Where is the male version YOSHI?!

Where is the male version YOSHI?!

Final Fantasy XIV just added world visit, what's your server?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>made literal millions already
>world swamped with people out the ass
>literally everyone is sucking us off like we're the heroes of the data center
>quicksand so packed it won't even render the entire room

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>Want certain item for glamour
>500k on my world
>Use Mogboard site to compare MB prices
>End up getting it for 120k
>MBs are packed with players getting good prices for once

Post yfw greedy crafters are btfo for once

Attached: pierce.jpg (1200x1200, 109K)

Wait you actually have to pay money to buy outfits?In a P2P game?

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$5 shaved ice

>F2P games charge you for extra costumes
How can this be?

>Post yfw greedy crafters are btfo for once
as a greedy crafter i'm making insane amounts of money

>can hardly do anything in the game with world visit
>no ls or fc chats

Literally only for buying cheap shit off MB or treasure map groups.

Those are literally the only things you can't do.

can anyone confirm if trading between players works?

Is the mogboard site constantly updated or still slow?

>No Gathering from Legendary/Unspoiled
>No Retainers
>No Gold Saucer Tournaments :^)
>No Mail

What's the point of world visit again when it all can be done through DF?

>ZR's house is closed
Bunch of pussies

>playing on spic servers

Is there a way to save my current character design before making a Viera? I'm pretty fond of my current look and I don't want to lose it forever.

>/xivg/ dabs Aether into the grave
>its CWPF breaks

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Did anyone see the new fate yet? I am curious about rewards for it, i mean there should be something unique for it. Right?

>$12 for this shit


Leviathan is already getting flooded by the immigrants

No we didn't Balmung is fucked now

Attached: ss+(2019-04-23+at+09.18.08).png (1222x564, 453K)

>things you can get for LITERALLY free
>sell like hotcakes
All those "1" listings were mine btw, easiest money I've ever made.

>They removed the Crystal Tower pre-req quests
What the hell?

Final fanboys and trannies
well renown for having low standards

Serious crafters dont sit around gathering mats and make yellow scrips to trade for those you retard, they buy them from the marketboard. All the prices of everything they make is going to skyrocket soon

Crystal tower is going to be mandatory to begin shadowbringers. Can't wait.

do you ever get sick of screeching that everything you dont like is a tranny? Genuinely curious.

Why? They could just as easily make a branching dialogue expo dump.

I doubt it will but it'd be fucking hilarious to watch people wipe to behemoth more than they already do. Or people who cant stand on pads to save their lives.

Is the money really that nice right now? I only stayed up to do my Namazu dailies but now I'm worried I'll miss out.
Balmung did win btw. Tons of people coming over because it's open.

Their MB got raped.

Dyes, glamour, materials are all going to inflate like nuts

I made enough to transfer my small up to a medium plot and build a Medium in the time since the servers went up.

Everything is being bought off it but that means undercutting niggers are getting grabbed, so anyone who actually sells things is gonna be able to make a killing.

Did EU survive the DC split?
Was it alive to begin with?

If you're on Balmung, yeah.

If you're on one of the small servers like me, you probably won't make much, but you can buy damn near everything for stupid cheap now.

Everything on Balmung was initially like 1/4 the price and is still below 1/2 right now.

Since when is XIV F2P?

I meant P2P. Just my brain is used to F2P.

I don't have any gil to spare

Is it worth it to farm the yellow scrips crafting gear? Can I craft everything with it?

Is it okay for me to heal content at level 50 if I have 81 ilvl? I need more poetics to get gear but I can't get them without running content.

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No. Do your roulettes.

But I can't get into trial roulette without ilvl 90, leveling roulette gives no poetics, so all that leaves is 50-60 roulette, main scenario, and alliance raids.

Buy vendor gear.

its a mixed bag, you got rid of the frenchies and arabs but the pf took a wee bit of a hit

Doesn't MSQ roulette give like 500 poetics nowadays? Just do it a couple times.

Ask someone to teleport to Ishgard and buy you the i120 vendor set.

pls respond


It isn't as good as the crafted gear, but you should be able to craft everything without too much trouble. You may need a bit of luck getting HQ on a few things though.

Yea Forums's thoughts on cross world visiting feature so far?

Pretty good. I've made a decent chunk of gil jewing on the MB this morning.


i was able to get a mansion today

Do you guys know any good bot for placard clicking?
I want the small house of my dreams in Lavender bed ;_;

My house has a guest book.

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>Stopped playing a while back
>get a house demolition notice in the mail today

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There's a free login event going on right now.

my mouse has a turbo button feature. i'm sure you can script the same function with AHK. use google

This fucking update broke wine compatibility so I can no longer play FFXIV
Good job Yosheep

How do I make loads of dosh?

Use proton.

Proton is just wine with a few patches that I mostly include anyway in the version I build and it also has the same problem (currently without a solution on GitHub issues).

How many quests will i have to do to get to current content,i quit alexander raid patch, so its from there to current, i remember it taking forever and needing tons of gear to unlock heavenward, i got flying unlocked if that helps.

>How many quests will i have to do to get to current content
Not that many. Maybe a few hours of quests.
>i remember it taking forever and needing tons of gear to unlock heavenward
Ask someone to teleport to Castrum Oriens and buy you a set of level 60 vendor gear, or buy it on the market board yourself if you have money.

Use this site and you can type your current quest in and see how many there are, also can sort it per patch and how many of each MSQ.

sell whats in demand on the server

Stop playing on a meme os you autismo

My apologies for not dedicating an OS install exclusively for games.

>not dualbooting in 2019
>not using VMs in 2019

Im a level 60 DRK with pre raid gear dunno if that makes a difference
i cant check without sub, and they dont accept my card so i need to get 60 day cards

Yes, because I have spare GPUs to passthrough all over the place and not having a sensible system when I want to play games is fun. Also, Windows is a clusterfuck of spyware, forced auto-updates and other botnet crap.
Until they broke it with this update, XIV with DX11 worked perfectly on Wine + DXVK. They've just fucked up the launcher now because they're incompetent and the launcher is really shitty anyway; there's no actual technical reason why I'd need Windows to play most games.

Oh no, Microsoft will steal your data and do...something with it. Like try to sell you products.

imagine not dualbooting on a spare drive and being a tinfoil retard

Imagine having to choose between utility+privacy and playing video games.

>Windows is a clusterfuck of spyware, forced auto-updates and other botnet crap.
LTSB distro

you could have all 3 if you weren't retarded with VMs or dualbooting

Bros I'm finally free from Mateus.

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Auto updates are just one part of the whole mess. I've had more than enough headaches with Windows over the decades before I even get to all the convenience that various utilities and features of sane systems offer.

VM requires a secondary GPU, dual booting makes main system inaccessible while in the other OS.

I don't need or want to use Windows. It has just about no features superior to GNU/Linux. The only advantage it still has is API compatibility targeted by video game devs, though even that has been getting better; e.g. FFXIV with DXVK runs at near-native performance (steady 60 FPS on high settings, no crashes). Once XIV's shitty launcher is fixed, it'll work flawlessly again. The entire reason I have the problem right now is because SE included stupid and useless changes possibly even aimed at supporting CrossOver (if the new EULA is any indication).

>Can only visit worlds in the same server cluster
What's even the point

its to quarantine rp dcs

>playing on Light
Ich hoffe wirklich, dass du das nicht tust.

>enter triple triad tournament
>everyone takes almost the full 30 seconds for each fucking move

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So you're some 40 year old turbo sperg who fell for /g/ memes and uses an OS not officially supported by most companies, got it

I use the same OS that I use for work, that I target with software I write there, that I use on servers I manage. On the other hand, Windows' main purpose is to have better video game compatibility.

>not being a cute lizard played by a middle-aged man

What's the best server to move to if you want socializing? Thinking I might just stay on leviathan.

there is ZERO hype for the expansion. ZERO. NIL

I'm a 30 year old woman who plays male au ra
Get on my level

>plays male

Male ra are hot as fuck

You could've at least had good enough taste to be a male elezen. At least you're not a catboy, I guess.

Catboys are manlets and elezen have foot long necks

Male Au Ra have comically extreme hourglass figure, knife chins and look like they're permanently angry.

Can ShB even compete with what they did for SB? I guess they can have a large poster of Viera dancer in a thong?

>I'm a 30 year old woman
you know the rules

>jouer sur lightê
J'espère vraiment que vous ne faites pas ça

The scowl and thighs are great though
Nah, you don't want any of these pepperoni nips

are you an XX or XY woman?

Woman, not tranny

Don't tell me what I want

im 10x more hyped for this than stormblood

and now im also mostly just glad stormblood is over cause the story and aesthetics for this expansion were shit

Reminder that xaela are the single most powerful race on the planet, and have only lost wars to other xaela
Even Ilsabard knew their wrath


imagine if there's a khan that can unite them all

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They're dumb savage impulsive animals

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They had one and immediately nigged it up

Considering only 4.x, post your favourite

>Alliance Raid
>Job (concerning new skills etc)

Attached: Banner 1.png (1200x630, 875K)

>arboretum remix


East coast fag here. Anyone else getting poor connection status after transferring? I went from Crystal to Aether.

No barefoot option for your character after all these years, just faggy sandals. Another reason I can't take this ghetto game seriously.

Get rekt footfag

>Sigmascape, but only because of the people I was raiding with at the time
>Lochs Night

>try to look up their skirt everytime there's a female NPC
this is seriously detracting from my playtime what is wrong with me

Have sex.

No, seriously, have sex.

>visit Balmung on my alt
Underwhelming, a lot of people bitching about Gilga
>Visit Gilga
I'm native Cactuar, seemed a bit empty, I feel like everyone is lumping in to Gilga

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Gilgamesh is always empty. Everyone only logs in to raid and then leaves. The only time its even remotely busy is a couple days after a new patch.

You should play a lalafell

>Lavender bed subdivision plot 59 is open
>It's the plot I always wanted since I started the game
>Ready myself to stay up and clicking the damn placard all day to get it
>2 hours of clicking later some guy come and relocate on the spot
>They /laugh at me

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While theres a lot of people in gilgamesh, most don't speak.might as well be in a small server. what are people in balmung bitching about gilga for anyways?

only if you're a retard, nobody likes cash-shop whores even in xiv

You should be able to save character-templates on the character creator, if not open up the retainer character-creator or create a dummy character, recreate it and save it then

>Shinryu EX

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Everyone is either "toxic" (their words not mine), or a try hard

Cross-world talking shit, I'd imagine. That or the r/ffxiv "avoid visiting balmung, gilgamesh has all the benefits and no degeneracy!" bit

>lord of the revel
>uwu, or final kefkek
>lord of thunder
>black mage
>lochs daytime/shin ex 2. phase

So you can visit other servers novice networks and inv/kick people from it too. Seems like something that is heavily going to be abused by NA players. Invite RMT bots on rival servers, kick legit players, etc.

>Torn between Tsukuyomi, Susano and Lakshmi
>Samurai/Red Mage legitimately knocked it out of the park
>Triumph (standard boss music)
>still Tataru

>FFXIV players are so braindead casual they are too busy bitching about shit like bunny suit and dress cosmetic gender options instead of the huge flaws with the game

I hate you all.

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Warrior of Light.
Magnai IMMEDIATELY ignored his own rhetoric because he's a sore loser. You can't actually unite them.



so what NA data center and server should I move into for raids?
what server is drama free and has decent players and economy?

ok retard


>for raids?
Highest-pop. Gilgamesh has a reputation for raiding but the world's usually dead because most people pop in just to raid and then immediately log out. People are fleeing to Primal for raiding purposes after the data-center split but that means it's getting flooded with shitters too. You can seriously just flip a coin and you stand a decent chance at pugging or finding a static either way.
>what server is drama free
None are. Stay away from FCs, or play russian-roulette with them, if you want a drama free experience.
>has decent players and economy
Look at high-population worlds again. You will not beat the economies on high-pop servers, Balmung's items are still the cheapest on the new Crystal data-center even despite the market-board evening out.

You're already set.

>turn based only requiring basic arithmetic skills
>real time, doesn't even have a gcd so you can overpower people with raw apm
the virgin triple triad vs the chad lord of verminion

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>glam 600k on world
>60k on Goblin
>hop from world to world mass buying materials while my own sell instantly
>OF cucks seething because their MB control is void

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Based jew

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which server is best to play with Yea Forumstards

3/3 6/6 14/15

Everyone knows that the games got problems, but chatting in a Mongolian cave painting image board isnt going to change that, so fun, lighthearted conversation takes precedence.

Ultros if you're aiming to play with Yea Forums specifically, and so you can weep while coming to the realization that like most any other community the majority of Yea Forums is people you wouldn't want to play with

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anyone got the pic of the cat being dragged into a cage overlaid with the servers getting stuffed into crystal with balmung?

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Is Gilgamesh gonna be the ERP server now?

All of them are ERP servers if you believe hard enough.

I heard talks of Jenova being the rp server for aether.Gilgamesh had a small rp community, but it eventually died since most went to Balmung.