Oh god the wait is LITERALLY killing me..
>45 days until E3
It can't be 45 days already what the fuck
Every time you post this stupid fucking shit you remind me how long it is because I kinda forgot about it
Fuck you
Meh, without Sony it won't be the same, even if you don't like them, they are pure shitposting and hype material.
>fuck E3
E3 won't be the same without Sony and Microsoft trying to one-up eachother
Sony will do a State of Play
Sounds gay as fuck
It was.
E3 been sucking dicks for years now.
Fuck off.
I can't wait to see Microsoft's conference.
I bet they will show us some neat new joysticks. Ahh, and Forza, Halo and Gears!
and minecraft 8k.
Imagine being a Sony fan in 2019. It's like never ending tears. You don't even get an E3 conference.
Nintendo has
>Animal Crossing
Microsoft has
>Gears 5
>Fable reboot
What does Sony have? Death stranding, the dykes of us, ghosts aren't out for another year at least. Probably 5 years for death stranding.
Press T to toot respects
It's the cringefest of the year. Being able to point and laugh at people making fools of themselves makes the cynical user delay the inevitable suicide by a bit.
Fable, ninja theory game, obsidian game, battletoads, ori.
Sony literally has nothing, all those games will be on the ps5
Imagine unironically owning a ps4, I would feel so much shame for wasting my money on a shit console
>the wait is LITERALLY killing me..
not quick enough
Cyberpunk 2077 is the only thing that has me excited for E3 right now.
There won't be a single fucking good game there, just like there hasn't been any good games for around twenty fucking years now.
Gaming is dead.