Enemies can open doors

>enemies can open doors

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He's in.

>enemies are doors

Where can I find an intelligent polar bear that knows how to open door using door knobs?

>enemies kill themselves

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Fuck that is depressing.

Rest in peace, big guy. F

A "We're going home" thread died for this.


WoW was never good

What in the fuck was he even doing up there to begins with




My hamster killed himself the same way. RIP in peace Chip.

Good ridance


He went there to find out if he was really alive.

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lol hundreds of them died there, that video shows like 4 different ones

>The way the first one fall into the hole while standing as straight as can be
Fuck me I lost my shit and feel bad now

>Does this game have fall da-.webm

>had a mouse that got it's ass kicked hard as a baby by it's siblings
>had no tail and terrible coordination so it couldn't run on its wheel
>just ate and did nothing all day, got fat as fuck
>come out one morning to find it vertical with its head planted into the bedding underneath it's ladder
>fat fuck fell off the side and was so fat his neck snapped instantly
was hilarious in a way

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Its like a Souls enemy that jumps from a cliff. Not as satisfying and fun though

He didn't fly so good!

Why are they all climbing the mountain?!?

Go back to the beach you fat bastards it's safe there

Is it true polar bears will actively hunt humans and are one of the few animals that view people as prey?

It's like when white people die climbing mountains(happened recently). They were just being idiots.

>tiny enemies can be ridiculously overpowered

Attached: 1.webm (384x480, 2.43M)

The doc says climate change is making them kill themselves like that

*Schlop* *Schlop* *Schlop*

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>enemies can open doors
>AI won't walk through a door before the opening animation is complete
>you can interrupt the animation and close the door again before it fully opens
>mfw slamming the door in the AIs face repeatedly

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Those walruses are living their life to the fullest, climbing ever higher even if they risk falling off the edge. Can you say the same?

Literally any animal will view any animal as prey if it's hungry enough. That is what the cases you are referring to were. That is why you can't trust any wild animal.

>you can marry companions

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actual scientists debunked this claim that MSM was making. it happened a long time in the past, right now walruses are over populated if anything which might prompt the suicide of the supposed incels.

I think any bear would do it, polar bears are especially smart so they at least would have no trouble doing this.

If they couldn't they could just open it by force too.

>can only be damaged by one specific weak weapon and has a mountain of HP
Fuck that quest in Dungeon Siege 2. Fuck it.

i would

Well that sounds like bullshit.

God speed, they go to the big ocean in the sky.
Cringey brainlets
go to the Chinese market in hell and get ground up for boner pills.

Yes, another one is the leopard seal. Both animals are also intelligent enough to merely make friends with people or dogs despite them being wild, presuming they are not hungry. I really like both of these animals,

This is not a rule of nature.

It was a good death

t. bitchboy

I believe the camera drones spooked them and caused them to fall off.

It's the exact same shit as a cat getting stuck in a tree. They climb up easily enough but have no idea how to get back down.

you dropped this

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Jesus christ I'm dying

we know

walrus aren't even afraid of polar bears, they don't give a single fuck about camera crews or drones.

it's unknown why they do this but likely it's like says. not sure where the instinct comes from to climb though, for cats its obvious why they like it but a walrus?

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>enemies can be startled

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Okay, I gotta get out of this place. Im done. Im done with this whole board. Im done with this whole site.

I spent a few seconds wondering like a brainlet what breed that must be before realizing it's just a wig.

>This is not a rule of nature.
It is, obviously i meant carnivores but any wild (carnivores) animal will kill you if they view you as a means as survival.