Game gets expansion 10+ years later

>game gets expansion 10+ years later

Attached: image.jpg (398x431, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:

postal 2

>weapons that clip through armor

name 14 quadrillion games

Modern “architecture”

is this concept art for the new Deus Ex?

>bone cancer

Canada should be glassed desu


Turned to glass with a lazer shot from the orbit

the jews did this

>the virus is even affecting the environment

>graphics card overheating

architects are a pretty autistic bunch, given the chance they'll probably turn anything into some surrealist shit like the impossible structure from pathologic

Attached: combine ``architecture´´.png (500x311, 261K)

i for one enjoy architecture that looks like its glitched

Attached: c8a.jpg (440x498, 21K)

Ironically the lower one is done by Peter Eisenmann who did the german holocaust museum

Titan quest did this

>game has terrible art

Attached: three-fists-monument-communist-architecture.jpg (800x533, 129K)


I want to like it but the harsh contrast triggers my autism too much. Would have to go inside the building to really be sure.

Did commies pretend to be shit at art on purpose?

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Eisenmann also did the Denver Art Museum. It looks exactly the same as OP’s pic.

Literally looks like bone cancer

architects are egotistical subhumans
their main goal is to make something as different as possible to get their name out there. doesnt matter if it's not aesthetically pleasing. doesnt matter if they'll ruin somebody else's work

Victorians did this too
They deserve to be shat upon

No it's all about costs, they're all preassured into building garbage because beautiful things cost too much money and make people happy, inspire people, slave owners don't want that, they want you to work for less and less while enjoying what little free time you have on nonsense, entertainment and self destructive hobbies.

And ROM was done by Libeskind, another Jew. Why do (((they))) keep doing this?

>an entire artform gets ruined by a bunch of developers political agenda

Attached: artist-lays-egg.jpg (1180x664, 128K)

Gotta fill that art production quota or you're not going to eat next month, tovarish.

>beautiful things cost too much money
those brick and stone buildings looked good before the million dollar glitch
the logic behind it was literally 'how can i ruin this building by designing an extension that'll contrast the hardest"

World of warcraft in 14 quadrillion timelines
in every one of them the game is still shit

I actually kinda like that, it could be better but its not ugly by any means to me.

but why

Denver Art Museum was Daniel Libeskind. Both Eisenman and Libeskind subscribe to the postmodern belief of deconstructionism. A belief so far from reality that they believe buildings shouldn’t even be designed around the people that actually use them.

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The statue itself is almost kino, in a kind of commie way. But I picked that picture to show just how fucking horrible the pillar it’s mounted on is.

More like
>built with gamebryo

Modern buildings cost more than building traditional buildings. Not every old building has to look like the fucking Palace of Versailles

>nier automata

I'm fine with modern architecture but for the love of god please don't fucking mix modern and classic in such a jarring way
Looks like SHIT

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>buildings shouldn’t even be designed around the people that actually use them
this has been a thing since modernism. their goal is to make something visually different. function and comfort are second thoughts

If it was a regular pillar and the legs weren't retarded I'd get one in my front yard

that's postmodern
early modern is ok
the shitty thing about modern is that it infected contemporary architecture to the point we have a standard of minimameme buildings everywhere in the world

If it's the building I'm thinking of, the jarringness is the point. It's meant to symbolize Gerrmany's conflicted attitudes to the millitary.

Too bad it's also visually shithouse awful.

>game gets expansion 10+ years later
>it's good

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i agree

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>Denver Art Museum
Looks pretty rad though.

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Age of Empires 2

Postal 2 did this right?

Which is more souless, glass abominations or brutalist?

Attached: USDeptHHS.jpg (605x328, 50K)

looks like someone new to 3d modeling made something in 10 min to learn were the tools are and do


every fucking time someone mentions buildings on Yea Forums the fucking zoomer jordon peterson paetron donor comes in and starts shitting on brutalism. if everything doesn't look like a 17th century building, you shit on it because some ideologue whines about post modernism. even though brutalism is modernist.

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>literally archeological cancer

why does someone have to be a zoomer to think brutalism is fucking trash?

Well I think and aren't even in the same wheelhouse as far as being outright offensive goes

Why the fuck can't they just build nice buildings that look like old buildings but have better facilities?
Modern architecture is such an abortion

Why would commies build a statue of superman, the all american hero?

Oh no, those poor buildings.
Why did they get cancer?

That looks like a functional building
This just looks retarded

Fucking Jyggalag

Brutalism is souless commie trash and you're a bad person for liking it

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My school did something like that
They built this "super high tech eco" building but left out basic bitch stuff like waterfountains that all educational (and probably all public) buildings should have

Glass abominations.

Brutalist buildings give off an oppressive atmosphere, but they aren't abhorrent to look at

Jews revile beauty.

lay egg fetish

>that one time Brutalism made an abbey so shitty it was literally impossible to live in
>fell into ruin almost instantly
>too expensive to repair or even maintain, but too historic to demolish

All artists must hang

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because it's a zoomer Yea Forums meme as exemplified here:
It wasn't invented by russians, it was invented by Sweedes and the English. It's a distinctly nordic/anglo style and only entry level /pol/faggots think it's soviet.

I don't think it's ugly, the good examples are fairly beautiful objects, I just think it's a counter intuitive artstyle to apply to living spaces. It makes you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Sucks the humanity right out of everything of a living/working space and applies a very clinical and factory-like setting.

yeah because no art deco buildings were ever too expensive to maintain or fell down.

because that wont make them famous
art used to be about depicting nature and society through human crafting and skills. now it's about pushing and forcing concepts in an attempt to be different
doesnt matter if it's objectively shit as long as it's different

That's the Rocketeer you muppet

For those big expensive show-off buildings there's really is no excuse. However for common folk houses, it's mostly just functional design to drive costs down, while trying not too look completely ugly and souless, often failing.

>literally impossible to live in
Pretty strange for a supposedly "brutally utilitarian" architecture.

I think it feels pretty modern and comfy for a living space. It's like living in the future.

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That looks disgusting

modernism is designed around a "function first" mindset. You're thinking of postmodernism or even traditionalism

Ever heard of Stalin, the Man of Steel?

Duke Nukem 3D

I disagree, however with good decor and interiors even a shithouse can become comfy

>using an example of a single building not working as a mark against an entire diverse style of architecture because you once heard some artist designed an apartment building so that people can't live in it and think that's representative of every example and you won't admit you might be wrong because you'll lose an argument on the internet
Pretty strange argument for a supposed architectural enthusiast.

it looks like it was fucking invaded by aliens. very very disrespectful.

glass abominations

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>modernism is designed around a "function first" mindset
there's nothing functional about excessive minimalism and buildings with no air flow

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Futurism and associated with nazism and fascism though

I kinda like it. It is a little jarring like some evil JRPG boss decided to start making it his head operations or something but its still interesting.

>communist = soviet, everyone else is just a liberal revisionist
Why are tankies such subhumans.

>literally defending buildings instead of the people who are supposed to live in them
Pretty strange argument for a supposed architectural enthusiast.

>muh brutalism
>brufist bro

It was heavily used by communist countries though.

It's purposely ugly though.

freebleeding but you let your discharge push an egg out of your snatch

the thing about brutalism, and anything for that matter, is that it is not in itself good, and there are a lot of really shitty examples of it, but it can still when used right be very pleasing, it's just a shame that there are a lot more bad examples than good ones

I think what's lacking in the world is creativity, so many things just look the same

I tried posting a nice pic of a brutalist building that was a diamond rotunda on a single pylon over water but gookmoot's captcha system is too fucked for it to upload before it resets

covered in buildings with glass facades.

>A UFO, the twin towers, and a giant bowl
What did they mean by this?

It was heavily used by everyone, even the US.
You know what you were trying to say. Don't move the goalposts now.

Brutalism isn't even that bad
Brutalism is just western commie blocks
It's that post-modern bullshit that's weird for the sake of being weird that makes me want to vomic

>it's just a shame that there are a lot more bad examples than good ones

name one thing where that is not the case.

someone post the giant magnifying glass building that was literally melting shit in front of it

user... that was in the Simpsons, you're thinking of The Simpsons

Brutalism is just ugly, the 'high art' shit is also offensive.

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>Don't move the goalposts now.
What goalpost? You implied communist influence never went beyond the SU. The swedish guy who came up with brutalism was a socialist utopian and did so in the name of ethics.

It was some stupid shit vaguely shaped like a cellphone that was acting like a magnifying glass not literally a magnifying glass

that ugly as shit building in London was melting cars
20 Fenchurch nicknamed 'walkie talkie' by bongs

Attached: ee.jpg (215x335, 14K)

You called it commie shit because you were referring to soviets, because your entire exposure to brutalism comes from /pol/ memes. Then you try to say you were talking about communists in general when I corrected you. Now you're saying socialists after finally looking some shit up on the internet. If you did that in the first place, we wouldn't be here.

like I said, anything for that matter, I can't complain about people complaining about not liking certain styles, since so much of the time those styles are being used in entirely the wrong ways

the main problem if anything is overuse, and that again I think comes from a general lack of creativity in the world today, or at least a lack of people willing to engage in and take risks with creativity in mind

imagine having this ugly shit not only tarnish your landscape forever but also melt your car

Attached: walkie-talkie-building.jpg (634x569, 96K)

>britbongs made a scorching death ray

Holy shit this thing is a fucking failure if i ever seen one

The ROM makes me so fucking mad. Even inside there is a clear divide between the old and the new architecture and it's just so ugly.


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it also creates a fucked up wind tunnel effect on the surrounding area

>You called it commie shit because you were referring to soviets
That wasn't me you faggot, I'm a different poster. Stop associating every opinion you hate with your /pol/ boogieman. I have watched entire lectures on brutalism and no one denies its socialist origins and philosophy behind it, the whole thing reeks of `proletarian science` and it was readily adapted by the soviets. Brutalism is, simply put, commie culture.

>that corner on the right
All I can imagine is Dostoevsky's description on Sonya's room

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Brutalism is unironicly kino

The british government wasn't content with just taking away all their citizen's human rights, flooding their country with 3rd worlders that stab them if they go out at night, and making it illegal to watch porn without a license
They had to build a deathray to terrorise their citizens too, because FUCK YOU -The Queen

>age of mythology Tale of the dragon

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It was readily adopted by everyone, first by the Brits before the soviets. Get over being wrong dude, I have a feeling it happens a lot with you. Communism and socialism aren't the same thing either. Go back to jerking off over Victorian haunted mansions.

>yfw your execution sentence involves being restrained in front of this thing's death rays during the two hours each day when its focusing the sun's rays

>enemy ragdoll clips into the floor and freaks out

literally kino

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If I was rich enough to live in the area I'd legitimately move out just so I don't have to look at that every day

this is the architectural equivalent of a shitpost

>tfw no comfy star wars fire department down the street

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>durr brutalism dat means like brutalitdy right like ugly i guess its ugly then

hearty kek my friend

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it'd unironically give people some nasty burns if exposed long enough

Attached: walkie-talkie-skyscraper-is-melting-cars-designboom03.jpg (818x273, 77K)

>It was readily adopted by everyone, first by the Brits before the soviets.
Yeah, it was adopted by people with a souless communist mentality
>Communism and socialism aren't the same thing either
The ones who support brutalism are likely very friendly to marxist thought. The proof of this is how dominant it became in countries dominated by communist parties. Literal bug people making concrete hives for their prole utopia.

Legitimately looks like the headquarters of the secretive thought police, men more robot than man
Many enter, few leave

>"jokes on you I'm only pretending to be retarded" - building

Baldur's Gate

>Yeah, it was adopted by people with a souless communist mentality
No because it was a style that used cheap concrete and building materials, without intricate detail. it could be built fast and cheaply. which is why governments loved it and so many of today's examples are government buildings that look the same.
>Literal bug people making concrete hives for their prole utopia.
Gee, wonder why my /pol/ senses were going off. Good thing it's just a boogieman and not some highly confused zoomer faggot who gets his art appreciation opinions from Yea Forums.

Literally nothing wrong with Titan's Quest expansions.

haha, that's funny man! You would "legitimately" do that because people like to pay 50K stamp duty to buy/sell so they can say "it was to get away from the ugly building" haha wouldn't that be worth it! that's why you're not rich enough to live in that area or any. retard

>pay to boost to level 120
>it was the only way
>we're in the endgame now

Retards shouldn't be allowed to express their opinions on art.

Suck it peons. We can boss you around on the construction sites and give massive headaches to contractors while getting praises for our butt-fuckingly insane designs.

Counterpoint: Artists shouldn't be allowed to make art

if you were rich enough to live there you wouldnt mind 50k
your poorfag mentality is showing

God that looks oppressive as hell

Attached: e55.jpg (1890x1417, 161K)

Looking up at the walkie talkie is pretty neat, otherwise it's a misshapen smudge on the London horizon. My town's train line goes directly to Fenchurch Street so i have to see this dumb shit building every time I commute.

Mid-Century Modern is my favourite desu. Very striking, but not too crazy and gimmicky like Frank Gehry or Zaha Hadid

this is what an idiot looks like, kids.

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>No because it was a style that used cheap materials
> which is why governments loved it
detail. it could be built fast and cheaply.
Exactly. Souless, lazy and corrupt like most technocratic idealists. Just goes to show that liberals and marxists think very much alike.
>Good thing it's just a boogieman and not some highly confused zoomer faggot who gets his art appreciation opinions from Yea Forums.
I though /pol/ was just a bunch of boomer magapedes? You obsessed idiots never settle on which strawmen you want to use. I'm not a zoomers and I don't really post on the scary boards you're so afraid of, coward.

no. nobody who is white and rich is like "oh i'll just throw away money because it doesn't matter". your nigger/arab gold chain mentality is showing

rent free

>parasitic jew nose

>Souless, lazy and corrupt like most technocratic idealists. Just goes to show that liberals and marxists think very much alike.
Oh lord here we go with the buzzord memes.
>pragmatism is liberal and marxist
>literally being a /pol/ stan
It's funny that you guys accuse everyone of RENT FREE yet anytime someone mentions /pol/ you follow them around the entire thread for 100s of posts and argue with them about how /pol/ dindu nuffin. talk about rent free. you're just mad because you were wrong. it's okay, it's an anonymous board.

t. Soulless drone

Brutalism sucks bro

Attached: 1453054885925.jpg (568x898, 151K)

the crusades were a bunch of drunk mercs raping and pillaging half of europe instead of fighting muslims, bro.

Feels bad being in the wrong side of history, eh?
>u mad

And yet they still did more for the west than you ever will

>tfw your graphics card starts dying

I can't think of a city with a worse sky line than london

In English? Are you saying that selling your house/apartment costs more money than you'd make from it?
Either way it's still worth it.

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>anyone mentions /pol/
>Oh lord here we go with the buzzord memes.
Nice non argument. Maybeyou do this because you want to box everyone who disagrees with you into a neat little box and hand wave them away without thinking. You probably do this because you are some sort of faggot. /pol/ is literally YOUR buzzword.

Look at OP's pic and read your post again.

>Maybeyou do this because you want to box everyone who disagrees with you into a neat little box and hand wave them away without thinking.
Nope. that was the guy who saw brutalism and immediately went on rant against communism. and then said socialism and communism are the same. and now is saying that marxism, communism, liberals, socialism, and technocrats are all in one neat little box. Try again, /pol/ faggot.

>We need to renovate our house every 10 years so it looks modern and will retain its value
>Nobody likes old style buildings
>Meanwhile the most expensive houses are historical mansions that look like they were designed 200 years ago

is Yea Forums for children?

Sure, buddy. Keep posting, I love seeing seething marxist

heh I get it

Seems like you're the ideologue for being this defensive over most people shitting on plan ugly architecture, all labels and buzzwords aside.
Unless your aim is to create a surreal or dystopian fictional universe, most of this style is just unpleasant to look at.

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Your tastes are shit bro

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>>pragmatism is liberal and marxist
Governance pragmatist. Liberal and marxists are so idealist about everything else that they end up neglecting architecture and culture. In case of brutalism, its a literal rebelion against beauty in classic architecture, as if it were anti-worker. It's an insect-like mindset only a marxist could come up with.

This is the dumbest looking shit, I bet whoever designed this thought they were hot shit.

>someone says something stupid on the internet
>tell them they're wrong
>"you're defensive"
>explain your point
>"you're seething"
>tell them they're stupid for bringing their politics into
>"rent free, ideologue"

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>no. nobody who is white and rich is like "oh i'll just throw away money because it doesn't matter"
quit projecting poorfag
a budget rolex is 5k


>everyone in a great helm and surcoat is a crusader
I'll pillage your asshole bro

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>Enemy models are visually confusing.

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>and then said socialism and communism are the same
Different people you mongoloid. But it is, essentially, a communist mindset. Liberal technocrats may have accepted it because of their own way of thinking, of making the state super efficient therefore cheaper buildings.

Marxism, communism, liberals, socialism, and technocrats really do come from the same little box, namely the enlightenment. My critique is a reactionary one, so lumping you all together makes some degree of sense. The evolution of modernist thinking is what created these abominations. Nice try /lgbt/ tranny.

especially if you consider it's one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in

This unironically looks like something from Judge Dredd

>when your GPU is overheating

look at how fucking cool parametricism is
I love it

>The Wall

did you actually think it was a headless man with a massive bulge?

I'm not going to keep arguing with you forever. I don't care you're mad about marxist, maoist, stalanists, communists, socialists, north korea, cuba, soviets, liberals, leftists, tankies, antifa, democrats, social democrats, ancoms, or whatever else you want to use a fucking building as an excuse to argue against. The idea that the only beautiful building that can exist is one built in the style of those built between 1700-1900 is fucking stupid no matter what your ideology is. What are you thoughts on the federalist style? I mean it's not as ornate as some of the palaces of Europe. But it was built before Marx was born, so what do you think? Or are you one of those deep European identity faggots who think everything should be built with ionic columns and made of marble like muh Roman empire? I'm sure the idea that more than one type of beauty exists will send you into some anti-communist rant again.

wow I forgot to even post the image

Attached: Guangzhou_Opera_House_overview[1].jpg (1600x1200, 738K)

Did you?


Looks like an alien ship
Looks like garbage

I'm 100% convinced that's an upside down tshirt used as panties. There's no way they make fat panties that go up that high.


Daily reminder shitty modernist and postmodernist architecture is the direct result of capitalism.

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archaelography don't be ever if these niggas be wanting to home about in these big fucking cities, don't ever go big if you don't aesthetic

>making the state super efficient therefore cheaper buildings.
"The government should spend less money" = liberal technocracy. Holy fucking shit I have never met someone so retarded in my life. As if every fucking governmental budget overseer in the 50s, 60s, and 70s were some kind of communist. My god. I'm astounded by the amount of canned internet ideology coming from your posts.

>capitalism bad

>tell them they're wrong
I don't care about the correct labels, that's my point. What ultimately matters is people having a natural negative reaction to these ugly ass buildings.

This kicks ass, y’all have shit taste

comfy thread

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it IS bad!

A fucking ironclad

This fuckin’’ rules though

You have no idea what architectural wonders the world has to offer. We can get a lot more dystopian than that.

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buildings that look like they're sliding out from under the ground are cool to me

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Most people don't have a strong opinion either way. And taste isn't a democracy. It's individualistic. Your taste wins if you can defend it. If not, then oh well. It dosen't matter how many people share the same taste. Lots of people have a positive reaction to shitty video games. Yet you'd clutch your pearls pretty quickly if someone suggested you not liking Overwatch or Fortnite means you dislike good games.

>you'll never sit out on that ledge in a sort of broken lawn chair drinking vodka and a trash bag lands on your head

Attached: consider.jpg (797x505, 70K)

>One copy of Atelier Totori please

I like the way brutalism looks when it starts to get ruined, but I'd be damned if I'd ever live in a house like that

read , lazy faggot. The entire post.
The problem is with enlightenment itself. Actual GOOD post-modern critique could possibly fix this, but you communist trannies like you will taint everything you touch. Discussion about restoring beauty in architecture will only be possible after progressivism die. Just watch a few lectures by guys like Scruton, as he insists his country should build beautiful things while everyone else insists on building concrete blocks and destroying beautiful older buildings. Both socialist and liberal forces want nothing to do with civilizational beauty anymore.

If you want me to meet you half-way in your belly-aching, then yes it's not just communists. It's the entirety of the anti-tradition left, including liberals, people you would probably call capitalists.

imagine living in that tumor portion and then the floor suddenly gives out and you fall into that abyss

Ah yes, the classic panopticon architectural style
Imagine paying to live like you're in a prison where people may be watching you at any time

Aerodynamic buildings to reduce skyscraper sway are cool. When the shape is designed in a weird way for a functional reason it looks much better than the random melted blobs style.


literally the first boss in contra

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I get why people don't like this but I actually really like clashing architectural styles. It's one of the reasons I like London so much, you can see so many different distinct eras just walking down one street. Then again Brutalism is unironically my favourite style, so maybe I just have no taste.

Now that's a nice hallway. Wish I could cum on those pavers.

>The problem is with enlightenment itself. Actual GOOD post-modern critique could possibly fix this, but you communist trannies like you will taint everything you touch. Discussion about restoring beauty in architecture will only be possible after progressivism die. Just watch a few lectures by guys like Scruton, as he insists his country should build beautiful things while everyone else insists on building concrete blocks and destroying beautiful older buildings. Both socialist and liberal forces want nothing to do with civilizational beauty anymore.
This has nothing to do with architecture or art appreciation. You're just regurgitating /pol/ talking points aimed at tranny discord boogeyxirs. I'm meeting you halfway in a discussion I'm not even having. You've done nothing but attribute a bunch of your political anger to me for no reason other than correcting some idiot who thinks all of any art movement comes from one singular place or person or ideology. and correcting the same faggot for confusing ideologies because he gets all his politics from an anime imageboard and reddit. probably some podcasts too. brutalism is so old at this point calling it anti-tradition is fucking retarded. so what's tradition to someone born born post-2000 like yourself? You're nostalgic for the 1800s? Come the fuck on. I guess those faggot liberal Romans ruining Egyptian traditions are really the source of all this too.

Considering most young people rent rather than buy because of exuberant house prices and many live with their parents for that reason, the fact that Yea Forumsirgins are often neets, and completely disregarding the fact that people pay other people to do taxes for them so they don't have to be familiar with these kinds of things, I think you're a sperg.

I quite like some of the more hated buildings in london
this one looks really properly neo-futuristic, I love the enclosed turbines

Attached: Strata_SE1_from_Monument_2014[1].jpg (2234x3325, 2.07M)

>Yea Forums - Video Games
>200+ posts regarding the history of current architecture
Never change

what a fucking chad statue

Attached: I4.jpg (2674x2027, 596K)

That's seems the case, yeah

>cute video game suddenly has horror section

Attached: horror game storytelling.jpg (800x540, 144K)

>Most people don't have a strong opinion either way
There is experiencing the Grand Canyon or the perfect night sky, then there's the opposite. Most people may not vocalize their opinions because human beings are largely conformists in the short and medium term, but that doesn't mean we don't feel strongly about such matters. We just don't, won't, or even more likely, can't express it correctly.

>It's individualistic. Your taste wins if you can defend it. If not, then oh well. It dosen't matter how many people share the same taste
This is just a bizarre string of words.

Carpenter gothic is fucking sweet

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Honestly fine by me. I get to enjoy this stuff while everyone else tears their hair out. The only architectural style I'm not a fan of is the standard issue glass skyscraper look.

I find it rather pleasant to look at. Maybe your version of dystopia is highly subjective?

>maybe I just have no taste

Yeah, probably. I just feel like it really evokes the depth of history in the city and the variety of artistic influences it's been host to. Out of curiosity, what do you like?

>everyone else tears their hair out
Projecting much?
I've been in multiple capitals and London was the worse one by far

Watch Sir Kenneth Clark and educate yourself about what you are and where you come from and what you stand for. Do not let the Jew win.

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And you fail to realize you're doing exactly the same thing. The reason I defended the guy is the same reason you are attacking him. He is using his own jargon, using the word "commie" to roughly describe the group that he instinctively knows is at fault, wich is his own idea of the far-left. You're using /pol/ as your own buzzword and generalizing everyone who disagrees with you as part of some monolithic alt-right image board culture, failing to understand that these critiques of modern progressive thought come and originate from other places that you are far too lazy to look for. You think it all right-wing posturing and language came from a vacuum, like a typical vapid leftist mongoloid who never read anything other than what his college professors told him to.
>You're nostalgic for the 1800s?
Your reading comprehension skills are of a lazy 12 year old's. I am critiquing modernism and the enlightenment as the origin of our current cultural problems that lead to shit like brutalism. No, I'm not nostalgic of the 1800's, I think that is where the problem originated.

see pic as example of why you're wrong. The hatred isn't new.

Experiencing a night sky is just an aesthetic experience, like looking at anything. Yes, there are people who don't care about the sky. Trying to link admiring nature to admiring buildings is a bizarre string of ideas. There is no objective aesthetic experience nor no set of objective standards to hold eveyrone's experience to. Some people see the Grand Canyon, think it's neat, and then go on with their lives. Some people appreciate it more than others. But you wouldn't go to a different canyon and say it's invalid because it just isn't as good as the Grand Canyon. People definitely don't feel strongly about the things you do. Nor should they. It's self-centered to think that everyone should appreciate something as much as you do and they're wrong for not doing so. They're not sheep, they just don't share your opinion.

ok grandma

I'm not projecting at all, I'm saying I like all of this stuff there's no hair pulling involved. It's just something that you often hear people openly disliking. Like you're doing right now. I've also been in multiple capitals and I still like London. I wouldn't say it's as outright beautiful as Rome or Prague but it has a very distinct character which I happen to like.

I don't remember this from Justice league


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>thinly veiled architecture thread

Attached: szymbark.jpg (1440x950, 389K)

I did not know zoom zooms hated brutalism

Well, back to other boards

I like having central air conditioning.

>the variety of artistic influences it's been host to
except everything since modern has been the standardization of the form
you'll see the same modern and post modern elements around the world
there's no place for culture and regionalisms in contemporary architecture. it's a soulless widespread moneymaking scheme

>Out of curiosity, what do you like?
simple vernacular functional architecture

Attached: cc.jpg (600x368, 75K)

based and Clarkpilled

Attached:[2019.02.16_15.38.14].jpg (960x720, 453K)

You still haven't said one fucking thing about architecture, just ranting about what you think I believe. This is how a lot of stupid people argue. They can't win the actual argument at hand so they get meta and start critiquing the way the argument is going. Nobody cares that you're so retarded you think the world needs return to the 1500-1600s. That wasn't even close to what the original point was. You're defending someone who was wrong because you're so entrenched in deus vult shit that you think it didn't matter he confused two terms that mean different things. I know words don't matter to you. If they did, you wouldn't be jerking off over pre-enlightenment Europe. But that has nothing to do with efficacy of a particular architectural style.

Looks like Croatia.

Attached: 1396567933035.jpg (1600x1066, 527K)

Do you genuinely think that thing is beautiful, or are you just trolling? Obviously I can't change anyone's mind on the matter if you truly think otherwise, but to me, this is like those guys that drool over bimbos with giant fake tits in porn as their ideal image of female beauty.

I strongly suggest you try reading this:

Attached: Civilisation.07of13.Grandeur.and.Obedience.720p.BluRay.YIFY.mp4_snapshot_01.28_[2019.02.21_18.44.11] (960x720, 522K)

Attached: Civilisation.03of13.Romance.and.Reality.720p.BluRay.YIFY.mp4_snapshot_48.31_[2019.02.06_19.25.17].jp (960x720, 425K)

>critiquing the enlightenment means you think the world needs return to the 1500-1600s.
What a load of shit. You are too dumb to talk to.

Well yeah, that's why I said I like London because of the clash between modern and older styles, not because of the modern styles themselves. The fact that they're so different always gives me a greater awareness of the history of the city and how it contrasts to modernity.
Fair enough on your taste, I'd rate those highly although they don't quite do it for me as much as a good bit of Brutalism.

Why are you so mad?

Attached: szafa-torun.jpg (620x465, 65K)

Attached: Civilisation.02of13.The.Great.Thaw.720p.BluRay.YIFY.mp4_snapshot_03.33_[2019.02.05_20.02.11].jpg (960x720, 336K)

Houses like this creep me out. Something about them just looks wrong.

Attached: piramida-tychy.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

Attached: Civilisation.06of13.Protest.and.Communication.720p.BluRay.YIFY.mp4_snapshot_15.04_[2019.02.17_11.12. (960x720, 486K)

Not all modern buildings are ugly. Modern design can be nice and unique. It's when people want to destroy classic old time design.

Look at (the left/degenerate) who say Notre Dame should he rebuild into some modern style building or office building.

You can have beauty in many orders. Not all old design is good or bad. Not all new design is good or bad.


Tankies were/are decent at art. Other kinds of commies (i.e. Jews) are also good at art they just create it expressly to be ugly.

Pic related, Soviet art shitting on formless art (the illustration is of a scene from Fahrenheit 451)

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Starting architecture discussion on this board is a joke, people start to use brutalism as a word to define one specific type of architecture but in reality it was a term coined by o e historicician for one type of comstruction and technic.
You fucks ignorance about architecture in general, even the ones from the 14th to 18th century that you fags likes to suck its dick, is downright brainless.
Read some fucking books about it before even thinking in touch the topic or go back to video games.

Not the same guy, but I think there's a kind of stark beauty to it.

and the airport that goes with it

Attached: ©_Archivio_Fuksas_DSC0089.jpg (1134x753, 249K)

>what if we make buildings that look like 3D printed toys

Nice english, faggot.

This was made by people confident in who they were and what they stood for. They started building a monument to the divine knowing they wouldn't live to see if completed.

Attached: file.jpg (1600x1436, 818K)

I wish all of europe had beautiful traditional architecture and the US was all cool art deco stuff

Attached: IMG_8385.jpg (1952x1316, 376K)

>art majors getting buttblasted by common sense
Good thread

that was exactly the idea

I don't have to know terms to know your shitty international style spire proposal for Notre Dame is trash.

aesthetic even in ruin

Attached: Civilisation.01of13.The.Skin.of.Our.Teeth.720p.BluRay.YIFY.mp4_snapshot_11.55_[2019.02.02_21.15.31]. (960x720, 423K)

This is a couple mins walk from me.

Man I'm sure glad all these people rushed into this thread to prove that there's not a consistent, irrational ideological hatred towards Brutalism that's prevalent on Yea Forums by telling me that it's a conspiracy to erase European traditions and suggesting I need to read some theology to fully understand why it's bad. Obviously I'm just prejudiced because I'm not buying it that these arguments are by people with no ulterior motives and just think the buildings are ugly.

Attached: South-Portal-Right-Door.jpg (3264x1836, 2.86M)

Thought this was the home improvement house from the title. Lul

i know
i'm familiar with zaha hadid and the movement
not a fan though

here is the worst one though, not only is it ugly and was expensive, it also looks like shit, nobody wants to rent it and it cost too much for China to maintain
looks good lit up at night though

Attached: 5190565357_88f36677c4_b.jpg (1024x768, 169K)


you tagged me and i didn't even say anything about brutalism
go to bed schizo

>every ail in the modern world comes from the enlightenment
>so we should just critique it but not change anything in society to pre-enlightenment times.
Yeah I'm sure you don't want the RCC to return or anything crazy like that. You just want to have a nice little academic discussion.

> it's a conspiracy
Brutalism is PURPOSELY ugly. They made it as plain and cheap as possible, on principle. It's no conspiracy, it's open self-flagelation for the sake of some moral idealism.

In the Halo books it was what they called it when the covenant vaporized the surface of planets from orbit with superheated plasma beams. In Australia it means bashing somebody over the head with a bottle.

I've seen exactly one brutalist building I liked and that was because it looked cyberpunk. Not a good feel if you're going for "things people actually enjoy living in and around."

Sorry literally every architectural style after Art Deco was a mistake and people don't like your glass boxes.

world cup is just a massive money laundering scheme

For (int i = 0; i < 14000000000000000; i++)
Printf("Postal 2")

Get owned, kid

>were out of unique ideas for a exterior, any ideas?
>looks down at a krispy kreme doughnut

it was made for the Olympics...?

The "bathtub" extension at Stedelijk Museum is good though, it's virtually impossible to capture it in a picture because it's too large and it's hard to get an angle on it but it looks like some Mirror's Edge stuff irl and the visual effect it elicits only works irl.

Attached: De_nieuwe_vleugel_van_het_Stedelijk_Museum_Amsterdam.jpg (3000x1675, 3.52M)

What about it? I was merely looking for the text from Abolition of Man and that was one of the first links I found. Why do you keep falling back on these conspiratorial rants and just accept that people simply do not like this style you're so keen on defending?

same shit

That building is aesthetic as fuck

>when the weed hits

To each their own but i like it

Attached: wisconsin-gothic-revival-exterior.jpg (1200x786, 196K)

>ending a statement with an ellipses and a question mark
Kill yourself...?

There's a little more to it than that which is why Brutalist buildings aren't usually just completely plain concrete rectangles. It's not just about being utilitarian, though that is a large part of it.

discuss architecture is really fun
fuck moot for never giving us the architecture and urban design board i asked

hope he's having fun working on a AI-controller dido at Google

Actually that looks pretty okay.

Jarring as fuck

The fuck is going on in this thread lmao

Attached: 1554638956811.gif (250x158, 1.99M)

>Nvidia headquarters

Catholic revival movements wouldn't make the world revert to the 1500's you retard. What a fucking bizarre strawman you're trying to beat up. It's like saying communists want the western world to go back to the stone age tens of thousands of years ago because they believe in the idea of primitive communism and thinik that was a more moral period of human organization. What a stupid person you are.

beautiful, the shear amount of detail is insane

Sometimes it is, i.e. the holocaust monument in Berlin. But yeah really the guiding principle of brutalism is oppressive ugliness. Even the international style is just intentionally bland and generic.

error: expected ';' at end of declaration

Get yeeted, old man

Never gets old

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from the entrance side and inside

Attached: 500_N2.jpg (3000x4064, 2.99M)


Its actually rendering reality for the whole of Britain.

You're right it looks nice but my house is 130 years old and it kind of sucks. And it's just a shitty colonial so I have all the suffering of an old house without the looks.

Only in pictures though, it's actually nice irl.

Well sonny, it sure was better than your 1 bedroom apartment.

looks like a yogurt cup

that explains the london fire

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Attached: Untitled.png (1220x621, 23K)

Here's your cathedral, bro.

Attached: 1555851325395.jpg (1200x801, 231K)

I agree that what ornamentation is included is focused more on being imposing than pretty, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's intentional ugliness, more a different aesthetic. If you wanted to make a building as ugly as possible that'd be more easily achieved with clashing fluorescent colours and shit like that. Stark doesn't necessarily mean ugly.

Why can't you have an aesthetic experience without a bunch of pretext and subtext given by others? That's my main gripe more than anything. Even beyond this thread. We always have this problem. Nobody can explain why they don't like something or why it's bad. It just is. And when they do try to defend it, it's cookie-cutter arguments that stem from unrelated political ideologies or board culture non-sequitur bullshit. When you try to fight against the circle-jerk you just get a bunch of whiny people crying about how you're pigeon-holing them and how it's not fair to assume they're idiots. Stop being stupid and you won't be judged as such. You don't have to post anything. You can look at a thread and leave it. You don't have to jump in and give an opinion about something you don't know anything about. But you guys do it anyways and get upset when challenged. Any persistent resistance gets accusations of rage.

I think I'm just to the point where I have outgrown Yea Forums. It's not even your fault. I'm just taking it out on you because you're here. This place is the antithesis to thought. It subsidizes herd mentality and a race to accuse everyone of emotional instability.

Plain concrete rectangle reporting. No design at all went into this utilitarian cube right here.

Attached: Boston-City-Hall-Plaza-8183277-GEGU-5483-850x478$large.jpg (850x478, 97K)

Thank you, that's exactly the point I was making.

Enjoy your pests, mold, fires, broken walls every time you sneeze

if the building had burned to the ground we'd for sure get some postmodern glass monster in its place
it'd never be rebuilt the way it was cause throwing some conrete and glass shit together within 5 years and labeling it a memorial would turn in a lot more profit


Vegas lad here, this is by far the biggest eyesore up North. Besides MLK Blvd.

Wasn't this in The Dark Knight Rises?

Looks like lots of things depending on the angle, but the juxtaposition effect only works irl.

Attached: N500_3.jpg (3264x4620, 3.02M)

i'm a big fan of vernacular rustic architecture but full wood is just not great

You are like little baby watch this

Attached: eixample-barcelona8[5].jpg (790x527, 312K)

He has a point. I'm not even white and I'm mad that a government like the British would exist and treat its people the way it does.

jesus fucking christ.
leftists see a good-looking building and think "not good enough, needs more stupid shit attached to it"
"hmm, but what"
"how about a fucking plain white square"

looks like a motherboard

Attached: 1546161381810.png (375x271, 179K)

Do you live in the UK?

a FUCKING toilet bowl

What am I looking at?

This pleases and infuriates my autism

barcelona urban grid

You do not seem to have any understanding at all of architecture.

Please spare yourself the comments as you just make yourself look foolish in the eyes of anyone that actually knows what they are talking about.

It's a cookbook!

Treat them like what? Why is you not being white relevant? Why do you treat /pol/ memes based on tabloid articles and self-deprecating Londoners as hard fact?


Attached: barcelona-looks-like-a-chessboard-from-above-1325754012-3904.jpg (1715x1286, 644K)

Oldschool Runescape

I love it
I really need to visit Barcelona.

>T. Sadiq
All you have to do is look at social media. Citizens can report their own misfortunes.

let me guess, this is missing a nice big glass wedge or a plain white cube sticking out halfway through the structure?

Attached: Rotunda.jpg (1200x800, 275K)

I got you senpai. People shitpost about it in these threads all the time. They think any exposed concrete building is brutalist, which is why the commieblock comparison gets brought up all the time, not realizing how much design actually went into this shit.

Attached: boston_city_hall_10_0.jpg (3840x2160, 1002K)

brutalism looks like every 90's building ever

Catholic revival won't make the world a better place. It won't correct whatever mistakes you see in enlightenment because that's not how time works. It's not course correcting a car going down the road, where you can go down the wrong street and just turn around and get on the right path. It's one long street. Whatever course correction you do now will just be stacked on whatever mistakes you think humanity has made. Which is different than the traditions being maintained organically in the first place. Catholic revival won't make us less degenerate, it won't bring back old architecture, it won't make you wealthier or more popular or less of a lazy asshole, or make the gold standard come back or make free countries into monarchies again. Whatever gripes you have are done and will be done for eternity. Saying "you're on the wrong side of history" isn't even correct because it implies you have a choice. You can't go home again.

I'm actually from Wales and haven't seen a brown person in over a year, but do go on pal.

Nothing anybody can't handle

Attached: Athenwood1.jpg (576x432, 288K)

Well, I've lived in the UK all my life so I can do a little citizen reporting of my own and tell you that you shouldn't base your view of my country on politically motivated outrage bait. There are a lot of social problems here, some of them deeply entrenched but I don't think you understand what they actually are.

Attached: vK0rOV2.jpg (1280x1862, 731K)

I didn't speak of brown people. But ok.


Too bad it still looks like shit

>dude lets just make everything look like a parking garage!

very unbased

You called me "Sadiq".

More by his political musings than race.

imagine laying all those bricks, even on those angles.

Attached: 8x2ptchhc0k21.jpg (3024x4032, 1.94M)

Fuckin toon town lookin shit right here




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>Why can't you have an aesthetic experience without a bunch of pretext and subtext given by others?
What makes you think I can't? Your whole post is just full of baseless assumptions -- maybe not completely unwarranted because Yea Forums IS a shithole -- but you're still not engaging with what's being said, and rather you scattershot your counter-points.

Surely you don't think any person can just casually point to what and why exactly something is beautiful or profound. It just so happens that particular text from Lewis stuck with me. I do think we might have the ability to see objective beauty and that it's not a completely subjective/relativistic/individual process. Speaking rationally and even biologically, what would be the point in such a mechanism if that were the case?
Anyway, that's just my uneducated opinion, which is why we depend on great literature and writers, and a whole tradition built up over centuries (and that has nothing to do with /pol/, even though they might similar talking points, especially to sidetrack discussion into race superiority).

Like what the other anons said, there are serious issues with Britain but it's not the totalitarian nightmare realm full of pakis like /pol/ paints it to be either. You need to become a more well rounded person fag.

this looks great

This building reminds me of the 2000s for some reason. Looks like a lot of product design from Y2K.

Attached: (1200x803, 150K)

You're assuming quite a bit about my reactionary politics, but even in your presumptuous rage you seem clueless because you have never read anything about neo-reaction in your life. Not a single word. You have zero clue of what I expect will happen or what my idea of a better economic or political system looks like. Go read a book nigger.

Age of Empires 2?

>You have zero clue of what I expect will happen or what my idea of a better economic or political system looks like
Because you've spent the last 100 posts calling me a communist tranny rather than explaining yourself.


my sides

My architecture professor hated this, he went on about how heavy the roof was, it weighs like 5x what a regular stadium roof weighs. Looks good though

one of the OGs.

Attached: wp7tmsk2uxi21.jpg (600x800, 81K)

The only place with less freedom of speech than Britain is China, the only other place where the police can end up knocking on your door because of the content of a facebook post. Congrats on being a better shithole than China I guess.

House on The Rock, right? That whole place beautiful

it's shit

There's some really good Brutalist buildings in Cardiff.

Attached: 016.jpg (1290x1105, 344K)

Okay! I'll jot it down for this month's issue of "I'm still going to post these pics" quarterly.

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Attached: 017.jpg (1250x925, 551K)

looks like fucking shit
fuck postmodernists

Attached: Dr7CpwTXgAYw9Kb.jpg (1024x1024, 65K)

>the only other place where the police can end up knocking on your door because of the content of a facebook post
This actually happens far more in Europe than Britain. So much so that it's not actually reported on most of the time.

Attached: Cardiff Brutal.jpg (1083x720, 110K)

hospital...of the future

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Brutalism predates postmodernism

Any architect who wants to build with concrete AND have it exposed should be buried in it. Unless it's a bunker or a temporary structure.
>but muh costs
Romans cheated with brick, but they sure as hell covered that shit up with marble.

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Are you me user? I thought the same because I like the idea of randomly masturbating in empty hallways.

Fucking ugly and impractical as shit to navigate. Every building in my University looked like this

Except the architects school which was completely glass

You spent the last 200 calling everyone who disagrees with you a zoomer /pol/tard. There's no discussion to be had, but it's obvious that you have very little knowledge of actual right-wing thought other than what you assume is posted on /pol/, which by itself is fairly ironic.

>its a literal rebelion against beauty in classic architecture

No, it's a move towards resource efficiency. Moan all you want about beauty and "insect hives" and all that shit, but you're not the one who's actually paying for a building to be constructed. If you were, you'd much likely consider "beauty," "soul," or whatever supposedly isn't "insectile" to be more than an acceptable tradeoff for balancing the budget.

yeah brutalism is totally post-modern

My local prison looks comfier than this, jesus fucking christ

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t. lolbert

last place i'd want to die in

Attached: 6576.jpg (998x666, 314K)

Looks like an NPC in a banjo kazooie game telling you which floor to find Jiggies on

Close, Bosnia.

yeah sorry Marie Antoinette, you and Liberace are going to have to fuck off back to Florence with your marble shit.

Attached: EfMU7p8.jpg (1280x850, 119K)

Better a lolbert than a retard driven into bankruptcy in the name of "aesthetics"

the virgin brutalist vs the neo-classical chad

Attached: mosta.jpg (1224x688, 182K)

Different guy dumbass.

It's not a square unless from satellite view in which case almost every building with right angles would be. And the beautiful original building is still 100% intact right next to it, the two don't even touch except with a few floating walkways. When seen from the museum square side it fits nicely with the Van Gogh museum building and its extension (which was already a modern building) right next to it and there's no shortage of original classic museums in the vicinity with the Rijksmuseum a few hundred meters on the other side of the square.

Attached: Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum-Netherlands-night-lights-tulips_1600x1200.jpg (1600x1200, 587K)

Brutalism makes me feel very comfy and secure

The vdara hotel, designed by the same guy, also had a solar death ray
It's in vegas

>Each of the buildings rooms are smaller than a car.

How do people even fit inside?

Attached: abiwlklxrj621.jpg (1451x1100, 303K)

this one is really cool, just the pillar and location are terrible. looks like they had nowhere else to put it and they just left that there

I wanna skate across it


>that IJ
ocd triggering AF

How do you know I'm the same guy then? You have adressed other posts thinking it was me a few times already.

this thread is full of brutalist brainlets, how about we spice it up with some neo-classicalism

Attached: capitol.jpg (768x510, 66K)

Attached: c4njuzb33vr21.jpg (1581x1600, 489K)

>bro what if we copied the romans but applied it to small buildings making everyhing look really tacky

Fuck off user this image gave me hiccups from laughing so hard

Attached: 1555484144706.png (440x495, 300K)

What are you talking about? Re-read the chain. It's an anonymous image board dummy.

Built by people so dumb they couldn't even spell capital.

It's a simple matter of priorites, lolbert, I'm not some lefty populist who pretends budgets are a banker or jewish conspiracy.

I'd much prefer cutting of public education than having sterile, concrete insect hives as the building standard in my country.

Which Olive Garden is this?

Attached: jwxknq9mcpr21.jpg (3072x2304, 754K)

>game has low-poly art direction

>hurr your intricate architectural mastery looks tacky but my concrete square doesn't

Attached: Lysicrates Monument.jpg (1280x1280, 304K)

Wasn't it designed by a french architect?

That's my exact point, smart guy.

This. It is actually cheaper to make a georgian townhouse or a victorian style civic building than it is to make some glass abomination.

>Corinthian columns and architraves with red brick
>that random-ass square column in the back
>some cheap-ass aluminum handrail

If you think your pic is an example of good architecture you are absolutely fucked in the head lmao

Why does he wear glasses if he's the sun???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I unironically love it

>complains about concrete square
>posts a concrete square with columns and a turret

Attached: xntnyyiy55k21.jpg (4344x2444, 2.02M)

>Game gets anime adaptation

Attached: 9e00122cc30587fad1d7c29eaeb02907.jpg (1173x1920, 138K)


>he doesn't know the difference between capital and capitol

Attached: Washington State Capitol Building.jpg (1600x1064, 320K)

he wears faggot blockers not glasses

it's definitely not the best the style has to offer but it's far better than anything a brutalist or modern/postmodernist has produced

If that was your point then why did I say it first? lol moron.

Wood and glass don't hold up well to cat 5 hurricanes. Based concrete will still stand proud.

would you want to live near that thing though?

give me Liberty or give me death

Looks like a Jedi Academy

Glass. Brutalism can look good when done right though I still think that a neo-georgian renaissance would be far more useful and enjoyable to live in.

Attached: DSC_0839.jpg (768x432, 84K)

>not square
>has dome
>and columns
oh shit the neo-flaccid bros should be all over this one

Attached: c3gbgwdv12o21.png (1280x720, 1.41M)

It was nice until the 80s. Then it went to complete shit.

losers just can't post architecture without everyone losing their minds

I mean, the funny thing here is that without public education there'll be fewer people who actually know how to build the complex structures you want. Yeah yeah I know, you'll claim the public education is a waste and doesn't produce anything, but that's a separate argument. On the face of it, cutting public education makes it harder to build anything but "sterile, concrete insect hives."

I forgot which country this is but it looks like a 70s disco skate rink

Attached: 1g0ycq3i9gp21.jpg (678x452, 58K)

Damn that is peak 1972 right there.

70% of florida houses might be shitty cookie cutter snowbird houses made is the 60’s and 70’s, but at least they used concrete block
Funny how they last longer than the newer ones

The Queen unironically hates the state of modern architecture in Britain and her son even has tried to push for a more traditional revival. The Prince of Wales even built a whole new town in a neo-georgian style, and actually while it got mocked an not everything there is a winner, it's nicer than most building projects in the UK over the last twenty years or so.

Attached: Poundbury-19-Residential-John-Simpson-Architects.png (1125x750, 474K)

that's a good one too, though it's a bit derivative of the washington DC capitol building
here's another good one

Attached: VilniusKatedra.jpg (1152x648, 227K)

NYC is actually considering banning steel and glass construction because those buildings need tons of electricity to stay warm.

combine church

Attached: doxewzc0rt821.jpg (1000x1250, 114K)

The door is legit cool looking.
Shame about the rest of building.

Architecture peaked over a century ago. Everything else is just a stylistic decline.

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They literally tore down hundreds of thousands of solid Victorian, georgian and earlier buildings to build these monstrosities.

Can't I just have some good old brick houses? It's as practical as brutalism, but doesn't have the same "rough" outlook, despite being rougher. I guess that's because the idea of a rough outlook is associated with the crime that follows cheap housing and not the literal roughness of the building material.

it's the best thing i've seen you faggots produce, so there's that
still shit

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chinese concrete armored hills

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Is this a Helghast church?

Welcome to Hell. The rent is 300/month

Build it in a new town away from other buildings, not destroying the aesthetic appeal of the existing stuff.

ya know in case someone shoots the dirt

It's just funny you guys complain about cookie cutter square buildings yet every thing you post is a bunch of roman porn cookie cutter stuff. I'm not knocking it, i actually like more styles than brutalism, it's just funny to see the dick measuring.

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Did they rebuild the bridge? Neat.

that colonial french style is pretty cool
RDR2 is an absolute joy to play if you're into immersion. Rockstar's recreation of urban enviroments is as good as it can possibly get

It's the lack of asbestos siding in new houses. Asbestos is the greatest material humans have ever made. Just don't fucking rub sandpaper on it you'll be fine.

>I mean, the funny thing here is that without public education there'll be fewer people who actually know how to build the complex structures you want.
You mean more right? Kids would learn more if public education involved forcing them to watch history documentaries at home, and then taking quizzes. Public education is a literal scam, especially highschool and 90% of college courses.
>On the face of it, cutting public education makes it harder to build anything but "sterile, concrete insect hives."
Absolutely not. The state could redirect its investment in educating architects and cratsmen as well as building such beautiful structures directly instead of giving luxury daycare to teenagers.

It looks like shit but who cares? It's not like the ROM looked great before.

is this china's version of jurassic park

okay this one is actually pretty ugly. but they tried and i think it's some kind of statement about czech history since it's a museum.

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>I'm obese, I should probably start fasting
>no lets do these meme exercises for the sick social network likes
based general brainless populace

>No, it's a move towards resource efficiency.
If that were the case why are brutalist buildings so much more expensive to make than any other style?
As far as I know the only way brutalism is better than other styles is in speed of construction. It has nothing else going for it.

How do you buy a country a drink?

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>Modern architecture is so boring and soulless! I prefer Victorian and colonial!

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>some kind of statement about czech history
well that's disrespectful

Attached: paris.jpg (640x960, 227K)

>I forgot which country this is
300+ posts in and we've finally stumbled upon the essense of modern architecture.
It's basically McDonalds. Every monstrosity pictured here wouldn't look out of place in Mogadishu or Copenhagen. Pyongyang or Rio de Janeiro. They are monuments to the end of discrimination, of actual particular taste and culture. It's why leftists love it so much.

The inside of this is crazy if you've ever seen any shots of it, it's pretty rad

What does Yea Forums think of art deco clerical buildings?

Attached: boston_methodist_church.jpg (3204x5184, 1.24M)

Right, right, just like I said, "you'll claim public education is a waste and doesn't build anything." But, again, the funny thing is, your alternatives still cost money. The more money the state directs to training architects and "cratsmen," the less money it has to spend on materials for those craftsmen to build with. Not to mention all the other stuff it has to pay for as well (even if you think social services are a waste, you guys tend to have a higher opinion of the military). It just makes no sense to waste much money on aesthetics. Yeah, it's a matter of priorities, but the simple fact of the matter is that "lolberts" have better, more practical, and more functional priorities than a dweeb who thinks efficiency and cost-effectiveness are somehow "buglike."

i remember there was a shitstorm because of how ugly this buildings is
cant remember what it was but it was in the news

Art deco is fine on its own, your example is kind of "eh" for me

>neo-classical and georgian architecture is all old and boring, we need more glass rectangles

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Where is this?

looks like a Counter-Strike Source map made by a 13 year old

That looks really nice, shame it's a religionfag building though

looks better than most brutalist-styled shit but it's only because it tries to look like something that isn't brutalist
i like the gold bits on that building though, it'd look better in limestone

Are they? According to Wiki,

>Brutalism gained considerable momentum in the United Kingdom during the mid-twentieth century, as economically depressed (and World War II-ravaged) communities sought inexpensive construction and design methods for low-cost housing, shopping centres, and government buildings.

From what I understand brutalism started to grow in popularity not because of some leftist plot but because nations ravaged by the most destructive war in history simply didn't have the money and time to splurge on more expensive styles.

Map layout design is far more important than excessively detailed geometry.

Where my non-Euclidean bros at?

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>modding the game to be able to build everywhere

Attached: PORTUGAL.jpg (1024x681, 257K)

How does this shit work? I'm Italian and here if you want to go out there's the very obvious center of the city where everybody goes and talks.
Where do you go in cities like that? Just commute to somewhere that isn't a square grid of commieblock residences?

>he's STILL going on about leftists and modern architecture
like 4 different people have told you to fuck off.

nobody wants to live in or be around brutalist architecture
the only people who actually appreciate it are faggy art students and the jews teaching them
you can convince yourself that function > form all you want but people would rather have a building with an odd layout that looks good than a soulless concrete utilitarian cube

>Gets an update 10+ years later
>Everyone loses their mind looking for Half Life 3 clues
>It's a small bug fix

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I'm retarded

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I look at this and want to vomit.
I'm not talking about emotions, it's a completely instinctual reflex, I don't know what it is.

Oh and I also think it's ugly as fuck

i want to die just looking at it

Wow, Portugal really is stuck between a rock and a hard place

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> "lolberts" have better, more practical, and more functional priorities than a dweeb who thinks efficiency and cost-effectiveness are somehow "buglike."
No they don't, lolberts advocate for a corporate consumerist society. Your priorities are to give people more money so they can buy more plastic toys to furnish their beehive concrete living quarters, while your progressive left-wing brethren insist all your tax money is given by useless bureaucrats demanding more and more resources for education while the average student performs worst academically than he would have 50 years ago while costing more money to the state.

The whole thing is absolutely disgusting and my suggestions only put you off because you were brainwashed into thinking any alternative to the current system is immoral.

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there's a concept in design/architecture/urban planning called 'readability'
barcelona was definitely not made with that in mind
only notable marks in the terrain are street intersactions, monuments and bigger buildings

This looks comfy as fuck but I bet it smells like musty swamp-ass

>they will likely do a modern "architecture" repair on Notre Dame
Whoever came up with this aesthetic should be shot in the head


probably a side effect of your AIDS medication.

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This is more or less how it started which is why it has a bad rep in the UK because a bunch of low income housing was churned out. Smithdon School is a good example. As it developed as style you had a more complex and expensive set of ideas with techniques like rope cast concrete which are really expensive. I guess Paul Ruddolf is an example of this (pic related) but its been awhile since i paid attention.

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That one looks much better but I'd have to see the outside as well

Definitely gonna need it after visiting that hospital

It's a subway, I don't think there's an outside

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Post your hometown's skyline

Attached: St. Petersburg Florida.jpg (1500x1004, 550K)

Don't listen to all those fuckheads user, I love it too

and then there's this lump of shit
fitting it's the home field of the worst team in the NBA

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Most of them probably never go beyond the adjacent blocks. Each one has a handful of restaurants and stores and they never actually go anywhere. Pure hell where I'd 100% kill myself. Could always be worse though.

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>virgin capitalist pig art vs chad communist ubermensch art

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Delete the pillar and it will be good

it's really tiny

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looks like a place you go to be tossed in a furnace by killer robots

When you see it, you'll shit bricks


>tfw city is nothing but boring, sterile shitboxes

Until recently nobody could build over 20 floors because there was a fucking airport in the middle of the city, so there's like no variety

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fuck, is it too much to ask to have a straight road out of that nightmare

As I kid I always wished I lived in a suburb so I would have neighbor's to play with but after I saw how you get such a tiny backyard and virtually no privacy it really made me thankful for living in a fairly isolated place

My house is in this picture.

Attached: Fort-Myers-Beach.jpg (1123x874, 208K)

Every post-enlightenment universalist screed is leftist, I care nothing about the branching paths the original vandals of Revolution and the Reformation have taken since.


That would be even worse, at least spaghetti streets break up the sightlines to give you a modicum of privacy

pretty aesthetic actually

Hey, since you were complaining about not being able to tell a country by its buildings, where is this:
France, Italy, or Spain?