Ahhh, yes. The most honest mains in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Ahhh, yes. The most honest mains in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

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I think Falcon is underrated, but Shiek is just laughably bad in Ultimate.

Add Kirby

Add Ike

She had a new fair buff last patch. That made her better r-right?


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As much as people like to hate on FE, Ike really is a no-frills honest character

>lmao nair
No FE character is honest.

Yes. They're still both trash. Specially Falcon.

>lmao one attack that is clearly telegraphed and easily blocked unless you suck shit

Ike only looks amazing because of MKLeo

Pikachu is honest.

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No one in this fucking game is honest except Donkey Kong

>Pikachu is honest relative to pichu


The fact you can chain Nair's at certain percents is cancer. He's not honest

>le grab you suicide man

t. Captain Dashdance Nair main

>play some of the worst characters in the game to gain the approval of retards on the internet
Not worth it and I like both of them

What's dishonest about Pika?

>just don't get hit lol!

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So what do you niggers have against Jigglypuff in Smash Ultimate?

>play characters that are fun and don't run away all game to use gimmicks
It's honesty

>It's a falcon main with the gold alt that does nothing but run grab and le knee
I always make sure to d-bag these niggers hard when I spike them into oblivion

>super armor headbutt and spin
>4 spikes
>grab schenanigans

DK is anything but honest and I fucking love it

>that fucking grab and throw into the stage edge shit

Just tech lol

>it's a pink falcon three stocks you with a knee, spike and reverse falcon punch episode

>tfw Ike main and cuck a falcon with counter spam
>changes name to gitgud
>do it again
>he rage quits
There's a lot of shitty cookie cutter falcons out there who just use epic youtube guide strats and think they're hot shit.

i-is this loss?


And what exactly and whole exactly is honest to you?

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>implying mr game and watch isn't far more honest than le man(girl) of many chippings, or le dashdance nairboy of memeknees

*grabs you*

Are my main men honest?
>Duck Hunt

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Why not just play ZSS who does everything Falcon does but better

>shitters actually can't tech
this is why you idiots lost to narcissa

no style

*n-airs your shitty running grab spam*

Ryu and Ken are the only honest mains in this game.

>le tech
Tech isn't a cure-all word you fucking stupid nigger.
>dude just tech lmao.
Explain each individual tech required and how to do it in great detail.

Not Olimar.

*grabs you out of your shitty downb spam*

confirmed smashlet
you are the stupid nigger
look up what "tech" means in the context of smash before you reply to my post you fucking neanderthal. everyone laugh at this man

>Implying falcon mains are smart enough to do anything but le epin knee spam
Nice try Falcon cuck

to be fair, you should have said "mash out" he's right in that you can't just use "tech" for everything.

not him but i've literally never had problems with Ike mains, easily the shittiest swordfags i've come across.

are you also retarded? look up what "tech" means in the context of smash.

You haven't fought a good one. I've fought and fucked up many good falcons. At the end of the day, they'll all resort to the same tricks and a lot of Falcons kill moves are predictable as fuck. Anyone can see a knee, falcon punch or side b coming from a mile away.

>Falcon in the air 90 degrees above me
OH wow jeez he's definitely not gonna down-b.. tee-hee *counters him across the map* *gimp his shitty recovery with my big dick down air*

What's wrong with him?

you sound like you've been styled on by many of pink falcons

Nah. I only met ONE truly good falcon. He was the real deal. He wasn't a pink/gold nigger either. Default color, absolutely speedster who changed up his strats during his fights

Meanwhile... Pink/Gold niggers are always retards using "pro" cookie cutter strats from YT. The same predictable shit. And it sounds to me like you're one of them.

>Falcon, Sheik
The only honest characters are the ones I use.

>he had a new fair buff last patch. That made her better r-right?

if you never have problems with these supposed "cookie cutter falcons" you wouldn't be so worked up about them tbqh. and if you truly find these often then your Ike is ranked mad low.

I'm not worked up at all. Fighting falcons just isn't fun. All Falcons and King D's fight the same. But just because I win doesn't mean I found fighting them fun. Eventually you get tired of seeing a character who's just gonna rehash the same shit. Never understood this argument
>w-well you're talking about it so it makes you mad
or bored.. repetitive... annoyed... tiring...Try arguging in something other than Yea Forums.

Stop larping and actually play the game

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Press the shield button when you hit the stage idiot lmao

I don't even want to play the game anymore now that they nerfed Samus

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>Can't shield break with 2 projectiles anymore
The horror

Mr. R and VoiD thinks Sheik is salvageable, but not worth using over top tier characters

>not him
Likely story. SEETHING Falcon cuck spotted.

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>taking away the literally one good thing that a low tier character has
why are smashbabies so afraid of everything besides braindead rushdown with a sword?

>all projectiles nerfed
>except corrins

Nigger just press the R button

And Belmont's Axe.

I hate FE faggots as well but getting shield broken because you didn't perfect parry 2 very powerful projectiles that can come within frames of each other isn't fun either

Its hurt Robin too. Arc fire used to be good at hurting shields if someone blocked it but now that move is useless against them along with it being easy as fuck to jab away.

You're missing Falco

>le laser and up tilt bird

Mega's the most honest zoner character, he has a lot of good tools for walling out characters but as soon as you get up in his face he becomes useless

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Here’s my honest main. He’s a very honest boy

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Mii brawler 12 episode anime when?

>Kirby only using Inhale = not honest

then don't shield the charge shot

Based and [spoiled]blue[/spoiler]pilled.

You tried it

None of those characters are honest

> tfw last Rosalina & Luma main alive
Feels good to be ELITE

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None of the characters already posted is actually honest

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its pretty much an auto elite since nobody knows the matchup, she was already rare in 4 where she was actually good

That's not Simon

Why would anyone play that terrible “fan service” character?

>A thread full of people calling their main honest only because they're shit

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