Which games allow you to train your character's charisma?
Which games allow you to train your character's charisma?
Other urls found in this thread:
Gym Simulator
Shampoons: Shower Defense
Eye Contact 3
Work Adventure 8
It's not a feature in Looking for Excuses to Be a Bitch: Denial Edition unfortunately
>cosmetic aspects in character creation affect gameplay
Me on the left
Me on the left
any video games where you lose no matter how hard you try?
this literally works though
>gay alien skull
pick one
>"wait, really? I guess I'll give it a shot!"
Me on the left
Literally me
wanna see them fuck
Giving ugly guys the confidence to hit on girls is the best shit ever
When they get shut down you sweep in and take them since they feel creeped out and want to leave
>game works against the player
>game doesn't let you lose
There is unironically going to be a manlet uprising in the next 10 years. This pattern is unstable.
incel threads are funny as fuck
Being a virgin is unironically a state of mind.
>game only offers two difficulty options that are worlds apart
Based bread.
Genetics are fun
Being female is easy from like 14-35ish.
After that being a man is fucking great
Try mewing and you can look like that
sauce on middle, left pic?
she's an angel apart from the fact that she was fine with some dude filming her while fucking, that just makes me feel like a boomer who missed the best part of being 20. but i still wanna jack it to her
meh, okay. thanks. 5/10
>game doesn't reward grinding
>Game rewards using exploits and becomes part of the meta
>game lets you blame your performance on your stats, when it's really due to a lack of skill
the incel became those things because of being an incel; said incely wasnt those things at first except for maybe racism
>game lets you customize your character
It's both and if you deny that then you are almost just as bad. If you aren't chad or a girl(good stats) then you are just gonna have to compensate for not being one of those things with tenacity and game(skill). These incels MAY have shit skills but if they were girls or chad then it wouldn't matter, hence their frustration.
I'm not saying I believe in the black pill but somethings just aren't fair and in this world you can't be a bitch and whine unless you are a girl.
>"Chad and girls" rather than "Chad and Stacy"
Go outside, user. Or at least sit down and talk to your mother.
That woman will never put forth any effort in a relationship and will never be happy
All girls have to do is not be a total fucking ham beast and they can easily get in a relationship with at least a decent looking guy.
wait a second, you mean my lips and chin are supposed to be in line with each other? I used to think my face was freakish because my lips didn't protrude like the faces on the left and middle...
Fucking skittles is Female only?
I go outside plenty. I get that your typical girl doesn't have it as easy as stacy but that doesn't change how easy they have it. What game does a girl need, what do they have to do? Nothing. They just need to go out and exist and let men play thw games for them. When you go outside and see a fat chick with a tall handsome dude what does that tell you about the fat girl? That she went outside and hunting for men, chirpsing them and getting rejected until she finally landed one??? No it tells you she was outside one time chad just happened to like her, no (skill) required. Now, what does a fat man with a slim cute girlfriend tell you about the fat man??? That the girl asked him out because he thought he was hot?
I bet you're a girl
yes they are supposed to align in a straight line. That is if you are not a nignog
>this image
>this post
Anyone have that image of some pretty boy "who literally molested a child" on a dating site and all of those thirsty bitches forgiving and making excuses for him?
Literally it doesn't. The amount of times I've done this does not work.
No one will believe me but I am a good looking guy, at least semi interesting, tall and am in shape. It doesn't work. I don't want to sound like a little faggoty incel, but "just talk" and "just be yourself" isn't true. At this point I'm convinced it's pure luck.
but im black wtf
How did the ancestors of incels reproduce? Surely they must've had similar looks and neurosis
>What are recessive genes?
they committed rape, or were wealthy and had their servants force girls to marry them or else
That shop was being generous with his hairline. Plus, it obviously adjusted jis jawline, too. Plus, even with all that, he's still fucking ugly.
Poor guy.
you are a kang
ganguro girl
oh man I fapped to this game back then
by being female
Their ancestors were below average men and had to settled with way below average women
Testosterone levels have dropped drastically over the last decades, our lifestyles are more and more isolated, and over the last decades/century we have put women in such a position that the balance of relationships is gone.
>tfw being an incel with chad dad, stacy mother, chad older brother and 2 stacy in the making sisters
Oh great r9k is leaking, why don't you guys just make a truce with the femcels and fuck each other.
I've got a better jawline than the slayer faggot, where the fuck are my bitches to slay
yeah, I won't forget those days.
Concerning that last point, it's not like 50/50 monogamous pairings are natural for other primates
lmao they're just women refused to fuck non-chads, no way they gonna give a shit about incels
A lot of these guys don't look bad at all
Just be yourself user
>that guy at the right bottom
LITERALLY has no neck
At the very least, they look better than if they never started lifting. Just because you're born with trash genes doesn't mean you should stop trying
incels are the most unoriginal people on the entire internet
why dont incels do this?
there were different standards back then. whores were shamed and chads were okay with having their one perfect woman
its not like literally anything human is natural for primates
No internet
The only part that is still the original guy is the ears lol
Because in the current day rape is 'problematic' and 'illegal'.
No it didn’t. Cross the images together and the face structure is identical across all four. Also the point is he’s at least passable if he actually put some fucking effort into how he looked.
yeah 'cause at that point you either have most of what you want in life or you completely lost the will to live and you don't feel anything anymore.
Don't forget this is the stage where you take hit to the natural test levels.
Incels should accept they arent supermodels the exact same way they accept they dont have an intelligence of a phd physics student or the inherited wealth of a billionaire’s son.
It’s shocking for me how someone can live on this planet for 20 something years without being aware of his social standing. its like all of them just realised they are ugly two days ago
Because bellow average + way bellow average ancestors = way bellow average incel, there're not enough way way way ugly women for incels
>tfw this was me with that girl who friendzoned me hardcore
>i still can't forget that thot
I can't speak for everyone, but I've always known I had nothing to offer anyone, so I always avoided women.
idk dude, there's some real ugly girls out there. Even then, i'd say if you are friendly (and not an awkward retard who can't properly mutter a sentence without making everyone around you cringe and want to walk away) you'll do fine.
>game has a horror section
below average women are just fat nowdays and with the rise of single mothers i dont want to raise a stepchild. if i was a fatass, i would expect a fatass girl but like god damn. also incels might have autism which is a big no no
I would have dropped that bitch
The very top of his hairline was used for the hair, and faceapp was used for the smile. He still looks exactly the same. Just not a pale wh*toid
>phone vibrates 3 times in quick succession
>that means a text is coming in
>ah someone texting me I do have friends
>Your phone bill is due in 7 days
They're all roids users. That's the purpose of the "doesn't reward grinding" comment. Look at the picture again with this in mind and you'll start to see how the muscles look off
>try lifting they said
>go to gym for 2 years
>can bench 150KG and squat 230KG
>still have autism
>with clothes on i still look like a regular cuck
you just can't win
wtf are you talking about there's more women than men by design.
>.t Seething chinlet
>incel brigade
>tranny brigade
i sure love discord
>not just becoming the gf
But the guy's retarded for clinging to her though.
If the bitch was a thot and just exploited him, he should have realized that and dropped her.
If the girl was straight dumb and didn't realize he was interested, he should have tried to make his move, get rejected, and moved on.
I've been in these exact same situations before, and if anything, I realized I'm the one that fucked up.
@ everyone in this thread
wear better clothes, find something that has a better fit, work on passing as less autistic or be upfront about it to people around you. most people wont judge you if you are upfront but still make an effort to be nice.
they "look off" because of bad genetics
only one of them looks like a roid user
I'm a wizard.
>equality, feminism and strong women everywhere
>men still has to do 99,99% in pursuit of a relationship (except if he is 20/10 gigachad with at least a million to his name)
How does this fit together? Its clear that women don't go for 2-4/10 niggas on Yea Forums, but they don't even pursue the 5-8/10 guys in my gym/univserity.
Who cares about women, who cares about men even? They're all my tools, I don't give a shit about you.
I mean uh, I'm the legendary Big Boss known across the world, as you can see I have a quite high charismatic appearance and I save victims from wars and train them to fight back. I'm a very great leader and the most awesome soldier on the world. Certainly nothing suspicious about this whole jig at all, I'm certainly not trying to hide the fact that I'm making my own wars.
post body
ive seen hundreds of people claiming how they have a good body and never seen a single person posting it. none. absolute zero
if you have been going to the gym for 2 years just post a picture