It's 4 am, what are you playing?

It's 4 am, what are you playing?

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With myself.

My favorite vidya

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I just put down Katana Zero for the night.

Myself because I'll be tired today.

¿Y cómo está el nene?

I was playing AC Odyssey but I'm done for the night. I'm enjoying it although I've had some pretty frustrating moments with the movement.

I'm trying very hard to close Yea Forums and load up one of the many games on my backlog

>Making chocolate pudding.

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It's 11AM though

Post a list of five games in your backlog, then we'll try to summon a janny to give you a three day ban.

Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate, just unlocked Barioth in the village

same time zone user wanna have sex?

Trying to navigate runescape
I found the stairs leading to the bank after 20 minutes!

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Pokemon Gold.

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b-but I take fat greasy dumps from that hole

I am playing Sekiro. I just got to Asahina castle and am exploring. Just killed some Seven Heavenly Spears Guy.
Also that purple lone swordsman guy is a jerk. I just went to talk to him and he attacked me.

Path of Exile

nothing. I'm waiting to go to work so I can wait to go off so I can finalize the purchase of my first car.
>tfw all I wanna do is go cruising well listening to some albums
been buying a good amount of physical CDs because I knew this day would come, can't fucking wait to finally use 'em

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I have an absolutely vicious headache and nothing to alleviate the pain, it really fucking sucks.
Can't play shit, cap'n

Kingdom Come Deliverance. Hunting down and exterminating Cumans.

Trying to get into shmups but I'm not feeling any.

im at work

It's not and I'm at work

Dude it's only 02:58 man

Fortnite, one my favs recently cause of the great microtransactions. Shit is cash.

have fun user, sounds pretty fucking cool

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>getting too old for video games
>still want to play them (specially considering there's a lot of classics that i haven't played) but feel that i shouldn't
>have nothing else on life but my career, which i'm bad at

Anyone feeling something like it?

Literally an unemployed Spaniard

Shining force resonance

safe driving to u user

Playing Overwatch as usual, trying to make myself play FF9

Downloading Dinosaurs after seeing the OP picture because fuck yeah

On vacation


I feel you, user.


fuck, im goin to bed

its 12pm for me, i just got up and gonna play some bitcher 3

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