BOTW is a boring open world with nothing to do

>BOTW is a boring open world with nothing to do
How the fuck did this overrated piece of shit manage to fool the press? This game is just an ubisoft open world except that at least ubisoft games have better stories and sidequests. Imagine being so shit at making games that Ubisoft shit manage to be more compelling.

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Todd and the devs of Witcher 3 said this game is superior to their open worlds in every single way

How are we still getting botw shitposting threads?

come on user it's not that bad. It's a solid 8/10
yeah, it's the same when I say to my 7 year old nephew that hes better at vidya than me.

Today is my birthday do i get botw or sekiro?

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Journalists hate video games and thus have no taste in games. Games like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are called bad because wittle Arin Hanson had trouble using the Ocarina and then told all his baby fans about it.

If BOTW dropped and played like the OOT formula wouldn’t it still be shit on for being same old formula?

They are here to stay.

>this game is shit because I think it's not as good as people say
Yawn. Hype aversion/contrarianism. Your judgment is worthless.

Yes because it would still have the shit music, shit characters, shit atmosphere and shit story.

Could you make your complaints less generic (stupid) so we can actually have a discussion on whether or not this game is good or shit instead of seeming like a seething console warring dumbass.

You have sex
with me
happy birthday user I hope you have a great day
I love you unconditionally

This game broke snoybois completely. Total mindbreak. They will never recover.

If you hacked your switch and want to mod botw, then don't even bother buying it, just find an nsp online. If you don't want to mod botw then don't bother getting it

Coin toss my nigga
Heads for botw, tails for Sekiro.

BotW, happy birthday lad hope it's a good one

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Have sex

>How the fuck did this overrated piece of shit manage to fool the press?
By frontloading majority of the content that is actually really good to the first 5-10 hours of the game. I totally got the impression it was a good game too, but by god does it drag on and spread its ideas far too thin.

no, cemu broke the wall of lies nindroids put up once their games come out. It was playable by everyone with a pc a month after release, and everyone saw what an 8/10 game it actually was.

>Botw seething thread number 20 in two days
Holy shit, sonyfags are on suicide watch after two whole years

The "open world" part, yeah. But that's it. W3 shits on BotW.

I'll get you a hug nigga

Yes user everyone is stupid except you.

it's really enjoyable if you just relax

Comfy and fun are buzzwords
pls give (You)'s

Ok Reddit go back to fortnite

This. When I first started BotW I thought it was incredible and totally deserving of the praise. Then by the time I finished it I was totally sick of it and how empty it actually was.

(with lights off and headphones)

Except everyone said it was 8/10 from day one.

I honestly think it's because of BotW's opening hours. The game frontloads its mechants and a lot of its content pretty much immediately. First impressions matter, and it heavily influences critics' writings. The vast majority of reviewers aren't going to go through the entire game with a fine-toothed comb, they're gonna play enough of the game to be able to write about it and then move on to the next game.

You offering?

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what kinds of video games do you like user

Thank god somebody said it

The story part, yeah. But that's it. BOTW shits on TW3

>the press
Oh right I forgot it wasnt consistently getting 90+ rating from users and topping charts everywhere.
Damn russians.