HAHA, you cannot be serious

HAHA, you cannot be serious

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incoming 500 posts about autistic snoys saying >b-b-b-but Nintendo bonus!!
97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97

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you seem upset

>1 game

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>nintendo bonus
>not real

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>must play
>I'm not going to play it

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And BOTW isn't even that one game, since its on PC

>1 game

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>this thread again

Playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app.

>have fun
>in this empty map

even Ubisoft games have more gameplay and content

>reviewed by two different people
>switch versions includes all the patches and improvements the original didn't have at launch.

Yup, seething cry baby still utterly traumatised.

Are you calling my switch mobile shit

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have sex

Was your intention to embarrass yourself?
Because you've succeeded.

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Nu-Yea Forums on display, folks

It's been Two fucking years!!
Can you Sony faggots stop making threads about this fucking game?!

BotW has morr content than just about any other open world game ever made. Its been more than two years and you're still using this meme. You don't have any real way of criticising the game so you rely on sad lies you can deflect dimissively. Pathetic.

I seriously want to know how people can enjoy weapon durability, food crafting and open world quest grab games in general.
These features are just artificial padding to a shit game

it's laughably overrated. yes, just like tlou

Switch version drops to fucking 20 fps, it should be enough of a drawback to give it a 6

Also better controls then the other two consoles.

big cope my friend

>Switch version drops to fucking 20 fps

Utter, UTTER bullshit. And you know it. Keep lying though. It's hilarious watching you spout the same nonsense non-stop for two years like a demented parrot.

any console game with the legend of zelda in its name is going to have to seriously suck ass to get south of like 92 on metacritic

i'm just finishing my protein shake
i'll ask her later

>mfw never liked zelda because of how vacant and directionless it felt and because it gets confusing if you stop playing for a week straight and forget what you were doing
>not mfw heard BOTW would be a new spin on the formula
>not mfw thought I might enjoy it for a change
>mfw it's a systemic open-world game that removes the stuff I actually did like and replaces it with more of the stuff I didn't
you can tell me to git gud but I really want to like Zelda, I just can't get into it.

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she makes you drink the bulls leftovers huh

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*sits on sonygglets*

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reminder that xbox still has 0 games

you people can't be serious

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based toddler

It's a solid 7/10.


BotW is a great pleb filter. Kiddies don't understand game design.

How is it a pleb filter when it sold gangbusters and got rave reviews? Unless you mean the filter is thinking it's good.

When people try to criticise the game, they usually expose themselves as underage.

I don't think you've thought this through.
Oh wait you're one of those retards who think BotW is like LoZ even though they're nothing alike. Don't tell others they "don't understand game design", ever.


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Thats not to say BotW is without flaws, its just that plebs will always try to make the most redundant and laughable attempts at finding faults.

>you're one of those retards who think BotW is like LoZ even though they're nothing alike.

How? It has ALL the hallmarks of Zelda. Just done a little differently. Many would argue that BotW is Zelda distilled. Its Zelda in its purest form.

Two years

>other open world game ever made.
Now that's just an outright lie. GTA V has way more content, Just Cause 2 as well.

And it's always the same parroted "arguments"
>korok seeds
>shrines being "copy pasted"
>weapon durability

It has other and actual glaring flaws, but that's something you wouldn't know without playing the game.