Pre-Order Borderlands 3

Pre-Order Borderlands 3

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She too small.

I'll get the game of the year edition in a year when it get's released on Steam. I'm not letting Sweeney sell my personal info to his chinese overlords.



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The only time I ever will preorder something is if I get a DLC for free.
Best example BF3: Back to Karkand

Because I don't need a weapon that becomes useless after the first five levels.

I was thinking about it until I saw the weapons revealed and they just replaced slag with another damage amplifier element

they did reveal such info already? I thought we got to see more info on may 1st or something, shiiiiiet I gotta check it out

>still no hentai

Attached: 0q1N2f8F_400x400.jpg (400x400, 17K)

purely optional of a much lesser magnitude than slag


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Back to your hive, insect.

>playing cringelands

You're racist

Or what, she'll use her benis on me?

Attached: heh.jpg (307x247, 7K)

this, theres no point even buying early

>blocks your path

Needs pubes peeking from the pants

Ah, a fellow man of taste.

>pre-ordering a 2k dlc simulator
lol no
xcom, civ, bordlerlands, etc. they all go on my get it next year with all the dlc list.

Is that guy going to be in it?

Manufacturer gimmicks have dropped and arent really the change I wanted. Damage amp is shit because it becomes necessary for late game and can cut off builds, theres also the "we got you, boo" which makes me think the writing isnt going to be very much improved but I'm waiting for more info.

I would've bought it if it weren't for Randy Pitchford randomly attacking the various people complaining about the time-limited exclusivity.
What did he expect to achieve by being rude, yeah of course people bitch on the internet, what's new ?
Pirating or waiting a 75% discount

How poor can people be if spending 9€ a month for hours of extended entertainment is too much?

No Anthony Burch so it could only get better. But will still be awful.

Sounds like you hate fun

>It only cost 9€ to roll dog shit into balls and play with it like Play-Doh.

Will Handsome Jack be in the game in any shape or form?

no barefoot gaige = no buy

I cant, I still have no idea what class I want to play

So is a 60$ gale a vat off diarrhea then?

I still think he's stupid for pushing this whole "anti-monopoly killer" propaganda. But I'm just not going to get the game yet because none of my friends are crazy about getting it yet, either. Might as well wait for when everyone's willing to pick it up- I already burned myself that way when MHW came out.

I'll get it. As long as Take Two doesn't sneak any greedy bullshit in it.

No I'am waiting for the Steam release like a responsible adult.

>all these niggas waiting on steam version

you are doing it wrong. 2k don't care if they get your money in september or 6 months later. A sale is a sale. All this shows to 2k (and other publishers) that it's ok to sell time-exclusively. They will get the money from platform loyalists sooner or later anyway.
You're a fool if you think you're sending a message this way. The only responsible thing to do is to either

a) pirate the game and never spend a single dollarino on it

b) buy the game but not for 60 bucks on steam release but year(s) later for 10 bucks in the GOTY variant


Women don't have pubic hair that trails up, that's a male trait

