Red bull me on this game. Worth checking out?

Red bull me on this game. Worth checking out?

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Yes. One of the 4x you must experience.

this, far better than the shitty remake

What remake?

Civilization: Beyond Earth. It plays and feels nothing like SMAC

Yes, absolutely.

100% worth it. Even if you hate the genre its worth playing once just to read all the research descriptions and see the story in context. Its only real problem is how easily you can break the game once you figure out everything. By everything I mean "how to correctly use and abuse that one unit"

it wasn't really a remake
it was more or less a full conversion mod for Civ5
and it was mostly terrible

Yes. It's part of the 4x holy trinity


Fantastic game all round.
>Great unit customization
>Interesting and engaging story told in a non intrusive manner
>Unique and original setting
>Original and diverse factions based on ideologies as opposed to nations, very fitting for the setting
>Interesting gameplay mechanics such as global warming, probing, the ability to live cohesively with the planet and even encourage mind worm attacks on other players
Could not recommend this game enough

very much so.

Don't skip the cutscenes

Right, because it isn't a remake.

in the darkness, something goes

Ok, this thread needs some bullshit opinions about the factions.
>fates worse than death
Yang and Zakarhov
>Someone is having a good time but its not you
Morgan and Deirdre
>hope you like dying for someone else`s cause
Lal and Santiago
>actually cares about the welfare of the people and her only crime is being religious in a game for nerds

>Being in the University
>worse than death
If you're a dumb block, maybe. In the Hive, you're pretty much fucked whoever you are.

Today I will remind them

If you have to ask, it's not for you.

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Is GOG the best version ?

>not fate worse than death
Yet another user that didn't pay attention to "Our Secret War".

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Yes. It's pretty much install and play. No more of that compatibility to newer systems shit.

GoG+widescreen patch+unofficial patch


Put this earpiece on and tell us what you experience as we shove you into a singularity, tovarisch.

Ok nice.
What does the unofficial patch do, just bugs ?

Pretty much. Get Yitzi's Unofficial Patch.

More or less just bugfixes with the ability to mod some game parameters if so you wish (just editing txt files)

Someone has to try piloting the lightspeed craft, be the first to step into a teleporter etc and its not going to be anyone important.

Ok no bullshit like modifying game balance then. I hate that, it's good if you're playing for the 50th time but that's all.

>Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.
Morgan is the best. THE BEST!

Yuri Gagarin is very famous though.

>Be the most diverse game ever made in every sense
>also Best game ever made
Based early 00s, I miss those days

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get alien crossfire the expack too. its fun to nuke faggy vikings with land creating planet busters and make their cities starve

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Oh yeah? What about the dog?

Gagarin was the first to survive. There were others before him whose ashes have been swept under the rug.

>land creating planet busters
They created oceans in my games.

No. It's not like Caster of Magic. Purely bugfixes.

The dog is famous too.


is there any possible way to be friendly with her at all?

No, she's more militant than Santiago.

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Leila was sad, because it was overheating, but not the most malicious ending of the dogs.

Who has the best quotes?

you can make them create land in the prototype window



Huh, I never knew that.
If only going by the single faction intro quote, I'd say Lal.

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Were the expansion factions a mistake?

fuck no

It wasn't a fucking SMAC remake.
If you payed attention to any state of its development you would've known that.

The pirates and hackers were a mistake. Others are alright. Cultists and Drones are natural mirrors of Deidre and Yang.

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What? Everyone knows that. But officially, it is, whether you like it or not.

fuck yes

I really need to give the other two their proper chances sometime.
I accidentally played some MoO2 because a friend who was gonna play it asked what his starting civ should be, so I got it and customized and found myself playing for a bit.
Smac looks like civ2 but better, which I've played loads.

About to check out implodes mod of MoM though.

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>nobody ever mentions the true spiritual sequel
Shame. It was a pretty alright game, tons better than Beyond Earth. Devs fucked themselves by not selling on Steam at first, by the time they started selling their Steam was already flooded with trash and no one even noticed the launch.

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Woah nigger, you can't just post a widescreen MoM screen without elaborating.

Implodes mod? Does it work single player? Google says its multiplayer mod.

>But it was never the streets that were evil

I find it hilarious how you can make a Green Planet Buster.

game sucks

>the only voice of reason is a muslim
What did they mean by this?

The hell was that?

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It works singleplayer, though I haven't played even a turn yet, and I don't know if saving is possible even.
I could start game with like 13 AI wizards.
I think this is the download I got, I downloaded it a few weeks ago, unpacked yesterday, and tried booting it up.

First I ran the Server Batch file, then the Client Batch file to play.

>the muslim is the voice of moderation

what muslim?

>13 AI Wizards
That sounds fantastic. Looks like it's still just a demo but I'll check it out. For all the great stuff MoM has going for it, the overland graphics make my eyes bleed.

Surprisingly MoO2 doesn't have this problem and just looks great in VGA mode. Great game too. Would definitely recommend you play it. No space 4x has surpassed it, and any that has come close is basically just copying the MoO2 formula (Endless Space 2) without even all the features MoO2 offered.

It was really fun at the time but I hate old graphics so I never play things that are that old.

Like I'm not playing super mario bros ever again. It's just not sexy enough and there are tons of other mario games.

play civ 5

Get the widescreen patch and the graphical problems are gone.
>play civ 5
I prefer SMAC

Big yikes.

>being this much of a plebeian

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Should I go in with the expansion or is it one of those game where the expansion change everything ?

try it without the expansion first and then with expansion, some of the first factions get absolutely dicked on by the exp factions like the aliens or seaniggers

I have the expansion but I play with the original factions.

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I can always do this The question was if the expansion change a lot of mechanics for example.

Any idea what kind of wizard you'd be playing?

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>best wonder in civ

Not much. It's still pretty much spam copters = win, although there are OP Secret Projects (Wonders) introduced.

Ok then I'll play SMAX with only the base factions at first.

Can you play in multiplayer with the patches ?

Diplomacy is pants-on-head level retarded, wildlife is like million times more agressive towards human player than to AI, pathfinding is complete bananas and maps are clusterfuck of tiny biomes randomly cramped together.
And only AI war strategy is to flood you with endless waves of tier 1 infantry or navy units which magically changes into fortified highest tier damage sponges after they capture your city.

It was a huge dissapointment.

The video clips from this game are literally all you need to know.