What you wish games/franchises would look/be like
What you wish games/franchises would look/be like
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ur gay and stupid lol
the sequel we deserve
Now fully animate all the objects that are meant to be animated sprites. And then make like 20-30 times more sprites.
Do it in a timely manner and I am unironically confident you'd get a job.
actually don't
he won't finish the massive work required on time
instead we get this...
>hopes and dreams thread
>"waah it's too unrealistic"
>actually taking the "HIRE THIS MAN" meme literally
Have you been diagnosed with autism?
Neither of them have any soul. But the latter has a lot of bloom and blur, just like WW HD.
this but unironically.
both are good.
>Yeah, yeah, cramp up the ambient occlusion
>Dude, that looks so good. Look at the hard shadows on every fucking surface
As someone who dislikes the LA remake's aesthetic, I don't care for this either.
>Threads making fun of mario in unreal engine hyper-realistic lighting asset dumps now just devolve into retarded tendies being assmad about any fangames in general
>Gotten to the point that tendies screech over nice pixel art that isn't even a fangame
this is your brain on bing bing
A man can fucking dream
Owlboy guy has ascended god tier sprite art but Owlboy fuckin sucks.
Yeah it’s a shame. All style over substance unfortunately
well, unlike OP that’s something we’ll actually be able to play
You can already play it on Gameboy.
Not being able to envision hypothetical scenarios is a symptom of autism, you might want to get that checked out
Prepare to Die was a mistake
If you play Souls games for difficulty you are the cancer killing them
Those sprites are horrible.
this one's actually good
They're both bad
It's been done before, not sure why you'd think it's unrealistic. If anything the OP one could be done quicker through prerendered 3D sprites.
Link is a bit too busy, but looks like it could be a comfy GBA era game and looks infinity better than LA Switch.
More like unlikely.
How long did it take to create that single frame? It'd be way too time consuming/expensive to create a full game at that quality these days. There's a reason the majority of games are transitioning to 3D.
both are bad
no it wouldn't
Quality sprites are expensive, and good artists doing quality sprites aren't as common
I really wish we'd gotten the RSE remakes during Gen 5.
The bloom and blur are for the trailor and not the game.
let's say snake pixel was the lead artist and i was one of the many artists helping him out. he worked on a game called owlboy for like 10 years. did all the art himself. I could animate and do a whole asset imitating his style. occasionally when he looks at it he may decide he needs to go over it and polish it. but I've still saved him days of work. and that time saved grows with every asset created by every artist.
it's entirely possible with a decent lead artist.
Such great art, reminds me exactly why I fell in love with Pokemon as a kid.
And also how much the series failed to evolve as it went on. Hoenn and Sinnoh still have a better sense of adventure than Alola and even the Sword/Shield region by the look of it. What the fuck went wrong? Why can't we just get a Pokemon game with a world that doesn't feel straight out of a 6th-generation handheld game? Ninty owns Monolith, why not outsource some of the technical world design to them like with BotW? Fuck.
I unironically like this aesthetic
he made this, which is pretty cool
Good artist. Shit style.
Konjak? He's the man.
I'm vomiting
Not konjack, snakepixel. The owlboy guy. I’m pretty sure he did the op image too?
>lives in warioland
piss off m8
looks like bof4 design desu
The problem with pixels isn't production, it's sales. Game budgets and dev times have never been bigger, but selling a "pixelated" product to a mainstream audience is futile.
Genuinely? Because too many people got lost in Sinnoh and complained for them to reel it in
Like when you had to go all around the map to remove the psyducks (?) or backtrack to the lake locations, it wasn't linear enough for the kids
I was a kid when I played pearl. Never complained and knew my way round half the time.
this but turn them into cute shotas
ok they're boys now
serious post, why doesnt square/enix do anything with the chrono series? they never mention it, they have never planned any new games, and they never allow and cross overs with any of their numerous gacha games.
Feels like they just want the series to die
That has less to do with the art in question and all to do with the market for said game.
Fugly amateur shit like Terraria, Stardew Valley and Undertale sold quite well because they all offer something the market was hungry for gameplay wise. While things like Owlboy failed because they were the sprite-art firs, gameplay second. The obvious solution is simply having a compitent developer with a marketable idea hiring pixel artist instead of the good remaining pixel artists out their always going at it alone in making simplistic or extremely niche games.
Aside from a few expectations such as Vanillaware games, good looking art does not equal good looking game.
I like it as well with the exception of links face. Still not going to pay $60 for a reskin though.
Boys dont have boobs, user
Good modern pixel art is dead. If you wanted something like the left today you'd have to spend like 8 years developing the game or something.
This is actually a mod, but it really shows how good a modern isometric Fallout could look.
What a shame the actual gameplay of celeste is miles better than the one in iconoclasts eh?
10 years user. One of the few games i enjoyed for the story. Reminded me a lot of HL1 with the sudden tone changes.
but that doesn't look good? ugly bethesda art is ugly bethesda art no matter the camera angle
what game is this? just another mock up?
Yeah if only Iconoclasts let me pause and enable cheats
something something muh ds port sales
Suit yourself I like it.
What is wrong with having difficulty options in a videogame again?
Probably no one that works at the company even understands the story anymore so they can't write a sequel.
Chrono series was setting up to be a big franchise like FF or DQ. But the sequel, Chrono Cross was a mess, and the series petered out. Ran out of momentum.
So now SE doesn't know what to do with it. They can't invest AAA money into a sequel, so the series is in limbo.
Who cares, Square can't make a good JRPG to save its life nowadays. If they make a sequel it'll be a cinematic 3D "hack and slash but less fun" like FFXV
>but selling a "pixelated" product to a mainstream audience is futile.
This is literally the industry's
>horror games won't sell so we won't make them
argument. And it's equally as wrong and only right in cases you make it self fulfilling. I mean look at Shovel Knight. It was so popular it was the first non Nintendo made game to get its own amiibo.
Shovel Knight is a niche indie success, I don't think you realize just how fucking gigantic the returns have to be on an AAA game for it to be considered a success. GTA V was one of the best selling games of 2018, at full price, five years after its initial release, which game do you think investors look at and say "we want to spend time and money replicating that".