Is there a better example of
>babbies first fps?
why did you quit gookwatch user?
Is there a better example of
I didn't quit. If you like ranked scenes in a fps this is one of the few options. CSGO, siege, and OW are the only active fps currently with a competitive ranked scene and OW is my favorite of the 3.
What is R6:S?
A game I literally just acknowledged in the post you're responding to
>implying I ever started playing Overwatch
Why the fuck do people make non-porn OW threads
Make way for true babbies first fps
You can't be this dumb.
>why did you quit gookwatch user?
got permabanned on PC and it's not fun to play on console
>non-porn OW threads
user, the OP is only sfw in order to hide it from the jannies. Go on, start posting already.
How silly of me
Did you cheat?
post Angelas and Sombras
Rainbow Six Siege
>Babby's First
Spotted the poser
no i got banned multiple times for being "toxic" (read: telling people when they suck, asking for smart swaps, playing tank and healer and complaining about impotent dps players, and literally never using slurs), and the most recent ban blizz just got fed up and permabanned me. Pretty annoying frankly, but what are ya gonna do
Call of Duty
>why did you quit gookwatch user?
Because the game got old after playing the open beta during 2 hours.
Nice. Impotent baby ragers crying in game chat are the worst, glad there's one less
I actually really, really liked this game when it came out. I probably poured more time in this game than any other team shooter.
But then ranked mode came out, and it just brought out the worst people. I’ll play it every now and then with friend’s when they bug me to play, but the spark is gone.
Wow, I thought I had more non-fetishy Overwatch stuff on my phone
>played 10h of the open beta
>realized it was not the TF2-2 I was hoping for
>didn't buy the game and never played it again
post fetishy
Not unless you want bleached and censorship
the average siege player
How can they make a game some impossibly dull?
Name a single mechanic in overwatch that takes longer than 15 seconds to master.
Way back when they nerfed Original Roadhog hook
Showed they were no fun allowed
I stopped playing just after they added Sombra. The game just got so tiresome to play, especially since they kept nerfing characters that didnt really need it and buffing characters that didnt need it.
I quit because their dev team is fucking retarded
They think Sym is in a perfect spot even though almost everyone thinks shes complete ass
Introducing Brig into the game was the worst thing they could have done, aside from nerfing Hog and making Mercy into a flying camera
Brig is so broken in GOATs that she has defined that meta for almost a year, but retards keep clinging onto the idea that Lucio and the tanks are the problem, and they got completely un-needed nerfs because of this cunt.
After a year of no new shit, they drop Storm rising, which is just a 5 min mission with re-used enemies and a map thats being released to us later. It would not surprise me if they did this shit again since Blizz shills and whales are retarded enough to eat anything they get fed.
The balance is a fucking joke. Anything with a slight amount of independent performance is seen as OP by the community and they ask for nerfs because they'd rather have that hero nerfed than to actually learn to counter them. After several heroes have gotten nerfed because of this, teamplay is almost 100% nessesary (unless you're smurfing in Bronze-gold) and you'll get shit on if one fag isn't pulling their weight, or the game is almost a 100% loss if one guy DCs or leaves. And yey, people begin to wonder why they lose their games more often nowadays.
Fuck Overwatch. Fuck Blizzard.
who the fuck fell for this game and even played one second of it other than the most normie zoomer teeny boppers brats or people just as dumb
>eamplay is almost 100% nessesary (unless you're smurfing in Bronze-gold) and you'll get shit on if one fag isn't pulling their weight
This is what I like about the game, I signed up for a team game. Considering this is 100% applicable to the enemy team too there's no imbalance.
It's okay user I thought your bait was decent.
>It's another episode of you and 5 other solo queues get matched against a 5 stack that's obviously in discord together.
>fair and balanced
Just play a slot machine.
>is literally equally likely to happen in your favour as it is the enemies
really activates my confirmation bias
>caring about ranked
>in a game with the lowest possible skillcap
>for a competitive scene you aren't profiting from
People always tell me how Overwatch has 'fallen' but the game was bad from the beginning. It's bad because the entire game is balanced around the ultimate mechanic. I can accept that ults form a core part of the strategy and mindset for a good player. Calling out ults, timing them correctly with your team. Predicting and denying enemy ults. Managing your ult charge and trying to deny the enemy free ult build. Yeah sure, there's a tactical element to it.
But just because it's there doesn't mean it's fun. It's boring as hell. The game at its heart is a dreary series of footsies where each team pussyfarts around trying not to put a toe out of line and then vomits their ultimate ability out for a 'big play'. When people say the game was fun and enjoyable at the start what they're actually saying is "Pressing Q and making big shiny flash boom boom enemy team die was so cool". Maybe it was. But after about 500 times using the same fucking ultimates and feeling utterly disconnected from the 'big plays' because the game is essentially playing itself, they lose their allure. If you play an afternoon of OW you're not going to remember or care about the ults you got. Airshotting a winston mid leap as he tries to escape with helix rockets will probably stick in your memory. But of course the game isn't fucking about that. It's about pressing Q.
I like ranked fps. There are currently 3 ranked fps to choose from. "you shouldn't like ranked fps" isn't really an argument against this.
Because even if the core gameplay was fun (aka how each hero was played) having the same two gamemodes with no real variation over and over again for three years now got real boring, and unironically people being assholes almost every match didn't help either.
Besides I only really stuck around for the characters and maybe seeing how they developed the lore, but last archives was so utterly shit that it made them look like they're too incompetent to even put a fucking year in the game's timeline or develop new events at all.
Why the fuck did mccree fund the deadlock gang at 16(OR YOUNGER)?
Im not saying i want more, But i would be nice to see more
The only correct answer.
i cant quit the thing that i never start
Because it's fucking boring. I like this kind of games a lot, but it took me 500 hours to get tired of it. Zero flexibility in actions and heroes, a very low amount of skills required to play properly. Events are all the same. Name me at least one reason to keep playing it
I’d say TF2 is “babby’s first fps” of them all. It’s f2p and has simple game mechanics that anybody can get into. It also feature wacky character customizations that kids like, such as hats, and isn’t overkill on gore.
OW on the other hand features characters like widowmaker with thick tiddies and asses. It’s also extremely competitive at high level of play
>t. Low league capped 1000+ seething TF2 “pro”
gr8 b8 m8
Did you just play quickplay or did you play ranked, and what sr did you reach peak? Just curious because I've got about that many hours in.
>implying high level competitive Overwatch doesn’t exist
Gr8er b8 m8
Probably low SR.
Everyone who shits on this game and it’s difficulty, unsurprisingly, do so because they weren’t good enough to play difficult, competitive ranked matches.
It’s almost as if they’re unaware of the fact Overwatch has a fully functional ranking system from the more casual bronze league to semi-pro top 500
>why did you quit gookwatch user?
tried paladins, loved it more than overwatch, never looked back
>played for a month
>frustrating as hell
>realize I'm just farming skins
>go back to tf2 and cs:go
>I-I b-bet your rank is l-low
Here we go again and fucking again and fucking again...
I was 3600 when I stopped playing it. I just didn't see any reasons to go further. I knew a guy with 45 fps lock, who calibrated 3700 while playing fucking junkrat, the funniest part is that he was the worst teammate you could ever have and I hated playing with him.
Yeah that's what I think. There are a lot of genuine criticisms to make about the game but it's literally impossible to find it easy because you can just play ranked and eventually you will get in games with people better than you. I always see people call it easy and then bitch about the balance of random ass heroes that aren't even meta that no one who understands the game would ever think to complain about and I immediately soon they played silver level quickplay and spergged out over some character who owned them the whole game and blame it on everything but themselves.
I was 3600. My friend stopped playing and so did I. Honestly, I had more fun being 2800, it was actually harder lol (and also people were less toxic)
Who the fuck cares
>people are less toxic on the last stretch of getting out of plat
now I know you're making shit up
How about "You shouldn't like complete shit."?
>""""""Competitive""""""""" ranked scene
You're below average at every game you play if you find over watch worth your time.
>stop liking what I don't like
>last stretch
Are you retarded or yes?
I play ranked games, which means I can see in actual metrics how much better I am than the average player.
>no match history
>low locked fov
>no server browser
>have to play the meta even on quickplay
>the most casual game mode has rewards based on winning
i tried it free for like a week and gave up, it just seems like a dress up simulator and babies first mmo
there is a server browser
>the most casual game mode has rewards based on winning
user I...
It's a bland game with like no big changes even after 3 years. That said I still play, if only because of the relatively-low queue times and because I want to be Mercy.
>this game’s combat and strategy mechanics were too difficult, complex and frustrating to grasp. The skill ceiling is high and the player base takes it too seriously
>I just want to have fun
>so I just play TF2 instead.
That’s perfectly fine. If only more native TF2 players were humble enough to admit they prefer the more simple yet very fun experience that is TF2
No it's not, I don't have 4 discord tranny friends to play Overwatch with.
literally no one is falling for this bait
I come back to it every now and then because co-op PvE is more fun and less stressful for everyone than competitive.
I can't stand comp Overwatch, the fact that one person can't clutch out a victory by themselves just makes everything feel slow until people start pressing Q then everything dies it an instant.
Halo is the actually babby's first fps
People like you are the reason I lost interest after awhile.
I understand wanting to win on ranked but even on goddamn casual matches people would bitch about team comp.
I got so much shit for playing Torbjorn before one match started and when we won the fucker just drops out
You've hit the nail on the head. Ultimates are the be-all and end-all of gameplay, while everything inbetween is just a power race to charge up your meters while preventing the enemy from charging theirs.
It doesn't help that the maps themselves are designed with so many chokes and spawnpoints literally adjacent to the final objective that you're not winning without hitting Q and deleting the enemy team long enough to advance.
Im playing the easiest characters mercy/diva/symmetra in quick match, cause I got nothing else to play after a long day.
Please help me find another game to chill with, its so boring.
Your wish is my command
Ok child. Now fuck off until you can offer any meaningful input besides disingenuous memes in response to things you don’t like.
You have to at least be 18 to post.
It has nothing to do with intelligence you fucking retard. Ask a random person on the street if they know what "R6:S" means and they most likely won't know. Hell, go to a meeting full of the world's most prestigious university professors and ask them too. Same result. Not knowing what two letters and a number means doesn't make you dumb. It just means you're unfamiliar with the abbreviation.
I quit because I was getting frustrated in every game and I wasn't having any fun
Besides the many many problems I could list. I got sick of having to deal with the average blizzard player. There are no reasons to play other than collecting exclusive skins. I think its really funny that the biggest normies have quit playing it like a year or two ago. When Battle Royale took over.
>censoring the belly button
I don't get it.
>I was a whiny cunt that nobody wanted to play with and now nobody plays with me. Fuck Blizzard! If only everyone listened and did what I wanted!
>posting obvious tracing.
>I got banned for being a man baby that takes a video game way too serious.
There's always the alternative.
But the point is sometimes to censor anything you might fixate on, and lots of people have tummy fetishes.
It’s only a couple 100,000 subs behind LoL for most subbed on a gaming reddit. It’s normie because normies don’t give a shit about “serious” gaming like Yea Forums autists. Not everyone thinks gaming peaked in the 1930’s.
>I'm shit at video games so I need systems to drag people who are good at video games and should otherwise win most of their matches down to my otherwise unwinnable skill level
>normies don’t play it
Overwatch league has the second most watch stream on twitch behind fortnite.
Saying people don’t overwhelmingly like overwatch is just lying
not cute.
overwatch and blizzard fans are faggot trannys with shit taste that need to commit suicide
>non-h game threads consist entirely of porn dumps
is there a bigger red flag for how shit a game is?
literally no substance
>wearing your SR in OW like a badge of honor
have sex
Dude, stop.
>5. All boards on are to be considered "work safe". Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed. Note: Spoilered pornography or other "not safe for work" content is NOT allowed.
Those are people farming the stream with the stream muted in 160p minimized for tokens for skins
>It’s normie because normies don’t give a shit about “serious” gaming like Yea Forums autists.
overwatch has a multi million dollar competitive esports league tho haha
check out the general, it's almost as pathetic as wow's
Nothing I've posted is nsfw
Also OK backseat mod
Based and true.
Who knows? Post porn.
Not spoilered, also not porn
Also feel free to report me you fucking bootlicker lmao
I did not want to do this user, but you've forced my hand.
Good day to you.
Rip forgot an image
Haha. What about all of those people who actually pay to see overwatch league in person, sometimes to the point of selling out seats?
The idea of overwatch not being a successful game without a successful e-sports scene is simply unfounded in reality
OK redditor
>he thinks people pay to go see gooks play overwatch in a sterile environment
more bleached, less censor
Or do you have just like normal porn
literally an improvement, my dick is diamonds
Fraid not user
Silhouettes are kino
>>your reading comprehension lol
he means is "r6:2 2nd or 3rd", you imbeciles
Overwatch is balanced around team mates performing crucial roles so the team can function properly, but if even one of them fails to perform adequately, you will most likely lose and have zero fun. That's the problem with Overwatch, success and ultimately the fun you will have is in the hands of other people.
stop spamming this shit in Yea Forums
go to their shitty general or post in /e/
Watching twitch isnt the same as playing an actual match with these kiddies.
One of the key elements of holding a serious discussion with someone is the fact they’re both knowledgeable on the topic being discussed. So far you and most people have me inclined to believe you’ve absolutely no idea of as to what you’re talking about.
Do explain how Overwatch isn’t a wildly successful game without a serious esports following and culture, or why it shouldn’t be despite popular opinion?
>why did you quit gookwatch user?
forced 50-50 matchmaking, win a lot with friends and be prepared to get teamed with absolut degenerates
went from fps into counterpick simulator, at least in high ranked
queuing times in high ranked are ridiculous, so is the quality of games... there are people having a mental breakdown when someone picks non meta shit
brigitte killed this game
I don't know why Blizzard is still forcing OW hard as theri e-sports thingy. The game is literally dead.
Sure, but that's a small part of the overall mechanics. Pressing 'Q' to win will almost never work unless you're in the little leagues, which most of Yea Forums probably is.
You need team composition, positioning, timing, and collaboration in order to pull off a successful win. If you're missing so much as one or two of the three, whilst the enemy has one or more than you have, you're going to lose.
It's a learning experience to see what counters what in order to build a strong team. Pressing 'q' to win, was never and is never, a viable strategy.
>I don't know why Blizzard is still forcing OW hard as theri e-sports thingy. The game is literally dead.
they do this with every one of their games. Started in TBC with wow when their forced arena down everyone's throat
Want me to go back to censors?
Or do you think this is a thread about video games?
>calls other reddit
>doesnt have the balls to post actual porn
cringed and redpilled
>Or do you think this is a thread about video games?
Yea Forums
god I hate overshitters so much