If you wanted the full Total War Warhammer experience (the first game, the second game...

If you wanted the full Total War Warhammer experience (the first game, the second game, and all DLCs) this would cost you around £180 GBP, $230 USD, or 205 Euros, for one complete game.

Defend this.

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>buying everyone
>buying everyone at release date for full fucking price
I only buy the DLCs when they hit 50% off atleast

Crazy fucking idea, wait for a sale perhaps?

>Pay 205 euros
>Spend 5000 hours playing the game
Sounds like a good deal to me.

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How come you think the 'full total war warhammer experience' is 2 full games?
One game with all DLCs bought at release price is around 100 euros. That's a tad expensive, but nothing crazy if there's like 2-3 major expansion packs (which there have been).
You're trying to say Warhammer 1 & 2 are one game, but that's straight up bullshit.

Worth grabbing WH2 and just using creamapi?

Heard it was a bitch to get Mortal Empires working like that

These are current prices. Even at 50% off those are ridiculous prices for things they could easily include on release

Because you need both games to access some features such as the giant map. If you own TW2 and don't own TW1, you can't play certain races. The second game is basically an expansion sold as a full game

>full Total War Warhammer experience
Running the game in multiple windows on multiple computers to play every single campaign as every single faction simultaneously?

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>base game of the first title came out three years ago
>xbox live and playstation plus cost 60 USD for one year
>three years of content and development is worth slightly less than 4 years of paying for online access to a single console's library before the cost of games
>offers more raw playtime than most big releases combined
>sales exist
>creamapi exists

Its two separate games, so its actually $115 each for the whole thing, since most games are $60 and most 'season' passes and/or DLC and map packs are another $60 its pretty much bang on the money for value comparatively. But unlike those games, these games combined into a megagame so really its more bang for your buck.

Also High Elves are fun and OP is a fag.

here is the defence, all the shit is in the campaign anyway whether you buy it or not. Just buy (when its on special) the content you want to play as.

defend that

>for things they could easily include on release
Chaos yes, the rest no are you fucking retarded? Each army has its own animation skeletons, models, faction traits and mechanics completely separate to every other, this game has been continuously updated for fucking three years.

You can pirate the combined version with nearly all the updates.

>Because you need both games to access some features such as the giant map
That's literally a free DLC they offered for fans of the series, so they can play WH1 and WH2 together in the same map. They didn't have to do it, it was never marketed to have that, it's a bonus they added for their fans.
You're an ungrateful little fuck, aren't you?


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>They didn't have to do it, it was never marketed to have that, it's a bonus they added for their fans.
Not him but they said from day 1 it would combine into one mega map.

>Thinking High Elves fill into that category of faggotry
You're thinking of Dark Elves

And Wood Elves


>easily include on release
If this was Medieval 3 and required literally nothing because half or more of the rosters will have identical units sure.
>DLC that took over a year to come out should actually have been made a year earlier somehow because infinite funding and endless employees

I can play as the vampires if I dont buy the DLC?

Oh my bad. I thought they announced that after the release of WH2. Even so, the games are totally fine on their own. The combining of the two literally is a fan service. They could've easily asked money for it, and knowing CA's greed I was a bit suprised it was free.

why are warhammer fanboys so eager to defend this kind of shit practice? you goons are literally free money. this guy called him ungrateful for not wanting to spend exorbitant prices on a fucking videogame. LMAO

t. FotM multi cheeser

you can play as the regular vampires if you own warhammer 1.

there was a dlc released for them that added a bunch of units. its eh adds a few big buff chariots and some reskinned elite units.

if you want to play as ZOMBIE PIRATES VAMPIRES then you gotta shell up as they aren't 'vampire counts' .

In WH1? Yeah sure. In WH2, you can play against the Vampire Coast even without the DLC. They still added the faction and their impact on the game as free DLC, but in order to play them you will need to buy it. That's more than most DLCs offer.

They did back down a bit since they said all the factions and all the locations would be on one mega map, then realized the turn timer would take like 3 years just to progress one turn then. So we have a mini version of the original idea, and its going to get worse with Chaos coming in WH3. Still this whole series is pretty fucking amazing, this model of support is far better than what any other AAA developer is doing even if it is expensive as fuck. Imagine if you could combine every single Dark Souls game into one long game.

i honestly dont give a shit about warhammer. i just wish they would make medieval 3, FULL GAME on release, no preorder or blood DLC bullshit, and bring back some improved collision mechanics

>not pirating
>buzz words

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Medieval 3 wouldn't work in this piece of shit Warscape engine. The previous engine was MUCH better for such purposes.

you're going to play every faction?

>developer doing extra stuff for the fans
>think it's weird people support them
You don't have to spend exorbitant prices. You can play the game perfectly fine for $60 on release. If you enjoy it and want more of it (expansions), you can get those for like $12-$20.
People who really fucking enjoy these games got them both anyway. You don't get both of these games JUST to play Mortal Empires.
You could make the same claim for any game with sequels, asking why anybody would pay $200 to play the entire series.

>buy base game
>google creamapi
wow that was hard OP
meanwhile I'm not a poorfag like you so I'm more than willing to buy it

Too bad if they ever actually do that we'll just get some more ToB tier trash where they take a few interesting new ideas and smother them with ruining just about everything else. Its probably the biggest reason we haven't heard anything about a Med3 yet because they know if they fuck it up, and from their recent track record they will, the backlash will destroy their customer base.

>>developer doing extra stuff for the fans
what the fuck? are you forgetting they are a business? they aren't doing this as a favour, they are doing it to milk you dry for as much they can. oh i'm so grateful that you decided to withhold content from me on day one, CA! please bend me over further!

Its the only AAA game that still has a ton of crashes and bugs. Its not the vastly superior wh: fantasy.

Its shit.

Its still not over yet :^)

>15 bongs
>Get to enjoy every bit of dlc from both games


ITT: OP tries to bitch and moan on /twg/ about the prices, everyone there tells him to stop being retarded since everything but the base games are present in campaigns whether you own them or not and are decently priced on sale, makes a thread on Yea Forums to whine instead and gets the same responses

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You're a fucking retard. Literally. Ofcourse they are a buisiness, but why do you think Mortal Empires was free? They could've easily milked that for a lot of money.
I guess you're just in that teenage phase where every company and corporation is evil and out to suck you dry. You'll grow out of it user.

>Pay nothing
>Play forever
*Honk* it's a pirate's life for me!

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I bought it all on sale for like 1/3 of that price over time and got well over 500 hours and counting out of it. Also the game has very little competition.

they have to keep you on the hook somehow. although i suppose with lemmings like you that doesn't matter, you'll buy anyway. you're so mature for wanting to spend as much money as possible on videogames.

>every game with a sequel is withholding content
>why didn't they add the sequel with the main game?!
That's what you sound like

The worst thing is that the game is never on a good sale. The best deal ive seen was 25% off. Greedy fucks.

>grace discovers outrage marketing

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no, cutting base content out of the game on day one is withholding content. learn to read

I thought this site was 18+. Do mods even care anymore?
Shoo underaged faggot, next thing you'll try to claim you're woke and that we're all sheeple or some retarded shit. Go to your communist rallies and cry about your parents being mean to you or some shit. The adults are speaking.

But that's two games.

Yeah you're claiming the sequel is cut content and they're withholding it. What games do you play?

It was literally on 75% off a few months ago you stupid fuck

Warhammer 1 and 2 won't go on sale THAT much because it doesn't lose value. In a few years, people who skipped them still need to buy them for the super map. Same for the DLC. The DLC goes down to 50% here and there, but CA/SEGA know they can keep the prices up there because people will buy it.

i can't believe you thought this was a witty response. are you autistic?

How old are you user? 15-16 I guess?

>Ikit claw and the Skaven get the Workshop, Under-Empire, good building changes so you don't need 2 things for Stormvermin for example
>Lizardmen get Kroak who is great, but Sacrifices to Sotek are a lame mechanic in comparison and +50 per battle takes so damn long to build up sacrifices. Also VERY underwhelming is the Invocation of Sotek

I do like salamanders though.
They absolutely melt blob armies.

Yeah, salamanders were the unexpected highlight of the dlc, makes early lizards much more tolerable. Using a skink skirmisher army with Tenny to kite blobs of enemies, then using salamanders to burn them down is great fun.

they couldn't have included chaos warriors, a core race, or the blood effects DLC, in the day one release?

It's a lot of content.

Still cheaper than the TT

TW:W1 + 2 use to be 12+20 euros/bucks. Then just get DLCs for the races you want.
Also this is probably the only good WH game ever produced so gl passing on it.

Mark of Chaos was pretty good, but then that's basically TW:WH 0.5