Muh advanced ancient civilization

>muh advanced ancient civilization
When will this meme plot die in vidya?

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>find old ruins
>turns out the original inhabitants are relatively stupid unga bungas with nothing of value
>they went extinct because of something that happened to every other ancient civilization (disease, starvation, war) so there isn't much of a mystery to be had
>no reason to care

>MC is a direct descendant of said advanced ancient civilization

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When people wake up and realise it's true irl

>playing nuwolfenstein
>turns out ackshully the nazis have such good technology because they stole it from atlantis jews

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>ancient ooga booga have superweapon that dwarf the nukes

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>When Final Fantasy II was originally released on the Famicom, the Ultima spell, which was difficult to acquire, was practically useless. It was initially meant to increase its power relative to the level of other spells the caster had, but due to a bug, the spell did just around 500 damage at the most on a single target. Director Hironobu Sakaguchi has later told a humorous story relating to the bug: When Square tested the game and saw the bug, Sakaguchi asked for it to be fixed, but the person who programmed it replied that legendary stuff that dates back to an age before "proper techniques" would look inferior from present's point-of-view, explaining Ultima's weakness. He reasoned that the struggle to acquire it only to discover it's useless mirrors real life, and thus he was not going to fix the bug. Sakaguchi was irritated by the reply and tried to fix it himself, but the programmer had ciphered the source and Ultima was left the way it was

never, because it's cool.

What a dumbass.

We will be seen as an advanced ancient civilization after everything goes to shit

>implying this isn't based on real life events
Dark Ages came after fall of the Roman Empire.

So Square was a mess from day one

Who was that programmer?

It's a part of the collective human consciousness because it's true

What a lad

Albert Einstein of course

>"Programmer-san, please come here" Said Sakaguchi-san. "Please look at this. This is the list of all the spells we have in our game, Final Fantasy II. Look at this, right here. This spell is called Protect. It reduces the amount of damage you take from enemies, but it isn't perfect and it wears off on its own. And this one, right here. It's called Stop, it paralyzes the enemy for a while, but just like Protect, it wears off on its own."
>"Now. The Ultima spell is hidden inside a tower, protected by a magically sealed door. The magic seal has lasted for centuries, and it completely prevents passage. Writer-san made it so that, to break through the seal and be able to get Ultima, the great wizard Minwu has to sacrifice his own life to destroy the barrier and let the party through. It is a very touching moment."
>Sakaguchi-san points at the screen.
>"Do you see the problem, programmer-san? If the legendary black magic spell that is from the distant past is so outdated and weak compared to modern spells, then why is the magic seal that protects it so incredibly strong? Shouldn't a modern wizard using 'proper techniques' be able to dispel it easily and at no risk?"
>Sakaguchi-san turns to Programmer-san with a smile.
>"Now, Mr. Ajinomoto-san, we could halt development, send the game back to the storyboard and redesign this entire section, find a different way for the story to progress, or maybe explain that for various reasons, development of black offensive magic advanced exponentially faster than that of white defensive magic, or that all mysidian magic is actually outdated and irrelevant in practical terms, but still culturally regarded as superior because they were the foremost practicioners of magic in the distant past, mirroring how in the real world, many times people will value image and a perceived "brand" over real quality".
>"Or you could stop be a cunt, and fix the fucking bug".

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>ciphered the source

Original photo of this is just great.

That programmer was a hero. Insane, maybe, but a man with ideals and vision.

>stop be a cunt
Soiled it

Every civilization that reaches an industrial age goes extinct soon afterwards. That's why aliens haven't showed up, and we are not an exception.

Aliens haven’t showed up because the universe is massive, full of shit planets, and it’s not like a bunch of pathetic bacteria an obscene amount of light years away are going to get into an UFO and come fuck Mulder’s sister.

Fuck you, I like that shit.

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You're just trying to cope with the fact what I said is the truth. Humanity is going to kill itself, just like every other intelligent species, way before developing a way to reliably travel space (if there is such a thing); and that's the end of it.

hopefully never
it's cool

I hope I get a trap bf before then.

>before developing a way to reliably travel space (if there is such a thing)
This evolution of the Flat Earth retardation always takes me by surprise
>"Space doesn't exist u guise!!1"
Rope yourself immediately, faggot.

he's implying a reliable way to travel space might not exist not implying space doesn't exist you gigantic retard

Learn to read faggot.

Well excuse me for assuming the worst. There are actually people that don't believe space is real, I wish I was joking.

Atlanteans became Etruscans

>ancient civilization is the modern human civilization

>Actually happened in real life.

You need to stop talking to flat earthers and/or libertarians, their endless cognitive dissonance is starting to make you crazy. Happened to me too.

>ancient civilization developed 4D Chess technology and created humanity as a proxy in their war against their true enemy
>nothing humans ever do will ever matter because it's all just a game between two ancient dickwads