Are we buying Borderlands 3 bros

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you are but im not even going to pirate it

Epic store?

Yeah after 6 months when it comes to Steam

yeah but probably on ps4 till i see a decent steam sale.

No thanks

But that time we will know if they fucking butchered the guns/writing/dialogue again like 2 and TPS did.

this, but pirate it instead

>Epic Gay Store

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waiting 6 months to pirate or???

I've heard its beings sold at Humble Bundle on release.

On PS4

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No, "bro"

After 6 months we will fuck epic store

the betrayal that was the pre-sequel made me skeptical. the epic shit is making me not want to buy it at all.

borderlands is a guilty pleasure of mines but if i'm gonna have to buy a console or some shitty launcher just to play a series i've been playing on steam for years, then I guess i'm done with borderlands

no one thinks gold guns are cool

on the polystation quadruple

No, mostly because of epic fuckery but also because of the dlc bullshit they pulled with two.

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Yep. And for every steamlet who doesn't I'll buy two extra copies.

Hope not

>hey bros I lost my Yea Forums almanac, which games am I supposed to be told to like and hate?
Get your own fucking opinion.

Probably going to parite this one or wait 6 months idk yet i still got a few games in my backlog


Even if it were free I still wouldn't play it.

6 months also gives time to see any DLC or how busted the balance is. Late game BL2 is a slog.

Pirating day 1

No, 1 was fine for the discounted price I got it at, but I just didn't have fun with 2 and three doesn't look like it's offering anything appealing enough for a full price purchase.

Yes I will be buying the game for 100% off.

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I preordered it, any randomised rpg like that fps blahbalh I like the formula its good etc purchase money

Gonna buy it on the ps4 and play it with some mates next door.
See you in 2021 then kek

Pirate it day 1 if it's any good, buy it on a 75% sale on steam when the GOTY edition with all the shitty DLC is available.

This, and when it also comes with all the DLC, because Borderlands games never launch complete.

>Epic Store exclusive
>greedy dev
>shuts down anyone who critics >

I didn't like the first one, why would I buy this?

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>the epic shit is making me not want to buy it at all.
Why does it even matter. The launcher you spend 5 seconds looking at while the game is starting up is irrelevant

I've pre-ordered it on the CODEX games store

im probably not, i was never in the series. we'll see

In a year or so when the GOTY version is released on Steam and discounted.

How uninformed can you be? Even if the issue was JUST the launcher, LMAO.

based and chinkdestroyerpilled

I didn't buy the second, why would I start now.

You still need to redeem it/run it through the epic launcher thinga-majigg.

>dlc bullshit
The main 4 were fine, the only dlc i thought was shit were the stupid headhunter packs.

Youtube,reddit,9gag,Yea Forums, your mom all stands together against tyranny of epic. Fucking normies

nah, I am not even going to pirate it since everything in the series sucked cock

Maybe in 2-3 years, i tend to late adopt Borderlands games because it is more practical to wait for the DLC and Price Drops due the series dipping in price relatively fast as well as the fact you might want to get it as a gift for your co-op buddy, 3 in particular also has Epic discouraging early adoption, even though it is "only" 6 months.

The series is fun, but it isn't exactly the kind of game you rush to get on release date for me.

I do like some of the changes they made in theory though, like the Manufacturer gimmicks, so i am keeping tabs on reactions.

Only Valvecucks like this faggot aren't buying. Game looks amazing

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From the Epic Store? Hell no. I'll wait until the Steam release.

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Same here.
And if it ends up being a forgetable game i'm probably just skip it entirely.


Yeah, or wait for a sale.

>spic grammar

Vermintide is better

I'm too goddamn impatient to wait 6 months, so I'm gonna get it from Green Man Gaming.

That's a pretty different kind of game

I would have bought the collectors edition had it not come on ebin china store

Think for yourself faggot.
Also no

No thanks, installing platform just to store one game.

Might just wait for the next gen GOTY port

no, fuck china and fuck randy

try harder, chang

I'll pirate it because the gf can't get enough of it but I still feel that it's not a great use of my time.

hey go and write your kotaku article already, get out of here

Game looks amazing.
The practice at hand is not.

Think of it like this. You see an attractive blonde with huge tits. Sex is amazing. One problem. Gotta join Scientology and have them nitpick and change your life for you. But hey, you get sex with the Blonde with huge tits for a while before you find out she is a huge AIDS ridden bitch and now you are stuck in a cult taking your money and now have AIDS.

The front is attractive, what happens afterwards because you did that is what ruins shit for all of us.

I'll wait 6 months, and then pirate it, just to hurt steams sales.

I'm not.

Fuck Steam.

You basically explained Steam.

I'll buy 2-3 copies just because I can.

No. I can't stand borderlands, it's some of the slowest, most boring bullet sponge garbage I've ever played and I try every year to get through it but it's just not possible. It's so fucking boring.

Wtf I love AIDS now. Wtf take all my money spaghetti

>buying a redditlands game

I'll wait for the inevitable GOTY edition.
Fool me once with BL2 and making me buy the game and DLC full price to release a bundle like a year later with all that content for like 20 dollars with the base game, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

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I'll pirate it if I feel like it.

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I'm playing BL2 right now it's it worse than 1? Im enjoying 2

not to mention jumping and climbing in these games are suicide indulcing

this but only if i enjoyed my pirated single player playthrough

>onetard plays garbage games for retards
beautiful how everything in life connects

You don’t deserve to use pictures of best girl

One to settle them all. Vote my goys!

forgot to add a picture.

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>tfw to inteligente and to mature too buy borderlands in this day and age

Well, I wouldn't await anyone who doesn't like the franchise to join this thread, but ok I guess. autism!!!11

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You sound like a huge incel


>now you are stuck in a cult taking your money and now you have AIDS
this is accurate and I have no problem with this analogy

The first one is fucking boring and borderlands cock suckers will always try to tell you otherwise

Imagine all the money that epic spent on buying an exclusive title with Borderlands 3, which could have been put into actually improving their launcher.

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Yeah, codex store tho.

Nah. 2 was already worse than 1.

More money only makes the code monkeys lazier, you have to give them a few whacks with the belt for results.

Sure, I had more Indian and other countries' coders on my mind when throwing money on development.

BL2 REBORN user ARE YOU HERE? Do you have a github/updated download link?

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based contrarían user

even if it was on steam i wouldnt touch gearbox shit ever

And gmg. But they're required to match epics price, so there's no point

>Gold weapon pack
What is this 2006?

I'm never patronizing the Epic store. Fuck exclusives, including timed exclusives, as a concept.

I would have otherwise bought this at/near launch if it was available on Steam, given the great experience with Borderlands 2 and The Pre Sequel. Fuck, these two even had great Linux ports (something unlikely to happen because Epic doesn't support Linux), so the delay will be fucking things up in that regard too.

When it comes to Steam i MIGHT buy, depending on how good it is, if we get a Linux port etc... there's a part of me that doesn't want to support the company at alll (and I fucking hate sweeney and pitchford both) since the Epic deal, but on the other hand if it is a good game and they come to Steam I do want the bean counters to see there are people buying on Steam and there WOULD have been more had they were there from the start.

It's not even worth pirating. I don't know how people can play these mind numbing games.

nah fuck off randy you are shit and your game is mediocre at best, not even the waifus can make it tolerable, i will pirate this game just like i pirated 1 and 2 lmao get fucked cuck

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I haven't bought a Borderlands game since the original, so no I won't.

I hope your saying incel ironically or else you’re a faggot

Buying on CDkeys.


Fuck gooks

>all these niggas waiting on steam version

you are doing it wrong. 2k don't care if they get your money in september or 6 months later. A sale is a sale. All this shows to 2k (and other publishers) that it's ok to sell time-exclusively. They will get the money from platform loyalists sooner or later anyway.
You're a fool if you think you're sending a message this way. The only responsible thing to do is to either

a) pirate the game and never spend a single dollarino on it

b) buy the game but not for 60 bucks on steam release but year(s) later for 10 bucks in the GOTY variant

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>install borderlands enhanced edition
>no toggle aim option but pretty neat nonetheless
>after an hour get a mission from a car dealer
>have to kill some dude right next to fyrestone
>he instantly kills me and takes chip damage
How the fuck?

I don't really care about sending a message here I just don't want tencent/china/communists getting access to my computer

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>im going to buy it on steam
>hes not going to buy it

I know english isnt your first language, but you could do better.

Do all quests, get to lvl 8-9 before trying to take him out. Then just get up and down from cover doing headshots, rinse and repeat until death.