Fact: You faggots are no different from Restera...

Fact: You faggots are no different from Restera, with how much you contrarians get outraged at things simply to make yourselves feel validated by not liking Popular games & circlejerking literal who games that you haven’t even played

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Genuinely based

>d-dude you are just like resetera now please stop being right wing and suck jewish cock! Don't forget to buy The Last of Us - Part II! >dude kekistani lmao
Shit, sage and cringe


Attached: Ampharos3.png (250x188, 71K)

There is a board for you on this very website,freak.

triggered the brainlet. back to Yea Forums

> Implying OP didn’t just use the picture for clickbait

Been taking acutane for my acne for two weeks now AMA

Yuri is nice but the west fucked it up. Fuck you OP and fuck vegans 2!

Statements like this only appear sound when taken at face value.

All /u/ fags need to be shot on sight.

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Pic not related btw

Can this samefagging be more obvious?


>you contrarians get outraged at things simply to make yourselves feel validated by not liking Popular games
that's a dumb assumption; people are genuinely outraged by stupid shit all the time without any posturing.
you are just as retarded as them to insinuate some ulterior motive behind their rejection, and it stands to reason that you are doing so in an effort to distinguish yourself from the masses by pointing out something significant.
you're not doing either.


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Gears > TLoU2

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If this was two traps making out I wouldn't mind it so much tbqh. It would certainly be less ugly and less gay

Traps are mega gay

Attached: Atarded.png (421x436, 128K)

>everyone's that's mad is the same person for the same reasons and there's totally no difference
I'd rather slaughter "enlightened" teenage scum than either the hard left or hard right

but user, i like popular games.
ff10, ff8, world of warcraft etc are all good games.
last of us is not bad because its popular, its bad because its shit.


if this place were as bad as resetera you'd be banned just for expressing this opinion

pic related

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lmao, sometimes /v is okay i guss

Is that GameFAQs v.2?

neogaf 2.0

>inflammatory false equivalence
I hope to god the religious fundamentalist muslim "doctors and lawyers" line these people up and stone to death in the ultimate show of "false equivalence" or irony as anyone sane calls it

Some say neogaf nowadays is much better since the biggest SJWs moved on to form resetera.

Also that place thought leddit is too right wing.

the worst thing about socialist lefty faggots is they don't even realize the tool they think is being used "to protect them" is actually being used to modify their every opinion

Wtf happenes to reasonable leftists types? I remember back when I was kid my parents didnt allow demon pokemon games and thought gays were the worst but now my little brothers and sister can play pokemon all they want and we have gay people come to our house all the time how the fuck did the right drop their bad habits and the reaction to it from lefties was to become some kind of inquisition. Seriously if leftists were more like the IDW types the world would be better

you are the same as them too