Filename thread.
Filename thread
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Pretty sure most people won't even get this.
Probably, but I hope it's worth it for those who will.
What an absolute moron
That's clearly ramen.
why don't zookeepers/handlers keep some kind of industrial strength tranquilizer or something on them in case this kinda shit happens
put the fucker to sleep
Hell even a knife'll do, shank the cunt in the head
>Was lucky to keep his hand
>Still goes back for the meat
He's lucky it didn't roll.
youre fucking delusional, its one of the most spammed filename posts ever.
it pulled him into the water...
did he die? why not drop the meat in with that stick?
Yeah but at least he will die with his hand attached
Or just leave the meat there and let the fish figure itself
My sides
>Hey frank, I think I'm going to evolve into a sea snake. It'll be great
>No John, don't. They will assimilate you into their culture
>5 million years later
>*Shrieks* *burrows in slug ass*
What the fuck are those things? Some giant monster wasps?
you better sauce me up nigga
The ones that matter will get it.
Fuck the newfriends.
why didn't the wasp armor work
has god forsaken us?
Yuka Kuramoti, I think.
I recommend the game, too.
did he ded?
Lots of wasps, yes
Because it was cheap shit he bought off alibaba and never tested or checked to see if it would work against a massive fucking hive of large wasps
giant asian wasps that have venom that can melt your skin
horrible creatures and the worst part is that they are a common sight
Do you think that armor would really work against this?
I want to shove my nose up her filthy rice hole.
>when you have a fat fetish but all the BBW porn these days has black dudes in it
would if he used smoke first
>People just stand around recording
People are lame
rip steve irwin
>doesn't go for the roll because he knows he can get the full kill
If you want hardcore with big butts, then you want to look into the game.
>of 100 nobles watching 99 were impressed
I'm sure you would have jumped in to fight the crocodile user, no doubt
Truly a hero amongst men
smoke just pisses them off more
I would, but I can't read moonrunes
Every time I stop on the highway I always get one of these
they fucking suck but it's a rite
You seem butthurt
Understandable. Have a nice day.
If that makes you feel better, sure
If I turned it into a rite I'd go for the brie and speck ones.
That's good shit
wtf am I watching, that doesn't look like a game
is he fighting a ghost
Yes. Asian Giant Hornets, also known as oosuzumebachi -- 'Giant Sparrow Bees' because of their enormous size. 30 of them can clear out an entire European bee colony without much effort, and just one sting is enough to send a man to the hospital because its venom can melt your skin. They kill a bunch of people each year:
>When you're such a pussy, you get your ass beat shadow boxing
He's entering Old Kasuto.
they clearly just have invincibility frames
let me guess everyone died?
Man, it still irks me that people started talking like that on Yea Forums. What's the point of the "when"? This shit ain't facebook, and you are not trying to make some meme caption.
Nope, it's a stunt, they all have parachutes.
it makes them sleepy
With no survivors!
The exact opposite: Everyone lived. The one pilot in the flaming plane nosediving to the ground was wearing an emergency chute and was able to get out:
>fuck the newfriends
Well, fuck you user
sekiro new player
Jesus christ
No, it was a real crash
>give meat to croc
>try to take the meat back
What the fuck was his plan here?
I always wondered why animals like this aren't more common, you'd think they'd fair well at telling humans to fuck off. Then again I'm thankful they aren't.
holy shit sauce
RIP Notre-Dame
Duke's Archives
>big iron starts playing
Come back when you have executed a prisoner against my orders.
when you're tbagging at the gate but the killer has noed.
I'd turn this faggot into a vegetable if I saw this irl.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Dog attacked him. Should've killed it.
Based. Fuck stray dogs.
Stupid dog deserved it.
At any moment, if he decided to turn-up, he could've been attacked second time. So you either beat all shit out of dog until it runs away or kill this dog.
It's not okay to attack humans, you know.
I just want to post this, the latest color blind test.
needs name
1 bear
2 turtle
3 boar
4 wolf
5 snek
6 squirrel
7 toad
8 ?
9 ?
For the love of me I couldn't see the bunny. Everything else is perfectly fine.
What the fuck?
8 is an elk, strangely enough I have more trouble with 7 than 8.
This is bait, y-yes?
Before and after microtransactions
i cant decide if this is cool or cringe or just both
Yeah, the frog is harder to see than the deer.
This is adjusted #9 in case you're color blind.
I don't like people with a vocal suburban warrior syndrome
I got all of them except the last one. The light blue fucked me up though
bear tortoise pig
wolf snek squirrel
frog stag rabbit
i see the deer now
this is so incredibly satisfying
Are you woman? Statistic said woman are more likely to have problem seeing green(blue) hue.
How can you be colorblind against gray?
I think this guy was showing off somewhat. He could have easily tossed it into the fucker's mouth.
wait a fucking second, are they really destroying parts that were not affected by the fire and could be easily repaired ? this fucking fire wasn't an accident
based fucking retard
Yeah, it's kinda weird, pretty sure ""someone"" earned big time with this fire.
what the hecc
I can see up to 7 easily. If I zoom in I can barely make out a deer in 8. I can't see anything in 9.
Huh. I never noticed the other two dogs in this gif.
>type "can" into youtube
>that video pops up
How does it know?
>no fingerless glove meter
that dog attacked him you absolute brainlets. i bet you're one of those fags who blame a child when it gets mauled by a dog.
It's not Notre Dame idiots
That isn't Notre Dame, morons. It's some other cathedral that was torn down like 5 years ago. Notre Dame is like 5x that size.
>2800 churches get destroyed, nobody bat an eye
>one tourist trap get burned, everyone loose their shit
yep, that's france
>kill croc to save him
>get slammed with animal abuse charges
Now i want Apollo, grazie my friend
Based human asserting his dominance.
Chrome's keeping track of everything you do. Whatever it is you're looking at online, youtube knows.
Gee, how would spyware know what you want to see?
why do we allow these monsters to exist?
I live in France. We have a tonne of fake neo-Gothic churches.
vision test on a computer don't work because most of it first tests your screen quality before your sight.
I guess it makes sense for Americans to get really upset over the Notre Dame fire if they think it's literally the only example of gothic architecture in existence.
He just kicks it a couple times for attacking him you pussy furbaby faggots, from your reactions i expected a webm of him killing it for no reason
It's a random neo-gothic church btw
they're tacky and they're everywhere
No, the Notre Dame fire was still horrible given it's such an excellent example of gothic architecture.
However, the one in that webm is only a hundred years old. Americans just cannot into the fact that not everything that looks old is old.
muh ecosystem
A hundred years IS old to Americans.
this but unironically
mosquitos, on the other hand...
he was too easy on that disgusting dog
mosquitos def serve a purpose in Africa
Needs a name
unironically based, this is self defense faggots
based sheep
Is this the pilot from
that's bees. not wasps bud
Bees think the hives in danger and thus fill up on honey, hence slowing down.
Wasps don't give a fuck. They hate you and everything that exists asides the hive.
>Backtracking in videog...
Wait a fucking second
Fucking China. It's always China.
>L4D2 jockey pulls party near an incoming charger
It's like a beautifully crafted comedy sketch.
>that little run they do around each other
what the fuck
>men jumping into snow.webm
Do these fuckers not know what brakes are? Why do they think it's alright to continue going highway speeds around an accident?
fucking chinks are the absolute scum of the earth
>mfw I just started skydiving this month
What the fuck are you faggots complaining about? He was defending himself and the dog was fine anyways
holy shit, that's sad as fuck.
The chinese do not consider anyone or anything else around them at all. It isn't even malicious or anything. It is like how you don't notice individual leaves of the trees about you. They might as well not be there.
Luckily these fuckers haven't evolved yet into hunting larger mammals, so they're limited to areas where they have a constant supply of insect-prey. If they`re too successful as a species, they'll starve and shrink in population again.
Didn't get me, because I kept waiting for some hillarious punchline, something like him actually marrying the McNuggets he ordered or whatever. Or her dying or something. This is just boring.
more pathetic than sad