Just finished A Hat In Time and had most fun I've had in years. Anything else good that gets close to that?
Finished A Hat in Time
Play it again but with your cute little sister as your co-op partner
My little sister isn't black
Mine either but she doesn't mind
I hope the Switch port does well, they could use the publicity after getting somewhat overshadowed by Mario.
AHIT is basically a vanilla Mario Odyssey, so play that
You're welcome!
The Switch port is definitely going to be the best selling version of the game despite the dev being such a faggot about it on Twitter.
I'm not 100% sure, since tons of people keep bringing that up whenever its talked about which makes people turn on them.
What do you guys think they're announcing in two days?
>Switch port beggers constantly spamming them with "this would be perfect on the Switch" messages
>says there's no Switch version because it wasn't planned at the time
>waaaah what a fucking faggot
I just brought it up and I'm not deterred from buying it at all. Hell, I have it on PC and it's a fucking good game that I want on my Switch.
second DLC chapter, switch release date, I think there was a collectors figure coming out too.
Good. You faggots deserve it desu. Not even PC port beggars are as annoying as you fags.
>at the time
>says never will be
He was literally just mad about them getting fucked by Mario.
He is a fucking faggot. You don't make a fucking Nintendo GameCube platformer and then get pissy when people want that shit on a Nintendo console. Faggot leveraged the popularity of Nintendo games to kickstart the game.
>collectors figure
I'm intrigued
they sold more than 1M, I think they did well
Who wouldn't be annoyed by their constant autism though?
>russian squat
>baseball bat
My guess is that the next DLC we will play baseball (or some made up similar sport) against the mafia.
I did this and found myself wishing i had the a hat in time controll sheme the entire play trough.
The first dlc was shit, so I hope this one is better
>an indie game
>getting somewhat overshadowed by Mario
The fact that the two get compared at all is a win for AHiT. What you gonna say? "Sorry your indie game is good but has been beaten by Nintendo's AAA front man king of platformers Mario"? Thats the comparison?
>The Switch port is definitely going to be the best selling version
How? Since when has any multiplat sold more on switch?
The big reason for the games push was that 3D platformers in the style of Banjo, Mario 64/Sunshine, and Conker weren't coming out anymore, then Nintendo drops a throwback game, even people on other platforms probably only heard about Mario despite platformers not selling there.
>fucked by mario
Again. One is an indie title, and the other is a massively marketed AAA flagship series with Nintendos wallet on the end of it. The comparison is embarresing for Nintendo.
>You don't make a fucking Nintendo GameCube platformer
Of all the bollocks i read today.
3D platformers in general don't hit the numbers anyone wants, even for Nintendo.
NSMBWii sold 30.22 while Galaxy sold 12.77
It's in the very first sentence of their Twitter bio, you stupid nigger
Maybe finally updating the PS/XO versions and releasing Seal the Deal? Good joke I know.
I mind though
>Since when has any multiplat sold more on switch?
that's the case for most indie games
Seal the Deal is console exclusive to the previously NEVER EVER Switch version.
People are borderline addicted to buying indie games on Switch.
Why was chapter 4 so shit?
I didn't hear anything about this. The only things I'm sure in they not only released a very early version on the other consoles but never updated it later. Hard not to think they shit on the console players but take their money.
>Mafia is not familiar with this way of using a bat.
Then fuck off back to /pol/, red hat.
It lacked charisma and comedy, but the level design was fine, the DLC was the shit one
good, because I have all 3 consoles but only want to try it on my switch (the most used console)
>instant seething at 3 words
it's so easy
Can I kiss your sisters?
thats a fucking russian stand
>"Seal the Gulag" or "Escape from Gulag"
have sex
reminder that the conductor is based
I'm still very proud of this, anyone here went through this hell on earth as well?
cant meme etc
Find love emcel
Not even going to lie, i shed a tear at the end of this game. For some reason that shit got to me.
I tried the first one where you have to beat the rainy mafia level in a time limit and gave up lol