Which version should I play: N64 or 3DS?
Last time I played was back when the game came out on the N64. I'll be using emulators...
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Neither this game fucking sucks. Go play a good game like the new Mortal Kombat rather than this sissy piss shit.
>emulating 3ds games
Are there any good vive/rift emulators yet?
>tfw i never got past the childhood stages during the years and years i had the original
>tfw buy it again for 3ds decades later and still can only beat the childhood stages before losing interest
I honestly recommend n64 version only because the 3ds version is more censored; you won't be seeing any blood or fish boobs. additionally some muslim stuff is gone including the badass Fire Temple track (the new one isn't bad either)
But if you have to then the 3ds is a fine substitute, I'd get ready to emulate Majora's Mask though.
3ds, dont let boomers meme you into playing the n64 version
Either one for OoT. MM 3DS is trash.
Hey I'm American
>you won't be seeing any blood
The dried blood in the well was just made more realistic (brown)
Wait if you're going to use emulators either way then just play the n64 version. There's no point in running an inferior version.
It's already very hard to come across uncensored N64 copies, although I guess there might be uncensored isos for emulators.
Nah, it was definitely removed. All that "brown" is the ground.
3DS ver. Anyone who says otherwise is da big retard
>fish boobs
the 3DS version redesigns implies the existence of nipples, making it a vast upgrade.
also the rest of the censor changes are worthless and it's literally just a couple things. not worth throwing away the new boot equipping for.
Your reasons?
>Handheld remakes
Why do they keep doing this?
>Le scales make it look more like boobs
No buddy.. naked sacks make it look more like boobs
>None of the other censorship matters
It does it if impacts the atmosphere. You can't tell me Doesn't drastically reduce the feel of terror in the scene. Might as well just say " I like my games with less soul".
3DS is the best version, but it also has the worst version of Master Quest, since it flips the map. If you go to the hint statue near Link's house after you beat the game, you can do a boss rush, as well.
I would say 3ds, gameplay wise they didn’t really change much. However, when it comes to Majoras Mask play the n64 version because the 3ds version was shat on with changes
Oh no, a room, a song, a cutscene, and a shield texture. The atmosphere is ruined, guys. Hey wait a minute, having to fucking pause to equip boots all the time completely murders the atmosphere of the Water Temple.
Okay, so you're saying -99 soul points for the Water Temple but +5 soul points for the Well, +5 soul points for cutscenes, +5 for the mirror shield, and +10 for the fire temple song makes the 3DS not worth playing over the original for new players? Oh that doesn't make sense.
>additionally some muslim stuff is gone including the badass Fire Temple track
This wasn't even present on most releases of the n64 cart.
>do I play this iconic game in the developer's original vision and intention or should I pick the soulless fischer-price version directed by newfags who completely missed the point
That's a very roundabout way to tell him to play the 3DS version.
3ds is just better in every way no need to play n64
The blood isn't even the worst of it. The N64 just had more atmosphere in places like this. And didn't get brightened for the needs of a handheld screen
I want to say N64 purely for the atmosphere of the final boss, but I'm not sure how well it emulates. Play both, 64 first.
go with the 3ds version.
3DS/ Better frame rate alone justify it.
>the developer's original vision
That's alright, the childhood segment is the most memorable part of the game anyway.
Original, 1.0 NTSC version.
>but I'm not sure how well it emulates
...you fucking kidding me? I've been emulating it and numerous other N64 games for over 15 years now! Literally toaster-tier requirements.
Everything in 3DS shit-port justify going with the original.
The 3DS version is for people who actually enjoy the gameplay and see the value in the QoL changes, better framerate, extra modes, etc.
But if you're just in it for the nostalgia or the aesthetics and aren't big into the video game aspect play the original.
I highly recommend "going into game" machine version. Best experience.
sure, play the 3ds version, enjoy none of the pauses in the text and variable text speeds being ported over and every npc losing their voice
The original plays just fine, especially on the original controller.
ADHD plebs are just whining about "muh iron buuts!!".
If framerate is such an issue, just enable the 30fps hack.
I like both 3ds versions better than n64's
it was present in 1.0 which is the only version anyone should play
the green blood and muslim changes happened in 1.2
where can I emulate this version?
I like playing the 64 version emulated using a texture pack. Either the Wind Waker one or the TP one
on your computer.