What game is this from?

What game is this from?

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Lousy Luigi 2D Void

real life

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My parents divorced when I was 3, but are still each other's best friends

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It's okay, old Pepe

Why do Europeans call Mario Mayrio when his name is literally written マリオ

Poor kid

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That’s why they should call him Mario
Not because it’s an old Italian name
But because that’s how his name is written in Japanese

I can’t stand it when British people pronounce Mario


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oi you better shut the fuck up right now

>When リ is pronounced li

i remember when mine were like that
sucks to be a kid in a house like that

I hate phonetics so fucking much, I never understand what you guys mean because of different languages.
In Italian Mario is pronounced Mario but by pronouncing Mario "Mario" you mean "Merio" which is not what you'd mean if you wrote "Merio" since that'd be "Mirio".
Fuck you britbongs.

Except Japanese can't make L sounds dumbo, that's the biggest stereotype about Japanese

Seriously, Super Mario 3D World. It had a Miiverse function, before it went down, where people could write or draw responses to levels and stuff like that. There were even Stamp collectibles that gave you pre-made images you could stick into your drawings, now they're just purely for collections sake though.

It says that His parents where fighting a lot over who gets to play

You need to get them all to get the real ending

It's pronounced "marry-o"

I have no idea why Americans say "mahr-ee-oo", but I have to assume it's because they're dumb

My dad always called it Mariyo lol

What do you even even europeans? I'm portuguese and I pronouce Mario, Mario.

So did they divorce so they'd only have to see you half the time?


I have a friend whose parents divorced when he was nearing his teens and to this day they're still boyfriend and girlfriend. They just couldn't live together.

Fuck me, I've just been sitting here doing shitty American accents trying to figure out how they all say it.

My parents hate each other so god damn much now, but they can't get a divorce yet because I haven't moved out.

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I know that feel.

Haha that's retarded, crazy fucks.