Get off your god damn phone and do your job Andrew...

Get off your god damn phone and do your job Andrew, nobody enjoys working with you cause all you do is read this damn board, chat on discord, and complain constantly about having to do your job. The boss has had almost everyone complain about you in some way or another at this point. Smarten up man.

Attached: gas-pump-2.jpg (300x347, 25K)

Fuck jannies and fuck niggers

My name isn't Andrew

Rate Andrew's customer service, Yea Forums


Fuck off wagie why are you so assmad that Andrew has better shit to do than joining you in sucking off your boss

Andrew if you reading this drink bleach you fuckkking worthless faggot

>tfw I'm Andrew
It's great having a common name, good luck ever finding anything about me.

based, keep slacking and btfoing your boss

Andrew get your fucking priorities straight young man, if you keep working at this gas station and fly right you'll eventually be able to buy your first house.

Fuck you man, I'm on my break.

Based, Fuck Andrew


fuck off michael i dont care i got an interview for a better place last weeks and i got the job.
you can suck my balls like your girlfriend did last night.
yea alexandra is tired of your fucking pickle and prefer bulls.

Fuck, based Andrew

REMINDER: corporations keep firing people then dumping their responsibilities on other with no increase in pay

REMINDER: Corporations create an artificial unemployment percentage and have brainwashed the nation into thinking unions are bad just to make sure you have no rights and cant fight back

REMINDER: Corporations gradually increase the cost of living while fighting any kind of increase in wages tooth and nail

REMINDER: when a ceo fucks up and makes bad decisions he gets the same pay but the bottom rung are the ones to suffer.

REMINDER: Working hard and being rewarded for it only worked back when the majority of businesses in america where privately owned and your boss was likely the owner

Working lazy is the most beneficial thing you can do for society

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Based gato.



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Absolutely based

>Share a name with an a list celebrity
>I am a ghost online

dude I know him

thank you catto
fuck CEO's
fuck Corporations