24 real time hours in a game of your choosing, Yea Forums. Where do you go? (Assume that game has really good VR)
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Majora's Mask, like I used to do
Artificial Academy 2
threads over
that video was surprisingly comfy.
headpats simulator
I know a person who stayed in skyrim's tavern for 24 hours.
So my choice will by skyrim.
how did it smell?
What did Romani smell like?
how do you not get a stroke from doing this?
Either Sims 3 or Skyrim.
With mods of course.
i guess he wasnt into squares that much
Probably Animal Crossing or Oblivion
Planescape: Torment. Sigil would be fun to visit.
Because he slept with VR headset on occasionally.
>tfw too poor for going into games machine
>tfw i have no face
God imagine the smell
Dead or Alive Xtreme.
You would too.
Ace Combat 7
I'm gonna win a fucking war, boys
No i wouldn't. Those shitty screams of plastic japanese meatbags with smooth doll skin would hurt my ears and eyes.
Kingdom come or Stalker.
I can imagine kingdom comes combat working really well with vr if you can sync it up to your arm movement's.
Stalker would be immersive as fuck if you could make the environment right and again, make the shooting work properly.
Actually decent answer would be European Truck Simulator 2. You can easily lose your sense of time playing that game even without VR. And simulators usually have least nauseous VR.
Koikatsu or COM3D2 fuck it's hard to choose.
But I'll probably go with Koikatsu since I could possibly just get cucked for 24 hours in COM3D2.
Breath of the Wild or Gravity Rush 2 (if I can magically not get sick from the latter in VR) if I get to do it just once.
It would absolutely have to be a game where I have enough personal interest in the setting that I'd want to physically explore it myself, and that has good enough visuals that I can find all sorts of small details. BotWs world is just basically real life nature with some cool fantasy elements, so you could easily hike around it for 24 hours. GR2s world is some crazy fantasy stuff that I'd love to explore in person, and I'd probably be able to make 24 hours of just studying every street and building out of my own interest, as well as experiencing flight.
Minecraft isn't a bad choice though as the building would be interesting if I can do it more than once.
going into games machine is a meme and its already dead.
look at this poorfag and laugh
Something with really fun movement system and open world. Gravity Rush comes to mind first but I'd go with Spiderman or Prototype just as readily.
I've tried VR before and every supposed vommit inducing movement gimmick doesn't do anything to me apparently so I should be fine.
Playing VR without controllers for 24 hours doesn't seem very fun.
I used my turn user gay machine
now you have to suck my dick
Only a week left until the reveal friends
Anyone hacked VR support into that yet? I know the backgrounds are all 2d but I wouldn't give a fuck.
>faggot casually cheats in endermen in the video
>gives up fighting the ender regardless
what a fucking faggot
I just want to see what happens to Yea Forums when they see the game
Can i use mods? If yes then Minecraft with some supermassive FTB pack where i dont know 99% of the mods, if no then some Illusionsoft porn game.
stalker. ANUUUU
you can use mods.
why do these people think we want to see them?
wtf is wrong with millennials?
YouTube turned them into retards who will do any shit for a bit of attention
>putting on that fucking bullshit, headache-inducing pile of shit technology for any length of time
i'd rather watch people do the VR just the other day me and a buddy were playing some payday 2 and some guy joined who was playing it in VR and it was a fucking riot dude was jerking off on cops and flossing the entire time
Did he die of over homosexuality?
seething poorfag lul
Fucking viral marketing scum loves to pull out LOLPOORFAG every time their shitty hardware is rightfully criticized, because they can't imagine anyone not being a fucking brainwashed cash machine willing to hand over a bunch of money for a fucking useless pile of shit.
Fuck off, paid shill.
u mad?
Absolutely based and edgepilled
I thought it'd be usual zoomer clickbait
I used the going into games machine to spend 24 hours in Minecraft before
One time a creeper exploded but oh my god...
Its explosion smelled like shit.
Then i go to a village and im still sick from the food i ate there being left outside or in old wooden chests for days.
Also the villagers dont have toilets and shit there pants...oh god its disgusting
Although it does randomly disappear
Also the emeralds feel and smell like there just hard shit painted green thats been left in some dudes pants,But im sure there real.
Anyways i go and take some spawn eggs in creative and make a Enderman,when it hatched it smelled so bad oh my god and it teleported and the purple particles are its fucking snot
Hell i went to the end and the dragon egg was actually a fucking pile of shit
I decided to go to sleep and when i woke up i threw the going into games machine in the attic.
The people who make these are boomers getting some good yt money
Have sex(with me)
>you can use mods.
Nice. What are some good modpacks that are approachable for a newbie?
They're getting far more money in a day than you in a month