We're going home guys

we're going home guys

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Other urls found in this thread:


you should go to /vg/ please, we don't need a classic thread 24/7 mr. blizz shill



Reminder that feral druids can raid tank through naxx despite what all the min/maxers will tell you. Just be prepared to put in all the effort a warrior tank has to, but run gnomeregan literally over a hundred times every single week on top of that. And if you're horde, there will be some fights you straight up can't be the main tank for because you don't have good a way of dealing with fear unless 2 dwarf priests rotate giving you fear ward.

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My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and


>And if you're horde
>2 dwarf priests

>retail general

Can't find a game to hold me off until classic drops. Thinking about checking out OSRS.. lol

Can't wait to run 5 mans with bros once again. I'm gonna be a mage this time.

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hunter or warlock for wpvp and whose most fun? or maybe shaman

shit, i cant decide, need to consult my friend who's probably will play if i ask him, but he's indisposed for a couple of months

What does "home" really mean to you? For me, it's Horde without blood elves.

pretty much this honestly. id like no undead too but ill take it

Yeah but bear ass isn't as aesthetically pleasing as fem orc warrior ass

We can transfer our characters and items onto this server right?

Hunter for max comfy leveling

Warlock for pvp (if you're horde)

Shaman if you want to support your pals (if your friends playing warrior he'll suck you off for windfury totem)


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A blue post confirmed that all Chinese accounts from Light's Hope will be applicable for transfer to Classic. I think it's unfair but I understand that they want to make their core audience feel really welcome.

Get that spirit set going!

>human warrior
Reroll to dwarf right now

I haven't been keeping up with this at all. Have they said what patch they're starting on? Is my druid going to need to spec for innervate?

Just made this

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>And if you're horde, there will be some fights you straight up can't be the main tank for because you don't have good a way of dealing with fear unless 2 dwarf priests rotate giving you fear ward
>dwarf priest

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Bros.. we're going home

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>paying actilizzard $15 a month for shit you've played 15 years ago knowing they'll fuck it up with pay to win models, microtransactions, and pandering to the 10 year olds whose parents recently transitioned them from male to female because of charlize theron and reddit.

Remember, I'll be here when it launches to point at you with my finger and laugh.

Fuck Blizzard.

wut i do

arms warrior or rogue

Yeah here's your home


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y'all realize this isn't coming out for at least 6 more months. we don't need multiple threads up at all times.

>literally can't discuss video games without bringing up tranny shit

tfw dwarf protection paladin

Zone out, the first dwarf priest MCs you, the other one fear wards you, zone back in. done.

I actually been thinking of doing that. I'm leaning more towards rolling Horde once classic comes out though. Tauren or Orc for war?


oh boy here come the faggots who demand you stop talking about vidya on the vidya board so they can have room for their MK11 /pol/bait threads

What professions for prot warrior?

Mining/Engineer for Force Reactice Disk then drop for Herb/Alchemy?

Tauren offers War Stomp for a quick reprieve on some fights.
Orc offers better TPS/Damage every time BR comes off CD

Gotta make room for all those smash threads amirite?

Or how about those E-Celeb threads? Or better yet the epic video game memes. Fuck off.

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what's up with the amount of smash threads on Yea Forums anyway

game's been out for 5 months and it's still half the board

Who here going to help me take back the righteous Alliance from the degenerate trannies. Faggots already took the rainbow.. I won't let them have classic.

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smashfags are cancer, easily the most obnoxious cunts on the board the last year or however fucking long it's been by now, feels like more

I'm not playing with a faction that is 99% undead males.

Just don’t give them attention.
The faggots thrive on it.

as someone who played Vanilla WoW, i can tell you that it wasn't that great.

i do have the fun memories of all the raids and shit.

but i remember how long it took get one off the ground.

how dependent you were on people to show up.
how most classes were just a 1 2 3 button spamming class or even just 1 and 2.

when you reach the last raid... then what?
nothing to look forward.
everyone knows the fights.

it's going to die off quick.

>all those people saying warrior

Can they fuck off my class?


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>shilling retail classic
>shilling phasing
>paying money to nu-blizzard and china
>playing with zoomers

How much do you get paid for this?

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Rogues are scissors.
Warriors are rock.
Hunters, paladins, priests, druids, mages and shamans are paper.
Warlocks are mushroom.

It's not phasing it's sharding get it right.

Should I play as a paladin if I like healing?

>everyone played vanilla
>everyone knows the fights

yes you can look up strats for every fight, but so can you for every retail fight and there's videos for every fight before you even get to try it. Guess raiding is pointless if other people have done it before you

Ironic posting is the lowest form.

shard this
*unzips dick*

The horde when it's not genocidal evil.

>undead rogue
>trisfal glades leveling
>doing quest to kill scarlet crusaders in tower
>first mob i fight at tower
>mfw rng fucked me

Second time
>get 3 nice crits
>mob flees
>aggroes 4 other scarlet dudes
>get my shit kicked in

I will never forget this shit but getting my shit kicked in made me wanna play more after the first beginning spots were piss easy.

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amazing don't forget to bring your equally knowledged friends to play classic with you

Definitely for PvP. I find Priest more fun for PvE, but Paladin is still effective there.

private server babby

I hope you enjoy classic as much as I did vanilla

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i remember these times leveling a rogue in classic, though on alliance. every zone was a new adventure. i wish i could go back, but i would be going back to friend who's been turned into an animatronic, i know its still him, and it all visually looks the same, but i know its still dead and it isn't going to go anywhere.

I rate it H/H

I really can't tell if people are being serious when they do this

I never got into this in its heyday, I played Runescape and Ragnarok at the time. What am I missing out on?

Is Sword Spec. really that busted? I wanted to go Axe Spec. for crit % memes along with that first fury talent.

You're fucking shit if you let mobs run away in the wrong direction.
No wonder you play UD rogue

raiding is pointless if there's nothing to look forward after having the raid on farm.

you know there will be a point where you won't be getting any content.

and once that happens it's only downhill from there.

only the "core" raiders will still be playing.
then people will start probably begging blizzard to add something new.

i will play it
i know i will stop playing probably once AQ is out.

The closer it gets to release the less I know what I want to play.

Now I am torn between troll shaman and a forsaken, either a female priest or a male warrior

Never play undead male

Describe in ten words or less the disbelief and hysteria that goes through your head as a Frost mage when someone brings this spec to MC and dabs on you on over half the bosses.

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No one will take you and your meme spec to a raid

Didn't happen

Reminder that the darkspear trolls perform human sacrifices and cannibalism regardless of the official horde stance on the matter.

>all these shitters claiming mage
>ruining my patented unique master race class gnome god of all realms

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I thought I was alone. I'm a fellow ROfag here who never played wow.

And that is a good thing

Taz'dingo, mon

remember when darkspear trolls were the basedboys of the troll kingdom.

The fuck kinda casual do you think i am? Do you forget the goddamn aggro range on some of the mobs espcially the patrolling ones? With how much fucking overlap some group had on their ranges? Yeah let me turn this mob around so i can get fucked from behind or aggro something else.

I didnt know rogues could throw shit so that was out of the question.

I played RO when wow was released and was mega butthurt because half of our guild quit playing and switched games. Then I did the same myself a bit later now vanilla is my home. Though frankly RO is also my home.

>roll warrior
>tank all dungeons
>never invite a paladin or warrior because I want all the mail,plate and two handers

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Describe in ten words or less the disbelief and hysteria that goes through your head as you see a Hunter wearing spellpower gear moving in and out of melee range with a red pet dabbing on everyone in ZG.

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Horde bears have tremor totem available you mong, it's much easier than needing two dwarf priests

utter trash and i hope the guild you try to get into kicks you.

Speaking of Druids, someone please convince me not to roll a Night Elf Feral Druid. I'm seriously considering it. I can't help myself, I always pick these stupid meme specs no matter how bad an idea I know it is.

>roll hunter
>loot all the mails in SM
>walk around with tier 1 shamen, rouge and hunter armor making all the boys jealous.
>roll on anything that has agility or AP beacuse fuck you.

I remember sword spec used to be able to proc from it's own procs in bc (can't remember if this was the case in vanilla though)

Good man. We have a similar plan with my friend who's gonna go warrior while I'm going to roll a priest.

Only druids, rogues, shamans and perhaps hunters allowed.

>still playing retail
>raid tonight, tomorrow, next day
>we're cutting edge but still wipe on mek, storm and a lot on jaina
>don't want go at all for weeks now
>guild is excited about classic and almost all of us are going to play it
>know that if i stop playing retail now they will end up finding someone else to bond with
>once classic finally decides to come out worried that i will be replaced
>not gonna have comfy leveling partners

I feel like I'm in prison so force myself to keep showing up. Thanks for reading my blog

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never pick a hybrid class if you dont want to heal
never pick a warrior if you dont want to tank

Fear Ward prevents the fear from taking place. Tremor Totem takes up to 3 seconds to remove a fear. You lose threat when you get feared. You don't want your tanks being feared to begin with.

Remember when they had to kill Zul'Jin but they kept their "for zul'jin" emote?

do your prot stance quest for green weapon and shield

you're pathetic

Who uses mail or plate, leather is where the good stuff is at, so better add rogues to that list.

i went all in on legion and had a lot of fun with a great guild. then boa came out and it felt like a prison as you describe. stepping away was hard, but not coming back was easy. ive been gone for six months.

Shamans are even worse than hunters at rolling for every single drop they can equip.

You legitimately need to be gassed.
Especially if you’re only pretending to be 13.

this guy is right and you're a retard

>fat mortal strike crit on a clothie

Is there a better feeling?

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This is the best way of telling if somebody has never raided past onyxia on horde side in vanilla.

Warrior is one of the best DPS classes.

While leveling people dont really appreciate warriors who wont tank though.

overpower+execute=dead rogue

Orc is better for bloodfury and stun resist, along with axe racials helping during leveling. Tauren's extra stam isn't actually significant enough to be too major.

Yes there is in fact, a fat Aimed Shot crit with Rok'delar on a clothie caught in your frost trap

every dps warrior has to tank in certain fights, no one invites warriors to a raiding guild who dont have a proper tanking set ready to go


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Warlock or Hunter?

Genuine question, how would classic WoW fair to someone that's never played WoW before? My favorite game of all time is Runescape if that means anything.

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Sometimes true though that's only going to be a problem with two handed axes and shields. And during 40's when some mail gear is just better than plate.

its the best version of wow for you to try out

Rate this spec for a pve server classic.wowhead.com/talent-calc/shaman/AAPPDTME80EfaA

I'd probably try to play on a private server or something first to get a feel for it. Runescape and WoW are vastly different games that are appreciated in different ways. I wouldn't say WoW has as much grinding to it, but there's a lot of variety in classes that you're bound to find something that sounds good to you.

I r8 it "funserver pros please notice me" / 10

why do retards keep posting their shitty specs where they randomly throw points around

you have to focus into one thing and not spread shit out like a retard

its probably the most played class of every single xpac

Shamans have the hybrid mental tax that attracts loads of retards who don't know what is actually good loot for them, so while leveling they might go wild and roll for everything, and later they want to gear all their specs so they keep rolling for everything. A good shaman knows exactly what kind of gear they need, and since its quite bit different from other healers pre-raid exept on a few pieces, they shouldn't be much of a problem, the main problems are idiots who try to gear enha or pve ele that will roll on every possible drop, or those who think shamans use the same healing gear as all the other healers.

Ench/Resto doesn't really go well if you want to raid. And people will literally tell you to fuck off if you actually pick 2 handed axe specialization and expect to get them.


want to make undead male but they are the blood elves of classic

only people using 2h in raids are off tanks

Actually a solid start for a skilled totem twister, drop all the healing touch stuff tho, since you won't use that at all. You'd chain heal all day between twisting windfury/grace of air. Drop all the melee and two handed shit too, you will never use any of those.

That honor DEFINITELY belongs to Warrior.
As a foreverMage&OnlyMage I pay attention to other Mages... what spec they are and how well they play. I never saw that many Mages between Naxx and the end of Wrath. Mage was always middle of the road.

Sadly, I think it's because people just want to play the strongest thing rather than what's fun. When they started to figure out balance and more specs/classes became viable, people starting spreading out to what they actually wanted to play.

Why are you retards responding to obvious bait?

I've never played WoW and have zero horse in this race but holy fuck you home faggots are obnoxious.

rate my spec you guys

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..Who need them more than some shaman.

Get a shield or go home.

>That honor DEFINITELY belongs to Warrior.
Literally the second most common class behind mages.

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>he just CAN NOT DEAL with seeing a thread and scrolling past or *gasp* hiding it

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Well going for improved weapon totems is a real choice you can make to improve raid dps, he might be a retard putting points at random, but people saying you need to always put everything in the same place are retards too.


there's nothing you can't do with that spec

imagine being this mad that one of your 30 nintendo related threads got bumped off because of this thread

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shouldn't we be getting a fucking blue post around now? it's been like a week, thought they were coming weekly now?

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m8 you're missing Titan's Grip
how else are you gonna dw 2handers with a shield?

>mage was always the middle of the road
>does the most caster damage until AQ/Naxx where they do the most damage in the game

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Probably the most popular if you dont take into account chinese gold farmers.

Not a Hunter

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is there any hope for human/forsaken fags?

wasn't this suboptimal unlike in Diablo 2?
I remember dual wielding 2h was still pretty good, just like D2 though.


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Hello, 100 IQ person. Allow me to explain.
That is Nostalrius, not data from the 6 years of WoW I'm talking about. It is not valid data representative of real historic human behavior "of every single xpac."
Nostalrius was full of Chink gold farmers who spammed Mages for better farming. It was also full of people who wanted to do PvE the "competitive" way because they hadn't done it before. This recent era of private servers is not something the average normie knows about or has the will to seek out. What people organically settle for is different.
Man, it's really amazing how annoying it is for some dumb faggot to make a wrong claim within these bounds [________________] and then back it up with something that is not only outside of those bounds, but not even correct on its own.

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We got one three days ago explaining that the datamined "beta" is an employee alpha.

Don't be dead weight, accept when you need to move on.

You're right, my bad. Now how is that arbitrary criteria of "every single xpac" at all relevant to a discussion about classic?

>tranmogs confirmed
>Mage tabvles confirmed
>Dungeon finder confirmed.
>Paladins for horde confirmed
>Sharding confirmed.

Ooof. Last Q&A was a fuckiing massacre.

Why shouldn't a Shaman try to gear Enhancement?

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Rate my PvP hybrid spec.


Remember to strictly follow this meta also optimise your leveling route otherwise get the fuck out from my group zoomer go afk in ironforge faggot

i guarantee rogues and hunters will be the most popular class at 60 in classic.

Every poll shows warriors as the plurality by a huge margin. Dumb zoomers dont know what leveling a warrior is like.

I'm leveling a Shaman, and I'm thinking to try to get here:


But where should I go after that? Deeper into elemental? Or pick up some Restoration?
I'm playing as a one handed enhancement shaman by the way.


Is this better?

imagine still playing WoW

oh right, you're lying

Engineer always, you need sappers / dynamite for solid aoe threat. Second prof doesn't matter.

Because they are the easiest to play, wow requires all kinds of micro management for every class but rogues and warriors have the very least of it to deal with.

Because most enha gear is wasted and never used, while also being much more beneficial on almost any other melee class. Enha gear is something you should try to parse together once everyone else has most of their gear, and you are only running stuff for money and a few spesific rare drops.

Now give me female draenei and blood elves

Well yea only the most autistic of neckbeards play on Nostalrius so they will roll BIS min/max class. This is not how it will go down in classic, screenshot this if you want. People will try Warrior but as soon as they start getting their shit pushed in in Fargodeep Mines (lvl 6 area) they will reroll to Rogue or Hunter and see how much better they are at killing things. If my some miracle they make it to STV they will probably quit the game 1-2 days in being in that area.

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I would go for something like this if you want to play 1h enhance in a supporting role.


sword spec + thrash blade is fun

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>Old game remaster bad
>Old game great!

Tirisfal glades is the comfiest zone in wow.

Someone mathed it out, and Thrash Blade with Sword spec actually shits on pretty much every other sword you can get until after BWL. It's ridiculously broken, assuming the proc rate on Nost core was remotely correct.

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everyday i come to Yea Forums and this exact thread is here, exact filename, exact text

congratulations you got old wow back, now you can spend all of your time in escapism land, drinking mt dew and eating doritos


>assuming the proc rate on Nost core was remotely correct.

It wasn't. Most proc rates were pulled out of their ass just like armor values because they didn't have anything to go off of.

Shock cooldown is a useless talent, you won't have enough mana to even care about casting it 1sec earlier. Clearcasting is also meh, because it doesn't affect healing spells, which are the ones you'd like to cast for free. Just go deep enha, but don't pick stormstrike if you use a dagger, and then go for ele or resto stuff depending on preference.

Reddit spacer go home

I didn't start playing until late TBC but recall old Disc Priests being bubble machines that ruined everyones day in a BG

Was this true of vanilla?

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I was thinking when leveling, but maybe it's worse at high levels. Yeah, should have read more carefully. Obviously a Shaman should gear enhancement while leveling, but in raids things may be different.
Still, in high level dungeons in 50+, the Shaman should still be allowed to gear enhancement. Not everyone wants to raid, and if the Shaman wants to stay enhancement, he should be allowed to do that.

Oh, and there's almost no Mail with Intellect in the game. Occasionally it may be necessary to roll on cloth or leather if you want to be a healer while leveling.

On a scale from LFR to mythic, how hard were vanilla raids?

>ad hominems without addressing my argument, your poor quality of life, your weight and cholestorol, and this shitty game
congratulations, you got your nostalgia back!!

Go home little reddit baby

Proc rates werent "pulled out of their ass". Nano literally sat down for dozens if not hundreds of hours, reviewing old 240p watermarked youtube videos from 2003-2006 and estimated many many proc rates from the data he was able to glean. Obviously some were guesses, some were estimates, but they tried as hard as they could to be faithful based on old videos, forum posts, etc

>hi i'm a newfag and this is my first post on Yea Forums
wowfag defense force clinging to anything just to play "with the boys"

normal mode BFD. not even trolling raids were piss easy. the HARDEST part of vanilla raiding was grinding for consumables/mats and grinding until you have your pre-raid gear.

mechanic wise legit 90% of the bosses are tank and spanks

Am I a brainlet or ancestral swiftness is not that good? an instant every 3 minutes doesn't seem that great

The raids aren't exactly hard mechanically, but getting 40 drooling retards to not fuck up basic shit is challenging on its own.

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Why is it this hard for them to build classic? Don't they just have to release an older version of the game and slap on b-net integration? I don't understand why its taking so long

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>wowfags this unsettled

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You'd want something like this classic.wowhead.com/talent-calc/shaman/AATwDJPABDDKTxk

Clearcasting is a really fun talent though. Optimal enhancement leveling is super boring, with literally no buttons to push and doing nothing but auto attacking.
With clearcasting, you have a 10% chance of being able to cast an additional shock spell in each battle, which is cool. I was thinking the shock cooldown could be nice if I need to interrupt while still on flame shock cooldown, but can probbly do fine without yeah.

Flurry is lame and does almost nothing, everything in deeper enhancement is passive and non-interactive.

Go home little baby

How many world famous MMO's have you built user

>babbies 2nd Yea Forums post
>look mom hes projecting xDD are the nachos ready yet?

it is pretty good, if that instant is a 2k chain lightning crit.


Shield and anticipation? even if I am on a pve server?

Maybe try

Gonna roll a mage, what do you guys think about this?

Attached: best mage build.png (830x507, 505K)

Friendly reminder that WoW was considered casual trash, even back in 2004.
Why is it suddenly okay for redditors, normalfaggots and zoomers to suddenly act like it was the first mmorpg?

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They have to update the internal databases to the modern structure, which has to be done manually, and there's several million lines to update.
Then they have to convert the old server backend from 32 bit to 64 bit format, because the modern servers are all x64.
Then they have to intergrate Classic into the modern client. Did you think they were going to have it launch from a separate client? No, it's launching directly from the BfA client so you select a Classic realm directly from the realm list, and can log out, hop over to a BfA realm, and play retail.

No, that's not how it works at all. The original client has too many bugs to release, and working with 15 year old spaghetti code is difficult when everyone who wrote it no longer works there. They're recreating it by taking the modern wow engine and modifying to work like the old one.

they rebuilt the game sorta.
this is a local server running the alpha that was put up a week ago

It worked in early patches, up to bwl or something. Ironfoe/thrashblade,hoj, swordspec and windfury could all proc from eachother, was pretty retarded.

we don't need switch threads
we don't need mortal kombat threads
we don't need devil may cry threads
we don't need metal gear solid threads
we don't need sekiro threads
we don't need souls threads
we don't need 10 best girl threads
we don't need 20 anime threads
Those threads are up CONSTANTLY and we don't need them anymore. All of those topics should be on /vg/ right?

They think battlegrounds will ever compare to castle siege. They never tasted the true PvP.

>feel when you cut all contact immediately with people you have been chatting and playing with for years because if you don't you know you won't stay away

good, fuck insane amounts of grinding.

Same here. I have good irl friends and guild mates I still talk to but I cant find it in me to fucking drag myself through current retail and I'm saying this as someone that did all the legendary quests since MoP.

How would you feel if blizzard added goblins to horde and high elves to alliance in classic

digraceful, just play frost since you don't know what you're doing
actually play a rogue or hunter get off my class

>you can't call food shit unless you're a chef

>high elves
Just give up

And everquest was considered casual trash compared to UO

Healing gear when leveling is just stacking int, spirit and possibly bonus healing, so yeah there will possibly be competition with other healers. Once mp5 gear starts to drop shamans should hoard those, while other healers still stick to +healing gear.
Even while leveling enha shouldn't care much about many tempting melee focused items, since int and spirit are actually really good for them. Agility is also a wacky stat, since it doesn't give any ap for shamans, but the crit and dodge can be really good once you get loads of it. A lot of the warrior dream gear is actually terrible for enha when leveling, but casual levelers don't pay attention to crucial details sadly.

that's not what the post said though

>Food Analogy

Even the best fury warrior out there is needed to tank every now and again
Nobody wants to throw themselves against Fenkriss or 4H for 2 months because some retard doesn't know how to use a shield

It would make more sense, actually, thank freaking Draenei falling from the sky. Thats just stupid.

Well the 2h and melee stuff is just kinda useless, so pick your poison.

Hey undead

Im gonna fuck you up.

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But I can instant pyroblast!

True that

Put your cloth on and heal bitchboy

Hope there is RP servers. Blood Elves forever ruined Horde RP community.

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Its pretty lame that undead are considered humanoids and cant have holy specific spells cast on them

Why isn't Yea Forums hype?

>roll warrior
>make friends with 20 healers while leveling
>75% don't pvp at all
>25% that do respec into dps when i ask if they want to pvp
>die to dots in front of them multiple times

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>Complaining how long it takes to make a meal when you haven't cooked the meal yourself

friendly reminder: PVP is where you go when you can't cut it in the raiding world

Man the draenei were such a mistake. We all like their women but they were the first sign of the retarded scaling of future games, with the game becoming almost sci-fi

Can't wait for this shit to be hyped up by every goddamn faggot streamer out there only to die down a couple of months later because all the zoomers leave.

>He can't do both
Stop posting

We've been having vanilla wow threads on this shithole board since you were in diapers, kiddo

your neckbeard seniors are not not hyped, we are patiently waiting... with tube socks and tendies

I'm new pls r8

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PVP is where you go to dab on people with your raid gear

No fuck off

WoW has been cancer ever since Wotlk, never spending money on this piece of shit i wasted years on ever again

Fuck you

Fuck you


You legit raid just to get the gear to 1 shot people in PvP. What do you think you're going to be doing once you clear BWL? Nost is a good example of this, all of my guildies after raid would go do some wPvP.

I never played Vanilla
What should I expect?

Man, my RP dwarf alliance guild I was an officer in used to go attack crossroads a few times a week and the main PvP horde guild would come try to fight us off. Every once in a while we'd somehow end up forming a circle like that, buffing up our guild leaders, and watching them go at it while keeping people from interfering and whoever lost would fuck off. It was usually us.

>classic won't have RP-PvP servers

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Yeah it was a massive design mistake by Blizzard considering how popular and good undead are, even moreso given undead rogues ripping up Alliance was so common. It would have made a fun paladin vs undead meta game going on in the background. But Blizzard hate fun.

PvP is where you go to flex on the manlets who can't get raid gear with your Kalimdor's Revenge

>Be healer in pvp
>If anyone at any time dies its your fault no matter how over extended they are.
>Be healer in pvp with friends
>If you aren't pocket healing them they get mad as hell
>Play healer in pvp
>You literally decide where fights are won simply by existing. So if the team aint communicating about where to be- you lose

The only winning move to switch specs

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Orc: dumb dindus
Tauren: dumb hippies
Troll: masterrace
Undead: clever and worthy of respect

this isnt city of heroes

Vanilla wow is a fun game. Developed and designed by people who knew how to make a fun game, not shitlib diversity hires who have no idea how to design their way out of a wet paper bag.

Its just a fun, neat little game you can play with other people. Which is a totally extinct species at this point in our nightmare dystopia world


fuck off faggot smash literally has 10 threads on the catalog at any time

we're going home and there's nothing you seething zoomers can do to stop it

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>WoW has been cancer ever since Wotlk
I mean yeah, thats why this is vanilla. The best flavor in both video games and icecream.

>>Be healer in pvp with friends
>>If you aren't pocket healing them they get mad as hell
no shit just stick to them and do your job asshole

>When you join one of those orc warband type guilds, and the GM is trying to be one of those insulting bootcamp instructors so you just challenge him to a 1 v 1 and he has to ICly pretend to respect you now

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Be healer in pvp with friends but without garbage friends. Besides, pocket healing your 2s partner and wrecking people is a lot of fun.

What is this for?

It was in the beta afaik. I think it got changed because some hire up stuck their nose in. I assume the designers wanted a shit ton of class and race diversity, but it had to be scaled back due to pressure from execs in suits

>Just lose every BG so your friend can get his epic kills while the team is dieing

No thanks, Vanilla was before all this 'heal slut' horse shit caught on. You want heals YOU backpack ME

Rp-pvp server for the comunity?

You'll know who the true master race is once you pick your nose while stunned for the foreseeable future, as the true lords of battle resisted that shit.

>You want heals YOU backpack ME
you're just a trash healer
thank god i don't have shitter like you on my side

Healer in pve and pvp while being able to burst people in pvp occasionally/dueling.

>Killing predictable AI scripted mobs to get more loot to kill other predictable AI scripted mobs faster

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It was changed because perma wotf was retarded. Treating them as undead meant they got the benefits too, like being immune to fear and charm. Everyone would've been undead.

If resisting a stun is what it takes for you to win a fight, you're a shitter. Orc racial is a crutch for casuals

rppvp server so i can laugh at and harass autists RPing

Based undead rogue

>another salty hit mad healers dont follow him on his suicide mission instead of being where the actual fight is and making plays to win the game.

You ain't gonna be bursting shit in PvP without reckoning
Get rid of the ret, pick up the useful prot talents, and respec if you want to do damage in PvP

gnome warlock hehehehehhehjhehjehejhehehebhehebeh i erelealy likegnome

>be interested in how Esfand does PvP, want to know about tactics against different classes
>he mostly stacks up reckoning procs and tries to oneshot people while roleplaying as a gay policeman

Reminder the ONLY was to enjoy Classic on your own terms will be to roll a warrior tank

>call the shots
>decide who joins your groups
>reserve whatever you want
>always get prio on raid gear
>constantly in demand
>worshiped and adored

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The murder of race and class diversity is a real failure of WoW. If anything I would be okay with them ramping up the race differences so that they were far more prominent. Jesus this loveboner for 'balance' ruined any fun to be had.

The solution is to give other races more unique traits to balance it.

or Alliance just wouldn't play Warlocks in PvP because it's an edgelord coward class anyway

>Socially awkward cuck couldn't cut in a raiding guild so he fled to pvp proclaiming how hardcore he is while still telling everyone his mic is broken

Truth hurts huh retard
Go back to sitting at low rank

>Americans wake up and join the thread
>Instantly shitposts go up 500%

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Reminder to stop paying attention to these retarded twitch """"""""""""influencers""""""""

All of them are private server kiddies who didn't even play vanilla. They're all clueless mongs.

Please let me be your healslut magnificent tank

A rather casual MMORPG that doesn’t have any hardcore elements that EQ had, nor does it have any retail difficulties.
On the other hand, it’s got just enough of the immersion elements retail WoW doesn’t have anymore, as well as a balanced early and midgame, which is something retail, once again, does not have.
Chances are you’ll spend most of your time grinding gear just to get accepted into raids that require it to even complete them, but as long as you know your stuff they won’t be as difficult mechanically as anything that comes after.
Should probably also expect it to be drastically different from what it used to be, as it WILL have tools such as a complete database of quests, new addons, etc. We already have a website for BiS for every class and every stage of Classic..
Also, it’s the definition of comfy. I suggest you invite some friends and enjoy the world of Warcraft. You have friends, right, user? And if you by chance do not, then the social aspect is present in vanilla 90% more than retail, so you’ll probably make some along the way.

>the meta wouldve been different therefore it wouldve been bad!

>the ONLY was to enjoy Classic on your own terms is on my terms

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nah it's all about the new meta of druid tanks

>tfw wanna warrior tank
>tfw also fear of fucking up and letting people down

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>Jesus this loveboner for 'balance' ruined any fun to be had.
Leftism in a nutshell.

No, it would've been bad because one race would've been extremely overpowered.


r8 my tank build

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It's hard to mess up in classic because dungeons go slow as fuck. I understand in M+ 17's if you mess up it's a huge deal but in classic it's so slow paced that you have plenty of time to think about what to do next.

Its funny with all the paladin vs shaman arguing of the day they are both the least played classes.

Both are more interesting than all the other classes except Warlock.

Death knights used to he considered undead at launch and you could shackle undead them for the full duration since it didnt have a separate duratuon for PvP yet.

I use to shackle new DKs in hellfire repeatedly making them suffer for 1-3 minutes of inconvenience

don't go tank, you don't have it in you

tanks just do it and don't worry

make one for classic? retard

The added pressure is the only way to feel invested in dungeon runs
You actually have control over the situation rather than just mashing out damage

Reminder all these meme fury tank specs only work if you already have end game gear.

I'll be laughing at all the retards going these meme specs while wearing greens and blues and getting btfo by trash.

At the start with shit gear it's all about mitigation.

Horde RP sounds comfy. It's just not going to be nearly enough popular come classic.

if they didn't nerf undead then you'd be complaining about how everyone is undead and nobody is alliance.

>reddit spaces without understanding what proper formatting is
congratulations, you got btfo

Better make another Smash thread fast!

I've been having fun dueling in instant servers so far. Burst is a big word, though, but I do enough damage to be able to win eventually if I don't misplay.

That's a trait you want your tanks to have because it means they'll actually work towards not fucking up and letting people down, and tanks need to put in the most work.

being a tank in vanilla is slavery

As a mage I've never once made food for anyone since Vanilla. It has lead to many arguments with pugs and the guy who occasionally tries to get me kicked out of the raiding team because hes too lazy to buy his own food. But a man has to have his lines.

I intend to carry on this tradition into classic.

Also I refuse to make portals for randos and just idle infront of them making tons of portals everywhere

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Blizzard will ban you if you break their TOS on unacceptable language, even if you only use that language outside the game.
If you accept Blizzard's terms, you acknowledge that you're not allowed to say things that Blizzard doesn't like. Not even on your own private Mumble server between friends.
Don't like those terms? Then don't play.

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Big 2-handed Windfury Crits on literally anything.

>>classic won't have RP-PvP servers
sauce me on that

>don't go fury because you miss out on mitigation talents
>all of the mitigation talents are at the start of the tree and easily attainable by a fury

shut up faggot nigger

Play another class then

>rolling with my current guild
>already have 2 main tanks that are going warrior
>im top dps in my guild as fury
>i get dibs on all fury gear come late game because they trust me to be good

feels good man. helps that retail is piss easy lol

Guise, i'll be leveling with 1-2 other people as a priest. How do i become useful?
This is my best attempt: classicdb.ch/?talent#bxMGsu0oZsxt0cbZx
>5 spirit tap -> go down holy -> go down disc
I'm thinking i'd be bursting down mobs on low HP for spirit tap, and healing when needed.

Am i retardet? Or is this build actually resmarted for grouping?

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I’ve never once gotten banned in a Blizzard game and I can be extremely toxic to people who I do not like.
My biggest accomplishment so far is getting muted in HoTS after countless reports.

I'm not an edgy little kid like you so I'm not worried.

His build doesn't have parry and shield block


Thats the fun. Healers just sit in a corner popping their one good healing spell when the tank gets hurt. DPS just roll their face on their keyboard doing the same DPS rotation as always. But you're the one who has all the pressure on them because if you fuck up, its game over, you pull one too many mobs or the wrong one and you're all dead. Additionally its going to be you who saves the day when the fucking priest pulls aggro again or the retarded rogue is sniffing an NPCs farts and doesnt see the 3 new mobs he just pulled behind him.

Anyway doing a warrior is a right of passage, its the hardest class to level and doesnt get any of the convenience or niceties of other classes.

My favorite is when someone standing next to you asks you for a port, you tell them yeah, cast the port without grouping up and then you just leave.

This isn't actually true, its really hard to get a ban from blizzard these days. They have this system called 'silence' in which-- if people hit you with enough reports you get silenced for 24 hours, then double that, then double that and so on. Human eyes never look at your case unless you try to appeal it with a ticket. Its all automated.

I recently caught one when a guy was discussing one of his IRL female friends who plays the game and I asked in trade "Is it a real life girl or a real life "Girl" next day, logged in and I was silenced with the message in an email "Many reports from other players" as the reason.

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Hunter, Pally or Rogue? I'll likely be doing mostly pvp and wpvp. Have a group who want to play but may not have the best time to dedicate to the game.

Learn how to read because that is the complete fucking opposite of what i was saying.

For me? It's the crit tanking build

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Enjoy having to off tank.

I don't remember if you can do this in vanilla(or if you'd want to because of the cost), but you can basically stack portals on top of each other to make a roulette, they don't know where they're going and it looks like a cool archon.

Go wand spec>full shadow
Priests can heal dungeons easily in shadow spec, while contributing to damage in and out of dungeons
Respec at 40 for shadow form

>Top DPS
Oh user no...

Shadow tap and wand specialization
Thats how you priest

actually it's pretty much a place where classicchads dab on retailfags since there's no arguing now that retail has a chance anymore with a straight face.

Wait what? Druid on fucking Patchwerk when you can't push crushing blows off the table with block?
I gotta see this.

The post I quoted was talking about fury tanks in general. Prot wasn't even a good tree until later in the game when it was fixed, fury tanking used to be the norm because of how shitty prot was.

>wand spec first
>then spirit tap
>then imp fort and shield
>maybe imp renew in there at some point
>then work your way up disc to PI

People keep saying that, but i wanted to specialize a bit and do something different.
If i'm busy healing two melee tards, do i really want to shift out of shadow form to cast, also wands are gay until people start putting shit on AH.
Not trying to be obnoxious, just wondering if for groups, i could do better than shadow.

Retail and Classic appeal to different demographics. Classic will eventually die out unless they make new content for it and it wasn’t even the most popular expansion to begin with because russians are overly attached to Arthas.
You have no idea if you think differently.

>What does "home" really mean to you?
I have no real idea of this notion. Personally I find multiplayer games to be frustrating as fuck.
But anger gives me purpose, and WoW is REALLY efficient at giving me anger, so I'm going in.
I guess ... Home is where I get pissed off a lot?

I think new content is the way it will. Going to future expansions doesn't work because they can't just close down the vanilla realms and maintaining servers for each expansions is something they won't do. Not to mention it would just spread the player population too thin.

It's going to be classic and if that's a success new content for classic.

Crushing blows are annoying but if your healers can't manage them then you have shit healers.

>he doesn't know

we already have 2 tanks but i don't mind off tanking either at times

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It's leveling content. All of the dungeons are easy and can be healed while you're shadow.

No you dumb nigger
You have vampiric to keep them healed up and you actually doing damage is gonna mean they take less damage
Are you expecting to just fucking stand there while they're grinding mobs for quests?

>Tirisfal glades is the comfiest zone in wow.
Objectively false.

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It would be awesome to see something like Northrend redone with the classic feel and mechanics in place, without raising the level cap or giving you straight up ilvl upgrades.

Rolling a destro meme spec for the luls

>raid finishes Kel'Thuzad
>instantly pop icy veins and start chaining through all of my portals except Dalaran and Org
>cold snap that shit just to get then all out faster before people stop looking at drops and rolls
>they're stacked on top of each other and look like one portal
>when moused over the name of each portal flickers by like a roulette wheel
>10 seconds later
>[Raid] [Wojack]: why am I in stonard


>zone announcements for Wintergrasp start going out
>get into the raid group
>everyone rushing over to the platform to wait for the portal
>begin casting Portal: Stonard
>it appears 1 second before the Wintergrasp portal
>all those sweaty kids clicking as fast as they can

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You were saying?

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>seething retail cuck
>nonono stop posting about classic reeeee

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I realize that, i was hoping for something that would be more effective at healing both dungeons and wpvp situations, while not having to switch in and out of shadow constantly.
No the idea was to use smite/holy fire, learn to read tyrone. I guess that's what i get for asking Yea Forums, 50% poopsocks, 50% neverplayedvanilla.jpg

>die to hogger
>see that run back
>uninstall the game

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Based. Fishing for Stonescale Eels in Feathermoon while it's raining is peak comfy.

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How many people are going to turn me away from MC for healing in my ele pvp spec?

Everybody wants to be a warrior because it's le strongest and they want to be the best damage and tank in the game while also being the group backbone and leader.

It's the Mary Sue class, basically. People just don't realize they're going to have a shit skill level in a VERY overcrowded economy.

why the fuck would you be switching in and out of shadow, you're either healing or you're dpsing.

The way they implemented Northrend was really strange, the whole idea of Dalaran being ripped out of the ground and floated there by the mages who had been repairing their city for so long is almost laughably stupid. And Northrend is supposed to be a hostile place full of the Lich King's servant and home to this vast underground kingdom of insects called Azjol'Nerub, but in WotlK it's like nice comfy leveling zones interspersed with some comedic appearances of the Lich King almost like a scoobydoo villain.
There's also the humorous presence of the "Why don't they just fly into Mordor" meme since the way is open straight to the Lich King's fortress through the air, and most of the players have flying mounts but you still have to sit there awkwardly until the final patch before you can finally go enter the citadel (from the ground, for some reason? there were even airships flying around in his backyard for months prior).
I just couldn't handle that shit.

In my vision Northrend would be like an apocalyptic No-man's land, full of deadly elite mobs and with no safe-zones (and certainly no sanctuary city). It would be like a high-risk, high reward place with a lot of pvp, and a lot of open-world boss encounters. I would even consider having no graveyards in Northrend, so if a player died he would respawn on his home continent.

the utter STATE of rets

literally grasping at straws

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Retail cucks dont exist anymore man, BFA lost everyone. They went to final fantasy

You take spirit tap and bonus wand damage before going deeper into any tree. Shield your friends up, dot the mobs and then start waving your wand. Heal when needed and just coast by without going oom.

Bruh you heal as usual and go into shadow form when you're killing mobs it's not fucking rocket science
And fucking wand DPS is higher than smite

that's just nost numbers. only true autists grind on the private server. guarantee that retail will be mostly hunters and rogues, especially after they see just how slow/hard/unfun it is to level a warrior

Hunter if ally, you are only mail wearer , easy gear

>super scaling with Kings and world buffs
>DPS can go all out whenever

>weaving goa & wf is still shit
>need to stack shamans
>DPS afk's while waiting for tank to gain threat
>only 1 magic dispell

It's not even fair.

If you're in a group of 3 people, then being a near full-on healer in wpvp situations is more beneficial than being some meme spec. Everyone who replied to you agreed on wand spec since it significantly boosts your #1 source of damage while leveling with only 5 talent points, leaving you to do whatever the fuck you want with the rest. Wands are to priests what 2h weapons are to warriors.

>dabs on you on over half the bosses.
And then you literally sit around with your thumb up your ass for the rest.

Yup, just like it was in The Frozen Throne, but they nu-WoWed it.
I will never forget how they disgraced Anub'Arak.

Is FF not worse than BFA? Like at least BFA has mythic+ and raids.


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a lotta warriors will be new players and they will quit before 40 and reroll into some other class
a lot of people might play warrior,but that doesnt mean shit because you need a shitton of them in raids anyway

I can't wait to get fucking raped in world PvP.

It's an continent where an entire expansion takes place. The way you're talking about it is like making it a single zone.

FF has waifus

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>raider.io addon being developed for classic
>will gather your gear data and the amount of times you've cleared a dungeon/raid and also the time it took

Can these addon creators just fuck off?

>no Azjol'Nerub raid
>no Faceless Ones
>Yogg is just one boss in a giant complex about robot bullshit

Is old captcha still a thing? I miss it.

No, you'd have to remove the demand for those addons and that genie isn't going back into the bottle.

FF is mechanically better, its biggest fault lie in its single player content and mandatory MSQ

>will gather your gear data and the amount of times you've cleared a dungeon/raid and also the time it took
I wouldnt mind seeing something like this that weighs your gear as a priority system for stats you need vs stats you dont. Who wants a hunter that packed himself full of spirit and mp5?

I'm glad they gave Northrend some actual story and didn't just do your pathetic version.

The combat is laughable. Don't do it to yourself.

Smart, nelf hunter for shadowmeld shenanigans it is

Yeah tell me all about that "actual story" where the Argent Crusade threw up some party tents in the Lich king's backyard and had a fight club there just for the heck of it.

>The Lich King has been failing to kill walruses for 6 years
Almost as dumb as the broken isles just spontaneously having a massive active elven city and valhalla


>tfw pingponging between hunter and warlock daily
I know warlock would be better overall, but hunter speaks to my soul.

>moon guard players will play classic and invade goldshire on your server

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When you factor in one faction lock, they are the most popular classes out there.

Play what you think you'll enjoy friend, don't be worrying about endgame meta or anything

How are hunters with damage and stuff both pve/pvp
Of course i'm not looking to top anything

I don't mind since I won't be idling there.

fine in pve and amazing in pvp

They fall off in PvE (raiding) after MC but every group still keeps 1-2 of them around for later raids because of utility. In PvP they're bad to good depending on the player.

Brb rolling demon hunter

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Imagine playing WoW for the PVP

False. They work from the start.

God... the Argent Tournament was the biggest farce. Literally just "lol 1 room raid" while we buy time because we aren't finished with the real raid yet"
I can ALMOST understand the idea of trying to find "the strongest" to invade ICC, because if the B team got sent, died, and was raised then it could tip the balance of power. But the whole thing was just a clown camp.

Imagine playing the game solely for one aspect instead of enjoying it all to some degree.

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Remember when proving you were the best to enter a raid involved huge quest chains and adventure?

Was this excluded because it was exclusive to Night Elves, and it was far too cool and edgy?
I commend Blizzard for keeping them out of the game for so long. Demon Hunters are supposed to be unique individuals who have made a great sacrifice. Only after the lore became a non-lore with mass-Death Knights was it appropriate to start adding this shit.

I liked the argent tournament update, it was the only set of dailies I ever enjoyed doing and the rewards were cool.

I believe they were one of the planned specialized hero classes, that whole idea never got off the ground

How big of a buff is it to have human racials for warrior over any other alliance race?

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Yup. But all through ICC it was about getting people in the door as fast as possible and trying to keep them in because the population was flatlining and showing signs of declining (BECAUSE OF THEIR DECISIONS TO DO THIS FROM THE START).

I remember when Naxx 25 was cleared in blues within the first week. It was so fucking easy and it required nothing to get in except somebody to fly up. Whoops! Just swooce right in there!

Human/Orc racials are too good to not take.

gnome works, but you should be running with a pocket pally if you serious about pvp.

Yeah but Gnome Warrior is the true Elder God tier.

>The term "hero class" is commonly misunderstood to mean that the class is more powerful than other classes. The term instead signifies a unique playstyle and experience,[1]
This reads like liberal Wikipedia/Reddit shit.
>hurh sweetie it's MISUNDERSTOOD to mean stronger
People used "hero class" as a joke, to take the piss out of the bad design of Death Knights that made them faceroll powerhouses where a 1 button "cast a random ability" could actually work.

The human sword racial honestly isn't that big of a deal as people make it out to be. It's like a 2% dps increase at best. Congrats on topping the charts in 15 year old content that has quite literally been solved to death

>wotlk comes out
>make draenei death knight
>spec frost
>max out the Veteran of the Third War talent
>game crashes and reality collapses in on itself

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>term instead signifies a unique playstyle and experience
Isn't every class supposed to be that? Isn't that is why there are different classes to begin with?


People were using the term "hero class" before anyone ever knew they were making death knights. The term was rolling around when they were making TBC announcements and people thought they'd make a warden class.

Didn't the mass DKs happen because the Lich King decided to create a bunch of them?
Granted, WoW lore went to shit in TBC and got worse in WotLK, but at least the DK influx has a reason.
The lich king keeping players alive on purpose as his generals ... while we kill his strongest dudes, who already were good enough generals.
A lich king needing to be alive to keep the scourge from overrunning the world ... then why didn't he just fuckin win then?
So yeah, the lore is stupid. But at least the DK influx has a reason.

we're going home

Illidan did nothing wrong.
Arthas did nothing wrong.

>we're going home guys
my fucking balls, you know where you're going? straight to a discord, to use exactly like you would LFG. you know wher else? to a fucking fansite where you're going to copy a cookie cutter build.

enjoy sharding, dumb niggas.

Kael'Thas did nothing wrong.


go back to Trannysylvania, dickvampire

The only major character who did anything wrong was Thrall

>imagine being this salty


So I'm in a pickle. I played rogue back in the day, a warlock on nost and have played a healer/hybrid since late TBC. I enjoy rogue, warlock, priest and shaman in classic. My current thought is to main warlock and have a rogue alt for herbing and general fuckery, but I'm sure if I did that i would miss being a heal slut. What should I do?

Sorry life has made you so jaded lad, the world is a tough place

You guys are literally seething because you know he's right

Illidan legitimately did not do much wrong
Everything we went to kill him for aside from enslaving the Ashtongue were false flags, this was made clear even back then

cope, tranny

>warriors the most picked class
warrior tanks are everywhere, you have just as much power rolling a priest

Get a waifu!

horde race for hunter?

You'll remember my post after your first month of account time is done and you realize you're still playing a shitzzard game.

You get a waifu as well!

>warrior tanks are everywhere,

Orc if you're planning to PvP at all
Troll if full carebear.


what about tauren?

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Which one does higher dps in endgame, mages or warlocks?

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tauren hunters are badass

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shadow priest

The one Mage who got Ignite rolling.

You have to be very terrible at the game to suddenly suck if you choose a race you want.

Shadow priests do their damage through the warlocks, it's better to trick people into going warlock so you do more damage.

I kinda wish they could bring this back in some form for the Battle.net tab. I miss the old Launcher.

Reck bombing puny rouges

Why these Nintendo shills so upset at a single thread taking up one of their billboard squares?

Jealousy. Their port machine doesn't have many games.

Pretty sure you want kings


Please stop making these shill threads 24/7 around the clock and shitposting in other threads that discuss the patches or happenings of other mmo's that actually got updated.

You guys are a cancer on Yea Forums



Please don't shitpost in our threads.

Orc stun resist is OP in PvP though.

>8 mates all playing Classic
>Everyone conveniently ended up wanting to play different classes
>Being older with varied schedules means 8 of us won't be a huge deal since there'll likely only be 3-5 on at any one time
>All of us are keen on a similar kind of experience with Classic (fuck the "rush 60" attitude and just enjoy the leveling experience, dungeons to maintain good gear through most levels etc.)
Unbelievably keen. It'll also be winter in Aussieland, so it'll be comfy on top of comfy.

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War stomp will save you dozens of times and there's always the added bonus of being slightly taller than everybody else which makes you feel superior. The other races are better for hunters but if you want to be 'selfish' war stomp really helps out and it's not like the racials are going to make a huge difference, if you like how they look pick them since that'll likely matter more in the long run

who cares? they're in one spot in the entire game

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Statistically, 3-5 of those will drop out.

Also, in my experience, people who play with IRL friends in small groups tend to be dogshit awful in PuGs. I'm not sure why, but the instant someone gets a friend, their quality of play drops.
Maybe getting used to 2manning means you cover each-others' weaknesses and never learn to stand on your own? I do not know.
In any case, see if you can keep your personal skill up. Shouldn't be too hard, but I'm not sure.

I'm jealous man, I've only got 2-3 friends that are interested at all and I live on the other side of the globe from them all. Doubt I'll get to play with them much

Yea it's likely a few will drop out, but again, shouldn't be a huge issue since there's so many of us there's likely to be 3-5 that 100% stay. I can see your point on personal skill too, usually having RL friends playing with you means you're voice chatting whilst playing (which immediately makes coordination much easier), and you tend to get in a certain rhythm. That can fuck you over later in pug groups, but I don't foresee that being an issue for myself, racked up plenty of hours solo doing small stints on private servers over the years and so I'm well used to the nature of pugs. Can't speak for my mates though.

Classic really just can't come soon enough. Hopefully there's no delays and it gets pushed to later in the year.

Sucks bro. With the way WoW servers are split up by region even harder than back in Vanilla, it'd probably be retarded to join their server just for the few times you would get to play with them. But maybe if they're slow levelers or whatever you can throw an alt over there and just play with them whenever the opportunity arises. Best of luck!

Probably warlock. Not sure if ignite is going to function like it does on pservers which is what makes mage dps so high in naxx/aq.

Your game is dead
Activision will fuck it up
The good devs left
98% of your precious memories come from social interaction with other's not the game's content
You'll be burned out as fuck after 2 month.

You will never have your youth back
it's ogre


you should be going wand and full shadow, priests are inherently that good that if you struggle to heal in dungeons as shadow youre a brainlet and shouldnt play

Locks until AQ40, then Mages. The big problem with Locks ends up being how much threat they generate.

druid tank meme will die before release

you sound desperate


we're almost there bros

I'm rolling a orc rogue and leveling with a PvP dagger ambush spec. I will be slow, and i will camp your faggot ass until you uninstall and go back to retail.

git 1shot on bitches

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Druids actually aren't the worst in MC. Warriors are going to have such shitty gear without DM releasing that the difference isn't monumental.

dude cmon pls i'm just questing

I haven't pugged in years, but here are the top 5 things I see people fuck up in PuGs:

1. Not casting your group buffs
Seriously. There are more priests that DON'T cast fort, and druids that DON'T cast motw than there are those that do.
2. Not moving forward and fighting stuff
Buggered if I know why, but it seems some people boot up the game, log in, move all the way to the dungeon, to sit at the entrance and wait while the others clear stuff.
3. Not moving to the dungeon
The warlock has been in combat for the last 20 minutes because we are clearing the dungeon. If you had moved your ass instead of begging for a port you'd be here by now.
4. Forgetting to drink
More commonly a problem with healers. They go out of combat when on 10% mana, they refuse to sit down and drink, and then they re-enter combat when they're still on 10% mana ... and the tank's just pulling some lone small patrol who's probably not even elite. That's drinky time.
5. The jump in Blackfathom Deeps / Wailing Caverns
Pressing space is hard

>wahh wow classic thread!
>post more Japanese cartoon girls! We swear THIS game is different from pokemon this time! We swear!

how is your stockholm syndrome treating you bud?

Druid tank isn't a meme, they're basically a more effective fury tank with a less strict gear requirement. Druid tanks being a meme is the meme.

I just don't want you to be disappointed user

I just wrote a multi-page fanfic / shitpost of how i wish for Northrend to be implemented in a hypothetical Classic+ expansion. I'll post it in the next thread because we are almost at a bumplimit. Be prepared for high autism levels

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The way you guys have hyped this up, there is NO WAY it will meet your expectations.

>Be prepared for high autism levels
Not if I have HIGHER autism levels first!

Don't worry, I won't be. Vanilla private servers are a fucking blast even with all the issues they have.

imagine the butthurt when warriors discover they wont be able to do naxx dps in green gear because of bugged abilities and armor values

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Druids are not gonna invite useless warriors into raids. Your tears are delicious.

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After playing private servers for years I know what I'm in for. I'm sure there are people that haven't played much on private servers that what you said is true, but I'm just seeing this is a better private server, so I know exactly what I'm getting.

thats the great thing about classic. we know exactly what we are getting. it can only fail if blizzard themselves fail and we can call them out for exactly what they fucked up on

i hope ure quest was to get stabbed by orcs

pic unrelated but would stab

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>I'm giving blizz money retailcucks btfo blizz btfo
Nostalgianiggers are fucking deranged. WoW is trash, its always been trash. Nostalgia won't make you 12 years old again pathetic manchildren. MMOs are fucking trash, and the mods deserve death for letting shills exist here.

My expectations is that it won't be your standard AAAshit, matchmaking only, lootboxes, 20tickrate, facebook and amiibo integration, preorder bonus, free wins just for turning the game on simulator.
My standard is "I would rather play this game than watch paint dry."
It's not a hard mark to reach, to be honest.

based doomposter

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>Nostalgia won't make you 12 years old
It made you 12 years old already.

>dude don't enjoy old games reeeee

Why do posters like this guy exist here?

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He had a bunch of sex slaves in the Black Temple

>tfw just want to reach ~43 and level as far as possible doing nothing but Zul'Farrak and Sunken Temple
Why are troll dungeons so /comfy/

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see this Have a nice day, loser!

so make an alternative spell that will affect undead too

t. female human warrior European welfare shitter that listens to EDM and nightcore while speed running through solved content

everyone i've met irl who's looking forward to this release is either 1. a complete lifelong loser or 2. someone who peaked in middle school (can you even fucking imagine) and is obviously hoping to stay in or return to a shell of childlike innocence

they try so hard to justify their interest in vanilla that it's obvious to anyone they're insecure af about it too

Sunken Temple is more Kino than BRD.

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Oh no no no no no no

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they're actually the most popular except for warrior, combine shaman/paladin since the numbers there are for both factors combined

There is - Turn Undead

change this so there's two level 60s on the screen and 4-5 level 12s spamming fortnite memes or asking about how to do a different dance for accuracy's sake please

servers will look like this for 2 months, tops

And that is a good thing.



post proofs, all the surveys and private server census data i've seen has said otherwise.

Arms Warrior, craft Arcanite Reaper and spam Mortal Wound until everyone is dead.

someone should make the simpson's meme where bart says the thing everyone wants to hear but this time it's "we're going home guys"

I'll agree with you there. Dwarves>Trolls>everything else

Dragon > Dwarves