What is nintendo plan now?

Nintnedo consoles always rely on three games mario+mario kart+smash switch already got those used and only game that might bring sales is pokemon but as of right now it isnt as hot as 2 years ago. And next gen consoles are coming i dont think switch will surpass ps4 sales ever

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What is a Nintnedo?

Nintendo will never go away

One word: Sequels

>And next gen consoles are coming
The Switch already is next gen.

Animal Crossing and Loog Hotel

It's portable.


Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing will bring in sales. Sword and Shield will sell far more than Let's Go.

Another Zelda another Pokémon baammm

Sequels wont be enough, botw was bug becuase it was new idea. Mario will definalty do get sequel but it wont pull new people in.

>B-But it doesn't have the same three games! The console is dead!
Try playing other games, faggot.

Zelda botw 2


Fucking mic drop

A miserable little pile of bing bing wahoo

Release powerful Switch pro and give it lot of 3rd party exclusive games while slowly abandon all older models

You know I'm telling the truth

Just like what they did with the N3DS and what Sony did with the PS4 Pro?

getting fallout 76 flashbacks, here.

Yeah that worked out so well on the 3DS and DSi

Pokémon, new Mario Kart, Metroid Prime 4, and whatever the new IP is will keep it afloat for a while.

Pokemon games
Animal Crossing
Mario Maker 2
New Zelda game
New 3d Mario game
It will do fine

What's it like being YOU?

Fire emblem is never a big seller the majority of people like to play games with actual gameplay

>not as hot as it was 2 years ago
no shit

No user when dealing with Nintendo the word is rehash

Meanwhile the next yearly AssCreed is great go buy it :^)

Don't forget FIFA, Battlefield, and Call of Duty.

Don't forget Ratchet and Clank, the franchise with 12 games made in under a decade!

Keep prices up and keep selling.
Nintendo games don't go down in value and are always selling.

>t-this time the switch will start failing I swear!!
o i am laffin

Their plan is to nuke drumpf and then commit sudoku xD

>2017: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!

Reality: the Switch has one of the best launch years of any system ever, sales break records, hosting some of the most acclaimed games of all time.

>2018: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!

Reality: the Switch is dominating Japan and America and year-on-year sales are demolishing the PS4 by more than 20%. Six of the Top 20 best selling games of the year were Switch Exclusives.

>2019: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!

Fucking kek. The ride never ends.

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Fuck off third worlder

need advice:

just beat odyssey, have beaten zelda with cemu last year.

barring smash (which I have already) what should be my next game for switch, was tossing up getting FF7 or cuphead for immediate gaming but i dunno


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Mario Kart 9

Dragon's Dogma just came out today, get that

If you haven’t played 7 before there’s probably better ways to play it, but having it portable is pretty awesome. I had a copy on PSP but as it only has 2 shoulder buttons it wasn’t always effective.

Hyrule Warriors is fun if you like musou games. I’m playing that and OwlBoy and re-playing BotW/DaS currently.

2019 is the year Nintendo cleans up by taking in all the disgruntled kusony converts looking for anime tiddies. I look forward to kusonyfag tears.

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>Nintnedo consoles always rely on three games mario+mario kart+smash switch already got those
Even if that's all it ever gets it could coast for years on just these, Mario Kart has sold 15 million copies

I totally forgot they had hyrule warriors on switch!

cheers for the suggestion user

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We already got a 3d Mario game. I want another 2d platformer.

A whopping 90 people will buy a switch out of activism, then immediately start portbegging as ps4 gets games they want.


Enjoy your blinding sunbeams

Sounds awful

And the tears have already begun to flow.

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>What is nintendo plan now?
Release sequels still high in demand by smaller audiences to rake in more users into the Switch ecosystem (Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Bayonetta, etc.), launch a mainline Pokemon game (guaranteed 50 million console sales right there), release sequels of Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild for an even more enticing 'killer' line-up, mobilize proper online, system and emulation features to build rapport, release different Switch models to give an opportunity for more customers to enter, fund third-party exclusives and encourage ports/multiplats to fill out the release schedule.
Y'know, the usual.

Mario Maker is coming

Another new Mario.
Another new Zelda.
Animal crossing.
A $50-80 price cut

That right there's another 30 million systems.

>came out today

Many good indies my nigger. I won't name them because people will say "PORT PORT PORT" but just check the eshop top selling games.

Nintendo relies on Mario, Zelda, Smash, and Pokemon as their A team.

Donkey Kong, Kirby, Star Fox, Metroid, Animal Crossing, and Fire Emblem make a solid B team.

You have new properties that end up catching on like Splatoon, Xenoblade, etc that have a good chance of joining B team.

And then you have a pretty decent line up of games that don't get a lot of love in terms of new entries but are still pretty good. This is where your Pikmins and Mothers live.

This is just Nintendo Nintendo mind you, not including games from other developers that are exclusive due to publishing (Bayonetta) or have the strongest presence on a Nintendo console due to convenience (Phoenix Wright, Layton)

imagine being a consumer and worried about console sales instead of good games