Is this the most iconic enemy out of any FromSoft game?

Is this the most iconic enemy out of any FromSoft game?

Attached: ogre.png (514x452, 512K)

The most controversial at least

What game?

Dark Souls 2 of course.


I loved it when they showed it for the first time in the early gameplay footage

too bad they ruined the ogres in the final game

thats not wheel skeletons

>grabs ur after image

no its skelewheels

Oh this thread again.

Not bad taste, but too bad you're wrong.
S>BB=DS3>DS1>DeS>>>>>>cow feces>>>DS2

BB > S > DeS = DaS1 > "the rest"

I don't understand the hate for 3.
It objectively had some of the best bosses and bosses are the most important thing in these games.

I don't hate it. It's just a worse Bloodborne in a Dark Souls 1 skin

patrician taste

Sekiro definitely has the best gameplay but BB is the best overall package. The aesthetics, story, level design, atmosphere, music, everything is fucking top notch.

His hide is thick
Has punches that break your poise
This hippo eats you in a stick
While you're in mid dodge


Black Knights are the most iconic. The ogres just the most known broken enemy in fromsoft games. The giant duel wielding knights infront of the dragon shrine are way worse.

Worst replayability out of the three games due to how linear and content gated it is. Defense options are reduced to rolls since armor is useless, shields are okay but rolls are too cheap and effective.
Spells use MP compared to the attunement system which means every spell draws from the same resource rather than having a limited amount of casts for each spell individually. Spells also require too much investment for moderate damage that you might as well play swords anyway.
Weapon enchantments are prohibitive, unlock way too late and don't offer nearly any level of character building like 1 and 2.

The biggest issue with DS3 is that it tries to be balanced and challenging instead of being like 1 and 2 where so much shit is busted and half the fun is getting your character up and running and enjoying the game playing in that style. Bosses are great fun though, but once you play the game once there's very little to be had in playing through it in the exact same fashion over again. Even if you want to do a particular build, you're probably gonna have to beat at least 6 bosses the same way just to transition into that way to play the rest of the game.

Attached: 1461274550568.png (303x311, 165K)

>muh hit box
When will dark souls 2 haters realize the hit box has been broken in all souls games?

Forgot to mention that ashen estus flasks are also a pretty shit way to "balance" spell casting. You're already fragile, long cast animations and don't have amazing damage to boot and now you have to throw away healing items in order to not run out of doing said damage.

Overall, DS3 has the most intense combat at the cost of gutting everything RPGlike out of 1 and 2. Once I had finished my first run through as a big lad with a heavy sword, my choices were realistically play the game again but as fast slashy boy with a katana. Near exact same boss order, near exact lack of deviation from building health, endurance and damage stats. No real powerspikes besides the slow japanese grind of getting more resources to upgrade your weapon instead of getting interesting power spikes like certain weapon drops, weapon infusing or bonker spells.

1 does it best but it falls apart after S&O. 2 has insane character building and spokewheel design with each spoke offering different directions for each class build type to get you up and running asap but is the most underwhelming level design and bosses in the series. 3 has great bosses but god awful RPG elements.

Reminder to disregard any ranking that places:
>sekiro in the top 5
>bloodborne outside the top 3
>dark souls above demon's souls
No poster who genuinely believes this knows what they are talking about and should be filtered on sight.

Attached: 1429274390362.jpg (500x500, 89K)

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_olliebarder_files_2018_09_armored_core_nineball_kit.jpg (1280x868, 130K)

The rhetorical question was the answer idiot

>that meme celeb who tells his underage cronies to spam their Twitch inside joke on Yea Forums

Do you pronounce poise as podge? Or dodge as doige?

>All he wants is to be the little girl
>Hes too big to fit in the coffin