Short guy is the main leader

>Short guy is the main leader
>Tall guy is relegated to support

Why can't videogames portray men in real life?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>he fell for the manlet meme
[email protected]

tall men tend to be unintelligent, which makes them bad leaders

that's the complete opposite of the truth
tall guys have on average higher IQ and bigger dicks than short guys

Got any proof?

when will they learn?

Attached: Comparison.jpg (450x450, 70K)

>big buy is a musclebrain dumbass that is only there for comic relief

>A survey of Fortune 500 CEO height revealed that they were on average 6 ft 0 in (1.83 m) tall, which is approximately 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) taller than the average American man.

Napoleon and Bismarck were short and yet they made all of Europe tremble.

>Name one (1) US President below the 6ft mark in the last 20 years...

Leaders of the world make manlets tremble....

Define short and tall.
Also, who are Napoleon (167cm), Julius Caesar (170cm) and Gengis Khan (extimated 166cm on average height of the period and geographical area but who knows)?

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>short guy get all the girls
>tall guy post short guy memes on an anonymous image boards

>>short guy get all the girls

you say that as if being the US president is something to be proud of

Attached: Carrot man.jpg (1200x807, 84K)

>things that never happen

Don't think Trump makes anyone but himself tremble

I don't think that's it, user. Most people memeing about height are people who just have nothing else going on for them. Ugly, fat or lanky, etc. Instead of worrying about what they might be doing wrong, they take pride in the one thing they can't really lose or change. They take the accomplishment of others as their own. They find statistics that make them seem better without having to put any effort in.
Short guys don't get all the girls, but they get some. Tall guys get some too. But the people who meme about either, get none of them.

Napoleon was 169cm when the average was 165, he wasn't a manlet for the time.

Caesar was a fucking lanklet for his time

If he's loaded? Even more than one.
Like any guy, really: statistics show that is not physical nor psychological prowess that attract women but high social status; sure, many times being strong and intelligent is associated to hish social status but not always: that's why we have ugly, short rockstars who have fucked more groupies than we ever will in our lives combined, man.
If you have enough charisma, you can pull off almost anything

Eh by what I found in books and online, it's extimated around 5'6 which I thought is 167cm; maybe I converted it badly

Its because men are short angry incels who go to discord tranny servers browsing reddit spouting poltard tin-foil schizo bullshit with based redpills pepe wojaks have sex rent free in your head OBSESSED with sandy hook gun control despite being 13% of the population nazbol gang rise up and HONK HONK.

>the truth lanklets refuse to accept

Attached: Gains.jpg (1500x1000, 235K)

I've heard the Napoleon was short rumor came from the british using differently sized feet at the time,so it's hard to know his real height.

Yes, I read about it too and the measurment I gave took that in consideration; for his time, he was not a dwarf but neither tall or average (just falling behind of 1-2cm at most though, nothing big)

yah mean on average lanky yet slightly pudgy? that's like 90% of dudes i see regardless of where i am and i walk a fucking lot, it's like most are on the perpetual of being between stick dad bod and fat.

That's not even a good cope. It has nothing to do with dick size or intelligence.

Now, on the other hand most rich people were born rich and didn't have to think very hard, which your evidence would support.
>He actually fell for the manlet meme

yikes all those incel manlet itt

>Napoleon and Bismarck were short
Kys anglo scum, Napoopan was perfectly average for his time, maybe even slightly above average. Him being a manlet is nothing but slander born from impotent anglo rage

>Julius Caesar (170cm)
That's like 20cm taller than the average Roman

>bought into the manlet meme
lol dude you're probably just weird or a douche

>tfw I barely crest 5'0" at 23 years old
Should I just fucking end myself now?

Attached: 1553914559316.png (1080x1288, 1.36M)

Nah. If you have charisma, you can make it out. You can also be a cute petite gayboy

>that one coping manlet itt

>Poster count isn't increasing
>Pretend to be someone else so he doesn't have to take the BTFO

people who have nothing to base their decision on who to vote for tend towards the physically more intimidating individual, because primal instincts tell them to.
tall leaders are a sign of primitive decisionmaking, and most people are dumb and/or uninformed.

the people who actually do the work are all shapes and sizes and usually somewhat qualified for their position, so it all turns out well most of the time(unlike now), but the notion that a tall leader is better is your retarded lizard brain speaking.

are you cute

go to the gym and find yourself a fit mommy

What btfo lmao

>citing Napoleon in 2019...

Will they ever learn at all?

Change name to Aoi Yuuki and become a midget voice actor

May I have that survey?

>butthurt lanky faggot mad that his life is shit and games need to give him a false sense of superiority

Yea, probably.

being shorter is literally the result of higher testosterone and females make bad leaders

Why do you people hate short guys so much? Our lives are already hard enough and we're an extremely small minority. Why do you do this? Do you not realize how much pain and suffering you inflict on others? Do you not care?

Games overwhelmingly pander to seething manlets like yourself though. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>I'm sure to win because my testosterone is superior.jpg

Manlets make video games while tall guys are into STEM


Is this what manlet "leaders" believe?

I'm making an argument against manlets you dumbshit.

drumpftards btfo

They have nothing else.

We don't hate you. We do hate uppity manlets though, everyone does

if you're at least good looking just go gay

Literally most of these threads are blanket shit talking on manlets, though

It's funny


name 4,926 examples

There is nothing sadder than loser lanklets
It's like a 10/10 hot girl who wastes her life away working at Starbucks

what's with all those hotties working at McDonald's anyway

Where? All the employees at fast food joints are fat black women where I live.

Literally every single jrpg

where I live it's one cutie after another, with the occasional nigress and landwhale to spice things up

I'd like to know that feel

>Short guy is the main leader
That's pretty common in real life as well.

Imagine being so insecure about your height that you create hundreds of pictures to stroke your ego

This image just screams "seething manlet".

>we're an extremely small minority
Damn right you are.

I don't know what DYEL stands for

list all of them in alphabetical order

"do you even lift"

So when it says DYEL tier it means weak af?

Yeah I'd bet pretty much anything that the board members of those companies are about a foot shorter than that.

Genghis Khan was reported as being larger than average