Virgin VS Chad thread?

Virgin VS Chad thread?

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Sure why not.

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this one in particular triggers vanilla wow nerds

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lol I love this shit

Attached: the chad stride.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Not virgin vs chad but close

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you realise the point of the meme is to take a thing you don't like and make it the chad

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It's the Echo and Narcissus myth you idiot

You know, Narcissus who was too beautiful to recognize his own charm? Echo who died looking for him? The philosophical paradox of beauty of and where it comes from? Radiant and radiance?

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t. piss mad Teen Titans fan

T. Virgin

>screams are designed to confuse the enemy

Attached: qb5h8deejsp01.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)

You realize that part of the meme was lost forever?
Chad was initially an /r9k/ joke. It was made to make fun of chad.

Retarded secondary, its thisYou're reaching harder than Tantalus

Fat CJ is canon

Reason is, even when they're criticizing Chad everyone STILL wants to be Chad and is in awe and respect of Chad.

I like this one. Playing DooM opened my eyes to how much of a pussy Chief is.

Why am I reaching? That's a perfectly perspicacious perspective on the meme. You're one of those Christfags who thinks the only metaphors deserving everyday application are from the Bible.

Attached: Virgin Furry vs Chad Beastfucker.jpg (1400x569, 137K)

>unironically enjoys peekaboo
This is the best thing about babies though.

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someone post the hitman one
the only one that shits on both

>i have seen trough the facade that is this two dimensional meme
no shit
thats not why people do this shit
you can enjoy shit even if you know its superficial whats the matter with disliking people just making some ms paint memes

the virgin rant
the Chad post

>The virgin analyzing a meme
>The chad, enjoying the meme

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me on the right

Attached: chad virgin fo4 stalker.png (1200x628, 316K)

>virgin is a leaf

WTF why isnt katana zero on ps4??

Chads personality is so energizing that he doesn't even need to plug his devices

Chad still uses Nokia 3330, hasn't charged it in years, still 97% battery.

I love this shit, lol

Attached: chad anonymous.png (2518x1024, 278K)

Attached: kono dio da.png (2528x920, 374K)


Both are terrible.

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Fuck I love the wizard edits, post more user

>has the most powerful stand

Attached: 1547420270578.png (248x334, 97K)

Virgin Gungeon vs Chad NUCLEAR THRONE

These two are all I have.

Attached: 1543677497797.png (1080x2038, 260K)

>has the most powerful stand
many stands part 4 on ward can beat him lmao

Because the absolute retard that is Araki decided to nerf The WORLD stats so they end up being weaker than Star Platinum.
If you look at first, The World Was basically SP but better with time stop.
Then all of a sudden before the final fight, nerfed.

> Inb4 stand stats don't matter
They don't unless they do. That's one of the examples

>made bald hot
can confirm

found the asshurt purse owner
worked like a fucking charm lol

What are the odds for this to happen?

But I said both are terrible.
Played both and hated both MC because of how shitty they are.
Those games could be interesting and perfect but they have to be held back by the faggy protagonist.
Use ad hominem all you want, both MC are trash

Rex is trash sure, but I didn't see a problem with Joker. He's just your generic silent protag.

Almost tempted to post the webm of that horse mounting and fucking another male horse, and they both cum.
But pretty sure it counts as porn

Thta's the problem with Joker.
Too generic.
I know people want to self insert and I can understand that. But Joker ends up being blank and you're even locked on choices and some aren't even given to you.
You have an illusion of choice at moments and granted, that's not really the protag's fault per se.
Still, doesn't really have an interesting thing about him. Maybe the design ? I don't really know.

The only one you need.

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Attached: virgin vs chad 3.png (1122x600, 544K)

Based. Arguments are cringe

It’s sad yet entirely predictable how many people didn’t get this very easy concept
‘Has never heard a song in his entire life’ should have been a dead giveaway right off the bat

Attached: virgin vs chad 4.png (2518x1024, 1.27M)

Attached: virgin vs chad 7.png (2518x1290, 227K)

Boomer vs zoomer is the new hotness grandpa, haven't you heard?

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They whole point of Persona 3 to 5 is to self-insert.

Attached: black clover.png (1024x523, 131K)

Attached: virgin vs chad 8.png (1400x600, 215K)

>chad san andreas
>not chad andreas with the san andreas font
go die in a fire you utter failure, you don't even deserve a )you(

Attached: Dragon ball.png (2518x1195, 218K)

The Virgin Castlevania
>tries really hard to impress by having 2 characters in the game but can only manage 1 plus a reskin
>characters are fully voiced in English
>throws as many songs as he can into the game
>a central character from the series is relegated to a trophy
>carried into the game by Chad Metal Gear - he just asked if he could join during Brawl
>forever relegated to Pachinkodom and mobileshit despite how much he tries

The Chad Fantasy VII
>just one character is enough, everybody loves him
>doesn't bother speaking English for lazy gaijin
>just 2 songs ripped straight from his game, has never heard a new arrangement in his life
>doesn't even need assist trophies or spirits
>Sakurai went out of his way to get him from his IP holder instead of letting him tag along
>everybody waits with bated breath for news of the remake of his game

Attached: 2.jpg (743x304, 20K)

Someone should add Virgin Pole, I can't be assed

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Teen Titans Go is better tho

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>implying the original "virgin walk" description is an exaggeration

Attached: GET OUT.jpg (960x720, 106K)

Not only is this funny it's a proper use of the meme.

Attached: chadposter.png (1033x546, 61K)

anybody got that link vs ganon one where it says he can teleport but rides a horse anyway

>fought Super 17 evenly
nigga fucking wishes lol

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Anakin is her love interest tho


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THese people dont exist in real life.

based and redpilled

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didnt know the wizard edits before, but thats one of my favorite ones.
Anyone got "the chad plummet"?

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Posting 3D shit should be a bannable offence

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the virgin virgin vs the chad 3d poster

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>mfw his name is literally chad

Lol these are hot

Bad Thing
Good Thing


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user it's your long lost biological brother here pls post this webm I'm dying.....pls i dont have..........much longer........

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Me in the corner

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Everyone gets the virgin vs chad thing wrong nowadays. Back then we only had the virgin walk, until someone mocked it by making an extreme opposite which was the chad stride. The virgin vs chad meme is meant to put 2 complete opposites side by side to the point it becomes absurd. It's not just the virgin bad thing and the chad good thing.


Rex is a fantastic lead. It's actually hillarious seeing people still getting salty about him, despite how many JRPG tropes he utterly dismantled in the course of his game.

Your opinion is fantastically trash.
But again, to each their own.


Chad and virgin are friends!

What if Chad was a girl and incel was a boy and it was a generic romance anime

The fuck are you talking about?

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I’ll lay out my thought process
Step 1: What if Chad and virgin were in a relationship

Step 2. Wanting it to not be gay

Step 3. Making chad a girl because Virgin is just male tomoko but less of a deviant

Step 4. The original concept:
What if Chad (female) was a based alpha female tomboy who made Virgin not a Virgin

Step 5. This should be an anime

Why cant bros just be bros and bro it up?!

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PizzaTowerdev is an alright dude

Because I’m very horny and I’m forcing my desire for a woman that would counterbalance my natural inclination towards doing fucking nothing and having no life into fictional characters created to make fun of introverts and extroverts

welcome to the present user

Attached: 4chan through the ages.png (2200x874, 1.49M)

those were the originals user

Attached: aaagh.png (2552x1024, 355K)

The World was powerful because DIO could transcend human limitations. He lost because DIO is too cocky, same reason he got his head cut off by Jonathan.


Nujak is absolutely based


The Virgin "Just puts Virgin and Chad in front of the names"
The Chadmanteau

Attached: The chad haji the 72 virgins.jpg (1128x600, 104K)

Does anyone have the Mass Effect one?

I can't fucking breathe

Unironcally this
The left was made and influenced by popular Internet culture and a desire to fit in
The right is the rejection of that and is made with one purpose, be funny, and it is

This is great
More like this

>wow instead of ouch

haha based

Attached: 1529656248118.jpg (880x488, 127K)

Attached: chad harem.png (1496x549, 416K)

>not Chad Andreas

got the webm?

No, are you retarded? It was made to make fun of people’s perception of “Chad” by using heavy hyperbole to create a fictional person who would be by all accounts insane versus the “Virgin” who exhibits traits most normal people have. See the “Virgin Walk Versus Chad Stride”, the original meme, so you can fucking educate yourself on how to read satire you child

Fucking reddit tard pretending he knows shit

Attached: Consumed Virgin vs Chad of the First Sin.jpg (2048x1097, 260K)


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that's fucking bullshit

Attached: 5812b27f50fb2ff49c84277d7eb1b5ecf10b16ebaa25ca05c2566defd44f2119.jpg (785x757, 60K)

Lol faggot, since you care about it so much you should go back

>the only one that shits on both
Not the only one. The original does too but almost everyone is either a virgin cuck or a chad retard and so they all thought it's "LEFT MAN BAD RIGHT MAN GOOD"

This is probably the best one I've seen.

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>the little sisters

Attached: fire_emblem___nowi_by_shortsh4dow-d68tgsj.jpg (705x1134, 154K)

based and redpilled

nu bahd old gud

but black clover is like 10 times worse than mha

Both are trash.
Black Clover was shit on more because it started unbelievably bad. It got way better afterwards.
But first impressions are hard to erase so thta's why you still think it's 10x worse when I'd argue BNHA is now worse.

ok faggot

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t.self insert faggot shit
Don't matter. Like it all you like.
People like shit all the time

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>posting that image
It's like you want him to show up and ruin this thread


hero academia sucks ass
the only thing it's got going for it, is the animation quality and few hype moments

but if were specifically speaking of mango then black clover is actually better (and it has way less plotholes / ass pulls)

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Go the fuck back queer, then you won't be posting shit here anymore

>screams are designed to confuse the enemy

Attached: jej.jpg (453x453, 22K)

10/10, though I still Jokah and Rex all the same.

There's another one
>the virgin ' and the Chad EXISTENCE
but I'm phoneposting and I don't have it

>dual wielding shoottys with the no reload and infinite ammo hack

fun times

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post link

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Attached: virgin english chad chink.png (2518x1100, 636K)

Attached: virgin parry chad runner.png (2931x1416, 784K)

My favorite.

Attached: devil dash.png (1400x600, 364K)

you have to be over 18 to post here, my guy

A little bit late, but here you go

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hey thanks i forgot to save it last time

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Now post the chad memesmith

After some time I came to agree with peoples negative opinions of GTA5. Especially that one pasta about trevor that gets posted nonstop by that one autist. I agree with him, trevor really is pretty cringy.

The story really is awful, the writing included, its so grating. Why is everyone trying to talk like they just learned about hunter s thompson. Americans do not talk like that. Even the black thug characters were almost too over the top.

Attached: Screenshot_20190422-174519.png (2048x1127, 1.01M)

They both have shitty gacha games fuck you

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>let Nadalia kill him
Worse, he was a white knight

Attached: White Knight Fume Knight.png (720x600, 32K)

Whoever made this just grew up, I think

Solid stuff


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based Deltard

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fucking kek

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The Extravirgin Pizza
>Bland text, bland products
>obscures view of the restaurant with wood, insecure about what people would think about it on the inside
>No other information because it's too shy to socialize, blames others for having no customers
Chad's Pizza and Restaurant
>Snazzy and eye catching sign
>Places the Pizza before the restaurant, showing how much it cares
>phone number all over the place, knows you want to call it
>endorsed by multiple beer companies since it knows how to have a good time

Nonono, the best technique is:
>one hand propped against wall, arm straight
>one hand grasping midsection of penis
>legs spread, feet set wide
>pissing loudly against the porcelain
>making a satisfied noise while you're doing it

>several highly challenging missions throughout
shit controls that aged like milk are not legitimate difficulty or challenge
>can be beaten easily by a first time player in a few hours
average main story only time is 32 hours and speedrun times are 13. This actually matches San Andreas's average main story playtime. Completionist for both games is also an average of 80 hours.

Can we drop the TORtanic mentality already and just admit that it's ok to enjoy newer games?

>probably still has a medical license

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Good shit man

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The secret tech that Noctis players don't want you to know about.

Attached: NOCTIS.png (1024x416, 271K)

This one is so perfect, because it still is the proper usage

can't stand this meme

Attached: virgincentrist.png (2000x2000, 377K)

Attached: 5f1.jpg (2800x1300, 684K)

fucking nice


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Attached: WhoWouldFinishTheFight.jpg (2048x1097, 452K)

>let Nadalia kill him
he pretty much saw a monstrous burned out corpse and went
>holy fuck that's hot *fap* *fap* *fap*
fucking necrofags

You know his knees are hurting.

Both deserve the rope

But this falls under the "No" side.

Lame copy paste comic


Template with genuine creativity added

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Did you know that Aegean the Hecatonchires had 50 heads and 100 arms? He's a pretty cool guy and he doesn't afraid of anything.


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hi jeremy

Both are shit compared to HxH, though.


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>Never takes eye of the Niger

that's not the point of the meme

I remember seeing all of these on Yea Forums before they became reddit

>doesn't know what to do with free hand
How do you have a free hand when you pee?

>There are people who actually agree with this
God damn it.

It's not a chad vs virgin meme retard, it's a just a pic explaining how to do it correctly.

Even the most obvious subtlety is lost on retards. There's no point in trying to explain stuff to them.

Are you trying to tell me that your dick is so massive it requires two hands to aim while you piss or so small that you need two hands to help stretch it out and hold your pants out of the way so you dont dribble

Attached: the_virgin_persona_vs_the_chad_tenseiIV.jpg (2388x998, 471K)

based oldfags vs bluepilled newfags

>can win debate even if argument is wrong
I have no doubt a lot of deluded fucks think this way here.

There is no bigger oxymoron than a chad berserker.

>Has the lyrics to a John Lennon song on his jacked

Fine thread, Chads

shame nujak didnt really catch on

Attached: 1548623970025.png (1001x794, 368K)

Isn't that how everything in reddit works? Yea Forums does something that becomes a meme, reddit discovers it, then anons scoff at it as being reddit shit that they don't want to infect this place with

if we're going to be rehashing the same shit over and over we can at least do it without both metaphorically and literally smoothing out all the edges and imperfections that made it appealing in the first place.

>weapons are ineffective to combat the flood

But human weapons are the best agains them, at least comparing them with covies plasma weapons.

>Firmly rooted in Monadology, Jungian Psych-Analysis, and Platonism

Holy based

I don't know the context but the concept of a berserker I know is basically: muscles + anger + gets more powerful the less armor he wears. That's Chad incarnate.

he's right you know

well I guess youre not wrong. Fuckin weird timeline man

>can win the debate even if its argument is wrong
This is fucking hilarious to pull off.

Attached: virgin-SA-vs-chad-2.png (2304x1024, 303K)

I love Jojo like nobodies business but DIO is trash. Literally all the other major villains are more entertaining

Every single of those memes come from Yea Forums. I seriously don't know if I'm being trolled or have been for too long on this site or you are actually fucking retarded. Just because reddit subhumans steal something and than claim it's their creation it doesn't mean they are not lying shitskin mentally ill subhuman trash.

I don't get the wizard, what the hell is that supposed to be?

We are talking about the same people that didnt recognize the "pc master race" was a joke at their expense, what do you expect?

Nice, this is the best one ive seen in a long time.

Attached: 357.png (1200x1546, 754K)

I love this shit lol

jonathan didn't cut his head off, dio cut his own head off so jonathan's hamon wouldn't kill him
either way, his self-centeredness is still his biggest weakness

Based ancap.

>not posting this one instead

Attached: nip vs china ln mc.png (2518x1024, 469K)

I feel 4 doesn't get nearly enough love overall. It's probably my favorite story out of all the GTA's. 4 is also technologically far more impressive than 5.

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>le 3DPD

Have sex. Oh wait, you won't!

Somebody do a virgin of isaac vs Chadwell

Completely wrong usage of the meme, but absolutely true nonetheless. Exactly what I didn't like about 5.

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Always thought the bulge on the chad was supposed to be his ass backwards.

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Fuck, my knees are hurting just from watching

Rex doesn’t have to be in Smash to be my favorite Nintendo character.

Attached: chad rex vs virgin shulk.png (2518x1024, 532K)

my fucking sides

Virgin vs Chad irl. They will never learn.

Attached: manlets never learn.webm (640x640, 666K)

Having sex isn't going to turn a loser into an alpha male

Lol, so true

>nice physics

Attached: virgin chad vs chad virgin.png (2518x1024, 282K)

Attached: virginpschadxbox.png (2518x1024, 178K)


It was the original meme. Somehow wizard stopped appearing despite being an even funnier exagerated version of the virgin.

>despite how many JRPG tropes he utterly dismantled in the course of his game.
I like the game but sorry this is seriously not true.

so, Yea Forums´s barry?

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Attached: wizarddd.jpg (2980x752, 537K)

Attached: edf chad.png (1400x569, 249K)

Needs a wizard perfect parry.

>lead character gets cucked
CJ was cucked by Claude, which is geniunely worse since it was clear that Claude was much more handsome.

anyone got the amicable relationship one i like that one it is cute

My fucking dick. Trigger was a based protag.

Clause is clearly the alpha male of the series

Attached: Q1.jpg (1600x1000, 290K)

>IV doesn't get enough love
Are you serious? Ever since Crowbait made that video everyone's been jerking off about IV.

Attached: chadraria.png (1385x563, 102K)

What was there some comparison vid?

Attached: Terrorist watch.png (1864x820, 62K)

>needing watches when you can just be a chad and ask other people about it, inscreasing your social aura


Chad reporting in

Attached: 1553298122966m.jpg (1024x416, 103K)

>most memorable storyline only rivaled by Vice City
Vice City's story was the worst of the 3D Trilogy. Literally discount Scarface without the shitty message.


Attached: downloaddfdfg.jpg (229x220, 11K)

Lol, Guys I just realized Chad's shoes look like Bananas. XD

this count?

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>Name is latin for king
Not really.

Finally someone gets it.

it really is the most egotistical I've ever heard

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This one is so true it hurts. Chinese mcs don't fuck around.

Attached: fallout.jpg (1024x416, 66K)

Attached: mass effect.jpg (960x389, 64K)

I love this shit, lol.

Yea Forums related but

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>rape is a battle tactic
wtf I love China now

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Now that you mention this, what is 2ch like this days, still catposting or what replaced it?

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Should have mentioned how the CIA honor deals they make with CJ while Franklin is the Feds bitch

Attached: lel.jpg (1200x488, 78K)

Attached: FuEI5ix.png (2845x1097, 476K)

This is how true alphas walk. It's how I walk everywhere to assert my dominance.

Another 1

Attached: 7spdsymivo121.png (2771x1130, 488K)

And my favorite

Attached: ta0mncvwv5t11.png (3105x1144, 746K)

This image resonates with me on many levels

From Second Life

Attached: chad.png (2044x1081, 1.42M)

Attached: 22496401_10159969759340112_6992045321343849324_o.jpg (1400x569, 133K)

Made this oc earlier today!

Attached: 474D699C-9C36-463D-80D4-454F1A9FE471.png (2200x1536, 481K)

dropped harder than a white baby being babysat by a nigger

Im sorry if i offended you freind!Care for some apple juice.Im not gonna give you alcohol as your underaged.

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love this one but 47 does look better with gloves

Attached: 47.jpg (480x479, 27K)

I vaguely recall seeing Virgin MSF vs Chad Diamond Dogs once. If any has it or wants to make please share.

Attached: chad infernape.jpg (1954x881, 401K)

Starr Platinum was literally The World but with a speed boost.

Attached: Untitled.png (2518x1044, 193K)


Is there a John Carmack/John Romero one?
Doesn't matter which John would be the virgin or the chad, it would be hilarious.

This is great. I find virgin and chad funnies when the actual characters are placed in a new scenario, rather than the templates being transformed into different characters.

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You can tell a black person made this meme

post becky vs stacys

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>The Virgin Leorio leaves for half the series and returns with some shitty warp punch move
>The Chad Kuwabara stays around for most of the series and unlocks a dimension breaking spirit sword

Attached: kuwabara.jpg (640x480, 25K)

Isn't the point for it to be actually funny instead of just saying basic facts?

>Series ended on his own terms

Didn't they omit the final arc and Yusuke's Epilogue?

>ultimately satisfying conclusion
I agree with everything else but nigger what

You can't omit something that never had a sequel. This isn't DBZ.

What wasn't satisfying about it?

I'm talking about the Manga Ending that wasn't in the anime at all.

I can never comprehend why anyone liked Twilight Ganon

Where is Chi Chi and Bulma in this picture?

The last arc was dropped completely, the tournament came out of nowhere and it was complete shit. Compensating with funtimes at the beach doesn't make up for that.

I would rather fuck a becky then a stacy

The manga or the anime? If the anime then I disagree since the entire arc wasn't really about the tournament and more about Yusuke finding his place in the world.
The whole political drama between the Spirit Detectives vs Demons wasn't that well-written in the first place.

Also Hiei's backstory was by far the best thing about the arc.



Unironically this. Stacies have a shitload of negatives that match up with their positives.

Who says i was ironic
Flat chest kind smart nerd girl introverts are high class.

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i love this shit, lol

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I wish high class women were still seen as sexy, now every adult woman regardless of race speaks in ebonics.

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Zoomers who reject the possibility of better times.

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Gonna do a "Ironchad vs The Silent virgin" sometime. Have to think of what to put in the image, first.

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I know it's just memes, but is it really getting cucked if you're fucking other chicks too?

I love this shit, lol

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what is this referencing

do you have anything to do with the porn artist called "secretly saucy"?

The Virgin following the rules vs the Chad winging it

Attached: SekiroChadowsDieTwice.png (2518x1440, 171K)

one hand aims and the other holds your pants in place


I miss being able to say awesome and epic unironically

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Shut up, Milhouse.

We need another doom vs halo thread meltdown.
Last one was glorious.

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>Using TTG as the example

You are exactly the reason TTG is still succeeding