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I've never seen a cat eat like that.
Must've been starved for days, or maybe pregnant.

thanks lil buddy

Attached: cat licking.webm (720x720, 2.89M)


What are some cute video games?

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You'll notice there's no whiskers. Apparently cats get really fucked up without them since they're sensory organs that help them determine how far away shit is.

Toxoplasmosis? Yeah I don't have that, stop oppressing me!

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Paint me like one of your French girls...

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Why why why WHY would you let a cat do this to an owl?!

If you aren't a city slicker then cats are a godsend. I can't even count the amount of mice and shit my cat has killed.

why not

Tired of living like a mammal this cat decided to go back to his reptilian roots.

Imagine if this has wild offspring in the future

I wish that was my dick


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Why do people own bald cats? They are so fucking ugly

Post shovel dog.

from what I recall it was a problem with its teeth or jaw

No one owns you

Danke, Herr Doktor

Obrigado doutor

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Cats have some nasty bacteria in their saliva. Its designed to actually kill any injured prey that might escape them.


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