Beat Shovel Knight

>Try out some of the new content
>It's the same as the old content, but this time you play as a skeleton man or a doctor mask man

Still, it's better than Cuphead by a long shot. (Though I wish Shovel Knight was even remotely as hard as Cuphead, a great game)

Attached: shovel knight treasure.jpg (590x332, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You are massively underselling it.
While playing as plague knight isn't everyone's cup of tea, specter knight is fucking amazing and essentially makes the game twice as fun when you're using him.
To pretend these updates don't add quite a bit of replay value consider how much effort is put into them and how the other two character don't really play like the base shovel knight at all, and it's all free, is being either dishonest, or a shithead on purpose.

The problem with Shovel knight is that the DLC just shits all over the base game. To the extent that if Shovel knight himself got a sequel nobody would care because it's the other characters we like.

Plague Knight > Everyone else

Attached: 1516066763954.png (600x1447, 400K)

Calm your autism jets, I like playing them, but it's the same content - when Shovel Knight was so good at new level content rather than phoning it in like Cuphead

Didn't this happen with Megaman? In Megaman and Bass, I always wanted to play Bass

They're not making a sequel, rather a new game called Cyber Shadow.

Looks really good so far.

Attached: 530130.jpg (3543x1992, 242K)

why does this game let you pick your pronouns

>but it's the same content only completely different
You're retarded, everyone hide the thread OP's being retarded!

Why can't you fags say you like a game in particular without resorting to le epik dick measuring contest?

why you gotta always start shit

Playing a different character on an old level is the same

Literally the same effect could be achieved if any of the armors actually were game changing akin to the Battletoads armor.

The Reaper's hub area is great though - tons of personality.

I like both SK and Cuphead - can you read or not?

Hopefully it won't have cringe gender pronoun options like SK

not developed by Yacht Club, it's only published by them
they really shot themselves in the foot publishing this, literally everyone thinks it's developed by them because it looks similar

rent free

>Literally a r63 mode
>Hates it

Are you gay

Oh no I hate that - like Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas, when all he contributed was a shitty poem

I mean if it's looks like it's made by them, and it ends up playing as good as SK does...then it probably doesn't matter in the end.

People who don't like Plague Knight don't like fun

SK does it in such a harmless amusing way. Want gay relationships and girls everywhere in our story lite platformer? Lol, here you go do whatever you want.

>he didn't do an All-female run for sexy Specter/Propeller/Polar and kawaii Plague/Tinker, plus shortstack Shovel

Attached: 1548722421776.jpg (499x430, 41K)

SK doesn't exactly have an appealing figure for a female and I don't support the tranny menace

Attached: socks trannies agp.jpg (2048x1536, 206K)

Who the fuck unironically uses "agp" aside someone that genuinely browses /lgbt/?
Are you a trap yourself or a terf?
Is that why you're so obsessed?

I want to play plague knight

Here's the real question, King Knight when? Shovel Knight is the last game on my Wii U I need to beat before I can pack it away and be 100% done. Specter Knight was over two years ago at this point.

King and Showdown are out this summer. They promised this is the last delay.

Seriously, is there anyway to make this meme game actually difficult?

Cheatengine yourself to 1 hp or speedrun.

It's this kind of thing that makes me like Cuphead (but also not like it because it lacks real levels)