More like Super Best Tranny Apologist Cast
More like Super Best Tranny Apologist Cast
What retarded shit did they say this week?
Kotaku good gamers bad
>5 hour uploads of playing video games badly and maybe a funny thing happens once
>Daily uploads of games that are boring to watch with people who talk english like they're fresh off the boat
Being Woolie is pure suffering.
Just make a Patreon for the podcast and do one premium Pat+Woolie LP per month.
I know Woolie might read this.
Just fucking do it, man. FREE MONEY MORE FREE TIME
>people still think they're putting on a front and Pat is somehow conservative behind closed doors
Which I appreciate a lot.
and thats a good thing
I would legit contribute to that and I have never EVER donated to a patreon, streamer, or camwhore in my life.
Are we talking about castle superbeast?
I just want Pat and Paige to play more games before she goes completely blind. They have amazing chemistry and it's always entertaining when they play a game./spoiler]
Where’d she bugger off to anyway?
When was this and who did it. I'm guessing Woolie.
>Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion Part 1
>nothing uploaded for weeks
>"Part 1" gets removed from the title
Fuck. It was interesting watching them talk while she played a simple game.
I had to unsubscribe from Hardcore Gaming 101's podcast because I couldn't stand the AGP tranny they keep having on. I wish "gamers" weren't such damaged nerds and could push back against obviously broken anti social freaks
I miss their podcasts. They were a treat listening to on my way to work.
Pat don't give a shit about your friend simulator. Pay up.
She's pretty much doomed to die at like 45, so I imagine she has bad days where her disease flares up, hence the discontinuation of Mass Effect and Spooky.
It was more Pat but I stopped listening and haven’t gone back to it just yet.
I honestly think Paige is secretly dying and they just aren't talking about it.
They did not seriously defend that slur article for P5 did they? They had Lara late dale on the podcast before and everyone put them on blast for it because she’s a piece of shit human being. Did they seriously double down
They sucked “her” dick and praised the apology post she made on Twitter.
I'm guessing it was on the new podcast also thats surprising Pat normally avoids talking about that kind of stuff.
I mean like a doctor gave her a date.
Post proof no way. That is pathetic if true. Her “apology” that she then tried to blame her boss on, and then took a whole 5 hour twitter break?
I respect Woolie wants to do videos of games he likes with his friends, thats what SBFP was, not doing the popular thing but doing the thing they wanted.
But no one gives a fuck about fanmade JoJo game, and having someone who you can barely understand as co-pilot for the videos is a drag.
Something needs to change.
At least Matt didn't pretend he wasn't a sjw faggot.
I'm listening to it right now, at around 2:30:00.
So far Pat said the article was awful, and the apology was "pretty good" and apparently Kotaku asked Laura to delete the apology post on Twitter because you're not allowed to talk about your articles on social media or something.
Gimme the juice on Paige, what kind of disease does she have? Just listened to the pod before the SBFP split and she great, I don’t want her to die....
All I want is a weekly podcast and a single “traditional” Pat & Woolie LP at a time with 5 30 minute episodes per week. I will give you patreon bux damn it, enough with this despicable streamer bullshit.
God damnit why is it the only one thats worth a shit is fucking dying.
I like Pat's streams. He a fucking natural at it.
One LP pr month would be enough.
She has lupus, and most recently has been losing her eyesight at a steady rate.
She has Lupus.
Pat said the apology was good, but the article was bad. As soon as he said that, their chat blew up with people saying it was a bad apology. It went to Sub Only mode after that and people still persisted that the apology was shit.
Lupus is the biggest issue but it’s implied to be a cluster of things
That doesn't said that bad. But I'll have to listen to it myself to decide for myself.
>it went to sub only mode
To be fair last time that happened it was the mods acting upon themselves which Woolie and Pat told them not to do. So I doubt they requested it. Pat’s still wrong tho. That apology was awful.
Pat himself said the article was bad and that reactionary writing with very little research was dumb
He pulled his punches since Laura was a friend of the show but still called her article bad and Kotaku for being shit
HAH, and they were talking about what a bad move that always is when streaming.
Stop giving these fucks views.
Nah, I'll do what I want.
Even back on SBF Woolie has always been involved in the worst, least popular LP's, so I would imagine poor choices that he thinks are great is just something ingrained in his personality.
>tfw I will never be as comfy as I was watching shitstorms 1 to 4 ever again
Both Pat and Woolie are cowardly bitches.
Also why does Woolie think anybody wants to listen to his multi-cultural friends who can't talk properly.
That’s why she got sent to that farm upstate.
SBF is still as rewatchable as johntron gamegrumps, you are wrong.
Lupus and a neck thing that’ll kill her if she turns her head too fast.
Pat's the opposite of a natural. I can't bother watching his streams, I was kinda excited to watch him and Paige play Undertale but.
>reads off donations for like a hour
>Pat laughs really hard and too long over something not funny
>bad bantz between him and Paige over what boring pasta place they wanna order from
Pat is like filling for dead air, which it is. Not even good background noise cause the shrieks he makes.
I'm just not buying it that they are too busy to play games together. Max can do it all the time with his "friends" even though they all have solo shit going on too.
Anyway I'm glad their channels keep doing worse and worse. Pat doesn't even get half as many viewers as he got with paige or he does in the podcast and woolie probably wouldn't be able make a living if it wasn't for the podcast.
>Nutella is made with almonds
She has a bad case of NOT FUCKING VIDEO GAMES
How does it feel that all of ypu retards who infest the board with this shit are no better than a bumch of pathetic gossopy teenage girls? Fucking kill yourselves and mods do your fucking job.
Pat gets big donation money, enough to pay a mortgage. But his youtube has flat-lined and won't recover. We'll see how he is in a year or two.
>there will never ever be another SBF video again
Pat and Paige stream around 10 or 11 EST. I live in GMT but I stay up late, if I tune in I can catch 1 hour of their streams. . . . 1 hour of reading fucking donations. So goddamn sick of it.
I never heard about these guys until they broke up, now I see shit about two of them all the time.
Is it like Giant Bomb where they were entertaining for a moment years ago and now they're insufferable? Because they seem insufferable.
>there will never ever be another good SBF video again
FTFY. They had gotten pretty shit towards the end, outside of DMC glass breaks.
Yup. But where as Giant Bomb threads are all shitposting on Jeff & crew, these threads are still full of fanboys who will defend their friend simulators.
Fuck Binary Domain was great
Funny thing is he did a poll 2 weeks ago on when he should stream, 4pm EST had more people voting on it (despite him linking the poll on a late night stream) and yet he just ignores it.
What actually happened? Did they pull punches with Laura?
Absolutely. Pat said her apology was good no less. Like the good little ally that he is.
>Pat shows his SJW side and all of his bootlickers aren't here
Just skip the donation bits user and watch Paige fuck up royally. It's quite a gas.
i pretty much only watch the vods and having all the donations at the beginning is pretty helpful because you can just skip 30minutes into the video and its like it was never there
>tfw the turbo SJW was woolie all along and Matt was the one had him on a leash
I don't know if saying this shit will be useful without someone using it to unfairly throw these guys under the bus, but there was an article out there sometime in the past six months or something that placed the Best Friends and I think specifically Pat and Paige as LGBT friendly streamers.
Whatever the fuck that value has. I guess we're all just passing out awards for being decent if not tolerable human beings.
Whatever the fuck is going on in the world someone clearly has it in their toolbox to divide services and entertainment along tribal lines. Over here there's a right-wing credit card processor and over there is a left-wing one. Here's LGBT approved programming and over there is implicitly programming that's for bigots. I mean clearly if you aren't in the Top-10 queer-friendly streamers you've got to hand in your ally card.
That being said, if someone is willing to take the public beating and apologize for doing a shit job, that apology ought to be accepted because if the world has any chance of not going to shit it's going to start with the universal fact that apologies still matter even if it comes from a disgusting individual with a track record of being garbage. If even they're willing to take a bite of humble pie we have to assume it's turning over a leaf. And if it's not, then we just fucking crucify them the next time it happens.
What started people thinking the (our guy) stuff? From the outside, he seems like the exact sort of pop culture obsessed dude who lives on twitter
I'm always glad to see people with a level head.
That's shit, They're only sorry cause it blew up in their face
I'm gutted, thought he was alright
What is an ally?
I'll accept the apology when they take down the original article
>Whatever the fuck that value has. I guess we're all just passing out awards for being decent if not tolerable human beings.
They're identifying safe spaces for themselves so they don't have to face criticism, that's all. Same old. Shockingly, the ginger gremlin with a useless psych degree who sits in a puddle for 12+ hours a day is an ally for people who hate criticism on their life choices.
All you do is support them, I think. That's basically it.
Strictly worse Slivers. Tazri is bullshit though.
The previous formula of playing games with your friends worked well, Woolie thought it would work again. But those accents are atrocious.
>so this week I browsed this cool subreddit
>oh my god is there a subreddit for that
>a good, serious post with a strong point
I'll be damned. I think the ability to acknowledge fucking up is good, even if this one of the worst examples of factless reporting I've ever seen.
What does she have?
Reggie or whatever his name is, is the least shit one but he barely has any personality and the W101 LP sounds like Woolie playing it with Wikipedia.
Is Pat still drinking ridiculous amounts of Red Bull?
I turned off the podcast in record time this week.
No it was Matt alteast back then. Lately its like the SJW infections got to him.
More than ever.
user I don't think you belong on this board, you seem to have too much IQ.
They literally made excuses for "her" live on stream and put the chat into sub-only mode when people were rightly calling out the bullshit and how the entire thing deserves nothing but ridicule
Fucking disgusting
they didn't put it on sub only mode. one of their mod does that sometimes. even if it's harmless shit
An "ally" nowadays is someone who supports minorities without being a minority themselves. It's a stupid label people give others or self-identify in order to indicate to others that they're decent human beings. This is the ally viewpoint of being an ally.
The viewpoint from (abusive) minority groups is that being an ally means you submit to whatever the fuck a minority tells you to do. If a minority tells you, a good ally, to relinquish a leadership position or even your fucking job, in order to rectify the power imbalance in society between the minorities and those who wield power (i.e. privileged), then you had better do so. Allies don't seem to realize that there are a lot of people in the minority camps who will throw them under the bus if it advances their agenda. Being an ally is a position of submission; it's not one of being equals. There are plenty of allies told to step down in order to achieve some stupid diversity quota.
It's fucked up. If being an ally meant that you supported equal rights and opportunities and were opposed to discrimination then fine, I would be an ally. But it means something terribly different in practice; it means equality of outcome; it means that every space has to have a perfect proportion of identity groups like genders, races, and sexual orientation. If a bunch of allies organized a meeting of some sort at some point some asshole is going to point out that because the organizers aren't diverse enough, their efforts are meaningless until some of those allies relinquish their positions of power in favor of a minority even if the minority isn't qualified to do the work. The whole ally dynamic is basically affirmative action taken to the most non-constructive extreme.
An ally nowadays ironically means being a slave. Because your ancestors or even your peers today wielded power over minorities, it's up to you to pay reparations for those crimes by submitting to the descendants of those enslaved minorities.
The apology is welcomed but part of it still feels like they are not admitting the core problem.
This is a terrible click bait article you did 0 research on and accomplishes nothing.
Just think even with what they said in the apology the process that happened was. Get email about this, Immediately write up the article without doing a moment of research. Give 0 thought to this and then send it to editorial to be reviewed and posted.
The first thing that happened should have been ok is this true? No then respond to the email. If it was true the next step should have been ok now what is the lyrical context of this and what does creating an article to fan outrage accomplish besides traffic to the website.
Sub mode was a random mod's doing. They always say they don't want to stop people from discussing shit in chat but their mods get too trigger by wrongthink so they do it anyway.
>made Liam and Matt leave
>doesn't even seem to have friends other than Plague (who hasn't appeared in forever), and Woolie
>doesn't leave the house other than for the podcast
>just stays inside and streams all day, reading off donations that talk about about how much they value his fake friendship
No wonder why he panders to the trannies, they're the only people that seem to give a shit about this midget now.
Paige dies, Woolie leaves. Pat has nothing but a retarded cat and a legion of gyno bitch tit men and ((((women)))) who will lick up every drop of shit he leaves on Twitch.
>They always say they don't want to stop people from discussing shit in chat but their mods get too trigger by wrongthink so they do it anyway.
Pat was literally talking about how epic it is to put sub only chat early in the podcast
>made liam and matt leave
He's going to give himself a heart attack.
Ah Christ, I'm just starting to listen to it, do they actually suck that tranny's mutilated dick?
I can empathize with Pat being a lib faggot but there's no excuses for that retort it article
based rational user
Pat is literally Yea Forums incarnate with a big spotlight shining on him.
When you really think about it, Pat is an asshole. Paige is dying from lupus, something she has little control over, meanwhile Pat's out of shape and downing a gallon of caffeine juice a day. Pat won't have an excuse for when a serious health complication comes up for him.
I think that user's head is about to cave in
meant to quote
At this point, good.
Go the way of Ryan Davis.
guess MODS don't care about board rules anymore. new JANNIES must have all been poltards
Makes sense. If I were Yea Forums I wouldn't like looking into a mirror, either.
>neck thing that’ll kill her if she turns her head too fast
Is she that girl from that spooky story kids tell each other about the girl who had a ribbon to keep her head on?
>Pat is literally Yea Forums incarnate
Protip: Everyone "content creator" of prominence in the video game industry would defend this tranny too. Stop reading/listening to garbage that is created by ideologues.
>>doesn't even seem to have friends other than Plague (who hasn't appeared in forever), and Woolie
Fuggins seems to have been friends with him as long as Woolie has.
>that apology ought to be accepted
Lmao okay cuck. They'll just "apologise" every time and we'll just accept it like a good goy, then get mad when they do something retarded again and accept the apology yet again.
God help me, I miss Matt.
>new JANNIES must have all been poltards
God I fucking wish, maybe then they'd actually move all the thinly veiled faggot threads to /lgbt/ where they belong.
I Matt at YUL. He was pretty chubby and balding with a N64 shirt.
Yea Forums is not /pol/, you crossboarding faggot.
I'd visit this board more often if there were more folks like you here, user.
He's still doing stuff.
How long till Pat dies?
I'm giving him 2 years tops.
What the fuck i though Pat was based
>made the faggot who didn't go back to a gym because some Chad smirked at him and the contrarian who apologised to a tranny he knew for calling them by their actual name in a dream
Explain to me how that's a bad thing.
Calling this video 'stuff' is too generous
It's not even a thing...
>tfw Woolie is probably struggling the most with income but puts out content that could be great if it was him and Pat all the time instead of those engrish literal whos
Where do you think YOU are you underaged niggerfaggot?
What are you taking about? He is the living image of perfect health!
I think he will die of a massive constipation
After listening to the tail end of this podcast, I really don't think Woolie's gonna make it.
He straight up talked about how he knows what makes money on Youtube and he doesn't care, which is good for him and all, but it brings to light the fact that this was probably the main reason they never grew any bigger than they did. Keep playing "COOL THING I LIKE" instead of what actually draws and retains larger numbers of viewers and just hope it works out. Then again, they had a hardcore fanbase for what they did so I guess it worked out long enough. It just might not work out for him going solo and continuing to do this shit out of stubbornness.
I've heard that you can actually get in trouble on Twitch for saying "fag".
>hardcore fanbase
Correction. Rapidly declining hardcore fanbase
>Keep playing "COOL THING I LIKE" instead of what actually draws and retains larger numbers of viewers and just hope it works out.
That reminds me of how they were very insistent on not playing Minecraft years ago.
Possibly both... at the same time...
I could hardly stand ZoE2 with Billy. He sounded retarded and was wrong half the time.
That doesn't sound like a bad take at all, the bitch fucked up, the editors refused to fix shit sooner because they wanted hate clicks at her expense, they also apparently put her article up without her even being done with it
It's more Kotaku the company then it was her desu, even though I think she's retarded for writing the article at all she got fucked pretty hard here and she apologized PROFUSELY on Twitter to a multitude of people she offended/pissed off with the article
Pat's take is fine here
Also preemptive >she I just find it easier, have tranny friends, etc
But I like Reggie and that’s it.
If he went all in on the fg streams I wouldn’t mind.
>a man can't be a bitch
That was all of them man.
They wanted to play things they were interested in. Its part of what built them a fan base because they weren't one of the channels playing Mine craft originally or Mobas.
Reggie and Woolie stuff could be great but they are missing natural chemistry and While Reggies research is great to have he needs have it flow into conversations more naturally instead of just reading a book report while stuffs happening he should be watching. Is the 5th fight in a row happening with nothing new alright now is when Reggie should go hey Woolie did you know X then elaborate.
You can call men bitches.
It's always fine but welcome to Yea Forums where we get mad at people for not saying "fag" live on stream.
That’s exactly the right message Rachel.
It's ">inb4", learn your Yea Forums speak
Go back tranny
Really just gonna ignore any points I made even after I specifically said I knew you dumb niggers were gonna do this? Congrats, you're NPCs
Not like that.
You say "what a bitch ass nigga"
But calling someone "bitch" as in "the bitch" is something you would only do to a woman, which the tranny is not
Day One
>get up at 7:30am
>walk to the train station and buy a ticket to the city we got an air bnb in
>spend wntire train ride on discord/Yea Forums
>finally at the train station wait for her
>see her, we walk towards eachother and hug
>we start walking, at first it’s very awkward and we just make smalltalk
>get to the apartment and notice we can only check in at 2pm, it’s 12am.
>go to a store to get some food and milk aince we both love milk
>afterwards go to like a burger place she gets a Burger and I only drink a coffe since I have anorexia
>She finishes it and we walk back to the apartment
>it’s still just awkward small talk and we’re both really anxious
>wait for an hour sitting next to eahother on the stairs until it’s finally 14:00
>we go inside the apartment and start unpacking our stuff
>she gives me some HRT she had brought along for me since I only had 2 months worth left
>We go dit onto bed and she gets her Laptop out and starts showing me music projects she had been working on
>hold hands for the first time after a few minutes
>we‘re still quite awkward
>she lies her head on my Shoulder
>we continue talking for a while
>she pulls me onto her
>we start cuddling
>cuddle for 4 hours
>play some vidya together and fail miserably
>she puts a siege mask on me
>all the awkwardness is gone
>we get up and go to the bath to shower and stuff
>afterwards she tells me to take my pills
>remembers I hadn’t eaten all day and all we have is uncooked noodles
>she goes to the store to buy me food
>comes home with it and we eat together
>I take my pills and we go back into bed
>cuddle for 2-3 hours and sleep
How are they /pol/?
Everything listed is just inane SocJus faggotry that those two have said on the podcast, which you're not likely to find on Yea Forums.
She's in Japan for work. No idea doing what
It's amazing how quickly discussion dies out when these /pol/ fucks come in and shit up the thread, like they did with the whole site. No one cares about fucking politics on MY VIDEOGAME BOARD.
You're all morons for focusing so much on that and not what I actually said.
Again, you faggots are NPCs
When you're from trannyera, your opinion is invalid
Eh, I mean as part of the group.
You people have been complaining about these threads for years, but I guess it must be "pol" now, for reasons.
They're doing Castle Super Beast now. It's basically the same show without the dead weight.
Nobody gives a shit about your points.
Just stop misgendering him
Remember when the rallying cry of Yea Forums back during the GG days was to get politics out of muh vidya?
>he still watches these fags
Why? You all seem to hate them.
>Muh resetera discord tranny
How many times do I need to tell you you're acting like a dog trained to bark at a certain stimulus before you realize what a Mongoloid you're being
Except you forgot to mention the dead weight was suppressing the sheer obnoxiousness of Pat and Woolie
They pointed out that Laura did was waiting for Nintendo to comment on the story but had it in the drafts section of the Kotaku backend. Her EIC decided to publish it without waiting for a comment. Due to changes in Kotaku's backend the edited version of the article would not update for whatever reason despite being corrected within 15 minutes of go live.
She tried to explain all this on her twitter which is when Kotaku made her remove the tweets as commenting on Kotaku's inner workings is against company policy so she had no avenue to explain what went wrong and how fucked up it all became.
Excellent reply, user. About on par with what I'd expect.
you're a bitch, user
>man is not allowed to have retarded views on subject
>man is not allowed to not say fag on streams he can keep his job
>man is not allowed to state facts
>man who explicitly dislikes weeb shit is not allowed to dislike weeb shit
Try reflecting upon yourself for a change and understand why this place exists in the first place why it is as it is (not why Moot created it though).
I hesitate to point it out, since it's educating you psyhos on how to blend in, but fuck off.
And GG failed because it capitulated to a certain unmentionable crowd who coincidentally are the golden cow of gaming journalism. Really gets the old noggin' joggin'.
No one brought that up, sounds like you're admiting something
shut the fuck up about trannies
They really need to have plague on more often, he's good at slapping them when they get too stupid.
It makes me really sad to say it but yeah, Woolie has almost no chance now in the content creation business. He has maybe a year or less before he caves and begs pat or someone else to be a mainstay on his channel to increase his already sub 10k viewers. He has to know the majority of people only like him when Pat's around right? I don't give a shit about any of the charisma voids he calls his friends and almost every video he's made hasn't interested me in the slightest apart from the DMC5 lp. He playing W101 for fucks sake, I should be hype as fuck but it's a complete flatline. I really miss the days of Omikron and A Way Out.
I wish there were good video game youtubers
Yeah this is fine. But you wouldn't call a guy 'the bitch' like you would your ex-wife
Don't validate trannies
What bro, don't you love it when Pat is playing up a bit that he himself is only laughing at, all while Woolie goes on some weird insane fan theories that make no sense.
Throwing out a (misrendered) "Moot" as an appeal to seniority/ authority doe nothing to hide how badly you stand out.
KOTOR and LA Noire were top tier.
Why did it have to come to this?
GG failed because it was a herd of wild autismos with no real concrete goals/figurehead/identifiable structure, it never had a chance.
Woolie’s fan theories are pretty funny to listen to. Especially when Pat calls out how dumb and overthought they are.
I liked Noire but KOTOR was good too? That sort of game seems awful for humor LP
Even when he does LP with Pat I can’t stand the twitch stream stuff, I just want regular LPs like they used to do.
It was comfy and entertaining. Dunno why people hated it.
Madseasonshow is good for WoW nostalgia.
Probably my favourite best friends moments are the rare occasions where woolie gets called out for massively over-complicating something and they won't let him spend the half hour it would take for him to present his seminar on why he thought what he did.
I think he plans on dying with Paige
What subreddits would you like Woolie to review next week and describe the top posts and comments on?
>that time Woolie implied he was into black chicks and Pat called him the fuck out
Brilliantly devastated.
Of course I stand out, I want to discuss fucking videogames. I will happily sacrifice thread like these if faggots like you are banned on sight. But since half of the threads are currently about "Muslim Kombat" I feel no obligation to follow the rules.
Funny how this went ignored.
Just do something popular that people like, alongside his current content. Take one of these series that isn't really working, and just make it a DMCV combo workshop show or a Pat and Woolie MGS3 or something going all the time. Could be done in one recording session every two weeks, and it would draw in fans while he got to do his other stuff.
Probably that recording from before SBFP was a thing where he called Rufus from Street Fighter a fat faggot
Then go into any of the other 149 threads, retard.
The only good take in this entire thread and the mongoloids on this board only care about the pronouns. This place fucking sucks now
Don't you love it when Pat reads donations and reads with the chat, or plays shit up more than he needs to because of all the emotes? Dance you fat ginger monkey, dance!
Youre right, sorry about these guys
>just ignore it
The fucking irony.
Tbh Yea Forums has been shit for longer than its been good now.
If we'd had this thread back in 2014 you could just find and replace tranny with tumblr and it'd be right at home among the other threads.
Fit tomboys
Glowing like the fucking sun you degenerate freaks.
you can always leave you abomination
The real problem is just an inherent one within us all, in the fact that our ideology will dictate the opinions we spout on this website, and it will lead to conversations mimicking those seen on /pol/, despite how much people don't want it. You could argue its been more prominent due to events like gamergate and the 2016 elections, but I would argue an influx of people in general has caused it more than anything. Everyone on this fucking board has probably been obnoxiously political at some point, and sometimes not even of their own fault desu.
Play Metal Gear
Play Platinum games with Pat
Play Bayonetta
Coach your Chinese friends on making sure to say things to fill in the gaps
/pol/ boogeyman here, all trannies, homos, feminists, communists, niggers, arabs, and jews should be gassed.
Also the sbfp podcasts have only ever been good when plague is on, pat and woolie are only fun to listen to in let's plays, the other two were always fags.
>Fighting a war to save Yea Forums from the occasional e-celeb thread
God speed autist
I have this theory that people liked to self insert as Pat because "Wow, he's honest with himself... JUST LIKE ME!", helps that he was naturally the most charismatic between him and Matt. People mistake this affection for thinking "He'd like the same things I like! Think the same way I do!" because for most people, streamers and LPers are the only bit of socialization they ever get. So they view Pat as /ourguy/ when he's far from ever being my boy. Crazy Talk really exposed him in a negative way to me, kinda makes me think those early views on horror games like Silent Hill just came from discussions he read online rather than his own observations. He's a parrot at the end of the day, a parrot who people latch onto for validation.
Pat becoming a libcuck was pretty obvious.
he was a conservative at one point but that's long gone. he's not a hypercuck like liam or matt but he's still cucked.
paige is based though.
That explains why it got published but it doesn't justify such a shit article even being drafted in the first place.
GG bent the knee to minorities and fags without realizing that the only thing that gives those people power is the crazies who prop them up. That's the story of the whole movement basically.
Those are within the post cool down, dumbass. What's your take, even? That post shames LKD for writing the article and all you can do is blame people for not going apeshit over misgendering. Fucking lol
The Xcom 2 playthrough is the best thing that channel has ever done and Liam was part of it
I miss Matt even though I liked him the least. At least with him around they ignore twitter chat and sticked to vidya/movies for the most part.
>loves trannies
>paige is based though.
Paige "I love furries, gays, trans, and YMS!" is the opposite of based.
>Board requires you wait a minute before posting again
>9 second difference
I want newfags to fuck off
Also pic
>You could argue its been more prominent due to events like gamergate and the 2016 elections
While I'm a newfag from the early 2010s, I do think that Yea Forums has generally gotten way more political compared to the times when I first got here. I remember when Yea Forums used to be the board that was blamed for all the shitposting on here.
I'm accusing you faggots of coordinating your out-of-plcae support for the same post.
Misgendering isn't a real thing, by the way.
GG was never a cohesive movement, it couldn't bend the knee to anyone because it didn't have any direction of its own beyond a vague anger against vidya journos. GG couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, let alone take on the journos that actually coordinated with each other and put forward a united front.
Yep, and I dont think its too crazy. People gravitate to Pat and the old channel becausw they validate the kdea of makong money acting like a kid when youre an adult. The channel is practically a hugbox for underachievers
Also pic
I dont use discord, im not a tranny, and that wasnt coordinated
I wonder what happened to this man to be so angry?
2008 fag here. Yea Forums in general kinda went to shit with the political shit right around the FemFreq KickStarter. Prior to that there were a few threads here and there, but not to the extent of MUSLIM KOMBAT is getting now. Politics are literally living rent free in people's heads now and it's made the bar of quality drop across the board on all ends.
How fucking new are you? Have you never seen a post on this site get replies saying similar things within a minute? You would rather believe that people really coordinate their posts for shit threads like this?
Get gassed newfag
Folks be on alert there be resetera trannies in this thread.
I'd say it was a steady decline, you'd see spikes around the fem freq kickstarter, the 2016 election and other "major" events.
She just seems like she's a live and let live person towards pretty much everything.
I haven't seen her specifically loving trannies or anything like that.
>Anecdotal evidence vs actual studies
Gee, I wonder which one's more accurate
>I just decided to add my support for a retarded post from 22 minutes prior at the same time as another complete retard
What a coincidence.
Watch out lads, its the pronoun police, better get back to our discord pronto.
>paige is based though.
nah she's honestly just as bad as Pat, just because she hangs out with Dick doesn't mean anything. She's just another e-girl that pretends/is ambiguous that she's conservative but when you look deeper into their beliefs you realize they're not (sh0e, Britanny Venti, etc.)
Must have missed her posting on Twitter of TRANS RIGHTS with her and Pat
She went on a twitter spergout after some guy said he was unsubbing for her support of trannies. Might have been around the time that twitch fundraiser was happening.
i dont think the person who made that graph knew how to appropriately put sources of information
Damn was was a year before gamergate, where does the time go?
More like just kill yourself already genetic deadend.
Based schizo poster.
Are you negating all the pain all this people is suffering? Are you serious? You are heartless and cruel! I hope you die in a fire!
I don't think any of them are aware of what made the Best Friends work. They only took one segment of the formula and split off into separate channels. In all seriousness I thought Woolie and Pat could hold out if they just continued doing LPs; yes, it would be extremely difficult without Matt to mix up being stuck every day in the same room with another person but it would work.
To me this is what set them apart:
- Togetherness
- A fairly high rate of good information and opinions
- Saying the dumbest and entertaining shit on the planet
They have straight up threw all that in the garbage. They could be playing AAA games, Omikron, or their pet games it doesn't matter so long as the game threw them segues and conversation threads. Woolie has decided to partner with not only boring but grossly incomprehensible human beings and Pat has partnered with a woman on meme-crutches who may as well have alzheimers and a cat that might die within a year.
I understand what happened between Pat and Matt cannot be repaired. But for fucks sake Woolie and Pat have to sit in the same room together and start playing some fucking video games. Just fucking think of the Best Friends Wiki and all the fucking lore and idiotic mythology that for some goddamn reason cannot be invoked ever again. For some fucking reason Woolie and Pat cannot realize that the magic is when they're together and not with fucking Paige or Woolie's ESL clown car. Take the God of War LP, two moments were just so fucking prime and they were the David Suzuki Memorial Oil Rig and Matt screaming MODERN DAY. Shit like that cannot happen separately.
Someone is at fucking fault here. Between the two of them or both of them is preventing them from making LPs together. There is zero fucking good reason why Woolie is wasting a W101 LP without Pat. They fucking crawled into a hugbox in December and blocked out the tough talk but right now they need a fucking wake up call and start making LPs.
You don't have a folder for reaction images because you don't use the site enough to warrant it.
What did Venti do?
Besides being part negro
The "community manager' fiasco for MN9 was one where I remember Yea Forums becoming a bit insufferable. The constant need for there to be multiple 24/7 threads about it for what felt like was a week was too much.
>Yea Forums in general kinda went to shit with the political shit right around the FemFreq KickStarter.
I feel like that was the start of all the political stuff, but 2014 was when things really started going nuts. I've also just noticed that all the political stuff started shortly after dubs were disabled on Yea Forums. I wonder if people on Yea Forums would care about politics as much if everything was still derailed by "CHECK THESE DUBS" spam.
I think you underestimate the kind of no life autist you're replying to.
Youre a fucking schizo, 20 minutes is absolutely not too long to reply to the most replied to post in the thread. Im not even blind to the reality of brigading and raiding, but your paranoia here is kind of useless when youre basically going apeshit about misgendering in a way that keeps you from basic analysis of what happened here. He didnt even draw a liberal or SJW conclusion. You sperged out without understanding
>Being Woolie is pure suffering
He deserves it.
who is this guy?
well fuck I found it.
the doom guy thing right.
what did she mean by this?
Actually the apology explained it.
She'd been Primed to hear the mispronunciation. Basically because someone had told her beforehand that it said the word "retarded" her brain automatically drew that conclusion when listening to the word in the song. Same thing happened to myself when first hearing it.
The article was not meant to be published without comment/response though that's the EIC's fault.
Dump your ZZ Top folder please.
Fat ginger with the gout who cackles in laughter at the word "booobs"
Nothing to do with the content of the post, but the fellating it received seconds apart despite being buried in the middle of the thread and until then having received no attention other than for its failed attempt at pretending a tranny was actually a woman.
Big post. Kind of silly. They just simulated being adults playing games together like kids did
what's his name so I can search for his channel
>Trans people are less than human
Indeed, based.
I have no idea desu, I just know I unsubbed from her vod channel after seeing it.
Fuck off already
Sorry man you missed the mark, at least with me. Im literally a white midwestern american in a blue collar posting at work
I legitimately think she just likes to bait people.
Im not going to shill an e-celeb, but just do an image search on OP's pic.
Woolie needs to make "Best Acquaintances Play" with Pat, Plague, maybe Paige and with guests like Clemps, Joseph Anderson, superbutterbuns and etc
I honestly feel really sad for him, he's taking so much shit from everyone despite just doing what he wants without bothering anyone but everyone he associates it is in general fucking retards
Fair enough. I'm suspicious ever since seeing caps of discord trannies trying to mindbeak people with their shit. It does exist, make no mistake.
Well his point that LKD (regardless of the illness that dominates their life) got one of their work in progress hysterical hateclick articles published by the company that happily publishes lies for clicks. The article was aggressively retarded and indicative of a lifetime of fear mongering, but without Kotaku evem LKD would not have given in the light of day. Both incompetent and very ill
I don't want to get banned for derailing a thread with ZZ top again.
But here's a sample just for you
It does
Remember when Oney did a PUBG lets play with Shadman?
shit was like a fucking fever dream
gaming and bigotry really do go hand in hand
Out of curiosity, were you one of the anons that would spam threads with accusations of people being "tumblr" and "shills" about 4-5 years back?
Naturally. It's the new normal, though.
I find it very funny that woolie can hadly break 10k on most of his shit but the moment pat joins in for DMC he get's an instant 100k views. I doubt he even understands why.
Wait what?
In some places. Plenty of people still know whats true
what the fuck this shit looks fucking illegal
Don't feel too bad. Its his own fault for being lazy and just generally making boring stuff
Oneyplays did a PUBG episode with Shadman as one of the guests
shad was actually really fucking good at the game and didnt bother much
the video got taken down though
Its not "new" at all, Yea Forums (and Yea Forums, /pol/, etc) has always had a weird relationship with traps.
I used to be in another server with >her she's exactly as annoying as the screen cap would lead you to believe, as are all trannies.
based misinformation poster who fell for the alt-right psy-op because there's numbers and numbers are authorities and it means you don't have to think or read
the research paper that comes from explicitly states the results are not about the efficiency of transitioning and purely compares post-srs transexuals to a healthy population. the lead researcher also did a follow up denouncing how the research was cherry picked and spun to fit a political agenda to attack transpeople
Did you guys never listen to sleepycabin or something?
What is a sleepycabin?
Can't do Discord since I found out the creators/ staff are apparently a bunch of furry pedophiles.
I mean he's just doing what he likes. he KNOWS those people are fucking retarded but in his head he just wants to have fun with them and record what he wants.
if he wanted to make a good channel he would just stop talking to those people(or give them guidelines to stop being retarded assholes) and make a channel with the "good" people.
I don't particularly care if she had a "yanny" moment. Someone who held an EoC position at Kotaku, one of the bigger gaming media websites, could have easily emailed someone at NoA for comment privately, or at least written the article with an inquisitive tone instead of an accusatory one. Not only did he accuse Lyn of using a slur and Atlus/Nintendo being in on it, he went the extra mile and claimed Lyn said "I can say it" as an affirmation on the track. That's beyond irresponsible, even if the article wasn't ready for print. I get that it was published by accident, but this is the basest clickbait you can possibly imagine. The EIC didn't force Dale to make an article out of what only has enough content and significance to warrant a Twitter post.
Pat and Wooley can run damage control all they want, I have no patience for sensationalist bullshit like this.
Jerking off to it. No one would say they're actually women.
All this shit is gonna fall apart sooner rather than later, I'm just "enjoying" the ride while I can. It's the only place I can get an easy porn feed on my cellphone since Tumblr shut down.
"liking traps isn't gay" has been a fucking meme on Yea Forums since like 2004, you retarded faggot
A lot of the time I really hated Matt, not as much as Liam but there many times where he would bring down anything he was in because he bored or had some shitty opinion he had to get out. But he was a balancing agent to Pat and Woolie and usually brought out the best in them and now Woolie is crashing and burning without the two of them to support him. He's still too fucking stubborn to just do what works and insists on spreading himself too thin. Saddest shit in the world to me, I used to binge watch a lot of their LPs and I used to stay up till 1am just to watch the live podcast and now I'm struggling to listen a full episode of the podcast.
Yeah they would, you'd get dudes posting themselves wearing those long socks every now and then.
Plus all the "ironic" RPing and the "merely a game of pretend" posting.
no coping needed
all research and modern studies back up my side while the right has to rely on dailymail articles and cherry picked data from papers that don't support their viewpoints
incredible cope
glad you won't pass 30yo tranny
I genuinely used to think Pat might be right-leaning and hiding his power level. Always wondered what he thought about the current cucked state of Canada. After this podcast episode he's definitely very lib but not the overly annoying type.
That's what I'm saying, retard. It was said ironically, meaning it is gay, meaning no one entertained delusions that these people were anything more than men in tights.
She believes that she's some sort of traditionalist wife-matieral girl even though she's been exposed as living as a cat lady with her apartment being littered with trash and cat shit. She also been complaining about the inequality between male and female streamers, defends boobie streamers, and completely sperged out when she stopped wearing makeup as a form of protest but starting wearing it again after everyone called her ugly, making her complain about beauty standards of women online. In general, you can tell that she only puts on this image of being a traditionalist/conservative because it panders to her male audience, but when she's debating someone or expressing her views it's pretty obvious that her political opinions are extremely surface level and passionless.
do you ever get concerned that you've developed incredibly strong opinions based on pepe infographics, one-off outrage headlines, and papers that you've never bothered checking because you rely on someone on Yea Forums doing research for you?
The majority laughed at it, but there was a sub group of anons that got really butthurt and defensive when you called them a faggot for wanting to fuck a man in a dress and took the whole "traps are women" thing really seriously.
Although that most likely came from a place of not wanting to be gay.
Okay but post op transsexuals have a 45% suicide rate.
reminder to kill yourself if you're a part of an "online community" on discord
>Jews control Hollywood and the banks? What a bunch of nonsense crazy talk!
>Now here's how you can change your gender by wearing a wig and cutting off your dick
lmao go get your dick cutted off and develop severe depression tranny
Whats your side? What research suggests it? I actually do want to know. Like, what is your ethos here
Podcast with a bunch of animators from newgrounds. Stamper, oney, psychicpebbles, and ricepirate to name a few. It’s pretty much just them screaming at each other like retards for an hour. Pretty funny desu
Im convinced that many trannies are pushed into it by other trannies who regretted it, but want to bring others down to their level because they are jealous of the happiness others have. Its genuinely disgusting.
In many cases
Wtf?! I thought this was just a joke. I like her on the Dick Show podcast and respect her for never going the slutty e-girl route. I hope Pat impregnates her to continue his lineage.
Radical centrism dictates that both are wrong and the real sane path is to cut the dicks off of jews in films.
>want to bring others down to their level because they are jealous of the happiness others have. Its genuinely disgusting.
That describes all of "leftism" (which is a buzzword for subhuman because these subhumans truly serve no ideology but currently the modern left is infested with them)
Sure, I'll buy that. Was mostly a Yea Forums regular, so I wasn't exposed to it much until the tumblr infestation.
But that's exactly what happens
>David Suzuki Memorial Oil Rig
Shit, I forgot about that. That was A+.
Whats the pro-transsexual research? Ive never actually been shown it
Many such cases!
sure, but why do they have a 45% suicide rate?
you can get similar statistics from veterinarians, for instance, because solely comparing a group to a healthy population is retarded because correlation =/= causation
do you know the sample size for the group? the region? the average age of the samples?
the paper itself answered these questions with "we don't know why the rate is this high"
if you read the scottish government's 2012 report on transexual mental health, the suicide rate actually goes down after starting hrt and pursuing treatment
Matt was a necessary evil. His fakeness was gated by Pat's autism and Woolie's relaxed, genuine attitude. Woolie and Pat's complete lack of drive was checked by Matt keeping them on-task and trying to push LPs. I totally believe the story that Matt went nuclear because Pat and Woolie wanted to play some kono hentai panty game the same weekend that fucking Smash came out. Smash would have paid for them to plan ten weeb games.
Both Matt's solo content (espeically Whahappun, goddamn, man) and CSB are bad. Matt is dumb and annoying as always and puts on his "YouTube voice" for his non-live shit and it bugs the fuck out of me, while Pat and Woolie are atrociously low energy and do basically nothing if there's not a podcast to record. I thought they'd survive separately, but now I'm just holding out hope that they wake the fuck up and realize they need each other.
they're SJWs, so whatever
fuck him for LITTERING, tho
>the suicide rate actually goes down after starting hrt and pursuing treatment
Go back to your discord
Almost everyone feels the need to reproduce.
Fags and trannies do it not through normal sex, they do it by turning other people into them
He really can't come to terms with realising his friends, aside from Reggie, have the charisma of a dead rodent.
The low energy thing is really grating, it was funny when it happened once a year on the Christmas cast, but its becoming obnoxious.
Try not to put tranny in the OP next time, it seems to be like a signal for reseteratrannies to come shit up a thread. Unless that's your goal to keep them here and away from other threads, you are a hero
Do we have reaearch for that? Isnt it completely nebulous except where it jas been recorded here? Isnt that just a lot of explanation to explain an unsavory result of an experiment? Do we have actual research that supports sexual reassignment surgery as a solution? I underatand that stat can by iffy and can mean a lot, but isnt all this just a bunch of diffusal and ignoring the results? Current treatment of transsexuals doesnt improve their suicide rate very much. What suggests otherwise?
Wouldn't surprise me, but that's understandable, hell you might even sympathize with it on some level. What is absolutely reprehensible is medical professionals actually carrying out the act of 'transitioning' these mentally ill people, for money or out of social pressure or because they believe it's somehow ethical to do so.
>Dude stop telling me I drink too much Red Bull™ lmao
>that episode of God of War where Woolie jokes about the "Zog Machine" as if it's the most out-there conspiracy in the world
>Congress votes 424-0 against "antisemitism" when AIPAC is brought to public attention
This is never going to happen, they straight up said a regular LP schedule will interfere with their current output, which is what they want to do. Most recent podcast around the 3:16:00 mark. Apparently things are going just fine in their opinions.
I find it fucked up that Yea Forums is the only place that misses how they used to do things and mourn its absence. I realize there's no point harping on it anymore; there is absolutely zero motivation to force LPs for the sake of content if they aren't both equally interested and for the most part they're not interested in the old formula.
I don't even listen to the podcast anymore. I just watch whatever clips Woolie posts of the stream.
I'm slowly going through all the old content on Sw1tcher whenever I need to fill the air with noise and archiving the best episodes. I don't fucking know why. I just don't want to risk Matt deleting that shit one day and maybe when I'm in the nursing home with a bunch of geriatric shitlords we can go through the Best of The Best Friends and reminisce about the David Suzuki Memorial Oil Rig and muffins being cakes.
Wouldn't be a problem if all trannies were gassed
I love how quickly Woolie shot him down with this littering bullshit.
Here's a study from 2012 that essentially goes over transexual regret rate and mental health, it's a long read but the majority goes into depth of what the paper's sample sizes are, but there's also a short summary at the end
Here's the suicide study everyone loves to use
>In other words, the results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment. As an analogy, similar studies have found increased somatic morbidity, suicide rate, and overall mortality for patients treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.[39], [40] This is important information, but it does not follow that mood stabilizing treatment or antipsychotic treatment is the culprit."
Here's a follow-up
>The paper by me and co-workers named “Long-term follow-up of transsexual persons undergoing sex reassignment surgery: cohort study in Sweden.“ have had an impact both in the scientific world and outside this community. The findings have been used to argue that gender-affirming treatment should be stopped since it could be dangerous (Levine, 2016). However, the results have also been used to show the vulnerability of transgender people and that better transgender health care is needed (Arcelus & Bouman, 2015; Zeluf et al., 2016). Despite the paper clearly stating that the study was not designed to evaluate whether or not gender-affirming is beneficial, it has been interpreted as such.
from an AMA
>"How to get into Fighting Games"
>refuses to do a video on the hottest fighting game of the year that is bound to introduce a lot of people to fighting games
On his own channel, Matt has that Nostalgia Critic thing where he insists any joke or funny thing is an incredible unbelievable mistake he doesnt get.
>uhh... Okay i guess?
>like i dont really know what they meant by this?
Its unbearable
I think they'll go discover defending tranny suicide rate on a taiwanese shadow puppetry image board increases said rate, so don't worry about contributing to the statistic
Its not exactly reprehensible to try and help someone, even if you're misguided in that attempt.
We can hardly blame the medical professionals being given poor information, the fault must lie with the social sciences for pushing this.
>We can hardly blame the medical professionals being given poor information
Yes we can. They knew what they were doing when they get millions of lower class workers in middle america addicted to opiates.
From the first link
>70% of the participants were more satisfed with their lives since transitioning andonly 2% were less satisfed. Those that were less satisfed after transitioning citedpoor surgical outcome, loss of family, friends and employment, everyday experiencesof transphobia and non-trans-related reasons.
>85% were more satisfed with their body since undertaking hormone therapy, 87%were more satisfed after non-genital surgery and 90% after genital surgery. Only 2%were less satisfed with their body since undertaking hormone therapy, 2.6% wereless satisfed after non-genital surgery and 3.7% after genital surgery Those thatwere less satisfed after surgery cited poor surgical outcome (in terms of aesthetics,functionality and surgical complications - nerve damage, loss of sensation), treatmentdelays, funding refusals on the NHS or sheer cost if they went privately, as well as alack of support both during and after surgery.
>74% felt that their mental health had improved as a result of transitioning. The 5%who reported a decline in their mental health since transitioning felt that their issuesrelated to a lack of appropriate support, losing family and loved ones, or for reasonswhich respondents felt were unrelated or ‘not directly related’ to the transition, suchas employment or cultural/environmental issues.
Understandable, but thats an extremely inconclusive conclusion, isnt it? So treating mentall illness increases morbidity in all cases, does this mean SRS is a proper solution? The study doesnt bother to wonder, it only says suicide is common in mental health rehabilitation
Woolie is a lot of things, but pragmatic is not one of them.
Its funny for a guy who likes to shit on "suits" as often as he can he could really do with one to get him on track producing watchable content.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
>it was published by accident
No. No it was not. Don’t believe that lie for a second.
Good. So like 2 or 3 years tops, right?
What does that have to do with the tranny thing?
Super Best Friends have always been fucking trash, only the zoomer faggots on Yea Forums worship them
Pretty sure they shit talked the game grumps post jon in a dmc video and then deleted it right before their collab with arin
So? Take a look at the Frontal Lobotmy, a treatment for depression given out by well meaning doctors that removes the thinking part of the brain, that had been performed complictly and happily on JFK's sister with the best of intentions, leaving her brain dead. Within twenty years, we may realize that modern SRS is a medical catastrophe on par with the illegal and Geneva forbidden Frontal Lobotomy
>Dumb tranny keeps shitting out articles throwing people under the bus and fucking up.
>Apologizes sometimes so everything is "fine" even though it wrote the entire fucking article in the first place so don't give me that bs about your editor publishing it without waiting.
>Some dude makes an ok sign.
>Banned from everything forever, this will never ever be forgiven I hope your family dies you fucking bigot I don't care that you apologized.
Shit-storms peaked with 4, it even had the best spook intro.
Do you have any evidence user?
Theyre victims of an experimental and damaging treatment pushed by overeager scientists and doctors on them in impressionable states
Eureka 7 was shit.
I really hope Pat dies, not because I hate him or anything but he just has such reckless disregard for his health it's almost as if he doesnt care about life itself
>recreation faux outrage is fine
It makes sense if people who dont have gender dysphoria see sexual reassignment as unecessary
>Get Pat and Woolie to shill Red Bull
>Illness and sleep issues intensify almost immediately after the first case
>Probably the best anti-energy drink ad ever created
E7 is good, everything else should not exist.
Its all cope. Pat wants to live forever
When being a tranny doesn't get you the attention you want
This is a large 'feels' based argument from me because likely proper indepth study hasn't been done in the matter, there's the first article that reports over-all mental health improvements post-transitioning, and the negative reasons cited are poor surgery outcomes, but also social reasons like loss of family, friends, and careers.
That last point should make sense because, hey, people hate trannies and threads like these are proof of the general consensus. So for me, it's really damaging when I see impressionable people push misinformation so hard as it enters real thought and real discourse and provides real foundation for people to build more stigma.
It shouldn't sound crazy to anyone that being widely hated to the point of abandonment / shunning would lead to mental health issues, and it's not really contained to the internet. US recently banned all transexuals from the military, so I think two thousand(?) people were forcibly unemployed with no security afterwards. Only New York considers them a protected class. Compared to every other group they have a much higher bar to seek health care (I think most trannies end up becoming homeless).
It's just a fucked situation and it's weird to me that having empathy is seen as 'bad' online because of 'degeneracy' and no one can really define degeneracy outside of not-white.
>plays Vidya all day and has a career because of it
>attractive girlfriend
>Has enough leeway
>Bunch of friends on and off internet
>Is doing his best to make it so he'll probably die right after his gf
Living the life
>I'm 30+ have sleep apnea and all kinds of health problems.
>I also like wildly swinging my sleep schedule around like it doesn't matter.
>It's fine though I'll just complain about being tired for 15 minutes on the podcast while chugging red bull.
Great ideas Pat.
Jesus fuck, this makes me feel bad. Trannies mental state are worse than incels.
>sh0e pretends to be conservative
There's a difference between being conservative and thinking the far left are batshit insane. She still identifies as a liberal.
The medical community knowingly fucked up millions of people because they were financially motivated to do so.
In general, people don't become doctors to help people. They do it to make money. Same type of person as a lawyer,
Man, Woolie got really butthurt on the podcast when someone sent the email asking if he and Pat will do more lets plays together.
There's an image floating around of him passive-aggressively responding to a youtube comment asking the same.
What, to dogs?
I would say right now it’s society as a whole, not just this board.
Wow that was close people almost thought you were a woman
I don't understand, what is there to be upset about?
That's because he can't handle the fact that he isn't interesting without some ginger gremlin by his side.
It's time to come home Pat.
it's amazing how badly woolie has fucked up his LP channel
when Matt is doing something more competently than you, that's when you know you really fucked up
you guys missed out on pat laughing at the MK11 Jax ending last night
If I had to guess, it's because he either is trying to do them but can't put them out because they suck or are incomplete, or he doesn't want to do them but can't admit it.
We should do a study then. I dont doubt that people have deep seated gender euphoria, but isnt sexual reassignment surgery a bit like telling a schizophrenic he IS receiving messages from God in his head? The world is harsh and bigoted for sure, but a post op transexual is a lot more like an enabled mentality ill person (such as a schizo who feels enabled to speak as God) than someone coping with it and trying to be functional. I will say though plenty of transsexuals post op are functional, they make a good argument by existing, i just wonder if they couldnt get there without reassignment
Im not so harsh about it, but I really doubt the surgery. I think we shpuld be avoiding dysphoria in tbe first place. The problem is the euphoria, not your genitals. Gender dysphoria is literally the belief your genitals are wrong, doesnt surgery enable and boost that?
It's weird man, he got asked on one of his streams whether he was going to watch E3 or something with Pat and he just dismissed the guy and said Pat's plans are his own. Woolie got a following from being in SBFP and does a podcast with Pat but it's like he wants to go his own way. Unfortunately all his other friends are shit and fighting games are honestly niche as fuck and don't make for great content to most. I like Woolie but he needs to pick a lane.
Why the fuck would the word retarded even be doing in that song at the place it is in said song.
It was just a garbage trash clickbait article, even writing it deserves mockery. Who gives a shit it was posted by accident ?
Fucking semantics
It's still nowhere near as bad as it was with Matt
I want to hope that this tranny shit will pass in 5-10 years but it's become too ingrained into society for it to go away now. With schools pushing it we're at the end of the rope of things ever being normal again. I'm moving to Japan.
Ideally yes, there should be unbiased scientific studies on the matter, but it's not the case in real life. Academia is full of people who are on the left and care not for the truth, whatever it is. If I'm being honest, I don't think this is a problem with the left, if the right were in power, they would try to squander any truth they don't like it either. It's just how humans are, we don't like things that go against what we belive, so somethings may never be researched simply out of fear of the truth.
Matt wasn't blameless.
I'm sorry, Matt.
I'm happy that they're happy to be (finally) pursuing their passion and creating the content they want to make. But I'm not going to stick around for it. And now they've given me a definitive answer that there's little reason to pay attention to their new content if the current output is going to stay the course. Christ, these threads we've been having for the past couple months are just one fucking long drawn out wake. There was never a hope to return to old form.
We need a reset. That means a major war and/ or economic collapse.
Not even memeing, it needs to happen urgently.
Trannies and PC are dying, they won't last. I give it 2 more years max to die completely, just look how many right wing presidents are winning around the globe
>try and watch some of Matt's videos
>His wife shows up
Is she part of the reason they broke up?
She seems like that kind of lady that makes things worse
Please come back based scapegoat
why? I thought they read and choose which emails they want to answer before the podcast
>We need a reset
We need WW3. Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times
I mean she's fine as long as she wears like a paper bag or something
It's always because of a woman. A woman will always ruin a man.
Just wait for them to commit suicide
fucking woolie logic
>no one watches my non Pat LPs
>I could stop wasting my time recording & editing those and just cancel them
>OR I could make those videos shorter and shorter and release more through the week
>try to watch the podcast
>Woolie yells out to his landwhale gf to get her to chime in on something
Someone recently it was declassified as a mental disorder by the APA, you can find their article here
but mostly here's a quote that somewhat gets to your issue
>A psychological state is considered a mental disorder only if it causes significant distress or disability. Many transgender people do not experience their gender as distressing or disabling, which implies that identifying as transgender does not constitute a mental disorder. For these individuals, the significant problem is finding affordable resources, such as counseling, hormone therapy, medical procedures and the social support necessary to freely express their gender identity and minimize discrimination. Many other obstacles may lead to distress, including a lack of acceptance within society, direct or indirect experiences with discrimination, or assault. These experiences may lead many transgender people to suffer with anxiety, depression or related disorders at higher rates than nontransgender persons.
>According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
>(DSM-5), people who experience intense, persistent gender incongruence can be given the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria." Some contend that the diagnosis inappropriately pathologizes gender noncongruence and should be eliminated. Others argue that it is essential to retain the diagnosis to ensure access to care. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is under revision and there may be changes to its current classification of intense persistent gender incongruence as "gender identity disorder."
do we know the date though?
I was glad to see some people still criticizing that tranny even after the chat was put into sub-only mode. At least not all of their subs are mind controlled drones.
The entire publishing history of Kotaku “user.” They are extremely left-wing and on the hunt for problems such as racism where it doesn’t exist. What, you forget about GG already?
>locking the podcast twitch VOD behind a subscriber paywall
this is so fucking shit, watching the VOD on twitch is the easiest way of skipping topics you don't care about. Why do they have to be Jews about it?
>For these individuals, the significant problem is finding affordable resources, such as counseling, hormone therapy, medical procedures and the social support necessary to freely express their gender identity and minimize discrimination
>this isn't considered abnormal
>no one can define degeneracy outside of not white
Fuck off you racist piece of shit. Trannies are degenerate. You are male or female, you cannot change your DNA. That has nothing to do with being white.
Are they doing this again? Fuck off.
It hurts
>You are male or female
This, basic biology. Trannies are mentally ill and need help, not be encouraged.
The very best case she did nothing more than make some snide tweets and supported Matt's decision. But it's more likely when Matt went to her with frustrations over Pat she stroked his ego instead of maybe suggesting that Matt and Pat talk like adults about Matt's frustrations. Regardless and even in the latter case Matt seems to be happy presently and credits her with much of that happiness so in the interests of Matt I suppose whatever she did was the right thing.
Bitch totally poured gasoline on that fire. That's biased as fuck and I don't care. It's difficult to imagine she advocated for a diplomatic approach before immediately reaching for the nuclear option.
You have to understand that Woolie is desperate for ANY income right now.
It's been that way for like 5 years.
This desu, all of these normies accept shit because they're so mildly comfortable with their current lives they don't consider their children or their country's future. If we had problems at the height of our society(economically, population wise, etc) 40-50 years ago, were going to have significantly more in coming times when we don't have the same economic cushion we had in 2008.
Why not just listen to the audio version? IIRC, they’ve always locked the Vods to Subscribers only. Nothing’s changed.