Coworkers start talking about videogames

>Coworkers start talking about videogames
>"So user, do you play anything?"

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Other urls found in this thread:

of course you dont, you sit here and shitpost with frogs all your life.


Bruh I play hella games

God damn.

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If you're American just name a famous FPS game, don't mention MMORPGs.
If you're European say you play FIFA with your mates

I play fortnite with the boys

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I used to in high school and college?
Now I spent all my time outside of work shopping, cleaning, cooking, or doing actual adult shit.

>stigma about talking about games at work
even people in their 40's played games when they were younger, user. Nobody thinks it's weird. I always answer truthfully and most of the time they think it's neat, and at worst they say something like "I don't really get into that kind of stuff". Then you end the conversation or segue it into something else.

It's really, really not that hard to talk to people.

>I used to but nowadays not so much
>"oh, what hobbies are you into then?"

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Imagine being so autistic you cant even answer a question about your hobbies without everyone ostracizing you.

or shitposting on 4chungus when you could be playing games


>not being completely honest and try to get them into weebshit
Fuck the powerlevels, I've lost the ability to feel shame.

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I honestly dont get this meme, i just tell them what im playing at the moment, what the fucking problem?


lmaoing at your life

>coworkers start talking about spooky reddit posts and Fallout 76
We gotta get outta here

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>play different MP games with friends on pc
>play different SP games on console for gf to watch
>when friends are over we play party-games on several platforms
Meanwhile my coworkers kids play fortnite on ipad and on guy is playing fifa on ps4

Why yes, I enjoy playing Baldur's Gate on my phone drinking a fresh glass of milk before I sleep.

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>decide to just be honest and tell them everything
>they go back to discussing League

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Sengoku Rance.

Yeah man lately I've been playing Civilization and Project CARS. I also think Sekiro is GOTY.


How many years ago was this?

>man drinking milk
Enjoy your prostate cancer.

I know 2 korean dudes who still play it. How its still going is beyond me but isnt a dead game by any means

>tfw recommended weeb games to a co-worker who had never watched anime before and he loved them
>tfw he is now one of us

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Dude, Twitch and YT LoL channels are still alive and kicking.

until he faps to cunny he isnt

thanks I will, enjoy being alive nihilet

I find Ace Attorney to be really effective at this. I just recommend it as a fun law game, and since it's an old game full of sprites they get fooled into thinking they're playing a "normal videogame" while it's pretty much watching an anime.
Also I myself was shocked to find out Resident Evil is japanese. Yeah. Technically RE is a weeb game (though the real life actors on the first game were americans and all characters are modeled after western people so.. maybe it's an american japanese game?)

>Tag: Corruption

If you tell them the truth and it’s a game that’s not big among normalfags, they think that you’re a disgusting freak and start to hate you, speaking shit behind your back and never seeing you as a normal human being again. Always hide your power level.

Ok but im currently playing Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy X, what now?

True mastery comes at not caring about powerlevels and realising everyone is on a different stage of their journey - trying to force them will lead only to misfortune. Like unironically enjoying baby's psudo-weeb point and click.

>What are they?
>What, are you playing an old game?
>Hahaha, what a loser freak
>Ewww, user freaks me out, he’s a weirdo

You really dont talk to real people who have ever played video games do you user?

Ya gotem


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I don't get this meme.
Is it only relatable for the auts?

Do you really think that life is an endless stretch of high school?

Yeah dude. I love fighting games.

^that one always gets the ladies wet especially if you point out that nikki minaj's song is actually from street fighter and not original


t. autistic weeb sperg who plays sakura clicker and visual novels

>applying for a job at triple A gamedev studio
>at the interview
>bossguy asks "well you love videogames of course, what type? first person, third person, shooter...?"
>brain goes blank, been playing Risk of Rain, Kingdom Come, Rain World, Opus Magnum... indie games he might not even know about, games widly different from each other
>"oh y-you know it may sound cliche but I kinda play anything that catches my attention and seems unique h-hhehe I've been also playing Sekiro"
>guy doesn't even react
>changes the subject immediately

Bet he was expecting me to say Call of Duty or some big boy recent ps4 exclusive, in the end some spaghetti had to be spilled, never forgetti.

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suffer my soul not a frogposter to live

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We had a game night at my work once. SFIV was new at the time and I fucking destroyed everyone at it.
But most people were playing shooters or Fifa anyway.

>playing Switch during lunch break
>All coworkers are in their 50's
>"Is that the new Nintendo, user?"

Spoiler alert: if someone starts to act like that once you tell them what you play, they were only looking for an excuse to act like an ass, having already decided that they hate your guts.

Uhh yeah and I'm the top ranked gamer in the state you scrubs

I used to say something normie friendly but still actually true, like Overwatch but I don't play it much now as of like three months ago so I'm not even sure what I'd say.

I guess Monster Hunter.

>Yeah, lately it's Ace Combat 7, DMC5 and Sekiro. They are really good games, you should check them out if you can
>huh, cool, yeah I will, thanks user
wew that sure was hard

Fuck em

Like, literally fuck her in her pussy

>playing Switch during lunch break
Peak autism. Don't bring toys to work.

i think frogposting is cool and fun.

i think you're a child

>Coworkers are all 10 years older and just talk about doing up their houses
>Just have to seethe and pay the jewlord

Later that day you see a group of coworkers around the computer smiling then you suddenly hear a familiar HAHAHAHAHA come from the speakers. Their smiles immediately turn to utter disgust as they turn up to look at you.

Nah bro, I'm not some pathetic manchild like (You). No wonder your wife cheats on you.

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just say that you play league of legends fortnite and whatever shit is popular and youre good

if you mention the yet to be launched AAA 60usd title, or some obscure shit, they will instantly know who they can put the blame on and get away with

Unbased and unredpilled.

I play the Wii at my job

This. Don’t let them sense weakness, or they WILL use it against you when they get a chance. You don’t want to stick out from the group, lie to conform and stay hidden.

>manager and some coworkers in the office sitting around during dead hours
>manager mentions how she bought her kid Destiny 2
>I immediately raise my voice and make a nasty face saying "Destiny is hot garbage"
>everyone looks at me with a blank stare, some even frightened

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Truly based

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You're genuinely autistic

>Yep, I've been playing some old games lately like System Shock 2 and more
>Yeah, kinda like MW3 and FIFA 13, right?
I actually laughed.
He was a nice dude, actually.

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>Thinking league is a dead game,
boys idk what to tell you but.....

This is unironically the mentality actual niggers have

>Coworker is a "geek"
>Only play casual RPG or stuff like WoW
>I only play stuff like Metal Gear or Resident Evil

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Niggers and autistic people

Grab your dick with both hands, start waving it around menacingly and tell him to back the fuck off.

>coworkers start talking about videogames
>everyone is mentioning mainstream shit and its basically just small talk
>"user what do you play"
>start talking about how I have been playing sven coop recently
>3 of my coworkers have played it and start talking to me about .50cals maps
>other coworkers keep trying to stear the conversation back to fortnite
>tfw playing sven coop with new friends this weekend

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I thank Allah every day for not being born an American.

How exactly do you wave a dick menacingly

My mudslime detector is going off the charts, in fact I think you broke it by slathering on it with your sandy nigger botox filled lips

this, video games suck ass

whiter than you 56%


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Inshallah my obese friend. May He bless you with a quick and painless death.

>tfw when no friends and can't even get a job so therefore don't even have co-workers.

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i think ur mom is cool and fun

stop false flagging

Is this thread a joke? Video games are extremely mainstream now. As long as you can avoid saying "I only play big-breasted cat-loli erotic novel RPGs" then you have something normal to talk about. If you can't avoid saying that, I promise there are already plenty of other reasons your coworkers consider you a weirdo.

>As long as you can avoid saying "I only play big-breasted cat-loli erotic novel RPGs"
where do you think you are

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>LARPing as a productive member of society while posting on the Yea Forums video games board
how pathetic can one person get

You fucks need to tone down the paranoia by a fucking notch. The reality is nobody gives a fuck. They ask you questions like that to make conversation. If you say you play mainstream shit they'll just think you're like everyone else, if you tell them about obscure shit they'll act surprised for a bit and might get a little curious, but that's about it. They'll forget what you just told them the next day, and whatever you told them won't increase their shittalking level towards you or whatever the fuck your paranoiac ass might think. You helped kill time with them at a moment where they would have done nothing but stare into space awkwardly.
Don't think for a fucking second you're getting any social validation for saying you play Fortnite.

Sorry I couldn't read those posts because I'm eating a bacon sandwich, you prolly don't wanna reply cos I have a pig at the side of me while I eat a BACON sandwich, also how's those designated shitting streets coming along moohamhead?

No you don't understand. I am very important and people spend their time thinking and talking about me behind my back. Me and my behavior are a central facet in the lives of others and if I slip up once and let them know I like a video game they haven't heard of, my social reputation will be permanently tarnished.

>As long as you can avoid saying "I only play big-breasted cat-loli erotic novel RPGs"
I'm a very frank person. Bluntless and honesty are the only personality features that separate men from women.

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And that's why people find you off-putting, dipshit.

Oops amerifat, have you eaten your halal dog penis yet?

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have sex

Based and too true unfortunately

>Applying for a job at a game studio
>Expecting the interviewer to not know games as popular as Risk of Rain, Kingdom Come, and Rain World
Of course he knows those games, dumbass.


You're replying to the guy that's not american, retard.

I think it's pretty funny for a bunch of self-deprecating and low self-esteem faggots to believe they matter more in other people's lives than their own.

>I it's not me I swear I'm not American and flaseflagging like the little obese tranny nigger cuck I am :'(

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Joining the workforce after college or school makes you realize normies are actuly cool people mostly. ive found a lot of coworkers have nerdy interests beyond game of thrones and they dont look it


I usually just talk about movies/TV series and sports with my coworkers if the topic drifts that way. Lurking on Yea Forums and Yea Forums has its benefits.

>Be honest
>In the best case scenario maybe find a mutual
>In the worst case scenario people I don't give a single fuck about won't understand what I am talking about
What is even the issue here? Why do you have to autistically overthink every little thing

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>haha sorry no, I barely have enough time for my hobbies
>that sekiro and DMC5 sounds fun though, I should make time to play it

say you play candy crush. They dont care anyway

>You know the same as everyone else he-he

>What's Sekiro, user?

An action video game.

>dead season at work
>Helping a manager with datasheet migration
>She suddenly asks if i've played Sekiro
>Tell her yeah, and we end up talking on a long conversation about Sekiro, Dragon Age, Undertale, and Kingdom Hearts

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Why because y'all are pussies and faggots and cucks? Fuck outta here roastie, choke on my dick whore

You will never have sex.

I play with my dick in the shower


op btfo and also /thread


>"Yeah I used to play LoL nowdays I just stick to older RTS games like Warcraft 3 etc."
There's like 99% chance they've at least heard of League, and Warcraft 3 isn't that obscure too.

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so do you just give off the gamer vibe or did you tell her you play video games

Dis nigga put the lights out

I unironically love international anti pol memes

That flag needs more doodoo stains


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“Why yes! I have an extensive collection of porn and hentai games! In fact, just yesterday I dropped $750 on this new porn on kickstarter, Subverse! Paying that much will let me design a scene of my own. I think I’ll make an anal vore scene with the demon girl!... where are you guys going?”
Also fucking murdered.

Do you really want for everyone else in your workplace to think that you are a creepy weirdo that should be shunned?

"Yeah, OpenXcom, Factorio, anything by Zachtronics. Lately I got pretty hard into Baba Is You. How about you guys?"

reddit as fuck

Ouch fuck

>If you tell them the truth and it’s a game that’s not big among normalfags, they think that you’re a disgusting freak and start to hate you
... So?
Even if they were true, they're fucking normalfags, man. Their opinions are worth about as much as used toilet paper.

If you are one then they already know that

Based can't read retard

>Y-Yeah, I've been playing X and Y but it sucks lol. Developers have no idea how to make games. How can you even play this? Only retards play this game. Wh-what? No, I didn't mean to say retard, I'm so sorry...

This place has ruined me permanently

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How is a jaw this square even possible

I fucking love corrupting normies
it's extra delicious when you do it slowly over the course of your friendship and they slowly turn into an anime boypussy

Nah, that isn't genuine autism, it's failed autism.
If you had genuine autism, your power level is un-hideable, and trying to "fit in" will dump you straight in the uncanny valley.
On the contrary, if you just accept that autism is a superpower and you aren't a normal human being, you're free to double down on it.
Let the normalfags seethe. They seethe over everything else.

>Is it only relatable for the auts?
Ironically, no. The meme is completely unrelateable to the autists, because if you ask an autist a question the autist will assume that you want them to answer the question honestly and they will output the answer.
What this meme relates to are people with crippling social anxiety and social phobia. People who desperately wish they were normal so hard that their heartrate will rise and they'll trip over their own feelz in a social situation because they're afraid of fucking it up.
The autist, on the other hand, doesn't know what the fuck a "normal" is or why it's even remotely relevant to the topic of what game you're playing. The autist likely doesn't even think about your social approval of their interests, because to an autist, their own approval is the only approval.

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>Tfw I often spend up to a couple of hours discussing HoMM 3 & 5 with my coworkers during the weekend shifts
I get to talk about my favourite game and get paid for it

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>sometimes, yeah. I quite like civilization, I'll maybe fire it up a couple of times a year and lose my whole weekend

Let me tell you something about interviews.
They aren't testing whether you have good taste.
They're testing how you respond under pressure.
You fucking CRUMPLED.
You failed the interview.
Do they not teach you that confidence is a very important trait in an interview?

>its like darksouls but set in feudal japan
>what's dark souls
>its like legend of zelda, but more lord of the rings
>whats legend of zelda
>its like fortnite but with lock on


interviews are just if you're going to be fun to work with.

>Don’t let them sense weakness, or they WILL use it against you when they get a chance.
Having shit taste is a weakness.
Having low confidence is a weakness.
Being a habitual liar is a weakness.
I agree. Do not display weakness.
The (most likely LARPing) muslim below you would tell you this:
When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.
Do not be the weak horse. Be the strong horse.
The strong horse does not play League of Legends and FIFA.

Frogposters btfo

Please, you'd send him your nudes within 24 hours. Nothing makes a woman more open to changing her mind than someone assertive and dominant.

It's a pretty lax office so i've worn a couple of my tshirts around that have a zelda logo on them or the FFXV chocobo crossing sign on it, so she probably picked up on that. Not like she bothers to hide it either cause people have skyrim pop figures on their desks and she's worn an "Aperture Labs" shirt before and has an NES Zelda thermos

Hi! Have you googled "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" recently?

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>listen to video game music
>headphones unplug
Oh god I fucking hated it

>Do you really want for everyone else in your workplace to think that you are a creepy weirdo that should be shunned?
Yes. Putting up with their normalfag shit is tiring.

>interviews are just if you're going to be fun to work with.

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>tfw nurse
>all my coworkers are normie women
>everyone I’ve friends with since starting school was a woman

How the FUCK do I meet some bros? I want to go to the local game store and get started playing magic or something im Afraid it’ll be swarmed with fat NEETs

>coworker always talks about how he loves Fallout 76
>humor him at first but he never shuts up about it
>tell him it's a shitty game when he doesn't stop bringing it up
>he says "ya but I can play it with my brother"

Is he normie or retarded?

Oh hey RJ. Why not keep the bros you already have?

>coworker starts talking about anime

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the only reason you have to be afraid of this question is because you have anime titty games on your steam profile and you're a giant fucking manchild with your bio etc

even furries are not this cringe

>is it waterlogged or is it wet

But they'll ask to play with you.

I feel you user, used to work in a residential home around people who thought using the internet for anything other than social media was abnormal

>"So user, do you play anything?"
>"Sometimes, yeah"
>"Like, what kind of games?"
>"Action and RPGs, you know, just some shit"
>"Ok, give me some names"
>mfw all I really play is weebshit and visual novels

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I used to buy Anime loli hentai-type games exclusively to idle in them so they could be displayed prominently as my most-played games on my profile.
I don't even play them, the gameplay is ass. But it's important to let everyone know that you're proud to be a lolicon.
I'm migrating away from Steam. You can probably guess why. Fucking anti-loli pieces of shit.

super oldfag protip: don't ever answer interests questions honestly in any interview ever in your life

the correct answer there was to say either "not really" or to say you spend most of your time making concepts. Move the topic to programming or something so they acknowledge you are smart, get bored, and move on.

Same thing with music: "whatever's on the radio"

tv: "I've been meaning to watch (popular series) but haven't gotten around to it"

Basically just lie. If you tell them you're a kpop and death metal listening weeaboo faggot you are never going to get the job because nowadays that is the poster child image of the unstable idiot who fights with coworkers 24/7 and never fits in.


Maybe among a part of young males(nerds). Nothing more pussydryer than a a guy talking about how difficult that bossfight is in dark souls.

>tfw self employed
>no coworkers
>not a cuck

Who Free?

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This. Although I'm an Amerifat who has to pay for my own healthcare.

>try to wake up an hour earlier so I can get things done in the morning
>Its too early
>Just 5 more minutes
>Wake up
>20 minutes late for my wage cage


>"Stop talking to me at once or I *will* slit your throat, you dumb fucking normie. Reeee!"

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Man, I just want to do my 8 hours and leave, I don't want to talk.

Which bloody tech company do you work at that being a death metal listening weeaboo faggot is seen as a bad thing?
Sure as tits isn't anything based in Washington State, I can tell you that much.

Wow, I do adulting too!

Q. Is it still called "Adultery" if a child's involved?


I only play Jap games these days, so my answer is always "No". Saves me the trouble of explaining games they'll never play and prevents me from receiving the customary normalfag glares.

>Ay you play FIFA?

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based functioning human being

I uronically don't play videogames anymore.

I only care about anime or Final Fantasy nowdays.

>Nothing more pussydryer than a a guy talking about how difficult that bossfight is in dark souls.
If you're socially oblivious enough to go off like that when asked about a game, you're probably not getting laid even if you didn't. You can just say you like a game and give a short description if asked.

>Coworkers start talking about videogames thread
>without Seymour OP

you fucked up impostor.

Have YOU googled "I'm incapable of detecting sarcasm via text please help me kill myself" today?

Yes I play Fortnite and I'm looking forward to play WoW classic again :)

Been a while since i have seen a post this absolutely based
OP and all frogposters have been eternally BTFO for all eternity

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> Hey user do you play videogames? what are you playing now?
> Me: Nah, i dont really like videogames they're kite boring i only play the casual story heavy RPG like FFXV, KH3 but not much else, i'd rather watch anime or play a tennis match.
> Whoa, you're the first guy i've meet that doesn't like videogames, maybe you should try and play Kindom Come and Destiny 2!
> No, thanks! I don't want to play vidya bro, i've been playing Dragon Quest Heroes 2 because i liked DQ8 when i was younger.
> Hey, what if we go to play a tennis match.
> Me: Okay, bro! i'll meet you here!

That's it, autistic fucks.
Literally do something else besides playing boring videagames all the time in your life.
Why do you think you don't have friends, because normies will see you playing and think you're a boring fuck that plays generic mmos all day, go to do something else in your life.

oh I draw furry porn

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There are more qualifiers to social interaction than "can I talk about all video games at all levels of engagement to any and all people, yes or no" you dumb faggot.

>So desperate to look cool that you lie on Yea Forums about how you talk to people in real life

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Pro tip: Play one normie game a year just enough that you can bluff your way through a discussion about it. Then if anyone asks just say that game.

Low tier self employed but not only do I have no coworkers, I barely see anyone ever while working. Comfy

I dont befriend men because 90% of the time they're homos that want to be "touchy" in the looker room after a swaty football match, fuck em.

True men only have female friends.

>Coworkers start talking about videogames
>"So user, do you play anything?"
Both these things never happen.

My manager bought a switch just for the break room

And we didn't sell all of those arcade systems for black friday so they put two in the break room.


>start talking about games
>user, you gonna get borderlands 3?
>no, I don't like loot shooters
>but user borderlands is great!
>nah, I just can't get past the shallowness of all loot shooters. They feel like a grind from beginning to end. I miss shooters with static stats that were fun because of good level and encounter design. Have you heard of dusk?

This has happened twice. They just look so disappointed and their eyes just glaze over. Fuck normalfags.

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>Anonymous side without registration etc
>Literally made so that anyone who wants, can post about anime and other shit
>"You don't belong here raaaa it's MY site"
Never understood this desu

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>talk like a fag when people try to connect with you
>wonder why they get fed up talking to you
impossible to tell, user. they must just be casual normalfags jealous of your superior taste.

Because the site was created to post about anime and stuff like that, retard.

You need to work on your reading comprehension.

>Why yes I do play video games
>I play lots of pokemon, I love collecting and battling
>do you like the metagame? I cant wait to see what they did to the metagame in sword/shield

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The third paragraph makes a fair point but it goes both ways. Yea Forums's a video game board, not /r9k/. Even a relevant mention like playing a multiplayer game with a friend/gf/bf in a thread about said game can make some wizard react like you'd said nigger on a college campus.

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I am trying to connect with the by talking about the design behind the games we enjoy. I won't pretend to enjoy something I don't just for a shallow social appeasement.

How much of a disaster is your life that cleaning and cooking takes up a large portion of your time?

>bring my DS to work like faggot one time
>Co-worker sees it and gets all excited
>"what game do you have on it right now, user?"
>start getting nervous
>"ummm... The World Ends With You"
>co-worker is noticably confused and just gives me a "huh" and walks away
>quickly and pathetically mumble out "but I also play like Mario Kart and stuff like that" before he leaves

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>I play mostly Squad and Insurgency bud, you should give them a try

Jesus, imagine being so autistic that you're ashamed of your own fucking hobby

>what games do you like user?
>phoenix wright, final fantasy, mega man
>never heard of them user

>"Dude I looked up your Steam, what's with all the weird Japanese games"

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>"Nah I quit them during high school."

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Include me in the screencap

Then what are you doing on Yea Forums, faggot?

>yeah! i play smash bros with my friends and a bunch of other random games online with friends too haha :)
social butterfly here, move the FUCK out the way


How do you say ":)" in real life?

Excuse me, police? I’m calling to report a murder

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>user suddenly becomes the ayuwoki
Spooped my pants off.


>uhm, yeah im playing uh Final Fantasy Tactics


banter is so good that I wish I was OP

I say I like dark souls, nd now its got enough notoriety that people know what I'm talking about. Still, can't escape the "omg aren't those games really fucking hard?!?!" shit everytime.

this to be quite honest bbq family

sounds like you want him to be a yes-man doormat instead of actually having a conversation

thats how i met my gf ;>

Maybe you should stop being a sperg in public. Nobody actually cares about FPS they just want something to talk about on coffee breaks.

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There are at least eight other people at the building I work in, maybe more that I don't know about, that I see regularly bringing their Switch to work to play on break/lunch. I feel no shame. Most of those people also have a 3DS/other consoles as well.

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oh shit, BTFO

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Why are you so insecure about the games you're playing?

It's illegal to own niggers in 2019 user


It matters when they're your co-workers.

No these were both social occasions

It's funny cuz it's true

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"Sure, I love playing Azur Lane. Belfast is mai waifu. BELFAST A BEST!!!!!"

Nash got his revenge in the spring of '19

>Adding co-workers to steam or any kind of social media.

Not even an insecurity thing, do not give a shit when friends try to get snarky about me playing porn games on steam.

Unless it's a vita.

You sound weak

"I likes the HuniePop"

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What is so hard about talking to your Co workers about video games

So in your opinion who is in the wrong? From your post it seems like you put the autists above the social anxiety group but also imply that the normal people are above both.

yes, I play league of legends, create an account for me so we can play

Fucking annihilated

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It's always the "smart" people that end up being the biggest retards

There are ways to express your opinions without coming off like a smug faggot.

what kind of job do you work where your allowed even this tiny bit of freedom? :(

this. lmao.

>slowly turn into an anime boypussy
Was with you until the end

>can make some wizard react like you'd said nigger on a college campus.
dude what lmfao

>normie looking dude asks me if I play vidya
>Want to dodge the question because he looks like a "Fifa and CoD" dude
>Be honest about my taste
>Spent the rest of the afternoon talking about Tropico, Total War and old city management games while doing course work
>Still keep in touch 2 years later and hang out when I'm in town
I find it's worth letting your powerlevel loose since you might make some good vidya buds. A lot of people in that college asked me if I played vidya and were visually confused when they heard any name that wasn't League of Legends but I was any worse off by having those interactions.

>mfw I once did the same thing with the same game
>mfw a coworker actually recognized the game and called it a classic

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I just say yeah, and see the disappointment

>Now I spent all my time outside of work shopping, cleaning, cooking, or doing actual adult shit.

You're awful at managing your time, which is a pretty important part of being an adult too.

based user

I always reply with the more mainstream stuff I play since I cant be arsed explaining old rpgs or euro jank

i still collect rare pepes

Attached: BTFO.png (275x275, 205K)

nothing below this post is of any value whatsoever
everyone close this thread at once


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I larp as a normie at my job. I even got a fuckfriend but its tiring trying to hide all my powerlevel when she comes to my house, she already found some manga.

Do you think he works at all? lmao

By your own metric, your own command to close the thread is of no value. You can't tell me what to do you valueless fool.


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>Playing your switch in public
>Playing your switch AT FUCKING WORK

You autists fuck yourselves over sometimes

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I always tell them Mortal Kombat or Counter Strike.
Most honest and underground answers I can give without being called a fag

Wow I wonder why nobody wants to talk to you.

No, they dont matters

"Have you guys checked out Degrees of Lewdity yet?"

Attached: The_Entire_Egg.gif (360x346, 648K)

yeah, WEHMeN right.

the appropriate response was
>Haha nice, does he like it?

maybe offer a "cheap but fun" indie game suggestion her kid might like if you want to be risky. no one wants to hear about how AAA games are shit, it's like when someone gets mad irl about whether superman or the hulk is stronger.

Autist here, it's relatable as fuck to me

Attached: LetGo.png (546x432, 283K)

Adults are above video games, in general.

literally everywhere outside of west coast tech startups and silicon valley is like this

most HR departments are run by women who hate the nerdy white boy archetype with a passion

That would be an alpha incel response


>coworkers start talking about nigger rap
>coworkers start talking about sports

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>coworkers start talking about Yea Forums

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>all these replies as if this is a good post
I know this place is a toilet but damn

How about you kill yoursef, frogposter?

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Nothing is more alien to me than this. I can't even imagine how people find either of those things interesting or enjoyable enough to talk about.
If you're talking about playing sports, that's one thing. But just watching it and talking about random worthless sports trivia regarding players this or last season? Fuck that

Ask me how I know everyone who replied to this was born after 1999

I just put a curse on you, you will develop crippling depression and be dead by suicide before the year is over

How do you know?

>no I'm too busy masturbating to cunny
Just that easy

Projecting much?

Of course I like Assassin's Creed and Fifa.

I dab on all my coworkers in fifa

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I mean I'm diagnosed autistic and I give a pretty vague ''shooter'' or similar answer because I know people are just trying to make convo. Being autistic doesn't render you completely incapable of learning how people work. That attitude is just lazy autistic people using the label as an excuse to not even try. Other peoples approval matters to me because other people are useful.

You sure showed this guy! He's not getting any more (You)s if you have anything to do with it!

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FNM has good people at my LGS. Lots of professionals and some military dudes.

As someone who frequents game stores and clubs for different games, magic players are indeed fat neets. Yugioh is similar but mostly younger zoomers rather than fat neets.

This doesn't deserve the amount of (You)'s it's gotten. I smell r*ddit.

good thing thanos killed you before you had to answer

What is the best answer to this question? A game/genre that doesn't make you look like a pleb (just in case they are hiding their power level too) but also that won't make the normies attack you?

Right in the frogposter’s files

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>coworker unironically says he mostly enjoys cinematic games like GoW and TLoU
I didn't think they'd be so self aware.

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Nobody wants to talk to me about games because nobody thinks about games they same way I do, except on Yea Forums. This is the only place on the Internet you can reasonably discuss the merits of what makes a game good or not.

>coworkers ask you if you play games
>say no
>coworkers ask if you watch any movies
>say no

>mfw I actually do those things but I want to get back to work and don’t want to waste my time

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Sounds like you’re just a beta who either has shit opinions or can’t say them because he’s a cuck.

Find people who play some games you like, after you get to know them they're fine with talking about stuff in depth

damn OP is dead

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Tech support for a small company

Cinematic games have always been popular. People loved shit like Silent Hill 2, Black, Final Fantasy X, etc. on PS2.

It's only recently with everyone trying to prove their gamecock it became an issue.

> good goy smug about being a good slave

No my opinions are good it's everyone else who is retarded. Every once in a while I find a friend who I can talk to about vidya but life goes on and I don't see those frens that often anymore.
Yeah see above those people are few and far between IRL Yea Forums is the only place I know that is a bastion if my favorite games.

>get an actual job that isn't some highschool minimum wage cuck shit
>never once heard video games brought up by anyone
feels good man

Based socially isolated.

Stop projecting your insignificance

>"uh, yeah, I just finished RE2, it was great, before that I was playing DMC5 and MHW"
>"RE2 huh, that's that zombie game right? what about battlefield/cod/battle royale fotm/fifa/league of legends do you play that?"

Every single time.

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dios mio

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Oh user, high school never ends.

>n--n-no u

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Hits real close to home. I spend much more time here than playing games these days. The worst part is that it's even harder to explain to others than playing games.

>"Yeah, I play DMC5"
>Some girls says "The fuck is that?"
>Everyone around me starts laughing
Fuck normies dude, holy shit

>Currently playing FFXIV, Maplestory 2, and other weeb games
I-I like Dark Souls

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my boss wants to play video games with me
I've been trying to sell him MHW but he's resisting

Tfw you can't show your power level anywhere because it's too fucking high

just get them to play an mmo with you, MHW is way too much of a pain to get going for normies to deal with

>mention Dark Souls
>people think I’m some sort of hardcore chad

Only rap i listen is pre-2000 stuff.

>"dark souls? that WEEB game?"

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>"What's your favorite game?"

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I fuck and suck big fat anime titties

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for real, if only girls reacted the same way most normie guys do if you tell them you've beat Dark souls/sekiro

>implying normies even know what the term weeb means

>I say that I play videogames, not many people in my workplace do
>Coworker: "Oh, great, can you recommend some games for my 12 years old nephew"?
What the fuck do you say in this situation?

Could you please give me a sauce user?

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t. frogposter
Maybe (You) should go back to r3ddit

say Fortnite and walk away

The real man's response.

That's what I usually do.

This. There was a story once, went something like this:
>See a co-worker sitting alone in his office
>Not expecting him to work I see what's on his screen
>It's anime
>Be real smug and say just loud enough for him to hear it
>"Heh, fucking weeaboo."
>He turns to me with a smile on his face
>"So you like anime too, huh?"

I don’t understand how to talk to people I caught my coworkers talking about how I’m weird for not talking to them on the first days so now I have to try to be more friendly but I work in a lab with normies and old men I have nothing in common with and all the girls made sure to let me know they had boyfriends within two minutes of talking to me.

>tfw bartender
>forced into constant interaction with the epitome of normiehood
>slowly turning into one

Help me bros I just want to code and stare at a computer and meet 2D women FUCK

Imagine actually talking to your coworkers look at the state of this nerd

take my upvote....TAKE IT!!!!!!!!!

>Old men
God I wish that was me. Lab work is a 90% female occupation where I live. The work is great and co-workers are nice enough, but there's a real lack of someone I can have a real conversation with because I can participate in talks about raising kids, knitting or housekeeping.

Why the fuck are you a bartender if that's your aspiration?

but then I'd have to play a MMO

Kek, what was he watching?

not him but a nigga has to pay bills
I used to deliver pizza to pay for uni

"Do you like scary stuff?"
"Yeah, I guess"
"You should check out the nosleep reddit, it's so scary!"

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I don't know, it's not my story. I just remembered it cause it was a good one. The "Congratulations, you played yourself" replies made it even better.


I didn't move out before I got a wage. I moved out the moment I did though. I just can't really relate because I can live on very little money and in conditions others would call "cramped" and "unclean", which is what I would be able to get if I was on student gibs.

working with mostly females is the worst, the only good outcome is maybe getting a gf out of it but man the roasties at my last job were mind numbingly dull

>cleaning and cooking takes 8 hours a day

I admit it would be worse if all my colleagues were roasties instead of just half of them, instead I get to deal with a generational cleft that leaves me without peers.

Not him, but it feels that way.

I only come to Yea Forums to learn about normalfag games so when a coworker says some shit i can pretend i know what are they babble about
I tried to explain the appeal of /egg/ and /gsg/ once and it was an embarassing clusterfuck followed by an embarassing silence.
>Hey user, i'm playing the division 2, it's really cool, i'm liberating washington right now!
>Haha nice, i'm playing Seikiro. Kinda niche ya know, really really hard. Dang such a good game man, i'm totally into it!

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>that feeling when I unironically got my co-workers into playing eroge

I'm not the nigger, society is

Just say some e-sports shit if you're that uncreative.


This Pepe reminds me of stonetoss


Put me in the screencap

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You fool. You could have at least used an emulator on your phone to play ds games without your coworkers asking questions.

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I work in a lab with only 4 people at a time and taste testing is part of the work it’s pretty comfy now that they hired somebody else doing the same thing as me.

Taste testing was also a part of my job where I was last year. Too bad we only got assigned to taste things that had mistastes and possibly might be dangerous, but it's still some of the funnier days.
These days I spend two out three days in front of the computer processing data and filing reports instead of working in the lab, and it'll only get worse I'm afraid.

I feed and seed big fat anime titties.

t. guy who formerly chuckled big fat anime titties

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Holy shit how will OP ever recover?

based reddit

Have sex

just tell them you're a musician, people never care enough to ask you to show them your stuff.

>coworker starts talking

Attached: 9a5.jpg (178x211, 42K)

>Coworkers start breathing

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Once it gets to a certain amount of replies it's just herd mentality, the post doesn't have to be good.

I actually always enjoy this.
Talked to this older guy at the addictionclinic nightshift who started talking how he just bought a ps4 with God of War and stuff wich he was really excited about after a long time of no videogames. Told him i liked adhd older shooters like doom and quake wich he remembered being the rage back in the day.
It was fun.

Someone introducing this topic for you is an opportunity if you're a vidya autist and want to make some friends. Just don't push your tastes in endless stories and let them talk about what they like despite it maybe being some casul thrash. You might even learn what and why people enjoy those without Yea Forumstard hiveminds larping the answers for you.
If anything, talking about the vidya in a reserved and interested manner should make it easier for the very socially anxious because its a topic they are interested in.

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>"I-I play Fortnite"
>Never touched Fortnite in my life but it sounds better than "I play Sekiro and Smash Bros".

>get put into groups to split up work
>during the down periods co-worker kept showing me the most mundane reddit ironic memes like harambe
>wouldn't pick up any hints to stop
>Would feel terrible telling him off

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i told them about baba is you and they looked it up and got too intimidated by it to try playing it

I think most people knows someone like that. If they don't then they should consider if maybe they are him.

you guys must look like normies

I'm so fat people everyone just assumes I play video games all day

Skinnyfat here, people can tell anyway. Body mass is not the definitive indicator.

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>tfw have glasses
>people think I am a smart nerd
>actually a dumbass

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Can someone post the gif without robotnik?

lmao, reddit

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hehehe cuck

You too? At least I'm witty.
>Me and my /fit/ friend sit in a crowded pub
>It's crowded, so share a table with strangers
>Older lady comments on my friend's built body
>When looking at me she tries to be nice as well saying "you look like a smart young man"
>Being spot on with the self deprecation I immedeatly reply
>"Yeah, but if I take off my glasses I just look like a young man"

Attached: These aren't my glasses.jpg (773x889, 128K)


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>two dudes at work trying to get me into FFXIV

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just clean as you do something. not that hard.

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I'd rather not clean at all. I'm not as bothered by uncleanliness as most are.

> wake up at 6:30

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Tell 'em you don't want to ERP.

try 5

that's how it starts

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Sure I do. Mostly BFV for the last couple of months. Also RDR2 if I'm not in a mood for multiplayer.


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damn son

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this isn’t that good at all

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Can any other preferably normal adjusted American citizen confirm that American is really that fucked up or is that post just an act of terminal case of autism and social retardation?

Boy, this game has been getting a lot of push from the developers since 2018, mainly with youtube ads. It has become more niche, indeed, but it is not dead.

Attached: Screenshot_20190309-070904_YouTube.jpg (1280x720, 294K)

Any normalfag dominated locality is like that.

No it is not. Only damaged people believes this. And if you happen to be in such collective you better leave it and don't overanalyse it.

Not all of them, but the ones dominated by female mindset and intrigues are.

>normalfaggot GoT tourist

>older dude at work, like 55 or something, constantly talks to me about modded minecraft and even draws me up builds for automation of different things on paper

I don't see the problem here, Switch IS the newest Nintendo.

>playing with your toys at work
>adults mock you
>get upset

>boss has gunpla on his desk and we talk about mechs regularly
>coworker browses /g/ but isn't obnoxious about it
>made a sekiro discussion channel on slack with two other coworkers
Wageslave life could be worse.

this is what people do here now, flood the first post with replies to make it seem amazing

based autist,
recommend him those factory games Mathewmatosis creams himself over he'll love it.

that sounds nice

>coworkers ask who my favorite league champion is
>they make fun of me when I tell them
even when i talk about normie games i'm the weird one

Attached: 1546840145465.gif (644x772, 2.31M)

Fucking based

>is that the new Nintendo user?
kinda cool they still keep up with vidya at 50

Fucking nice. Wish that was me.

Maybe just don't have bad taste?

Fucking roasted. kek

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>"So user, do you play anything?"
Yes, I've been recently addicted to Crusader Kings 2 since the Holy Fury DLC, and going through my incest only play through.

>Female coworker tells me she likes Mass Effect
>”Oh, you should check out Subverse, its similar”

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It's ok user.
I'd make fun of you for playing mobas in the first place.

yeah, man, i play IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS STARLIGHT STAGE and i spend like 100 dollars on trying to get a a chance at my favorite girl's new outfit, but i got her in only one 10-pull so i have a bunch of jewels left

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That didn't happen

Pretty fucking noble of you. I'd have a hard time hiding my disgust.

or maybe it fucking says Nintendo on the back

Unless the strong horse is an unpredictable asshole. Then we just pick the smelly but reliable and truthfull donkey.


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Do coworkers really tend to be that horrifying? I just talk to mine like they're regular people and answer questions truthfully when asked, and they seem to respect me as a human being. I showed them dwarf fortress and everything was fine.

>the cute girl at work who quit right as I'd gathered the guts to make a move

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kinda cool they can still see properly with glasses at 50

I fully agree that name is retarded, but i admit to using arenashooters in general conversation too.

Most of Yea Forums lives in a nightmare dimension constructed for a solid 80% out of their own crippling anxiety.

>work for Japanese company
>all the nips play FIFA, Minecraft, Nintendo, and a few Mon Hun. Never have even heard of SMT or Sen no Kiseki.

Japanese people are normie as fuck

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50 isn't that old you dumb fuck.

Damn this nigga closed Yea Forums for today

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Those things are related

They're boring because I have nothing in common with them, but they're not horrible. At least not on purpose.
There was one time where I had to leave because they started talking about Fortnite dancing.

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The accurate term is ASSFAGGOTS, retard.

I literally ignored family Easter invites to play vidya. I get my social interaction requirements from games.

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>Japs have shit taste
They're casuals too. Nothing new under the sun.

not really games, but
>ten years ago
>apply to bunch of part time jobs
>american eagle is only one who calls me back
>start working in the back with another guy
what is it about retail workers? almost every single one of them were the strangest of normalfags who just wanted to be "normal" and party and drink and hang out with friends etc etc. now, what i said is pretty normal, everyday stuff, but these people SO DESPERATELY want to be "normal" that it affects their personalities in a negative way. what is it about these strange retail workers? the guy who worked in the back with me was like, "yeah, man, don't mind all that bullshit," but then he displayed the same shit like a week later about his whole life

technically, they never fired me because they just started giving me three hours a week and i just stopped showing up. maybe i still work there. they have their "regulars" who work all the time, and they just dump new-hires like me after awhile

>No easter invitations because neither me nor my friends can host an event
It sucks when everyone has just moved out.

How can he be an incel if he fucks women every date?

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Include me in the screencap

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Because they haven't found something they really like or because they don't have the willpower to do what they want.

Damn I thought that shit was only played by us britbongs and brazilians

It's almost like someone or some group is trying to make end-time prophecies come true. There's red pills to swallow, user.

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My coworkers are all fucking awesome and I work in a kitchen as a dishwasher, I'm just really fucking back at socializing after being a NEET for 4 and a half years and have trouble keeping conversations going/starting them. I'm working on it but its a process. It depends where you work I guess, I've heard from my sister and friends about shitty coworkers but haven't experienced it myself yet.

Of course not. You think Japs even like weeb shit? It's a psy op to cuck the US in revenge for WW2. The whole declining birth rate thing is a myth too. Japs fuck like rabbits

thought she was wearing a diaper and got disappointed when I opened the pic

white rap is worse than nigger rap

I asked one of them if they watched anime and they told me thats something only losers do as adults. I was like yeah haha...

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Westaboos aren't that unusual.

The declining birth rate is a myth though. It's on par with other first world nations'.

Rap is rap, I don't know the difference. It's shitty rap that drops the word nigger every other lyric and its garbage.

>"What's your favorite video game user?"
>"Uh (don't say something that isn't in the main stream....Battle-battletoads..."

Attached: 1551826421162.jpg (786x826, 99K)

Normalfags are normalfags no matter their ethnicity.

>hurrdurr: the post

LOL at all the frogposters trying to save face by calling this "reddit" when frogposting is the most reddit thing you can do.

>t. OP

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>t.nigbeats listener

>start playing Mon Hun World
>Get to Rathalos
>Try telljng Japanese coworker about it since he plays
>He has no idea what monster Rathalos is
>Think maybe its just the language barrier as his English is so so
>Show him picture
>Ohhhh Leolaeus!

Wtf Capcom

this is just like going in games machine lmao!


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No not at all. It's only hard if you're still like a teenager or fresh out of college and even then it's only if you're autismal or have some other serious hindrance to being accepted as normal.

My co-workers know that I spend most of my free time gaming and they don't care. It probably helps that I'm well liked in my office and in good shape and have other more normal hobbies and interests. That said there's some absolute dorks on my job and guys that like wrestling even tho they're in their 30s etc. No one really gives a shit. When you get to a certain age you stop running other people down to feel better about your own insecurities. Just own what you are and what you like and if you can sense you're boring someone or making them uncomfortable finish your point quickly and move on to something else.

>have the social skills to to get an education and get a job
>can't handle a simple conversation which you can just not participate in or just flat out lie

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>Told coworkers my waifu is Makoto (they already think im a troll)
>Isnt she in High School user?

No. I dislike rap but I'm not stupid enough to criticize anything I don't know anything about.

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>play im@s rhythm game on phone
>friend is former jock who is married to a girl who won't let him play games when she's at home
>ask him what they do when she's at home
>says, "whatever she wants"
>let him play game; played the song saite jewel
>becomes completely entranced; won't take his eyes off screen
>keeps asking me about it days after
>tells me looked it up for more info on reddit
>but still in denial about loving qt animu girls who sing and dance and won't download the game
do you think his wife keeps track of his phone or something? because if she saw those girls, she would have been like, "what the fuck is this?"

her sister is even worse
>have bf
>bf loves her so he buys her qt nekomimi cat-ear headphones
>literally says, "what the fuck is this? you just want me to look like one of the girls from your cartoons"
>never wore it once
>but she looks like an animu girl
how did she get this way? i thought it was only ugly girls who were like this. she looks like she wants to be a kardashian from the way she acts and dresses


>be neetish (part time self employed "job that scrapped by the bill)
>go to Yea Forums to fill my social needs
>eventually get a good paying job
>also slowly working on a degree
>also video games
>sometimes spend to much time here

I don't even know why. I concider myself a pretty sincere poster and 75% of OPs are bait, shitposts, or some sort of call to arms for politics.



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>"first person, third person, shooter...?"
>user: "FEAR 1 is my favorite game, sir."
>bossguy: "Welcome aboard!"

How old are you? Mighy be too late but SF3 is probably old enough to be a highschool or earlier game for you, just say it started then and you are just a loyal bastered.

you failed to derail the thread completely, but good effort user

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3D girls are being outclassed by 2D girls and they know it. Starting with the AoC getting raised from 10 we've been living in a society where women have had success in politically and culturally forcing competition out of the way.

Makoto from Persona 5 and Im 30

Good, honest people like you and me come here is a part of the charm. Yea Forums is for all losers.
Normalfags can fuck off and die.

But user, how else can I get on the front page of r/Yea Forums without forcing an ebin reply wall to screencap?

which champion was it then?
when I played it was Shaco or Fiddlesticks

Oh. Well she has womenly hips and has her act together so she definatly doesnt seem like a highschooler I guess.

Not him but I could only ever play Master Yi. Then they changed/ruined him and I stopped playing.

old xerath

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The real question is how the coworkers know the character in the first place.

>Have cute coworker asian girl
>She walks into office when me and other coworker arguing about how he thinks Sportacus from Lazytown looks like a villain with his curly moustache
>Ask her opinion

I love my office

I remember AP Yi and Sion and then they ruined everything because it was "unfun"

Um I've fucked like 7 bitches thats pretty good

What the fuck?

They probably got lucky cause they think all anime girls are underage

Persona is pretty known nowadays if you are a gamer

I once brought my Vita to collegue. I was playing Trails of Cold Steel and someone saw me, called the MC gay and told me to bring real games.

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>Rean the harem master

What the fuck

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Based, both you and then


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>he thinks Sportacus from Lazytown looks like a villain with his curly moustache
I mean hes kinda right. I'd say it makes him look more like a butt pirate though.

Somewhat related to trails due to pic related. Why does the idea of an anime girl dominating me thrn me on but real life femdom is disgusting shit?

Forgot pic

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In screencap put me the

Are you the "loud american" in the office? If so how is that like?

Be sure to make a screencap

I don't know what I'd even tell them. I haven't been much of a gamer in years. Bought Sekiro on release and haven't played in 2 weeks, I play league but only like a game a week. Besides that really nothing. I probably spend majority of my time on either Yea Forums or youtube.

This is why I've never been a fan of small talk, my life is boring. My day to day is uneventful and rarely changes. I don't really have an interest in the lives of other people as well, it just seems meaningless to even ask.

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