Should games feature more cute girls in military uniform?

Should games feature more cute girls in military uniform?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No, they have to be ugly, covered in burkas, and nonwhite.

Imagine the smell of her feet

I would then buy their military shooter games.

Imagine being prisoner of war captured by all female enemy squad that then tortures you with their smelly feet haha, that would be so silly.

Gross. Who'd want that? Certainly not me haha
me irl

>maids with guns

Tell that to japs, why they are still not exploiting this untapped market is beyond me

seriously, how do we get Japs hooked on shooters?

No. Take your waifu fantasies and fuck off.
I want my warriors to be badasses and girls aren't badass.

why didn't cliffy accept my billion dollar idea?

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Anime girls with guns are badass

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Imagine they all they turns using your face as a chair. That sure would be something!

not Tarantino

>girls aren't badass
You sound like a massive faggot.

pic-related came pretty close except they fucked up the shooting mechanic, which essentially ruined the game for me.

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Yea, sure.

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Russian girls are so hot

Funnily enough it would have been way more successful.

footfags are LITERALLY the bronies of fetishes. always turning every topic into their degeneracy and shitting up random threads.

>women dying in war is cool now

Zoomers are the worst faggots ever

I actually like the auto lock on shooting in this game, makes it easier to focus on what matters the most.

most definitely

Cute girls in full plate with the helm included are the best.

>fictional woman in a video game dying to fictional guns in a fictional war setting

Oh no the horror!

>video games are real life now
based boomer retard

Sure as long as it's still tacticool and none of that anime girl in thigh highs but now she has a gun


Trooper-chan from reach is a cute

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Omfg what why??

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depends on the game, also your pic is cosplay

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I like to think of trooper-chan as some normal girl who only joined because she knew humanity needed help, and had to protect her family even if she doesn't want to.

God, yes.
Make them sadistic interrogators, too.

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cute girls on all sides pls

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But can they be romanced?

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Reminder that Jeanne
>Was extremely pious
>Was extremely nationalistic
>Was extremely pure
>Was extremely beautiful
>Had large breasts
>Had toned legs
>Had a slight tan
>Had black hair that she cut short
>Had a low, enthralling voice
>Was really smart despite being illiterate
>Was 5’2”
>Loved cannon
>Loved her country
>Loved God
>wanted to raise a family on the countryside after the war was over
>Had top tier bants
>Could predict the future
>Was the best!

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Yes please

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looks generic

>Yes please

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The only better than a female in military uniform is when they are out of that military garb

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Post girls in military gear or fuck off.

>girls aren't badass
What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?

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What the fuck is wrong with her eyes?

I doubt she could even lift that AK.


Sergie looks like he'd rather be playing cs:go and drinking Vodka.

>died in a fire
Getting toasty


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Take your self insert fantasies with you and fuck off, vidya is for waifus.

>muh burka meme
Name ten female soldiers in video games that wear one.

have sex or kill yourself, my man

>Hi, I'm Ana, I blow people's brains out for a living, literally, and would blow my boyfriend's brains out, figuratively, if I had one. Would you like to see my gun?

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These are actors. There are no attractive people in the military. If they are somewhat attractive they were given their rank walking in and skipped basic training.

To be fair, it's not like the average thread on Yea Forums is worth saving anymore.


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I'll give you one ya nerd

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I don't think she's actually Russian

>Burka Avenger is a Pakistani animated television series created, directed and produced by Haroon.

Nice try.

She's probably of Central Asian descent. Like Kazakh or Uyghur.

As a lowkey footfag I'm constantly annoyed by ironic shitposting. I just want to love cute women's feet in peace.

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Gun actually looks real. Is that girl an actual russian soldier?

>love x in peace
>your fellows spams every thread with the mere HINT of an ankle or something
There can be no peace when you won't give us as much.

Considering the quality of the image, I doubt it.

I will take foot posting over tranny/cuck/soi posting

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Damn, you can see the crazy in their eyes.
God, I wish they would rape me.

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You can't fuck feet.

Hey. Not all feetfags. And besides, it's just feet. There's way worse fetishes being spammed here.

No, you can't rape feet.

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I can

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That gun though. I doubt that its airshit, the mag looks kinda suspect

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Go like feet where I can't see it. I bet you're that fucking weirdo who gets caught staring at people's feet on public transportation.

Nah, I just like to post feet
I don't care about 3D

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Come on nigga, stop looking at the gun and look at the stars intead. That's the rank of an lieutenant.
You really think this dolly child is one?

>extremely pure

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Where does a foot focus form?

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Post Cammy's feet
You Can't

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Why Cammy?

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>slant-eyed abomination
Jesus Christ, when did Russia get gookified? Can we nuke Russia already? I don't want literal cockroaches near my country.

How much money went into her plastic surgery, makeup and photoshop.edits?

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Dude, Russia is right next to China.

>not sucking on them
What the fuck is this gay shit.

>a yellow goblin wearing clothes with a russian flag makes them russian
I don't think so, chink.

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great argument, ching chong

China has been slant-eyed since the 1200's user. Mostly horsefucker genetics from Mongols and Tatars.

what's this from?

WWZ, the best zombie shooter after l4d.

do you get a cute all-israeli girl squad in the campaign?

L4d didn't crash as much.

>skilled or not, you're still a lass, huh
Cute. But also kind of not cute.

> China has been slant-eyed since the 1200's user
They've been slant-eyed for 5000+ years and not 800 years, you dumb weebcel

I thought it's quite obvious that she's Korean after looking at her eyes
Here's a source, anyway:

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Can’t stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?

No, that’s fatfags. Foot gags are more like JoJoposters. They’re obnoxious sometimes, and a lot of people who aren’t even into it make jokes about it, but most people who aren’t into it begrudgingly accept it. Those who don’t hate it vehemently.

I know your pain, user.


I mean russia.

Remember those atrocities where they beat people and stacked them up naked? A woman soldier and a weirdo guy did that.

How does she maintain those nice looking nails while doing military work and handling guns?

This must be fake

I would fuck all of these girls. Even if their faces are a bit on the chingchong side their bodies are probably on point.

>make gazillions $ from selling AK clones
>only use free guns from the US
based jews

Yes. This is the only answer.

Can I impregnate you?

It's probably only the full timers that get the new bullpups. All the short term conscripts get the old rifles to fuck up with shit maintenance.

China & Russia share a border longer than the US & Canada (without Alaska). What do you think happens there? I will give you a hint with this picture.

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why do you make this thread every day? nothing better to do?

Yes. I liked Xcom series and i want more operator girls operatoring.

He gonna turns this concept into a big meme then shills his anime shooter game here in a few months. Screen cap this.

Make S4 but without microtransaction bullshit.

>China & Russia share a border longer than the US & Canada
Bullshit. US and Canada border is twice longer (with Alaska but still longer without it)

Lots of tranny in this thread

Literally the first time I saw this thread

this thread is just depressing, just stop it bro, its not helping it makes it a lot worse

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>he hasn't seen the footpussy infographic.

There's plenty of good looking girls in support units. Some of them even pass the PT tests.

>That's the rank of an lieutenant.
where do I learn this stuff? you sound pretty smart and i'm interested

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Literally google, m8. I'm dumb as a brick but all you need to google is "military rank russia" and click on wikipedia
Did learn that two stars in a vertical position is an ensign, while two stars in a row is a junior officer.

I'm immune to Russian psyops

Her psyops pussy will consume your mind.

okay thanks bud, everyone always sounds so much more educated about this stuff and I feel like I don't know where to start

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Hildegard von Krone is my gf.

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>not cosplaying RLI
Missed opportunity

He specifically refused to make it anime-like (like OW) or playable on the Xbox, the two things that specifically would guarantee the game's success.

A triple-A anime game, people would be playing it even today


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>women soldiers

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These plastic gooks has no match to the IDF thots I banged at Tel Aviv.

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They still can kick your lazy fat ass.

no they cant lol
not to mention these are just cosplayers, not actual soldiers

>when even a coslayer can kick your ass
Damn user you must be really weak.

i just said they cant
you must be really stupid lol

Is that cawadoody?
I thought it was the starting location in Metal Gear Online for a second

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I want them to use their barefeet to kick user's ball haha


Post a pic of your arm then, prove me wrong. Or are you afraid?

crying for mommy wont make you less stupid lmao

>only the 25% of Russia that is in Europe counts
There are native russians who are asians you know.

>lazy fat ass.
nice projecting user.

OP is a whitoid with yellow fever or a delusional asian who thinks asians are attractive. He's been making these shit threads everyday for a while now.


>what do you think happens there?
it's a wasteland steppe with earthquakes all the time?

Why are you samefagging user? You must be very insecure about your strength IRL.

>There are native russians who are asians
Native Russians aren't Asians, you fucking retard.
>only the 25% of Russia that is in Europe
That "25% of Russia" is where almost everyone in Russia lives, you fucking retard.

>China & Russia share a border longer than the US & Canada
Your argument is so shit. You're basically arguing that every population in countries that are bordering slant-eyed shitholes is full of slant-eyed insects. Yes, there is that one Russian whore out of 1000000 Russians getting sold to some Chink with western money, but that doesn't mean everyone in Russia is slant-eyed or close to being slant-eyed.

It's also funny how you mentioned Canada, there are more insects in Canada compared to Russia. Your retarded argument really shows how fucking stupid you gooks are.

t. seething vanillafag

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He's an ugly virgin who thinks that women in other countries won't hate him and think he smells like shit.

B-b-but asian women r subservient and love white people.

Don't argue with that hapa/asian. He was arguing that India is full of slant-eyed people before, because "India is next to China" and he thinks a majority of Russia's population is in Siberia.

/r/asianmaaculinity is literal cancer.

>B-b-but asian women r subservient and love white people.
>t. jap

lol. why are "serious" threads that use asians in the op so dam offensive to the mind? lek

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I'm actually black. I'm tired of shit smelling nerds who don't take care of themselves thinking they can get women abroad when they can't even get women in their home country.

>the perma virgin chink from /r/asianmaaculinity thinks everyone in Asia is pic related
Oh no no hahahahaah, don't send the schizo chink to middle east, caucasia or the idel-ural region, he'll probably kill himself after he sees their beautiful round eyes and tall body structures

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Please be American.

I think it's cod ww2

>a color can trigger people

>but asian women r subservient and love white people
Japs do tho.
>be a white boy
>not atractive but not ugly (bonus point for exclusive white features like blonde or light eye color)
>go to japan
Guaranteer a bunch of model agencies ask for your contact info

Ok fuck off, feet should never be a fetish.

The lies unwashed nerds tell themselves.

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Whatever you say davido-kun.

It's even worse in china, chinese women worship white men

I said non ugly, not virgin fat neckbeards

why do blacks use asians to spread their hatred of whites? go away lol

>what the fuck are yakuts, bashkirs, kazakhs etc.

Yeak fuck feet

L4d never had more than 100k viewers on twitch either.
