Hey you know what we should do at the end

>Hey you know what we should do at the end.
>We should add 15 minutes of UNSKIPPABLE credits, that you have to sit through in order to see the ending cutscene and get the achievements/save for finishing the game!
>Frank that's a terrible idea.
>Doing it anyway.
How do you feel about unskippable credits, bros?

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>Spend 3-5 years making a game.
>ADD-riddled gamers can't handle a 15 minute credits sequence.

If the music is good, or there's something clever like screenshots of your playthrough, and you're in company of a friend (or livestreaming) while finishing it, it's a nice thing to reflect on the game and what you think of it.

Hope they will show new DX on e3, or maybe even remake of first one.

>Deus Ex shelved indefinitely
>Adam's story will never have an ending

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>make sequel to game that had a troubled development cycle but was well received and liked after all
>push development team to release way to soon
>push the same development team to add in micro transactions
>advertise the game with a shit pre order bonus scheme that's anti consumer
>have to backpedal on the pre order bonus idea
>game comes out as way too short, with an unfinished story and full of unnecessary micro transactions
>as a result nearly no one buys it at full price
>take this as that the interest in the series is lost

>>push development team to release way to soon
They gave the team FIVE YEARS. Most AAA sequels have a 2-3 year turnaround.

I blame new engine. But still MD is pretty good and an improvement from HR. Also Criminal Past dlc is top notch.

>Hey you know what should do? We should make a linear story game with locked doors and empty buildings everywhere and market it as an open world game.

Only retarded zoomers skip credits

It's one of my favorites. Specifically because i can go through the entire game without killing anything and can even avoid hurting people by sneaking past them and people take notice of it. It really enables my preferred play style/way of dealing with thing.
I am really happy they made the boss some one you can beat through non lethal methodes Staying out of his sight and having him walk in to 2 EMP mines so I can take him out in 2-3 punches, also made me feel like a total cyber ninja.

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I alway do it, I don't see a point in sitting through it, since I won't commit the names to memory or anything, it just seems pointless to me, I just turned on steam interface and looked stuff up on the internet while it ran up untill the cutscene, do people actually sit there reading every single name, for no reason what so ever, do they commit it to memory if they're never gonna need it, what purpouse does sitting through them serve?

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I don't even sit through credits I'm in.

The point is to let the game sink in


>I have no arguments so I'll just drop niggerspeak

Same with Metal Gear Rising
>our game is in a genre with focus on replayability
>let's add unskippable credits you have to go through every single time to beat the mission

lmao u fuckin pretentious cunt

Why are rolling credits even still a thing? Literally NOBODY keeps attention to them. If you're obliged to list all the people that worked on your game somewhere in it then do it as a separate option accessible from the menu. That way you could even do it as a menu with subcategories of sorts instead of the traditional rolling wall of text, so that people could immediately skip to who they're interested in, for example the sound director

I may be pretentious, but you are a stupid cunt without much pretending.

I can do that on my own time and for as long as I deem necessary and after I'm sure nothing will interupt, like that cutscene. That's does not justify it being that way, I can very well do that in the main menu, if I so please. But this game didn't really merit that. It was a fun enough game, but I didn't sit there, discussing it with my self, like I did for the first walking dead "interactive movie". Maybe because the end ... felt like it shouldn't have been the end, it felt like where most games would have drawn the half way point, and you moved on the dealing with the much bigger threat, but instead, that was it.

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>game comes out as way too short
No, it isn't.

I do that alone.

Finished it in 24 hours while looking for all the sidequests and exploring. For an RPG that's pretty short in my book, I'm like 74 hours in to the witcher and it's still going haven't even done the dlcs yet.

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For a Deus Ex game it's pretty long. They've never been 70 hour RPGs.

>5 years
nah it was only in development for 3 and a half years

Why would anyone sit through them?