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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that the majority of Yea Forums is fucking retarded, and gets dumber every day. Trust the hivemind at your peril. Think for yourself. Be skeptical.

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They are protecting this because it's Japan doing it.

>in Japan on Steam
should be "on Steam in Japan" desu
sounds like a child wrote it

>sounds like a child wrote it
A "journalist" wrote it

usa/sony block jap tits
>They're right, those pedgames should be banned in all countries.
Japan indonesia ukraine block west gore
I love karma

>Female bikini armor bad! Male bikini armor okay!

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What if...all censorship is bad???
I'm sorry if I just blew your mind

Japans will end up with the shortest stick. No tits, no blood.

Yes? every fanservice game is rampant with oversexualization of women already, lets try it the other way for once.

Nintendo for the last 20 years
>we are aware of the problems of violence in video games and are working to remove this. If you’re concerned with your child playing games please be assured that Nintendo games are made to the highest standard and are appropriate for their age level.

Nintendo doesn’t release MK11
>hurr durr can’t believe they won’t release violent video game.

You idiots don’t know shit, fucking zoomers. Why do you think Mad World was such a mental game to come out on Wii for Nintendo? But then you were 5 in 2006.

Based Japs, Amerigoy garbage should be banned in every none Ang(l)oy country.

Really shows you how culture works. In the west violence is whatever, handle it. But in Japan and other parts of EU boobs are fantastic, glorify them.. Makes me wonder if Japan is doing this as payback or if it's actually because they can't genuinely handle the violence.

I say we should have both in games, but that'll never happen.

As long as you don't remove the female bikini armor, yeah

>we are aware of the problems of violence in video games and are working to remove this.
based Nintendo for having straight priorities


if censorship is so bad, why does everyone do it, huh

nah, pedogames cause theyre exactly that. pedogames


>Makes me wonder if Japan is doing this as payback
Consider RE2 getting two separate releases in japan i doubt it

Sorry you have the transsexual.

Gore has been censored in Japan for years now, this has nothing to do with payback

>women showing too much skin: bad
>women showing too much intestine after they get cut in two: good

Can someone explain this retard logic to me? How are a person's guts being spilled considered less obscene than some nice tiddies being shown?

Sorry you have the NPC


Most people don't think that, remember that the SJWs that fight sexy girls in vidya also get offended over "violence towards women" in vidya.

Burgers ban their games Nips ban theirs.

>brainlets itt think those articles are real


Based Japan, violence is for autistic morons, anime tiddies are much more healthy for the individual

I love how 90% of anti-censorship faggots did a complete 180.

female armor with frills good
male armor with frills good

I would ban the game for disrespecting women with their character design.

2019 Yea Forums in a nutshell

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Yeah, I'm sure you're all about respecting women when you stick a spike in a stripper's skull.

Do the Japanese play MK?

They can't now

Japs only play mobile shit on public transit, they don't have any free time

steam games don't need to be rated, the PC version being region locked is an arbitrary decision by warner bros and not directly censorship, but it's surely because they didn't want to make a PC-only and/or untranslated release
mortal kombat fatalities are inherently too hot for CERO so they don't even bother submitting the games to CERO or working toward a japanese release
tl;dr this is not remotely news, just a slow news day for game journos that read steamdb for stories

This isn't about the censorship itself, but the reaction from Yea Forums which is usually so against censorship, but only when they like the game apparently.

This is incredibly uh-oh.

>gore porn is fine
>gore is not fine

some people do, i heard there were tournaments in japan for the games that weren't released there but i don't know if that still happens or how mainstream it is

>starving to dead is right

So you can buy Legend of the Overfiend where girls get ripped apart by tentacle dicks (or exploded in geysers of guts and cum) at a 7-11 but you can't buy MK on Steam. What?

They dont. Mortal Kombat is literally dead in fighting game circles. The Japs however do play Killer Instinct

>tits good violence bad

One makes my dick happy, the other doesn't and it's made by a company I believe to be infested by SJWs so in this instance censorship is ok.

Thank you based Sony!

absolutely based Japan, titties are more important and interesting than violence and gore.
Christ, westerners are such retarded folk

It's not about censorship it's about punishment for these anti-boobs cucks

Any nip game I've played with fanservice is usually shit and only liked for its fanservice.

Reddit absolutely btfo

>censorship is ok.
What a fucking cuck you are that you need muh goberment to censor things you don't like.

>change every color in the game to black
Problem fixed just like animu

Think many are just enjoying the karma that Sharia Kombat will be getting less sales.

Will rather have both uncensored tits and gore.

They shouldn't have bothered, nobody in Japan is dumb enough to buy this piece of trash anyways

Are you retarded? The fucking Wii had more violent games than this

thats pretty cool about the KI part. love that damn game

Also No More Heroes. Based.

you're just an anti-titty bigot. either that or you're a titlet.

Yeah I'm sure they'll give us boobs back and not just take away the gore too. You're genius.

First post really was best post after all.

But it was always both ways ffs. Now it's just male sexualization. Double standards much

>in japan censored violence
>in american censored tits


Why does Yea Forums act like Japan don't censored tits as well? The Japanese versions of GoW and Witcher games has censored tits instead of frontal nudity but Yea Forums blindly ignores that.

what are some countries in which I'm not going to have my fiction content censored? and I'm talking about both violence AND sex

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because Japan does it more tastefully. Where as in the west it's just obvious censorship over the current political climate.

ESL here, why's that? Genuinely curious, I don't know much about adverbial clause order in English.

Censorship is stupid. There are already laws and age ratings.

Don't like it don't buy it. Stop getting triggered. Stop enforcing your beliefs on others.

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Who cares. They cucked us from sweet boobs, japs cucked them from sweet bucks.

Isn't this more of a CERO issue?

it's still censorship though...

>We're perfectly fine with our product not selling in an entire nation
>But we'll shrink tits, give Jax a 'woke' ending and de-beautify all the women across the board. Do we get a blue check mark yet?

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Honestly, good. Mortal Combat 11 bent the knee to SJWs with the whole "female sexualization" thing, so I think it's fitting Japanese shit all over it as well. Frankly I think fanservice in general is fucking retarded & prefer females in cooler, more combat appropriate clothing. However, fuck any game company that listens to a bunch of mentally ill trannies.

These people should be laughed out the room, not catered to. Furthermore ResetEra is one of the worst things to happen to the gaming scene.

>Censors sex in games
>Doesnt realise that violence is next on the list

How fucking stupid are they?

Because OneAngryIncel didn't write an article about it.

In this case: yes.

Based, literally tasteless torture porn with BF2 tier progression system

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Censorship is always bad but the ultra gore in MK11 is definitely more harmful for some teen or kid than some anime nipples.

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That's exactly what they want.

"On Steam" comes after the noun Japan, but Japan is not on steam, the action of being sold is on Steam. The game is blocked from what? The game is blocked from being sold on steam. The game is blocked from being sold on steam where? The game is blocked from being sold on steam in Japan.

>"harmful" being some fake artificial blood and gore or sex displayed in the screen

If people are retarded enough to not be able to recognize what's real and what isn't, or worst, be able to be manipulated to real violence through fake violence is downright mental, not everyone is a closeted nut case, especially when we have more school shooter that watched MLP and furry shit than actual skin heads and satanic metal heads.

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Go be gay in Hell.


>Stop getting triggered. Stop enforcing your beliefs on others.
But I'm literally saying that ALL censorship is bad, I have no problem with tits in games. Are you just looking to disagree with someone?

SJWs and retards that agree with ResetEra logic. Check out that thread about "sexualization of females in games". To these people it's uniroincally more harmful to see women in skimply outfits because it sends a bad message about objectifying women. But ripping said women in half is totally fucking fine though.

SJWs are absolute fucking cancer for games and western society as a whole.

All censorship is bad, however I can at least understand censoring over-the-top violence vs censoring tits and ass because a bunch of mentally ill trannies feel offended by it. SJWs are absolute fucking cancer and should be laughed at, not listened to. MK Devs bent the knee to SJWs, so it's extremely satisfying seeing them get BTFO by based Japan like this.

It's not about having the government censoring things we don't like, it's about being glad that a game company that bent the knee to SJWs is getting absolutely BTFO by based Japan. A bunch of mentally ill trannies got tits and ass removed from MK11, only to have the game get shit on in Japan and banned outright.

It's poetic justice. If it were up to me both tits & ass and gore would be allowed. Bottom line is fuck SJWs and ResetEra.

Both are good, but it's nice to see an SJW game getting BTFO by based Japan.

I can somewhat understand censoring violence, but censoring tits and ass is entirely because of mentally ill trannies and should be scorned & resisted at every turn. I'm glad based Japan is shitting all over this SJW game.

Mentally ill tranny faggots don't into logic, they simply operate on their emotions. SJWs are fucking cancer & should always be laughed at. Fuck MK devs for listening to these deranged lunatics. I'm glad based Japan stepped in to shit on this game.


Fuck MK11 for bending the knee to SJWs, I'm glad it's getting promptly BTFO by based Japan.

So instead of getting what you want, you'd rather take something else away from others. Fucking brilliant.

Oh, I see. Thanks!


It's OneAngryIncel, so yeah.

is not like mk11 had tits

>I can at least understand censoring over-the-top violence vs censoring tits and ass because a bunch of mentally ill trannies feel offended by it.
Both are stupid, there's already a rating system to inform parents on what games they're buying their kid. Whether seeing tits of gore is bad for a child is irrelevant, it's the parent's responsibility to not buy them if they think they can't handle it.

I unironically agree with this. MK11 violence is not cartoony or necessary. It's fucking sadistic. If someone can enjoy MK11 he's probably a fucking sociopath.
I'm fine with violence and gore in vidya that makes sense as part of the game world: as an example RE2Make had great gore that fits, but mk11 is just sadism for the sake of sadism. It's fucking sick.
MK11 becomes even more fucking retarded and disgusting when you realize they've covered titties, a symbol of life and motherly love to be "more mature" but vomit-inducing nature-defiling gore is a-ok.
There's some extremely sinister thing going on behind mk11 and I don't like it one bit

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I'd rather have both tits and gore is the point. However, at least there's a better case to make for censoring violence vs censoring tits because a bunch of mentally ill trannie faggots got assblasted by it. Fuck MK, I'm glad based Japan is taking a massive shit over it.

Both are indeed stupid, and as I've said I'd allow both. However, Japans logic is still better than that of mentally ill trannies.

You're retarded and don't realize shit like mk11 can cause nightmares and other bad things in kids.

>Ed boon states a week before this piece of shit comes out he wants NRS to expand to other genres
He knew how this was gonna go MK is dead and its time to move on.

Reminder this is in Kanos ending

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>Mattering at all
lmao at the weebs thinking this will hurt sales

This to be honest. I don't like it when Japan loses it's shit over gore as it has hurt games i love but MK11 is the definition of bad taste, it's even worse than that exploitive low brow shit in those SAW movies.

RE2 is not a good example as the gore trails off very quickly in that game and in Japan they absolutely butchered it censorship.

It's blatant fucking hypocrisy is what is it. SJWs make a case about the harmful effects of tits & ass, yet don't feel the desire to make that same case about the harmful effects of ripping people into pieces. It's literally just a bunch of seething trannies assblasted that white cis men enjoy seeing attractive women in games and lashing out.

Based Japan shitting on this SJW game.

I played RE1 when I was a year old, you don't see me go around kill people now do I?


they did the tit censoring shit in MK11 on purpose as a smokescreen so they could add MTX and p2w horseshit to the game without anyone noticing.

How is sparing people from playing this hot mess censorship?

How is this relevant to what I said at all, you dumbass?

Pretty sure that wasn't directed at you but, but in general to the people who ARE censoring shit like Sony

You've killed millions...

Don't like it don't buy it, no need to ban it.

Good thing it's an adult game, and that's clearly stated on the box then.
God forbid we have a game that isn't for everyone!

Honestly, I think Mortal Kombat should start dialing back the gore. Yes, yes, I know some of you are already digging up a basedjak to post based on that first sentence, but I'm serious.

It was one thing back in the '90s when the shock value actually meant something and the graphics were terrible anyway. But with photorealistic mocap and emphasis on character, fatalities are just getting disgusting and they detract from the game rather than adding to it.

Look at MKX. Is Johnny Cage a loving father, joking with his daughter lightheartedly before a sparring session? Then why is he now ripping her in half lengthwise and making a bad dated joke, grinning at her deformed corpse like he did something right? Is Cassie a new protagonist with compassion and courage, inexperienced and untested but ready to prove that her generation is neither soft nor callous? Then why did she just rip off her best friend's jaw and take a gruesome selfie to post on Facebook? It's not cool, edgy, impressive, badass, or so on. It's just gross and discordant.

I'm not saying blood and gore should completely go away, but I think they should start putting some better thought into it. Goro can rip off people's heads, fine. Sub Zero can freeze people and shatter them, sure. But maybe Jacqui can settle for snapping someone's neck or smashing someone's ribcage internally with a flurry of punches rather than ripping apart her enemies like a fucking animal. Sometimes less really is more. Use fatalities to characterize your characters so that they're distinct in their mannerisms rather than just different shades of blood-crazed psychopath.

Probably more that the game wouldn't have the age rating they want.


Most of people who aren't american agree with that.


>Kids and teens, not the target demographic, could get spooked or get violent
>Grew up looking at low poly zombies munching on characters which led me to think I had to try harder to achieve the heroes winning

I understand that not everyone is exactly the same as the other, but if teens or kids (which shouldn't be playing in the first place) get mentally fucked by two dudes mauling each other, it's ither them not being teached the difference between reality and fiction or what else.
You do see kids dance fortnite around and do thanos memes all day, but nobody cares that in one you use guns to kill each other and the other a purple goliath just kills existence with snappity snap now do we?

I fucking wish, so we could have a better gene pool "tips fedora"

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even back then the gore was more silly than realistic

I also saw a bunch of tits & ass as a kid and haven't resorted to raping women & treating them like trash. The point is that SJWs make a huge case about the harmful effects of tits & ass, but are silent when it comes to over-the-top violence. Seriously, that thread on ResetEra about sexualization of women is hundreds of pages long. But not a single point about potential effects of graphic violence.

Censorship is bad, period. However, one side is driven by a government looking out for its citizens, and the other is driven by a bunch of seething, mentally ill trannies. Surely you understand which one is going to piss me the fuck off more, right?

Corporations realize how valuable mentally ill trannies are as a shield. They will latch onto any product if their degeneracy is catered to. Take a look at Woke brands like Nike and Gillette.

SJWs are a literal hive-mind of NPC soldiers willing to fight for their corporate overlords if they're catered to. Yet another reason SJWs should be resisted and laughed out the fucking room at all times.

I disagree completely of course, but I'd still engage with you in a debate about it and believe you were arguing in good faith. Anybody who's crying about tits & ass however is very transparently an enraged tranny/SJW and should be disregarded & laughed at.

based and redpilled

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fuck off normalfaggot

it has too much gore for even a Z rating. it wouldn't get a rating they don't want, it would get refused classification.

Based, who the fuck plays mortal kombat in 2019

This. I fucking hate these shit hole.

gore and murder good
nudity and sexuality bad
if you disagree you are a retarded incel. think of the children

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That was excessive.

this isn't the first time mk was banned in japan, they weren't expecting any sales from there. will you kill yourself after learning about this fact, incel?

Indonesia bans it as well.
An actual Muslim country.

Attached: Burka Kombat 11 is Banned in Indonesia.png (993x1022, 740K)


Attached: Burka Kombat 11 is Banned in Ukraine.png (992x1147, 566K)

>fantasize about aking a 1:1 berserk game adaptation
>tfw realize it would be banned in japan


I don`t understand this. There are many Anime and Manga titles that are more violent than Mortal Kombat.

>Americunts getting their own medicine.
Good, that's what you get for being censorship happy piece of shit. It finally bites you back. You fuckers deserve it.

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what are you talking about?

>Americunts in denial

really, what are you talking about?

it would not, MK11 is way more grotesque violence without reason, MK11 just like a Tarantino production is just violence porn

We will only be free when we are released from the tyranny of our own thoughts

>teen or kid
Why would they have their hands on this? Isn't it an adult game?

im betting it would. CERO doesnt allow dismemberment or nudity. the most recent berserk game is proof that a faithful one wouldnt work in nihonland

>Seanigger and Slave shit
Anyway they gonna import or pirate

i discogree, it takes a lot for a work to be outright banned, and Berserk would not fit either the nudity nor the violence part, MK11 is just senseless violence

Nioh has dismemberment and it's a fairly recent game, it's buried under a mountain of particle effects and confetti but it's there. All these rating agencies are a farce, their guidelines bend for money or when some PTA is breathing down their necks.

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MK vs DC was never released in japan

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nioh was censored in japan

I feel sorry for the 2 Japs that would have bought it.

The fact that you say this makes you an extreme intolerable pathetic faggot.

>it's real

What the fug! I never knew this. So even if they wanted to Team Ninja literally can't make a Ninja Gaiden game or port since dismemberment is actually part of the gameplay. That's so fucked.

I guess it got a lot worse in Japan in recent years and i didn't even notice.

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Mortal Kombat is fun for the shoch value but the violence gets old super fast. Watching through the trailers I felt like I'm watching some satire made of americans. its rather funny than shocking at some point

Not for the children. THINK of the children.

kys please


now you faggots know how censorships feels like

There are plenty of parts in the story of any mortal kombat games where someone is forced to fight when they don't want to in self defense.

>Western shit devs ban censor women
>japan bans violent gore video game

Violence and promoting them is bad you fucking maso.

Friendly reminder that this SEX VS VIOLENCE bullshit is just two autistic groups of hypocrites trying to force their """MORALS""" as the new global zeitgeist in hope of achieving the godhood they think they deserve

Reminder that the 90's and 00's had

Celebrity Deathmatch AND Tomb Raider

Final Destination AND Killer Instinct

buddy censorship in japan has been heavy handed for a long time. violence was getting removed from games before CERO was established to formally block the release of games by denying ratings.
street fighter 2 had more than just characters added and move balance going from world warrior to super turbo during all those iterations.

>censorship is bad
You retards

>Sex culture is socially accepted in Japan
>High amount of violence is not ok in Japan

This is kinda logical, right? I mean I don't mind the violence but if any other country wanted to censor anything it should be the amount of violence games have not sex.

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It makes sense in the culture but it doesn't mean it's not stupid. Rape is expected in muslim countries but that doesn't mean we're okay with it.

Are you seriously trying to convince me that things were already this bad by the time of SF2? Do you know how many gory games were released since then?

Nah, the government doesn't really care about video games. They only care about mobilefags more than any other platform. I still see Mortal Kombat X and Witcher 3 on store shelves and the latter has literally porn scenes in it.
>T. Indog

wtf this makes no sense
right wing people aren't pro censorship at all

brutal decapitations good
nipples baaaaaad

Yup logical. Despite the 'sex culture' they still have low birthrate. Now look at violence and the crime and school shootings in America, It makes sense for them to ban it.

This is probably why people pirate.


Good. It means that Japan doesnt allow shitty games in their country.

>Sex culture is socially accepted in Japan

then why does giving money to high school girls in japan lead to all sorts of trouble for me?
i've been called baka gaijin for the last few years and the poor girl was bullied till she killed herself because of a little compensated dating.

take your LARP elsewhere

This has nothing to do with porn being accepted in Japan at all

This post can get you into a lot of trouble. If you want to make a point stop making up story. You could as well be her killer and trying to blame Japanese for it, you scum.

This. We need to get /pol/ to contact Trump to fix this.

But it is

This is literally why you don't support censorship ever. Eventually it happens to you and you get all pissy, but people just mock you.

But half their men are virgins.
Don't have sex. That's why incels idolize that country.

Nobody is saying censorship is okay.

What we ARE saying is that it's ironic and funny that Muslim Kombat is censored in Muslim countries

It's not banned in the UK IDIOT

wtf PEPE(female) looks like THAT?

Mk has been shit for over a decade at the point who cares fighting games are gay


Giant uneven nips, gross

have sex

Those are areole and Montgomery bumps you uncultered chestlet

Their birthrates aren't worse actually. It's just that nobody talks about your own birthrates while happily shittalking the japs just as they shittalk about china censorship while EU is now doing the same building their own great firewall with upload filters.


It's areolæ sweaty :)


In the west its 30% admitted, which is not that far off.

boobs become smaller
banning an entire game due to violence

i hate all of you

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I hate you to user, And i love you to, i don't know what to do

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>lol boobs and tits, who cares, only pedophiles do
>wtf they’re going after my violence, REEE
You know people just want to get back at Muslim Kombat and don’t really support it right?

And nothing of value is lost haha

>Acting like this is new

There hasn't been a mainline Mortal Kombat release in Japan since MK Trilogy you stupid fucks.

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Whether it's tits or violence, censorship is fucking wrong and terrible.

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Do you even know why it's banned in Ukraine?
Because of this joke USSR outfit.
They are extremely butthurt about it.

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>Forced to dress in demeaning outfits
You mean they CHOSE to work in a cafe that requires them to wear these outfits?
Trannies are retarded, I know, what else is new.

Hey I remember celebrity death, hilarious shit.

But I've heard they didn't ban Metro.

B-but this is owning the LIBTARDS!

>this is owning the LIBTARDS

>Animefags telling me what's censorship or not

You fags are the worst at explaining what's censorship and what's not in video games. This was an artistic decision not censorship. Stop your faggotry.

I will definitely agree that gore is starting to take away from the gameplay.
These Mortal blow or what they are called halt the game for 2 full seconds just to show a bit of Xray, sure they are only a couple per character and can happen only once per match, but it sets a shit precedent for future games.
BIG YIKES on the rest dawg

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>reddit spacing up the ass
Fuck right off. If you don’t like it don’t buy it. That’s the way the cookie crumbles you pathetic nigger

Large if factual

>A government banning a game is an artistic decision
Are you okay?

NRS's decision not to sell the game is not censorship, yes. However, Japan's policies on depictions of violence IS, which is the issue discouraging them from releasing the game in Japan.

Censorship is wrong, even when Japan does it.

I would be inclined to agree but the gore in MK11 and the ways it is presented is too much, it's so distasteful and dissonant. Ideally it would be the public censoring it and not some organization but i can obviously see why they did it. I've had this discussion with manhut fags before and i don't know if MK11 is worse but right now i feel it is, there's even less merits in it.

The most abhorrent thing about is of course that it's acceptable for them to virtue signal sexuality while peddling extreme violence to a practically fetishist degree.

>skipping Japan because of censorship
Isn't it the case that the game was not denied by Valve, but that a decision was simply made not to localize it there?

Yea Forums is r*ddit npc tier nowadays

>I would agree censorship is bad, except I think censorship is good.
Fuck you.

I'm surprised Germany and Australia allows it.

Well, I suppose violence can be a bit addictive so I see their point.
It's not a basic gamer right like cunny or the word "nigger" is, so it's not like you can claim they're doing anything wrong either.

this. mk11 violence is way overboard. it's fetishized which is frankly sick.
I bet edgy Yea Forums kids love it tho

as with many things, it depends and isn't black and white. would you say "censorship" of drugs and making heroine illegal is bad? I wouldn't.
now stop being a faggot

it makes more sense to censor violence than porn though

Nice reading comprehension you stupid fucking mongoloid

MK always pandered to edgy Yea Forums kids but it's only gotten worse with the years

Those are two totally different things. If you think the violence in MK is too much, just don't buy it, vote with your wallet instead of getting the government involved.

No it doesn't

It would be funny in an ironic way if this were somehow payback for America Censoring Japanese Games such as Senran Kagura and others like it.

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Americans are incapable of being an adult and taking responsibility. This will never happen. They always get their parents as shields as a kid and grow up trying to pull the same shit as an adult. Needing their hand held 24/7.

yeah, NOW it's not gonna be okay to censor games. NOW it's gonna be a bad thing, lmao.


>tfw you can buy the dlc but not the games

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>Germany and Australia allows it.
user I...

because is Peppa

>we're at the point where weebs are unironically supporting censorship just because Japan does it
Just gas everyone in the west that has played a game made in Japan ever, jesus christ. We need to reset this fucked up situation.

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>that white cis men enjoy seeing attractive women in games and lashing out.
What about lesbians? Why nobody thinks about lesbians? Why does it always have to be about men, even if it is men with wigs?

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No no baka, we're doing it to troll those trannies epic style!

>make a game with a character in a "joke" Waffen SS uniform.
y they ban??

gee i don't know

>Strawman has evolved in Wickerman!

this post is profoundly retarded

This people are cancerous parasites

This board is shit

It's mostly just funny to me but I could see why a country like Japan would have a problem with it. If you're against them forcing their values on you you should respect their right to reject yours.

They are worse. Imagine wanting to change a culture that's not even part of your own country just, because you don't like it.


So, which countries are banning MK right?
This franchise seems to get banned by more nations every time a new title comes out.

stupid woman, see

>We white westerners from Era need to change the culture and government of the savage slant eyes!
Is this an ironic post, or a sincere one? This asshole is literally advocating for white colonialism, something that these people are supposedly against.

>Is this an ironic post, or a sincere one?
What do you think? It's pretty obvious if you think about what kind of people visit resetera


There is no forcing values upon anyone going on here. This is a piece of media, good or bad it's just that, if it weren't banned, it might flop or it might not, but there will be people in japan who want to play it, and now they can't do it legally without jumping through hoops.

Cafes where women choose (not forced, they can quit anytime and they knew what they were signing up for) to wear "demeaning" outfits? You mean like Hooters here in the US? For that matter, what about actual strip joints? Come on, Era, fight those here in the US if you really care that much.

>men aren't sexualised in video games

Have you never played a fighting game?

They covered the boobs though so it's all good.

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>There is no forcing values upon anyone going on here.
Every westerner complaining about this is attempting to do that.
>oh my god what do you mean you don't like our gore porn what the fuck

Vidya needs more cute boys!

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Good. Violence is bad and detrimental to society. As long as they don't censor ass+titties, they're doing the right thing.

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checkmate athetits

Yeah I'm sure 100% of Japan hates it.
By this same logic japs can't say shit if americans want to censor their anime games, feminism, trannies and being offended is american culture after all.

Amerilards and western Euroniggers are violent nigger yet they're also giant cucks who let niggers and spics walk all over them.
Japs enjoy sexy women in games and don't tolerate spics and niggers walking all over them IRL.
Japs don't need excessive violence in their fiction because they're not hamstrung cucks IRL, unlike Amerilards and Europoors.
Really makes me think.

where is the outrage from the alt-right japanese incels on nippon youtube?

Japan hates violence
The US hates t&a

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Amerimutts need to take note, this is how you censor things. Over-the-top violence absolutely should be censored, otherwise you end up with an ultraviolent backwards society like the USA. Sexy women showing off their goods on the other hand, there needs to be a lot more of. Nobody loses in that scenario.

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Japs and chinks are sexist bugmen yet they're also giant pussies who let western gaijins walk all over them.
Americans and Euros enjoy violence in games and don't tolerate japs and chinks walking all over them IRL.
Westerners don't need sexuality in their fiction because they have sex IRL, unlike Japs and Chinks.
Really makes me think.

>advocating for the White Man’s Burden
how fucking stupid do you have to be to have this level of tunnel vision?

>Westerners don't need sexuality in their fiction because they have sex IRL, unlike Japs and Chinks.
What did he mean by this?
Just about every western country is below replacement rate, including the US, which is propped up by spics and niggers, meaning the white birth rate is even lower.
Sounds to me like whites are just extremely pathetic, thankfully you'll be extinct in 100 years, while Japs (and all Asians) will still be kicking.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-23 List of sovereign states and dependencies by total fertility rate - Wikipedia. (545x6679, 283K)

>Sounds to me like whites are just extremely pathetic
Can confirm, they really are. Their women are also the biggest sluts around, they will legit fuck anything with a pulse up to and including animals.

Homosexuality is a sin.

Go watch your BLACKED porn Steven


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Fuck California (in a bad way)
Fuck lolis (in a good way)

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Hitler would never censor my anime titty video games or tell me to stop being a neet, we fought the wrong side

I'd rather have tits than some ebin meat chopping

>I did good today
>I made it so our poor, kawaii japanese people wouldn't be able to play a BAD violent video game
>proceeds to masturbate to underage women getting gangbang raped by fat baldies

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>burqa the women
>muslims ban it anyways

sounds about right.

there's like maybe 10 people max that'd buy it anyway
just import, proxy or pirate

>Proceeds to go outside to a convenience store in a major city at 1 in the morning without having to worry about being mugged, raped, or killed
Disgusting, how dare those filthy slant-eyed gooks not live in violent shitholes.

Easy there, Goldberg

>videogames make people violent

You said it, not me.
Just look at all the violent /pol/cucks and Yea Forumsirgins here.

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Spoken like a true virgin cuck.

>can't go outside without worrying about being raped
Oops I guess video games do cause sexism then right?

You mean Sweden?

????? Nanjing Massacre ?????? Rape of Nanking ???????? Bataan Death March ?????? Contest to kill 100 people using a sword 731?? Unit 731 ?????? Manila massacre ???? Sook Ching ???? Three Alls Policy ??? Comfort women ???? Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night ???? Yamashita's gold ?????? Burma Railway ?????????? Hirohito accountability for Japanese war crimes ????? Attack on Pearl Harbor ??? Romusha ?? Kamikaze ?????? Port Arthur massacre ??? Yakuza ???? Whale conservation ??????? Institute of Cetacean Research ?????? Ryukyu independence movement ?????? Ainu Party ???? Diaoyu Islands ?? Dokdo ?????? Kuril Islands dispute ????? Suicide in Japan

>Devs include multiple outfits for characters
>game gets banned in different countries

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Nah, living around spics and niggers is what causes sexism.
There's not a single white city on planet earth with a population over 3 million where you can go outside at night and not worry about being attacked by some spic or nigger.
Sorry m8, but it's true, and I can't wait for violent vidya to start being banned around the world.

what is there to think for yourself ? It's censorship because of violence, they censored lewd or revealing outfits already. Literally fuck off back to resetera degenerate.

Go back to tumblr my non binary individual.

> they censored lewd or revealing outfits already.
No they didn't. Also if you're pro-censorship you belong on retardera.

Nah, living around spics and niggers is what causes sexism.
Gr8 b8, here's your (You)

No Japanese complain about that americans are trying to censor Japanese games that are released in america land according to their sensibility, no Japanese give a fuck about what you americans think of Japanese games until it affects themselves.

The problem is, you americans force your ideology on Japanese, censoring even Japanese games that are released ONLY in Japan according your foreign sensibility that are not shared with Japanese at all. Which is the thing SIE has been doing now. It in fact affects Japanese people, so they have the right to accuse you americans.

>No they didn't
post revealing outfits and skins of MK11 I'll wait, oh wait you fucking can't because there none

Japanese people are literally NPCs, they will take whatever shit we feed them. They don't question anything and are brain dead robots.

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Oh so this has nothing to do with what the original post you replied to was about. All censorship is wrong, that's it.

So are you saying SIE is racist? Oh, surely that's it.

>character design is censorship

The original post was wrong in reading the context. There is no situation such as "Japanese censorship is not wrong because americans do the same thing". What americans is doing is not in the same league in what Japanese is doing.

yes Mk11's character design is intentionally to avoid being hit by censorship you shit faced resetera autist.

Unironic literal boomer take

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Ban titilating maido cafe but you better make sure to respect the rights of absolutely based western sex workers. Dress up very bad and sexist. Sucking all the cock totally empowered and worthy of respect

Game will be forgotten in 1 week tops
already off 20% with all DLC on reseller sites

not that Yea Forums gave a flying shit about fighting games anyways and only cared about the sfm porn

You are who you hangout with

That retarded BLACKED spamming, trap dressing, Fortnite playing, Nazi loving, reddit posting, commie sympathizing user is literally you.

Imagine how insane you must be to get into a shouting match with a mirror. Cause thats what Yea Forums is

Attached: raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg (360x360, 17K)

I find it really terrifying that Yea Forums alt-right hive mind became aware of itself and created a blog to post shit so that it can post back here after...

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Nothing compares to the shoah

Some ukranian goyim cattle dying for their masters is nothing compared to 6 million of God's chosen forced to do manual labor

Why is this you people's only argument? I play video games for fantasy not reality

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>Yea Forums is one person
>[insert board] is one person.

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Boon did say they chose not to do any toned violence for any country that doesn't allow it so fuck it. I kinda respect that. I'm sure they don't give a fuck after X became the best selling version.

Now gimme big titties and leotards in the game than just the endings. You can tell there are people in NRS who are pro-fanservice even with these anti-fanservice leads.

You can always go back to your tranny discord if you don't like it.

based Japan protecting its citizens from a shit game

You should learn what words mean.

Literally says «тoлькo в Poccии» which translates to „only in Russia“

Don't play dumb.

I dont like the censorship, but all i can say is
>fist they came for x...