I am a 30 year old failure of a man and the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I need to play...

I am a 30 year old failure of a man and the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I need to play shadowbringers first

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Other urls found in this thread:


It will be the same fucking game only now you will play "Simon say" in slightly different evnviroment

Damn.... powerful and thought provoking.

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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I am a 31 year old man who hasn't made any friends, a non-mass recruit FC or even joined a static and I desperately want one.

What class should i roll the bunny?

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They chose death, so you know, facilitate that and stop posting in xiv threads.



Gunbun of course

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Oh they added stat rolling finally, nice

I am going to do that on my lizard.

xiv isn't a game conducive to alting, fantasia your main to a bun if you really want to play one that badly, then level all the classes.

I can't wait for Shadowniggers to come out so I can play a catgirl dancer that doesn't dress like a slut

keep seething wowrefugee


That's no wowfugee. That is something far worse, god forgive my words he is an XI Fag. Laugh at him until he leaves.

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Are you taking advantage of the free transfer? What all are you leaving behind? Was your decision difficult to make?

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I may Fantasia to Viera for my DRG. DRGs look better when they are tall but I really dont like Elezen so hopefully the bunnies fill this gap

>I really dont like Elezen
unsub right now you filthy heretic

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No, I'm remaining loyal to Cactaur. I'll miss Balmung though.

Not an avide MMO fan I guess, Because I HATE things like repetitive "kill 40 sheep" or "do the same dungeon that you've mastered a month ago 50 more times" crap. That being said I've always been a FF fan and have thought about picking this up from time to time.

Damn, looking at the patch notes looks like you can upgrade the scaevan weapon now. Will this kill Seriyu ex? I'm enjoying the fight.

>I HATE things like repetitive "kill 40 sheep" or "do the same dungeon that you've mastered a month ago 50 more times" crap.
Aside from very early on in the MSQ "Kill 40 sheep" is replaced by "go here and watch a cutscene or read some dialogue"

"do the same dungeon that you've mastered a month ago 50 more times" is more or less in, though there are multiple avenues to take in endgame.

not really because scaevan items are still on a weekly cap whereas seiryu can be farmed indefinitely. Also weapons aren't the reason you're getting matched up with mouthbreathing trap parties.

I am EU and have no idea about the servers here since i only just came back after stoping pre SB.

I'm just farming it to get the dog/for fun at this point. I pity those who still have to do clear parties though

>all of my friends in this game are over 30
What is it about XIV that attracts so many boomers?


I moved to balmung forever ago because I wanted to be on the most populated server but I just ended up playing solo because the people here are unbearable. I'm going to wait a week and see where the servers are at before I move to a comfy normie server. Leaning towards adamantoise right now.

People will still be farming the dog

>there are people who are excited about ester being on tomes
>there are people who don't have omega weapons or eureka weapons for the classes they play
ERP trannies NECK

I'm just happy I don't have to do o11s "farm" parties anymore.

>Finally a helmet for SAM
>Have to do the feast.

Ah shit, here we go again.

>having a finished Eureka weapon
That's gonna be a yikes for me

that's a huge yikeroonies from me

user the trannies probably had their weapon before you did.

not my fault there is literally no one in hydatos since the DC split

>not wanting to help the scion spud
Come on now, it's only 83 hours surely you can invest that amount of time before shadowbringers?

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When does this xv event end

Now dont get me wrong. The NPC Elezen are all based as fuck. All of them

Just Player Elezens look horrible. Its similar to Aura NPCs v Player Aura

I'm sure it's even more hours now that nobody is in the starting areas. Don't know if I can make it from level 10 or whatever when I got bored of it

I would literally rather kill myself than step foot in Eureka again

this might be the last chance to get yourself a game that at least comes near the good old final fantasies. I was sceptical too at first because of muh mmo but the dungeons are alright the quest are meh but boy oh boy those "bossfights" are amazing. The music top notch and couldn't better really. Then you finish the arr and go to heavenward and here it is: The final fantasy game that you were looking for all these years.

I wanna say like may 25 or something, you got plenty of time

Speaking of Eureka, what is the right level to join the Pagos NM train?

Been stuck just doing the challenge log for weeks now. Want to start my Light grind but I dont know if I'm ready. Should I just wait until I can mount up?

anemos is still quite active at least on chaos. don't know about pagos

>There are people who still play and pay monthly for this single player "MMO"
>There are people who play "MMO" at all in 2019

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When's the bench?

Late May probably

probably sometime within the next 2 weeks

Oh, yeah, lotta thots gonna be wearing that soon

Meowie you piece of shit. You've been promising new shit for months and months. Imagine if you took 10% of the time you spend shitposting on Yea Forums taking pics/making vids. We'd get new content every fucking day.

He's been working out for you faglords apparently, can you guys get the fuck out of this thread?

pretty lame. Any other new stuff?

Is this game any good?
I'm mmo-starved.
Was considering trying either TESO or this

depends what your lookn for in an MMO, ffxiv is themepark and has something of a story focus for the main scenario quests, of which you will be doing a shitton of to catch up to everyone.

xiv is the least worst 'big' mmo currently available

It's all right, but has more emphasis on single player content compared to others.

You'll still occasionally get multiplayer content as you make your way through getting caught up but the real multiplayer experience doesn't show until the very end.

Based try to wear a maid dress while you play it.

it's not good but it's the only good mmo left

Took a lot longer than I expected

meowie please be my bf!

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>get to have my rava gunbreaker soon
I can't wait.

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Real talk, is there an option for a server to come together and collectively decide to opt out of the world visit feature?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who would prefer for all these "wanderers" to stay out of our peaceful server.

get cucked faggot

Don't be racist, those migrants are peaceful and will only benefit you

They will buy out your market boards and steal your hunts.
How does that benefit anyone?

whats next, they're stealing your jobs commie?

One IRL friend plays on Brynhildr so I figured I'd go ahead and go there since I've got nothing going on in Cactuar.

I've been holding a countdown until shabowbibbers. We've got 67 days until early access.
What are you gonna do when it drops?
Me and a friend are going to level dancer to 60 and go from there.

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MSQ as BLM. I even got my warrior of darkness glam ready.

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MSQ with my DRG, same as I did for HW and SB.

After that, I imagine I will give GUN a go. I have tried tanking and broadly hated it so Im hoping GUN maybe changes my mind.

Dope. Might wanna take a healer friend or level a class for it. Queues are going to be terribad

I'm from moogle and currently organising a large number of frenchmen to go and spam /shout on every server in chaos


queues? That's what trust is for. Goodbye forever party finder.

Based frogs

>If DRG got fucked or unchanged
lvl BLM and GUN
>If DRG changed for the better
lvl DRG
Also changing from JP to US server so gonna look for a nice FC for comfy time.
On that note, what server are you guys transfer to?

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DRGs in a good place now though. Its the class with the most Legend and Ultimate Legend clears

It's not that they're shit like MCH, it's that they're no longer the DRG i like in ARR and HW.
DRG is only a glorified buff bot now like NIN

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Nope, the frogs on Moogle are now segregated from me so I'm not too bothered to transfer

What was it that you liked about them in ARR and HW that they dont have in SB?

Whenever I have to play pre SB raids or dungeons in the PF I am reminded of how little my rotation involved back then. I'd never want to go back.

Thats just me though. Im not having a go at you, Im just curious as to why you think this way

>DRG is only a glorified buff bot now like NIN
What the fuck is that supposed to mean.
It still has rotation and mechanics of its own.

>Looking at statistics in a vacuum
DRG is only "in a good place" because they're the sole source of piercing down, which makes them literally required in every group because there isn't a chance in hell you aren't bringing a BRD/MCH. Couple that with them having one of the best buffs in the game (Litany), and you have a class that could perform like complete dogshit and STILL be mandatory.

this update is so fucking shit it's making me want to quit the game
it's a slap in the face of every crafter and gatherer out there that spent time and gil to level up 11 fucking jobs and buy mats to make some gil
fuck off

gil is worthless anyone because literally who cares about housing and you can easily make enough just from passive income for anything else

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>Waaah, I don't get to monopolize a market and charge 10000% of a items value
>Waaah, my market is no longer a complete cesspool thats utterly inaccessible to anyone that isn't an omnicrafter
Neck yourself
Gil is worthless in this game, so theres literally no reason for you shitters to price things as high as you do asides from pure avarice, for which you deserve this punishment.

fuck off with your assumptions, I'm not even rich I'm sitting at like 25M and I'm not monopolizing anything
crafting and gathering is, like it or not, part of the game and if you don't like spending time on that it doesn't mean that everyone else has to be fucked so badly

Fucking this
I got an entire set of 380 gear made for 500k by just buying mats (which I had more than I needed thanks to XIV's shitty market). If I wanted to buy that armour it would have been 500k per peice. The Judaism on display by XIV players is insane

anything above 2M is rich enough to buy anything worth buying in this game

I'm waiting on all the details in May. Hopefully they cover the jobs enough so I can figure out which will be best for me.

>and I'm not monopolizing anything
Assuming you aren't lieing out of your teeth, then you have literally no reason to complain you fucking baby. This update does nothing but normalize the markets of servers that are extreme outliers in price, both upwards and downwards. I've long since had my crafters and gatherers maxed and I'm glad for this update, because it means people who don't feel like wasting 100 hours leveling DoH/L jobs can actually fucking afford things.

>I'm not even rich I'm sitting at like 25M

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oh yeah so let's fuck every crafter who was sitting on a rich server by lowering all the prices on every board (you'll see in a few days) because guess what, even crafters have to buy some mats and stuff

I mean, compared to the Mega-Jews with multiple characters at gil cap, he's not rich

>crafters will now only sit on a massive pile of worthless gil instead of a astronomical pile of worthless gil
the horror

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>What was it that you liked about them in ARR and HW that they dont have in SB?
It flowed so fucking well + RNG at the end so it keep you on your toe.
The joy of keep up BoTD and dishing GsK is top tier
Jump feel like it mean at least something with big dick buff.
Now in SB: jumps is shit, Dragon Sight lmao, no more time management, Gsk feel like nothing.
Just the overall flow like shit +with NO pay off whatsoever in dps.
Don't fucking tell me muh buffs is compensating because fuck off, that's not fun, that just hit 1 button to give dps to everyone while i doing nothing and hit like an ant.
>It still has rotation and mechanics of its own.
Which doesn't nothing

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>so let's fuck every crafter who was sitting on a rich server
Yes, that is the plan. You were profiting off a broken system and now you are feeling the effects of corrective actions. Your world view is so distorted by your own greed that what is normal for everyone else is some lamentable market crash for you.
>even crafters have to buy some mats and stuff
And how exactly does that mean anything? Do you expect only the price of end result items to go down? As if people would continue to charge 500k for the mats of an item that now sells for 300k? Your profit ratio remains the same.

you are retarded
what about mats that were bought BEFORE 4.57 that you used to craft items that from now on will sell for half the price?

What about them? You'll be at a loss for a SINGLE transaction for the rest of the games lifespan. Are you so short sighted and greedy that this is somehow a point of contention for you, even though you will continue to sit on all of the gil you made through exploiting your servers inflated economy? Go fuck yourself.

GIL HAS NO VALUE. If this was WoW I would understand (because of WoW tokens) but this game is fucking worthless. Calm down you fucking roleplayers.

>Gil has no value
Until you need to buy raid food and infusions.

>mfw i made 200m selling tier 4 materia from ARR beast tribes during heavensward, on balmung, and don't give a shit about the current state of the market

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>timer management
Fuck off with that shit, it's already annoying in raids like o11s to lose all your eyes just because you killed level checker at the wrong time.
And what do you mean by jumps? You still try to use them under the buffs as much as possible.
It seems to me like you are playing DRG wrong by providing buffs to everyone else but not yourself.

The rabbit hole of jewery goes deep. There's people who would look at my amount of gil and call me a pauper.

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You sound like the average FFXIV player.

The timer was because there's only one, all you need to do is get 2 GsK under it.
Now it have eyes bullshit and timer on a fucking timer, you also have to delay GsK and it feel like shit.
Eyes is shit and so is SB DRG, learn to read

25m is a pretty normal amount. You can make that easily without even going out of your way by just playing the game and not spending your money on dumb shit.

oh shit yo thats like 6 hours at McDonalds. epicness.

Probably fuck around for a few days and then get bored like SB

I really REALLY hope end game is just not 2 dungeons at level 70 and 2 primals AGAIN

I am a 30 something failure such as yourself. Your reasoning due not killing yourself is beyond pathetic. There is no hope for you. Kys faggot


Why are you kidding yourself?

I'm a bit confused with mch rotation. Do i use wildfire with ammo or wait until my gun gets overheated?



Sorry user but this game is trash.

You can't customize your character besides appearance. Raiding is garbage (LFR WoW equivalent for all difficulties), dungeons are linear garbage, graphics are garbage (you need to mod to over-expose the screenshots to make it look decent), guilds/communities are garbage (there are no end game goals in this game), Gil is worthless along with all the exotic items, ERPers and trannies have a stronghold on the community and the devs dont give a shit. Abandon this game and refund your pre-order while you still can.

>LFR equivalent at all difficulties
why do you bother spewing objectively wrong information

There is no such thing as failure in raiding with FFXIV. All the fights are scripted with a 100% path to victory. If you are extra retarded the devs give you a 15% stat boost since your brain is 15% slower.

you do both, always

>Gil is worthless along with all the exotic items
This is why I don't understand people that sit around and spend their lives crafting. What are you going to buy with that money? Cosmetics for your house?

i'm interested to see how you'll spin ultimate to be easy. amuse me user

where is the 4channel aether meetup?

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I literally only play the game for the story. Thank god for the free game time.


Left: Primal
Right: Aether

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Ultimate was added in to calm down what everyone else in the MMO community already knew. It's equivalent to WoW's heroic raiding and the content can be progressed through with ease in 1 week. Anyone can do it.

my bad i meant aehter

So i guess i gotta
>hit 95 heat
>reload, rapidfire, overdrive
>tap flamethrower
>then wildfire
>use all abilities
Is that correct?

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No, to play MCH correctly you have to do the opposite
Don't play MCH

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> It's equivalent to WoW's heroic raiding

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Just look up a guide dude, go to The Balance

pretty weak response user, if you want to epicly shitpost then it needs to be potentially believable

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Wanna know how I know you've never done XIV or WoW raiding?

that's basically it yea but obviously you don't want to quadruple weave before overheating

>this is what aether trannies actually believe

Take my AST through the MSQ first, of course. Not going to race to 80 but definitely keep a brisk pace.

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any gossip about hunts? Is there a group of poopsockers going around every server killing hunts?

My current Mythic BoD parses. You wouldn't even get past the first 2 bosses.

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>those numbers
dude you fucking suck what are you bragging about?

>He/she's not in the hunt illuminati linkshell
Guess you'll never get that tiger

>Hmm I think I will try this Baldesion Arsenal
>Join a billion discords
>*uwu* :DD *licks u*

End this nightmare, let it all burn.

>70 median in a joke raid game like wow

>implying those are your parses

>fights last 4 minutes
>yooooooo look at my parse on jaina

>blue parses
literally who gives a shit?

Help pick my new home/

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>(LFR WoW equivalent for all difficulties)
I play both games, this is flat out wrong.
Story difficulty is very much the equivalent of normal in WoW while savage is equivalent to mythic. There is no LFR or heroic difficulty.
Honestly I'm not sure why both normal and heroic exist in WoW anymore, especially for 5 man.

In LFR it's literally impossible not to succeed, mechanics are visual and don't actually damage you. In XIV they do in fact hurt, due to how raises work you're able to recover easier and a handful of good players can carry the party, but when all four DPS get blasted off the arena and die before Omega's phase transition and aren't alive during the DPS check then obviously that's a wipe.
You literally cannot wipe in WoW's LFR unless it's that trash before Zul with all the buffs if you pull them all like morons, which is harder than any of the bosses for LFR players.

I much prefer how XIV balances the game, having less difficulty settings allows them to tune them easier. Yes, story mode is easy - they want people to clear it. There's still hurdles like Shinryu and Tsukuyomi.
WoW has a different problem where you go from level 1-120 without an iota of challenge and no reason to talk or cooperate with other players right up until the end of LFR and then if you decide you want to raid normal there's a sudden spike in difficulty where after 400 hours of playtime you suddenly need to coordinate with other players and play well and know your class.

Things I like about XIV:
Job change
Jobs (all super fun)
Level sync
No weekly loot lockout on old content

Things I like about WoW:
Raid/boss design

Things I dislike about XIV:
Expert roulette's lack of diversity

Things I dislike about WoW:
GCD change
No vendors
Master looter gone
All old content is obsolete, only the current patch matters
Loot lockouts in old content (for some reason)

Any questions?

Forgot to add "sharding" as something I intensely dislike about WoW.

>Expert roulette's lack of diversity
Yeah i hate them too
Fuck off

Play a game without shit like tomestones, it's fucking awful gearing up.

What do you dislike about deterministic gearing?

If you've failed then you should make something of yourself instead of killing yourself. just because you're 30 doesnt mean its too late for you to be accomplished. better to live and be happy instead of despair then die

Looking for more votes.

>think the raid tranny meme is overblown
>go to Gilgamesh and see dozens of Elysium and The Ultimate Legend ERPing as cute girls in Limsa

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>better to die and not feel at all instead of live and despair


nowhere near rich. 4-5 times that amount is approaching rich

its ironic

if you have balance already spread in 8mans but nothing royal roaded and draw another balance do you use it or redraw in hopes of spire/ewer?

redraw, and if its not spire/ewer royal road it.

>go looking for something
>find it

Road the balance and cast 150% balance on my friend and time dilate it.

I used to think healing was scary but I like it now. it's fun watching a tank panic when he hits 20% and I haven't healed him yet

>road the balance

Attached: tank.png (1587x1587, 907K)

How cute, now post yours.

>didn't expect thing was true
>surprised when you see thing is true

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>tfw finishing the pull with the tank at a calculated 10%

>I found a rock in this MMO
>This MMO is full of nothing but rocks! The rumours were true!

I found a tranny RPer in Goldshire inn - guess the WoW is full of faggots.
The joke is that it's actually true

is warrior the most masculine of the jobs

The only scary part about healing is when your co-healer is an actual retard and you get blamed for their incompetence

>no votes for Ultros

On average you will be best of using the Drawn Balance on whoever can get the most use out of it and keep saving the Spread one until you eventually do get that Ewer/Spire.
On the other hand, if you are gambling and going for crazy speedkill times you should redraw that Balance. Chances are you will get unlucky and run a loss, but if you succeed it's a big gain. Not big enough to take the risk on normal runs, since on average you definitely won't come out ahead, but if the average doesn't matter and you either want to excel or start the fight over that's a different story.

Dancer starts at 60, retard.

Mike uhh with this World Visiting thing, im wondering if itd be a good idea to remind ppl o personal space, boundries, the no need to transfer to worlds for reasons other than the individuals?

No idea, I will decide when skills are talked about. It's probably going to be MCH if it gets improved and if not then DNC.

We don’t want you here.

whether the gunblade is sheathed on the back or at the hip is what will determine whether or not I will play it

it's sheathed on the back just like every other gunblade NPC in-game

Tentatively. I don't think they 100% confirmed whether it would start at 60 or not.

Wow it took them forever and a fucking MOG item none the less
Fuck S-E man seriously

I've been wanting to leave Mateus ever since it became a Balmung colony so I'm peacing out to Primal.

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>no barefeet

Who is we?

Female Hyur or Female Lalafel?

female dunesfolk

Lala if you want pats
Hyur if you want to be ignored 80% of the time and become a rarity once Viera come out.


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Is it time?

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What is wrong with Lalafel?

I just want the fucking benchmark and the class previews so I can have an idea of what's going to happen with the classes I want and a small taste of what DNC/GUN will be since the Stormblood preview showed up the gauges for SAM and RDM.

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>what is wrong with lalafell?

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Lalafell if you want to be in a weird unofficial cult. Literally just walk up to other lalas and emote to make friends

I'm waiting.

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SE's not getting amy money from me until they prove they know what they're doing with tanks.

DRK got absolutely neutered, WAR was fun until it got lobotomized in 4.2, only PLD has actually had a decent upgrade in Stormblood, and I'm not trusting their track record with Gunbreaker

Next thread maybe. If they were going for the animalistic look they could've at had them run on all fours for their sprinting animation.
Ikr? I really wanna see how hrothgar and viera look with old 2.x gear.

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Where should I go from Midgardsomr?

hasn't yoshi said that they basically intend to design 2 tanks around offtank and 2 around mt?

I assume offtanks will be PLD/GUN and mt's WAR/DRK as it requires the least amount of reworking

Dunesfolk if you want to be popular by merely existing.
Middie if you want to check off that cute factor while going full circle snowflake.

You're gonna trigger the PLD boys with that kind of talk.

>the tank with a shield will be an off tank
Not this shit again. They aren't afraid of totally reworking jobs and skills, and it's not like deleting cover and intervention is hard.

benchmark is in like 2 weeks. you'll be able to see the new jobs, gear, and actions teased there. then in mid may is when they talk indepth about it.

Like clockwork.

I would do Dunes since they have better eyes.

>dunesfolk for years
>not popular yet
what am I doing wrong?

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it wouldn't be hard but both of those skills are good and all they'd only need to chuck on a few more support/buff oriented abilities on PLD in ShB and they'd be good to go with basically no other changes but some skill condensing

Are you male?
Are you max height?
Do you put little effort in your glamour?

I want to make her a mother.

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depends on how you look. you got cute dunesfolk and you got the ones that look like it was made by a colorblind person.

give me my fucking comfy server market back you dumb retards balmung was supposed to be CLOSED OFF without the gold seller niggers


so when is Yea Forums hosting the wolves den 1v1 tournament now that cross world visiting exists? now we can finally so who's good at the game and who's a backpedaling casual

>macro broil lustrate
>instant winner's finals

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Nah these fucking autists have just been saying that for years.

Fucking same.

no healers allowed only tanks/dps

It's not that. It's someone who's been around for mutliple cycles of this game and realizes it's the same things, but with a different skin.

MFW I bough over a billion in gil and don't have to worry about anything. Just gotta visit my three houses every now and then.

Once more.

>1v1 pvp
based fucking retard


according to fflogs at 99th percentile AST does the same/more personal dps than 99th white mage on savage fights

is this fucking correct? literally what is the point of whm then?

WHM is better in prog and in Ultimate

>better in Ultimate

whm is for prog, ast is for farm.
same reason why rdm is for prog and smn is for farm

>ones that look like it was made by a colorblind person
Anyone else notice that these tend to be female players? Makes no sense, it's like they purposely try to make their character as ugly as possible

probably means just healing output and mana resource since they have thinair.

I'm on Cerberus, I have no reason to go anywhere.

>new mogstation dress
>it looks bad on femroes
t-thanks yoshi

Attached: dress of light.jpg (800x600, 196K)

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i really really like this image and think its very funny

can i save it?

God damn that looks fucking sexy as hell on lala

what ruins it is that there's no barefeet.

whats the best eu server to join for raiding?

stfu pedo

Maybe it just isn't meant to be worn by a hulking brute with a vagina

Is DRK any good? Im trying to blow through the story quests as fast as I can to unlock it.

its all yours, tranny ;)

it can clear everything so it's good. whether you find it fun or not is entirely subjective.

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you seem pretty based, user

I hope you like it

Release Yotsuyu's kimono already you incompetent fags. You blame clipping but guess what, you keep releasing hairstyles that clips with everything so you clearly don't give a shit.

Attached: yotsuyu 34243423432.png (1920x1200, 1.42M)

>currently unsubbed
>on bryn
how fucked am I? I haven't been paying attention to any of this server moving shit

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There's a free period currently ongoing.

I just want her hair.

my god this would be great
even better give us the pipe too as a persistent emote

Man that dress is cute. But I would never ever actually glamour into it. I want to wear at least semi practical stuff.

How's gilgamesh as a server?

server has nothing but raid loggers so outside of tuesday reset it's dead as fuck and people are cliquey quiet.

fuck it, I bought it
it actually looks better in game than I thought it would
not as much jiggle as I'd like though, don't think its quiet as high as the hempen camise/racial clothes

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How hard is it to get the Ozma mount?

>just logged in
>tomestone cap is still there
heh heh heh

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>it can't be put in the armory chest

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Where should I play if I want to semi-casual raid during the night?

easy on JP, hard on NA

A-and EU?

harder than NA


doesn't matter which server, just pick primal or aether dc.

what do people even need genesis for now? crafted gear is enough for everything, ilvl 390 gear is uncapped now, and you can get ilvl 400 upgrades just doing cross world hunts.

>cross world hunts
Why waste that time when savage is unlocked?

I missed out on savage and now the idea of doing learning parties seems like a living hell.

Pagos is kind of bearable now with the boost to light gain. Every NM gives between half to a full bar.

If I could do it, you can do it.
You just need to join a group planning runs

>you can get ilvl 400 upgrades just doing cross world hunts
sprout here. please explain.

you get seals from hunts you can use to exchange for an item that you can then use to exchange for the item that lets you exchange your 390 tomestone gear for 400

oh damn that's nice, I might try to make a 2nd relic.

>weekly restrictions on orbonne gear lifted
Finally, the tank set will finally be mine.

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Everything looks bad on femRoes because they look bad

This, but for all non competitive games.

Some friends of an irl friend are playing in Lamia, so I just fucking left Siren without looking back.
Fuck that dead server.

Anyone know how the PvP scene is on Chaos right now? Mostly talking about Frontlines but if you have knowledge about Ranked PvP I'd appreciate it too.

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>everything is cheap on the market board
keep it up crafter bros
this is what you get for bragging every damn time about money

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this person posts their cat getting fucked by huge aura men in the TexTools discord
glad to see that they're based

When is the class changes/preview supposed to be?
I want to know if I'll keep using NIN, SAM or BRD as my main DPS job. I'll probably keep on using all tanks since they share all gear, but GBK looks like it'll be the coolest looking. Hopefully they unfuck DRK.

>looks best on lala

it's the least SJW game on the market unironically

They don't though
and plenty of things look good on femroes, that nezha mogstation outfit looks best on them

We won't know the full details until Jun.

benchmark is in 2-3 weeks where you can see the new jobs, gear, actions, zones, etc.

livestream in mid may where they actually talk about the new stuff for 5 hours

Final Fantasy is a boomer franchise

Prices for orchestrion rolls are just as shit on all worlds.

MMOs in general is a boomer genre. People like Swifty and Athene are in their early 40s now.


Never saw the point of those when you can just mod any music into the game easily

>tfw entered Pagos for the first time
>lowest level again
>map hidden
>can't mount
>everything wants to one-shot me
>some random guy gives me a group, despite me being level 20
>drives me around to FATEs, tells me about the zone, Raises me when I keep dying
>total bro
The community in this game is so different than in WoW.

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It's another thing to collect.

>tomestones bad
Dude you have no fuckin clue how good XIV has it with an actual route to gear.

Hope we get a new luckybancho census soon

What would've been different in WoW?

But didn't they like do a showcase of the new abilities before launch month the last two expacs? And maybe like a preview of some changes? Something like that.

Great community btw.

look pal, you aren't special, get in line with the rest.

Finally, some good taste.

Nobody would give two shits about me and nobody would say a word. Probably kicked me the second they realized I can't pull my weight.

they release a benchmark first and then during the live letter stream they release another video showing all the actions+job gauge.

suck his dick fag

where is the new information yoshi you tripple nigger

There will be a video in May showing all the new animations but you won't get any context until they sit down and read through their big list of changes.

Lemme save you the time then fag. PLD wins.

About to transfer to Ultros, any advice on the server communities?

>ninja losing ta
the cuck shed is calling you nincucks

Is there a good gallery of FFXIV equipment for glamouring?

Oh ok. Welp.
I just hope the ones I said are good and fun.

screenshot helper tool lets you try out every armor/weapon set in the game

FFXIVstyle should have all gear

Drill hair when?

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I made a new full SkS build for my brd

About the same just more UwU in df. Not like Bryn's clear rates have ever been very good.

XIVstyle hasn't been updated since 4.4 and even then it's still missing tons of stuff.

They still don't have Ghimlyt Dark gear for some reason.

Japs are confused

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Oh ok, never actually used it after checking it out when it came out

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I got you bros. This has basically everything.

i wish they organized by armor slot.

What "traditional fantasy setting" mmo has the best pvp right now? And I mean in terms of duels, clan wars, and world pvp. If I'm not mistaken, FFXIV is overwhelmingly pve and monster raids, which has never appealed to me. Wow despite its problems, had a perfect balance between pvp and pve as did swg. I'm not going back to wow.

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Someone redpill me on why trannies fear mooglemedia.

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>moving to a server literally made for another region and don't even speak the language
Literally LITERALLY BR tier. Fucking subhumans.

wasn't that the one magazine thing where it turns out the leader was blackmailing girls with their nudes if they leave

Maybe since I'm a console player this doesn't make sense to me, but, why doesn't this game just have in-game voicechat? I don't get it.

would you rather have the ausfags on the NA servers with 400 ping?

based chang

zalera bros...

large potential for it to be abused regarding harassment and spam.

anyways if you need voice chat you got psn parties and discord.

ESO but it too is a steaming hot pile of garbage.

There simply aren't enough successful MMOs to pick from.

Because then the devs would be expected to moderate voice comms and they have a hard enough time with just text chat where they can just look at logs.

>Feeding the cash shop like a good goy
Keep up the work user, maybe we'll be able to get a server upgrade for EU again.

Too much work to moderate and it also costs them money having to set up VOIP servers that aren't garbage.

Retainers dont sell themselves


>can't be dyed
Yeah, no. How hard could it be to add the dye option to an attire that is just white!?

Really now? And here I was thinking it was a good site to read up on class guides.

That's where they belong.
Also, australians shouldn't even be playing the game if I'm being honest with you my family.

Any decent looking stockings in this?

They will add color variations soon user so you can butythe right color later, it'll be like the swimsuits all over again.

Same except for wow classic. If you like this game may as well kill yourself already.

The community is full of genuinely awful, mentally ill players. The devs have had to gradually change the game to curb players from being cunts all the time.

Why are there like no good dresses in this game? The only like decent one has no sleeves.

Pretty sure it already exists

all the stockings i know of are the alchemist bottoms and ninja bottoms

which ones you got in mind

there's a few but they don't have feet because SE is retarded

>not even a primal yet
orbonne monastery was supposed to be our chance, it's not fair

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because fuck you wear armor or panties instead

You have to understand they face many technical limitations, doing that would probably break the servers on to of having to model bare feet that are not related off the ground. Why all for more user? Don't you want hats for Viera and Hrothgar?

>Some IRL buds on behemoth giving the game their first try
>Old D2 clan set up on Lamia, also those funny NEST dorks are there
>Don't want to play on the other datacenter because it has gilgamesh wowfaggotry and faerie regular faggotry
Ditching Crystal for Primal for sure. Aether probably has a slightly better raiding community at the expense of dealing with probably the worst people in the game.

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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I still need to. I have been on Leviathan for a while but I just haven't really done anything with anyone, so a transfer might spice things up.

So honest question here, what's is exciting about more of the same? As far as i can tell they haven't even worked on expanding any of their systems 3 expansions in. Cutscenes are lackluster for a story heavy game and there really isn't a reason to continue playing outside of Savage due to how progression works. So i ask what is exciting it hype about not of the same?

What class is good for eureka and does changing your class mater at all?

Red mage was made for it.


doesn't work on lalas. the dress is designed with large breasts in mind

I like the game so I'm fine with more of the same.

>looking at videos of them
>giving it replies

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Lalafel with blue pigtails or red bob?

>literally alone in my hydatos instance

I want some fucking ottermode twinks. Baracats look like shit.
I also wanted female Ronso.

I'd be okay with that too!

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>Low purple median

Uh, kid...

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based and miqo'pilled

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Are any of the Hydatos relics cool looking and how annoying is it to get them?
I never went beyond the first eureka instance and only got the DRK sword from there.
Also, do you need to do all steps from the first eureka until hydatos if you want to make another relic?

they all suck, you won't lose anything skipping them

>Are any of the Hydatos relics cool looking
>how annoying is it to get them?
>Also, do you need to do all steps from the first eureka until hydatos if you want to make another relic?

Red bob

Youch. I think I'll just get more Zodiacs and Zetas.

what are you guys trying to get done before the expansion? i'm personally just doing beast tribe dailies and leveling CUL for the ishgard crafting stuff.

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gearing up the last job I'm missing (it's going to be done today) and then I'm probably gonna level up the ARR tribes

When will they admit the Empire were the good guys?

mod your game

Like with Lyse outfit? HW Y'shtola? All the old scions outfits?
How hard could it be to program color to them? More with an item like this one that is JUST FUCKING WHITE

How long does it take to max out a tribe quest from start to finish?
I hate this kind of time gated stuff.

i think theyve nerfed the ARR and HW ones, i went from start to max rep in like a week

Finish my BLM eureka weapon, clean out the side quests in SB areas since I noticed I hadn't touched most of them, maybe level DRG and SAM, possibly PLD. I may eventually try doing the ARR beast tribes. They seem a bit tedious, though.


Get at least one eureka weapon maxed out.
Get MNK and WAR to 70.
Beast tribes' dailies.
Maybe kill Suzaku Extreme at least once if I find a group.

Get elemental armors. MAYBE end one of Eureka relic.

This job has received an unfair reputation and it is actually quite fun.

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Levi forever.

Thanks user.

Level BRD and MCH to 70 and get some of the pvp stuff I'm missing.

Hyperion or Lamia

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Getting my last dog from Seiryu so I can finally get the Tamamo mount

Get SAM, RDM, and WAR to 70
Finish HW raids
Start omega
Get me a house
Level up crafters and gatherers
Get gil
Punch cat girls
Find gf
That about it really

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Well, did it. Transferred off Brynhildr. I'm weirdly emotional about it, though I didn't really have very many friends left at all.

Both are great
That being said hyperion people really tend to get on their horses sometimes. Lamia is more chill but less crowded iirc.

you can punch an entire gang of catgirls in the black shroud as a MNK

Not meta. Worse monk. Etc Etc.

I'm sorry it couldn't have been faerie. If it wasn't for that server I would've stayed on Aether.

Doesn't Lamia have a lot of faggots?

hyperion is on the better data center.

Thanks, I've moved to Leviathan specifically because I heard that it was a nice server.

They're gonna ruin it in SHB aren't they? man fuck me, I finally found a job I enjoyed.

? Never seen one and if so at least they are quiet about it. Then again almost every server is bound to have gays and trans.

I am also a 30 year old failure of a man but ff14 has stopped filling the void for me

wat do?

At best it will get NERFED
There is no way they can fuck SAM anymore. I just can't imagine it.

How good is Aether?

new glam from mogstation makes the tits bigger, time for a big tiddied lala gf

Play more FF14

Roes wearing that dress unironically looks like a tranny holy fucking hell look at it

You do realize both Hyperion and Lamia are on Primal, right?

Don't remind me Lamia trannies are associated with primal.

Thanks user

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The only reason I'm waiting to be 30 to kms is so I become a wizard before dying

PLD tank mount and War and Pld anima relics
Want to get the Drk tank mount in ShB hopefully, but idk since there is a new tank and everything. We'll see how that goes.

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Do what i did for Heavensward and Stormblood, play for literally 13 hours a day for 4 days in a row, leveling up by doing every single sidequest availible. God, i love expansion launches so much.

Mahjong titles.

do they not ban gil buyers? asking for a friend

This video makes me feel bad we didn't get to hear Omega in game

Anyone here playing on Leviathan?

They have no way of telling who's buying gil and who isn't unless you mention it in game like a retard. Bots get reported but they have new ones in place literally every 5 minutes I'm honestly baffled, how do they do it

it looks better when they have max boobs and aren't doing the worst stance in the game

You obviously haven't played MCH.

Panther is pretty lame desu. Should have got a hellhound.

Man i haven't seen Mateus this empty in a long time. Feels fucking good man.

are they all in balmung or something

I mean, probably i guess? Its what all the RPers want, to be in Balmung.

Yes, Balmung is fucking packed.

How is Red Mage doing? Is it viable?

it sounds like you're treating the game as a raidlogging title rather than as a MMO.

It's the easiest job in the game. But its healing and rezzing capabilities makes it fantastic for progging.

Every job is viable you retard

I hope we get some sort of Fans as weapon i want to use Yunas outfit

meme datacenter

Only good in prog. Once a group can do consistently beat a fight it's by far the weakest caster.


>the worst people in the game
no, I'm afraid that is in fact crystal

My nigga

>tfw still a month to go till the job changes

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Does Balmung get shit on just because of the RP (and ERP) people? Can't you just ignore those people?
It seems odd that you would want less players on your server in an MMO, don't you want more players since it feels more alive? What about the economy?

aether has the better players on tuesday, crystal has the better players on the weekend.

>Want to main GUB
>Want to switch to Hrothgar
>End up being lorefriendly as fuck as side effect
Damn nice

>It seems odd that you would want less players on your server in an MMO, don't you want more players since it feels more alive? What about the economy?
Balmung's economy is great, but otherwise they don't actually play the fucking game.

>Can't you just ignore those people
Yes, yes you can. That doesn't stop Yea Forums from obsessing over them, just like their tranny obsession.

I don't actually interact with anyone in this game so a dead server is the best for me. No full zones, no queues. I loved Mateus when it was dead.

more players = more retards. MMOs should be capped at mid pop size. high pop size opens the floodgates to poor skill level players, cliquey social groups, and a fucked up economy where there's too many undercutters.

you cannot even if you're not on their fucking server
that's why I'm so glad they're gone


I like how when they announced World Visit they were basically pleading with Balmung players to do their Shadowbringers MSQ on other servers to try and distribute the load, but in reality the exact opposite thing happened surpising exactly nobody.

Wonder how long it'll take them to block World Visits to Balmung too.

>Make giant highlander with beard and warpaint.
>Only thing that doesn't look awkward are tank classes.

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>Can't you just ignore those people
>Load into dungeon
>Dote/Embrace/Blow kiss spam in chat followed by ^^, :p and other dumb shit
>Literally can't blacklist because server limitations
I fucking WISH I could just ignore these people

Wouldn't MNK work as well?

I still don't get point of the world visit system. Everyone is only going to stay on the high pop servers, they have no incentive to go to lower pop servers other than to get a barbie doll house.

Went from Zalera to Midgar. Left my friend behind because we forgot your character has to be over 90 days old. He's gonna pay to join me and my other froend soon. Decision was easy because fuck Balmung. They're just awful players.

Muscle wizard

rdm is great. Really good for prog/trap parties and good in optimization parties as well.

>implying they wont datamine the benchmark again posting all the skills

>want to make a highlander
>no eyebrows
>they look fucking terrible without beards

Rhalgr is depicted as a wizard dude

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Are you gonna help pay for his transfer when the time comes?

Fucking this.
>don't want to be a whiny pissbaby and talk start shit in chat
>just want to blacklist and move on

Interesting points and replies. I do remember while playing that Balmung had a lot of seemingly AFK people, unless every server is like that and the chat would either be completely dead as fuck, or hard to follow because of so much activity.

t. friendless shitters

Rhalgr can fuck off.

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none of the hw/sb benchmarks had the skill tooltips or icons implemented. just only the animation/spell effect.

Play other games, don't let an MMO be your life.

on high pop servers the majority of people are AFK because they either raidlog or are RP people waiting for primetime/their folks to log in.

I've got friends who I play with but they're either busy during the day or not interested in running expert or a 24 man
and two of my friends who I ran shit with were on balmung, actually
if you run dungeons fully premade the problem doesn't exist but you can't say the same during a fucking 24-man where emotes from the trite mateus or balnigger are spammed while some sorry ass newbies watch the cutscene


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Take it back user.

why don't you guys become friends. no excuse now that cross world visiting, free transfers, and free login periods are up.

>seventeen thousand party buffs that give varying flavors of physical vuln/damage up
>almost nothing for magic damage

Magic is already powerful.

going to populated servers to buy the cheapest in food buffs and ingredients is genius. Ty Yoshi

What? You mean like slashing/bluntDUDE WEED/piercing vuln?
So you'd like for one of the mages to get a magic vuln debuff that they need to keep reapplying?
Well don't worry since they'll be streamlining all the vulns in ShadOwbringers so it'll just be generic defense down or something like that.

Does this game even count as an RPG anymore? It's basically just an action game at this point.

God please just make it generic defense downs. It's not like they matter to begin with and would make every job viable to some level.

Wait until they implement the PvP combo action thing on regular content.
You'll just mash a single button for each combo.

Every job is already viable. I'm assuming by "viable" you actually mean "meta" since that's how most retards here mean it. It's impossible for every job to be meta.

They've breen promising that since before HW. I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm scared of commitment.

well you roleplay as your character in this game so it still counts a RPG.

unless you count a RPG solely by mechanics like stats which FFXIV does have but less developed than say DnD.

I might actually.

Bruh all the magic classes get a 30% damage buff as a trait.

I never understood the point of them in general, if I'm honest. At least with Trick Attack, it requires some sort of coordination if you want a burst window dedicated to that. Generic vuln down doesn't do shit. It's not like they don't adjust HP bars based on that in content you'd most want to make use of it. They may as well not be there at all.

a lot of shit may as well not be there at all. that's why they're getting reworked (job gauges) or getting rid of it entirely (TP)

I don't think zoomers play MMORPG's as much in general. They grew up on autism shit like MOBA's and have shit like fucking Fortnite. It also doesn't help that most are still underage or barely adults and cannot really afford the cost of a monthly sub.

Oh that's right. They're taking out TP on Shad, right?
How will that work for DRK?

I'm aware yes, the vuln down shit is just one of several things that confuses me. Good riddance to to TP too.

They are an upkeep debuff for the job that applies them, they exist as part of rotation design and nothing more. Although as of Stormblood the only job that actually still has to make that consideration is MNK. That is, Monk is the only job which would choose to not use their debuff-applying skill if for some reason it didn't apply the debuff. Every other job would still use theirs anyway because the skill has some other important function in their rotation.

Remember when using sprint took all of your TP?

I stopped playing shortly after Omega released and I’m gonna go do some of the new content with the free login campaign.
But what is Eureka and should I bother with it?

we don't know exactly until may. but my guess is that they tie it to MP/jobgauge now.

endless grind with next to no reward

I expect that DRK will be almost an entirely different job in Shadowbringers. Hoping for a BRD-tier redesign.

The lack of consideration is what's silly about it. I'd have personally overseen their removal in 4.0, but I guess they had limited time or maybe thought people would riot.

Yes. It felt good being superior and sprinting through dungeons because I was magic DPS/healer.

How did people figure who this guy was?

glorified fate party instance while being underleveled

Fuck dark arts

I want to give you death so bad you literal waste of air

Some people are literally obsessed with trannies and avatarfag.

Once I get to play as a Viera I will off myself, been waiting too long for it to give up near the finish line.

See you there OP.

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The idea behind Dark Arts is fine but the implementation is crappy. Personally I think the clunkiness of the blood gauge and overreliance on oGCDs in general (including Dark Arts) are DRK's biggest problems.

He's a known fag that shits up cuteboy/battle station threads by shilling his pornhub/twitter/formerly tumblr for attention. Guy literally shitposts damn near 24/7. He's like those girls in highschool that get off to knowing some desperate fuck wants them.

He's an obnoxious spammer that the mods never seem to wanna perma ban. He's the sole reason why battle station threads were uninhabitable for awhile and I guess he's going to shit up XIV threads now.

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I actually like having to use DA to power up stuff, but it giving the same increase to most stuff is so fucking retarded it makes me angry.
What the FUCK is the point of the single target job gauge attack if the DA increase on it is the same as fucking Souleater.

I wish he would post his face so everyone can laugh at him.

How is Gilgamesh and Ultros compared to other servers?