How do you respond Yea Forums?

How do you respond Yea Forums?

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Toxic masculinity is bad


What the fuck does he mean "look super handsome/beautiful"? Literally everyone prefers handsome/beautiful people as oppose to ugly/plain ones. It's a human thing. As for the masculine part there's plenty of masculine characters - it just so happens that eastern devs are catering to a specific group of people who like the anime aesthetics where masculinity is more like a defining character trait than a look so it's used less often, especially when the genres aren't generic military FPS #12978263

he means how most jap MCs look like bishounen twinks instead of like guts/jjba

ugly female and super buff men are already the norm and have been for almost a decade by now.
why do liberals want to destroy true diversity form gaming and demand that any depiction of female character which are sexy need to be censored from gaming?

Why can't Americans appreciate attractive people instead of calling it 'unrealistic misogyny'

I agree. I legit didn't buy FF15 solely because all the party members looked like a fucking gay boy band. I know most FF protags are not hyper masculine, but Jesus Christ. At least go for a design with a comfortable middle ground like Cloud, Squall, and Tidus has.

Beautiful people are unfit for some roles. Comedy, for one thing (gooks are awful at it for this reason and many others).
Villains are also prime candidates for unpleasant looks, and stupid chinks would always be incapable of making them unattractive, if they're women. Amazing characters like Gruntilda the Witch are almost unheard of in Japan.

And so forth. Japan is a one-trick pony when it comes to character design and it shows.
Unfortunately for those lazy iterative artists drowning in unoriginality, "pretty" doesn't always cut it.

Literally catering to a specific market that buys that specific type of game. If demand for masculine Eastern characters was huge you'd see a lot of games with that but the demand is small as is the supply.

If you're going to generalized then the west is just as bad because of how they do the "realistic" style and you end up with women who look like men and generic buff man #981723567812.

>Japanese comedians

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>Literally catering to a specific market that buys that specific type of game
>Only Fujoshits buy japanese games

Same reason Westerners can't appreciate East Asian characters: they don't appeal to their cultural standards.

Don't talk shit about Yamasaki.

>Why can't Westerners appreciate beautiful characters that don't look disheveled and characters who don't look gruff/unkempt? That said, of course everyone is free to like only whatever os acceptable in [current year]

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Why can't westerners appreciate feminine beauty and characters who don't look like manjawed goblins?

Normies are unable to enjoy vidya unless they can self-insert, and they can't do that unless the character looks either like them or like what they think/want to look like. This is why every casual game that was developed in the west for years had the protagonist be a buff dude. So, of course, when a different country with its own culture exports their games to here, the normie picks it up and their primitive brain is unable to comprehend playing as something that doesn't fit their image of themself.

This is also why there's a huge push for women/minority MC's in vidya. They just can't handle attention not being on them or something that looks like them at all times.

>b.b.but don't hurt me I said nothing do what you want!
what the point of passive aggressive cowardice? He doesn't sound strong, he sound on the verge of crying.

They focus of realism,there is good looking realism and mediocre looking realism and back then western games preferred the former rather than the latter.

I don't, because unlike you, I don't browse resetera more than I breeze Yea Forums, you fucking obsessed dipshit.

I unironically love these guys

Asians think masculine men are gay

The Nips let Tingle have his own series of games so I don't think this is universally true. Also there used to be a pretty big obsession with huge musclebound protags in the 80s, just so happens that trend isn't popular currently for whatever reason.

What game is he talking about?