What’s her name Yea Forums?
What’s her name Yea Forums?
Bioshock infinite.
Nier Automata
Night in the Woods, holy fuck. I kept telling myself it would get better, these charecters would become interesting they never did
Lol stfu nintendie
I don't finish horrible games
Why would you finish horrible games ?
Enter the Gungeon
because I bought far cry 5 for £12 in a sale expecting it to be like the old games, and I wanted to justify the money spent
You keep thinking it will get better, and eventually you have so much time invested you figure you might as well just finish it off
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
I don't know why I kept going. I felt like the game would actually start right around the corner. Well, they finally give me a remotely challenging boss, and it turns out its the LAST ONE. Then you get a horrible story "payoff" and then the credits roll.
I can't believe I spent 20 hours bumping into invisible walls for nothing
At least it was cheap
Oh now i get it, i had that with Mass Effect 3, it wasn't absolutely fucking horrible but compared to the other installments it was pure dog shit
pokemon moon
I was about to say this, god what a shitfest.
Came here to post this. I’m sorry you must share this suffering.
Final Fantasy 15
I don't finish many terrible games, I tend to stop playing them
Skyrim pissed me off so many times
>find out warriors guild is a bunch of fucking werewolves but I'm not allowed to kill them by the game because they're "essential NPCs"
>join the Empire faction, get told we need to kill that bastard ulfric
>walk straight up to Ulfrics faggot face in Windhelm and kill him and his generals
>they just take a knee and get up anyway
>can't kill them until you get to the arbitrary spot in the war quest where you're now allowed to kill him
>reach final boss
>"this boss is completely immortal unless he goes to this one specific place"
>the boss apparently knows this
>he goes there anyway
>when I start killing him he just stays and doesn't leave
fuck skyrim, this stupid shit might seem minor but things like that kept happening that ruined my experience. Also it annoyed me how ever fucking dungeon and crypt and fort was shaped like a donut that pooped out back at the entrance
this and what I don't get is why it was rated high. It was obvious shit from day 1.
Sonic Lost World
this desu
i'm baffled that people are looking forward to Sword & Shield at this point
Kingdom Hearts 3
Would've been Half-Life 2 but despite making at least three separate efforts to start and finish it, it was just so boring and shit I couldn't.
Butthurt white supremacists can't get over a game calling them out on their shit six years later ITT.
Sticker Star
jesus fuck this, nostalgia compelled me to get through it but my god. My GOD.
Look up the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Shame :(
I wish I am joking.
The parkour mechanic could have made it great
Sword of Mana
Fallout 4, it took me far too long to realise that I wasn't having fun, I was just passing time.
Moon Hunters, embodiment of everything wrong with indie developers thinking that adding tons of subsystems with no depth will make the game any better
All good answers.
Each of these games teased me with enough interesting tidbits that I wanted to see where it went. Each didn't sink in how much I disliked them until the credits rolled
Nier has a great soundtrack, though, and I feel like it carried the game.
Any action game.
beat me to it
>96 on metacritic
it's still probably the worst high profile triple A game I've ever played
Final Fantasy XV.
more like butthurt bioshock fans
Asura's Wrath
This right here, the only redeemable part of this garbage was the music
Monster hunter freedom unite
Only a brainlet would think that game was good. Its an overglorified tech demo.
metro exodus
whos fucking idea was it to just make a mad max rip off and throw it in the middle of the game
You just mad cause everyone laughs at your randroid ass but you were too dumb to notice before.
>that fucking ghost boss fight
what the fuck where they thinking?
You are most probably a highly insufferable person to be around.
As much as I wanna plane Skyrim Oblivion started the trend of non killable npcs
You are definitely a brainlet
I enjoyed myself despite that but christ what a shit ending.
Not cutscene ending but the final fight is just you against some big blind gorilla niggers and one final QTE
either they got bribed or their friends got bribed and they just mindlessly repeat what their friends say
I played sonic 06 all the way through multiple times. It was the only thing I had to play during Hurricane sandy out of all of my Xbox games to survive that was one of the few
And you are definitely racist.
>oh cool dream plataforming section, i wonder what other neat stuff can happen when you sleep
Or maybe they are just decent people with good taste in Vidya. And it just so happens that neither of those descriptors apply to you and your ilk.
Skyrim I guess, I just wanted to see where that trainwreck goes and be able to talk about it
Another case is Guild Wars 2, I obviously didn't "finish" it but it actually felt really good to pull the plug on it after coming back to it again and again only to be disappointed anew each time.
Xenoblade 2
The Last of Us
Katie and I hope her and her crusty cunt burns in hell.
Katana Zero, it was probably written by a 15y old.
for me the fun ended once i realised i was looking for stuff that just wasnt there
For all people like to shit on it the game would have been fine with more characters and quests and shit to find if you go exploring
nice twitter meme ya pecker
Why the hell would i finish a game like that? Is this a result of the console peasant sunk cost mindset?
Zelda botw, damn game has zero replayability and most everything is copy pasted.
>game is only fun if you dont play it stealthy
>story punishes you for playing it stealtthy
didnt give a fuck, killed as many fuckers as i could, had my fun. Didnt even watch the entire ending fuck you.
Birth by sleep
Oh christ, this.
I've played lots of shitty games, but "truly horrible" is reserved for actual games (i.e. not steam greenlight trash) that fuck up on every conceivable level. Bioshock Infinite might actually be the only truly horrible game I've played and finished.
it wasnt hard, it was just impossible in hard mode if you didnt bring the right weapon
you just spend forever running around until you run out of bullets and then you get revived over and over and if you are a poor consolefag you have to load the game at the start of the level and play for another hour to reach the boss
This is nes era kind of bullshit
tryin too hard mate
It still hurts
Fable 3, especially after grinding forever to get the ultimate good ending for literally 0 (Zero) reason. Lionhead deserved its fate.
Tryin too hard mate
skyrim is responsible for all the modern atmospheric no gameplay SOnY games we have today
It even has the bullshit in engine scripted scene where you look around and get a ton of exposition
I remember it was grueling, but that's kind of the point of a boss fight. Catching whatever cover I could find, scrounging up every last bit of ammo, even when Elizabeth was out, sticking through to the end. One of the most memorable moments in a game jam packed full of memorable moments.
Holy fuck Bioshock Infinite is incredible!
Radiant Dawn.
>skyrim is responsible for all the modern atmospheric no gameplay SOnY games we have today
I can't even count the number of ways on which this post is wrong
Kane & Lynch
Ni No Kuni 2
People told me it's good (it's not), and because I rarely play those types I finished it to be able to actually have an opinion on it. Games and stories for children can be good, but this wasn't. The town building was like a mobile game. Characters, story, and quests were bad, combat barely servicable for an RPG.
The best part about it was the artstyle, but that alone doesn't make a good game.
This but ORAS
The Witcher 3
I'm still trying to go back and finish the DLCs, supposedly because their quality is much higher than the base adventure, but it's so hard to try and get back into it after how shit it was.
Res Faction Armageddon. I don’t know how they managed to fuck up the successful reboot that came out earlier, but I was ready to stab myself in the eye by the time I finished it. At least it was easy to platinum with the unlockable cheats you got.
samefagging hard
but for what purpose
I disagree. Maybe you should play witcher 3 for its narrative experience instead of focusing on how bad gameplay is.
Oblivion generally had far less eggregious instances like that from what I remember. At the very least, it should be given a little more leniency because it was a first attempt to fix random NPC deaths in the world. The really unforgivable part is that Bethesda is so incompetent they kept the system the exact same way in Skyrim.
Dark Souls
Sonic 06
The best stories for children are ones that aren't exclusive to them.
If a story relies on the intrinsic ignorance of an undeveloped mind, rather than aiding in developing said mind, then it may as well have been written by a child.
Ni No Kuni was nonsensical as Hell, with bad gameplay to boot, although apparently the latter is always forgiven because "it's an RPG".
Couldn’t agree more. They made a pretty world but forgot to put any interesting quests or things to do.
Yea Forums shilling overhyped it so it felt like trash from start to beginning sorry
Oh and stalker lost alpha
Hearts of Stone is pretty good IMO, in part because it is more focused than the base game.
Blood & Wine is basically fanservice, can be good if you're into the characters and less dark settings, but on its own I don't think it's as good.
Half Life, Halo, FFVII, and MGS were the progenitors of cinematic gameplay. Gears of War and Uncharted are to blame for the direction they took and have been directly copied since.
God Hand
I don't finish horrible games. I can normally tell within about an hour or less whether a game is worth it. RDR2 is the most horrible game I've played from recent times.
Except every game that copied/was influenced by the ones you listed was unquestionably good.
user, Sony's knack for linear, movie games goes all the way back to the PS1 and got it's start with games like MGS, RE2, Soul Reaver and FFVII. The formula was actually perfected on a nintendo console though, when RE4 finally dialed in the current formula, and the game quickly made it's way to a Sony platform. Honestly, without RE4, games like TLoU would have been substantially different, and you can't deny it.
That said, MS is just as guilty as Sony, but their exclusives generally have less interesting plots, so they seem to get a pass on the whole thing. But serioisly; play any gears of war, and tell me it doesn't feel like a typical Sony movie game. It checks all the boxes
>cover based shooting
>levels are all hallways
>characters never shut up during gameplay
>overly dramatised plot
>no longer fun a month after release
And honestly, MS also played a part in dialing this formula in too.
Skyrim in very very few ways matches the kind of game we're talking about here.
>open ended environments
>still played a decade later
>not overly plot driven after a certain point
Starting ton get the picture?
Super Smash Bros Ultimate: World of Light
To justify the purchase and feel like you didn't make a huge mistake buying it.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
It just wasn't fun but I had to get that platinum trophy
Pretty much the same here. There was a point where I started making power armor museums because I had found so many but had nothing to do with them.
Valkyria chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles X
I did. I gave up on the gameplay when I got to Novigrad.
That being said I did get to the Toad Prince fight in Hearts of Stone, which is an infinitely superior fight than anything in the vanilla game, so there obviously was the potential for some memorable gameplay, despite the technical and mechanical deficiencies.
The story is embarrassing, in spite of the worldbuilding and cast, neither of which can necessarily be attributed to CDPR themselves, and if half your "game" is going to be a story against the other half that they blatantly gave up on, then you're already losing half your marks on an arbitrary numerical ranking.
So 3/10, better luck writing a compelling story that doesn't have one crutch for flashback exposition and another for shit pacing to (ironically) pad out the shit gameplay.
Also, just for the record
>Video game
>Play for its narrative experience
Maybe I'll take up swimming just so I can drown, seems like a better alternative to this fresh Hell.
Goddamn your taste is trash
Sonic '06.
you're extremely mad about having shit taste
People who use phrases like "Sony movie game" in a derogatory way ought to be sterilized by the government.
Infamous Second Son. Movement and combat is somehow worse than 2 despite having better technology, powers were uninteresting (and incomplete), the characters and setting are awful
>those fucking spray paint missions where you had to use the touchpad
To be fair, it's fun to watch.
And you're extremely mad about black people existing.
What are you, Tumblr or something?
I thought the gameplay was fun
But playing it was the fucking worst.
I just platinumed white knight chronicles 2
I had to replay it 2 times because I didn't know a certain enemy does spawn once you pass a certain point
I want to die
If being Tumblr means "having taste" then so be it.
I've been playing it for like 5 fucking years. Still haven't beaten it. Ive tried my best getting back to it, but really, it's one of the greatest disappointments in history and maybe the most umberable fps campaign. Even Postal 2 is more fun. At least it's got comedy.
bullet sponges, 2 weapons, weapon upgrades that are just higher numbers
less plasmids, less cool plasmids/upgrades
skyrails and tears are literally just "go here to not die"
It wasn't.
>Arena levels became corridors
>Being able to carry only two weapons instead of all of them
>Terrible story
>One dimensional characters
>Player's control is constantly taken away for le epic set pieces.
You keep replying to yourself
Nobody cares
>defending barebones games and wanting to castrate people for not agreeing with you is having taste
>Even Postal 2 is more fun.
Postal 2 is unironically good. A lovely little microcosm of early 2000s internet culture
what bothered me most about it was that I could kind of see what they were going for.
MC is a cynical politician from the real world who has to learn to see the world through the eyes of an optimistic child, and all the kingdoms represent some kind of evil that you have to conquer. It's not super original, but a good concept for a story like this.
But it falls flat in the execution because all conflict gets resolved way too easily and everyone just pats each other on their backs because now they're all friends and all is fine and dandy.
Enemies actually take some shots and are fun to shoot, tactical gameplay, choosing a playstyle, dead wrong on both counts
>skyrails and tears are literally just "go here to not die"
Lol brainlet they're the best thing to happen to shooters since the gravity gun and wall-running
I care faggot, Infinite was fucking shit
this post is a bait buffet
>Arena levels became corridors
No, the game finally had proper level design
>Being able to carry only two weapons instead of all of them
Which forces you to mix up your playstyle over the course of the game. This is extremely autistic to call bad
>Terrible story
>One dimensional characters
See above
>Player's control is constantly taken away for le epic set pieces.
pLaYeR cOnTrOl guis
>2 weapons
so, you didn't play the game, right?
Mass Effect Andromeda.
>posting this million-times debunked image
Holy shit, it's like I'm really in 2013
>confirmed for no friends
post the debunk then
Oh trust me, I've been here long enough to know that anybody who attacks "Sony movie games" is adherent to vile political ideologies and then some
Aliens: Colonial Marines.
It's every post ever made
how is working at 2K user
I don't play Far Cry for a multiplayer experience
there's a nicer way you could've phrased your reply
Spec Ops The Line, it was boring as fuck.
i never used the word cinematic you gigantic faggot
Your favorite game.
La mulana
I liked it
theres an alternate timeline with a gen 5 RSE remake and they are probably god tier
Now this is some grade A bait!
nah, they just said look at this shitty game everyones buying because it has pretty trees, lets copy it.
How's it working at Breitbart?
don't reply to this poster
bioshock infinite is shit for the reasons stated above, none of them have been refuted
We all know what you meant you cocksucking faggot
>People who use phrases like "Sony movie game" in a derogatory way ought to be sterilized
is that projecting?
going great, just got a promotion in fact
The Red Strings Club
Horrible SJW game
But that was a good game
Do not reply to this poster.
Bioshock Infinite is the best game in the series, none of the posts above have given a credible argument to the contrary.
dark souls 2
Oh hey, I know you. You always get mad when anybody States the obvious (Infinite being amazing) and you always try to tell the thread not to respond to them. I remember you back from '17, how's it goin'?
Did they drop the rape charges yet?
>No, the game finally had proper level design
except it didn't
>Which forces you
>less options make your game style more diverse
except it doesn't you imbecile, having more guns does that
>B R A I N L E T
glad of you to introduce yourself
>pLaYeR cOnTrOl guis
>i just want to feel awesome without having to do anything
why don't you watch a movie
not to mention
>fucking shields
where they trying to make into cowadoody or something?
Glad someone feels the same way I do about that game. But let's admit it, the gunplay is sloppy.
You're the sad fuck here replying to every single post. Face it, the game is a fucking mess.
This guy is a massive sperg who shits up every thread he posts in, everybody report him!
>the obvious (Infinite being amazing)
>bullet sponges
I shot heads so it wasn't an issue, you can aim right?
Resistance 2 yesterday. What a shitty game, the first one was so good
persona 3 & 4
haha let's make a shitty dating sim disguised as an rpg!
>except it didn't
Except it did
>except it doesn't you imbecile, having more guns does that
No, because then you just keep using the same ones. This way you have to use all of them at certain points.
>glad of you to introduce yourself
Projecting like a motherfucker
>why don't you watch a movie
The more cinematic a game is, the better it is.
You keep samefagging.
I'm just here to laugh at you.
Fucking this. It's a close second for me after Infinite. At least it looked cool at first and seemed like it had something going. But God, it's LITERALLY NOTHING. I played it for like 5 hours which were several days in the game and I never felt the plot even starting.
The only reason I TRY TO is to have the license to criticize it. Otherwise people won't take your opinion.
>Except it did
except it didn't
>No, because then you just keep using the same ones.
as opposed to when you only have fucking two?
>Projecting like a motherfucker
you started
>The more cinematic a game is, the better it is.
explain factorio
I think we've got Ken Levine himself in here.
how the fuck is 15 minutes of a character slowly walking fowards while i push one button cinematic?
ico was cinematic, half life 2 was cinematic, majoras mask was cinematic
This shit is just forcing you to stare at an overpaid enviromental design teams work
The last resort of the roundly defeated: NAMECALLING!
Yakuza 0
>posting that fucking image
>having that image saved in the first place
How old are you?
>except it didn't
Except it did.
>as opposed to when you only have fucking two?
*sigh* Yes, because you need to keep exchanging them for different ones!
>you started
Only because you deserved it:)
>explain factorio
I do not care about factorio as I am not a sperg
SOMA, if you can call it a game.
80. Come visit me one more time before I croak, grandson.
"Cast ye not yet pearls before swine"...
finally the truth comes out, not even Ken Levine wants to be called Ken Levine
All the racists blowing a blood vessel over Bioshock itt is fucking hilarious
Get over it shitlords
>Except it did.
except it didn't
>*sigh* Yes, because you need to keep exchanging them for different ones!
why? what makes me want to exchange them? why can't i just have all of them at once?
>Only because you deserved it:)
>I do not care about factorio as I am not a sperg
>"my taste is the only correct taste"
fuck off with your high horse you rode in on, you cunt
Assassin's Creed 3. I got it for free and I still feel like I was ripped off.
This is just sad, man.
final fantasy 2
what a nightmare of a shitty combat system and backtracking
>majority of main cast is white
>black resistance is a band of incompetent dunces
>nobody is even saying anything about race in this thread
imagine being this much of an offendatron
I finished it, but it was genuinely bad
Shape of a game, but no fun to be had
>except it didn't
Except it did
>why? what makes me want to exchange them? why can't i just have all of them at once?
Running out of ammo, different situations of combat, a more preferable weapon that system makes truly special, a cavalcade of things.
>fuck off with your high horse you rode in on, you cunt
Stay mad :)
You tried so hard
Dark Souls 2
How anyone could completely misunderstand the design philosophy of the first game to this fucking extent is beyond me.
Fallout: New Vegas
NITW was so disappointing gameplay wise (also the story is very rushed at the end) and it kills me because it has some genuinely interesting characters like Bea and Angus. Thankfully most people I talk to about it are finally acknowledging this after all the smoke has cleared but when it first came out it was their GOTYAY and immune to criticism.
On that topic there really are no good furry games. I've tried Armello, Tooth and Tail, Dust, NITW, all were "meh" at best and each having its own strong suit in either art or music but sucking ass at everything else.
Furries need to find a proper gamedev who understands fun gameplay mechanics and just shut up and make the art.
also Pyre was shit. SHIT. I had to force myself to finish it
>Throwing the word racist around like it holds any meaning or argument
>if you completed the game that means you liked it
>how can you say the game was bad? you didn't even finish it
I will never, ever understand why it is held in as such a high regard as it is.
Truly fucking awful game but everyone outside of Yea Forums praises it like the second coming of Jesus Christ.
max payne 1
Final Fantasy 13, worst game I have ever played
>It has the Subway, PWT, and Battle Frontier
i got it for free and i still feel ripped off
Destiny fucking 2.
What an absolute dumpsterfire.
Rage is great if you didn’t go in expecting some open world horse shit. New one will definitely be shit, however.
Mgs 5
Witcher 3
My autism made me check every ? on the map even though nothing interesting ever happened there and I wanted to see how it ends. I don't even remember now. I think I ended up in prison.
The Witch's House
in a way
it's probably not the worst thing I've played quality wise, but it's unironically the worst time I've ever had with any game
I've never finished a game that I considered horrible. The closest was The Witcher 1; I dropped it after 50 hours when I couldn't stomach it anymore and I apparently was near the end.
Not the game but the final boss, somehow I let final battles be way too important in my judgement of a game. Fuck Yu Yevon and whoever decided to make that final part of FFX, you completely killed any hype or interest I had up until that point.
EL Shaddai.
I played worse games, but this one I hated the most.
>New one will definitely be shit, however.
How so?
It looks like a bunch of bulletstorm memes.
Bulletstorm wasn't good, but it wasn't shit. Except for the writing.
Mass effect 3
Kingdom Hearts 1
It had some REALLY cool ideas aesthetically but it's just so boring
All Metro games. So fucking boring and the first one is the worst.
Other M
Some of them have easy achievements.
She doesn't have a name. Because I don't buy bad games. Like actually. Seriously. I don't. So I never get caught in that moronic trap of needing to "finish" it to justify the funds I spent.
>Batman Arkham Knight
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Ratchet and Clank remake
>I don't buy bad games. Like actually. Seriously. I don't.
Why type like this? Are you having an internal argument with yourself?
>Dudebro box art is shown
>Levine swears up and down that the game will still be great
Fuck that Jew.
Dust is fucking GOOD my man
Kingdom Hearts 2
Everyone says these are great, I played them and they all seem like cringey edgy teen games with outdated gameplay
You seem like a cringey edgy teen.
Oh please, go back to rediot
Xenoblade 2 actually. What a waste of 55 hours.
Xenocringe 2. What a waste of fucking money. Who even enjoys this shit?
The pretentiousness of this game made me feel like I was losing neurons every minute
>Dust is fucking GOOD my man
Which part is good? The mash attack to win gameplay, the wonderful deviantart character design, or the 3rd rate voice acting?
It's not a totally shit game but it's by no means a good or great one
Xenoblade Chronices 2
Out of spite.
>finishing a terrible game.
Fuck I can't make myself play a good game let alone a terrible one.
I did it for the funny japanese humor.
Dead Island, I kept playing because I was convinced the good bit was coming. It's amazing how a game can get consistently less interesting with each location. I was like 14 when the game came out, and it was the first bland game I remembered playing
>Call the game Second Son
>No mention of the First Sons.
I don’t know what the fuck I expected.
this right here.
>Plasmids/tonic are retarded and have no real use in the city. who is the retarded who is going to sell a mind controlling power or a power that can control crows. they are all retarded besides the basic fire and electricity shit
>the entire plot takes a nosedive during that different universes shit and the ending was abysmal
>2 weapons at a time was a poor mechanic and having to change weapons during combat was pretty bad and fucked with the flow of the combat
>upgrading weapons was a fucking waste because plasmid/tonics would just shi on everything.
>no bigdadies of any kind, the handyman were awful and only show like twice during the entire game. The patriots onyl appear in very few palces and are more like common enemies instead of something you ahve to carefully plan on taking out.
what a shitshow. i can't believe people actually liked bioshock infinite this much.
The only positive point I could see for most of the game was "At least this doesn't have a jump button like Banana Blitz does" Then during the last hour they introduce a jump button and make you wrestle with some truly awful platforming where your character floats just enough above ground at standstill that it's difficult to tell when you've actually landed from a jump. It would have been the worst game with SEGAs label on it that year if Sonic 06 didn't come out.