okay ride with your posse to do some gay shit like steal money
>go on shoot out
>return back to camp
hunting was fun though
I miss Arthur.
The game was a lot of fun though. You do need to take your time with it and explore and all that. I understand that isn't for everyone though. I really loved exploring the map though. Finding little things and watching Arthur scribble them on the map and then in his journal was great. All the weird people he ran into as well, their conversations you got to hear as you ran into them again later. The mad preacher, the guy in the cave, the king in the tree, the blind prophet. Stuff like that was a lot of fun and fulfilling to me.
Most of these points and the general direction of the video is accurate but there's a bit of paranoid reaching in here that liberals will use to discredit the whole thing. decent vid tho
That's because the whole video is a paranoid reach.
>game rated 18+
>everything pandering to 10 years old
>can kill every innocent people
>no prostitutes
>ugly women
>black cowboys
>can't ride with rifles on back (still a fucking mistery)
>online xd
Anyway still a 9/10 for graphic, openworld, hunting and just riding around this huge ass map
well you're kinda proving my point. missions like the black doctor loses his cart one felt completely out of place even within the context of the rest of the game, where later on Arthur literally tells the Indian chief that he doesn't care about helping them and only does help because Charles almost begs him
No, you are reaching. Arthur has orders from Dutch to not interfer in the Indians business as it would mess with his scheme. The doctor is just a stranger mission earlyish in the game. Both of these are also optional and you don't have to do either.
Arthur is suspiciously modern in his worldview, but the game is fun regardless.
Arthur was basically raised by Dutch who is very modern and tries to be ahead of society which he considers to be trash.