Just get another one lol
Just download more RAM, brainlet.
Just download internet explorer.
>he only has 8gb of RAM and uses RAM hoggers like google chrome which steals 1 gb per tab
Stop using firefox
What do you need a browser open for if you're playing a game, you dumb frogposter piece of shit? Do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
Hahaha that ain't yo ram bitch!
stop using windows and that'll stop being a problem
>Game on one monitor
>Podcast, movie, music, Yea Forums, music, whatever on the other
Wow I just don't get it, doesn't make any sense huh
>adhd riddled zoomer needs constant stimulation and entertainment to play a video game
Checks out
Ready for your insulin shot, Grandpa? Hows the blood sugar anyway?
I don't know about other user but when i'm playing a game i'm fully concentrated on it,
I don't need another distraction on top of it.
You must play shitty games if you feel the need to multitask.
What the fuck happened to just playing a game normally?
Can you 19 year old faggots just fucking die already?
>Hows the blood sugar anyway?
Bad, my pee looks cloudy.
Thanks for asking faggot
tfw when dual channel is so much better but i can't find the same ram model with the same frequency
feels bad man
Not him but I usually put a podcast in the background whenever I play Civ or other more slow paced games
It'll stop being a problem because linux has nogames. Also UBENTO is for retards who couldn't install debian.
8GB is fine, unless you've got other background processes hogging your memory. Why do you need your browser open anyway?
>not playing on console/pc and shitposting on mobile in between
Eat shit OP, I have an i5 8GB RAM and I'm using waterfox, discord, qbittorrent and RE2 at the same time smoothly right now.
More like I just want things to werk.
Ruiner and GIMP with three images are running there
>Playing vidya
>Turn around to look at the tv is something grabs my attention
>Listen to a podcast if the game I'm playing doesn't have a story or anything to pay attention to
>Listen to music if the situations the same as above
>Keep a browser open if there's something I need to look up pertaining to the game
durr zoomie get out reee
>waterfox in current year
you could probably run two RE2 instances if you didn't use such a shit browser
why cant i have enough money to upgrade my pc
>tfw you fell for the 16gb ram meme
I have 8 GB of RAM and I can play vidya with browser open and I use google chrome I really don't get this mean I have DDR3 too
durrr adhd git out underage
i upgraded to 16gb and it made literally no difference, you WILL NOT see performance increase in vidya
It's not, I know the op pain and I'm 34. Basically if you leave the browser open with only a single yeah for email or such, say you are waiting for a confirmation that's work related, it will shit on anything that's not indie. Fun. It why I ended up buying 16 gb of ram
just pirate one
not an argument
This. I got 16gb, but absolutely no difference.
>using a fucking browser to check work related emails
This is just sad on so many levels.
Tell me something better, waterfox is too convenient to use for me to change to another browser.
Firefox used to be shit but since Quantum it's been great.
I'm not sure if it's possible for me to give less of a fuck about what I open one of several email addresses in.
I bet you use standard google e-mail addresses for work related stuff too.
I bet you don't have friends
Sometimes I noodle on my guitar too, you mad?
I have 8gb and when I play modded ets2 with Firefox open it stutters like fuck, but not when I close Firefox.
modern aaa shit always stutters for me. far cry 5 and watch dogs 2 stuttered, I can't play metro exodus at all because of the stuttering.
Nice deflection, I guess I was right lmao.
>he actually doesn't have friends
ahahaha what the fuck how is that even possible lamoo
ROFLing @ ur lyfe
Maybe it's not the RAM that's a problem.
>he uses google e-mail address that he checks in a browser for work related stuff
maybe, I'm convinced it's Denuvo. I can run more intense games fine when they don't have Denuvo. can't be a coincidence
i have 8gb of ram and i played far cry 5 and it never stuttered for me post your cpu and gpu
Denuvo has been known to cause issues, at least in my experience with the likes of Hitman.
have sex
bend over
i7 7700k and gtx 1060 6gb
>tfw open around a dozen or so tabs
>play vidya for a bit
>alt tab out to do some browsing
>everything is fucking slow for a bit
>I'm convinced it's Denuvo
Then try playing the hacked version of those games. If it runs better then it's really denuvo.
Just get another PC
>implying I paid for those ubisoft games in the first place
cracks don't remove Denuvo they just circumvent it
Works on my machine.
>have around 50 open tabs
>everything slow all the time, white screen circle of death whenever I just switch between tabs I haven't opened in a while.
>takes like 10 minutes just to load up a demanding game
Firefox if you want a browser, wget if you want no ram usage.
dissenter once it comes out
just use your phone
Just play games from times when 8 gb ram was a lot.
I've cleaned up my windows of shovelware that comes with it and it uses only about 500mb
Since this is the designated /g/ thread, can anyone tell me why webms make my chrome chug sometimes but other times it's fast? this only started happening recently.
it depends on the kind of game, if it's a game you've replayed a bunch of times and keep playing because the combat is fun then what's wrong with podcasts or music ? Movies i don't get at all though just seems dumb
probably hardware acceleration being on or off, stop using electron.
I know right it's almost as if something is eating up the resources that is not the brower or the game or perhaps SOMEONE IS PROGRAMMING THE FUCKING GAMES TO HAVE BITCOIN MINING BULLSHIT IN THEM
Stay jelly poorfags
32gb masterrace
good goy
Because you play god-awful resource sucking modern games.
Fuck off to pol poorfag
Like TF2? You're half-right, I guess.
Wait for ddr5.
What a rude goy! But you did well so I fogive you this time.
This is a straight up lie.
The performance increase I experienced when upgrading from 8gb to 16gb was unreal. The difference between occasional frame drops with no browser open and perfect, flawless gameplay even with as many tabs as I want. Maybe shitty parts in the rest of your PC are bottlenecking your experience.
32gb is the sweetspot
Do not listen to this brainlet.
You realise smartphones have 8gb of ram right?
This. I was having bad performance with my PC despite having decent specs and it was the ram bottlenecking the whole system the entire time. I believe 32 gb is optimal for how much ram people should have in the near future.
>Those drives
Speak for yourself dude. Hope you gotta nas attached
Whats wrong with them fag?