Dropped Dark Souls 2 after Lost bastille at the 3 sentinels fight

>Dropped Dark Souls 2 after Lost bastille at the 3 sentinels fight
>Played every soulsborne game afterwards and loved them
Should I give it another shot? Is it worth finishing?

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If you like tonguing nigger anus

git gud

As a matter of fact I do :^)

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Lost Bastille is one of the worst parts, I'd give it another try and see how you like what comes afterwards. Don't force yourself though, no part of the game is really worth it

>Stopped playing at the second boss because it was too hard
Might as well not
Also, the Sentinels are optional. Hell, you even have 3 entirely different directions you can go to before doing the Bastille.

>decide to not look up guides for souls game
>didnt know sentinels were optional
>died 40 times then uninstalled the game

>because it was too hard
Typical DaS2 fag response

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Sentinels is an easy fight

just use magic ooze. kill the first one. get some hits on the second one before dropping down. hit and run only 1 of them til it dies. last is easy as fuck. died 3 times agaibst this casual filter fuck you

>second boss
The knight and the lost giant must be fought before the sentinels.

I wouldn't say easy, but it's a great fight. Forces you to burst one, then take it slow and really wait for opportunities for the others.

Yeah but the run to them isnt. If you want to summon anyone you gotta have full humanity. And there's a pixel perfect jump you have to land to get to them. So you just die again and again and use up all your humanity restorers.

Heide's Tower of Flame>No Man's Wharf> lost bastille
More like the 5th boss

The pursuer is hardly a boss, it's a recurring enemy and can even be fought several times before doing the actual "boss" fight. But right, let's say 3rd.

Gutter > black gultch > earthen peak > iron fortress > heide's > wharf > bastille ... 15th boss
So basically yeah whatever

I never found that fight hard as long as you know what to do.

As you enter the room you have sister chan 1 on your left. Make sure sister chan 1 stays up there with you while you shove your sword up that shriveled up ass. Which means stay in the corner of the platform is less likely for sister chan to drop off. Also don't go near edge while dealing with sister chan 1 or sister chan 2 will jump up and jump in and gang you.

After you kill sister chan 1 fight becomes trivial at this point. Jump down and focus on one while keep the other one infront of you at all times. So you know how to dodge when needed if you lose sight of one of two sisters run away and re align the camera so they in your sight.

Reason why I said focus on one is because when sister chans drop below 50% health they will beyblade their shields at you and get all beserker like. So avoid having two sister chans going beybalde beserker on your ass focus on one at a time.

>sister chan

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>power stance 2 clubs
>murder the fuck out of absolutely everything
uhh nice game soultards

The DLC areas are worth it imo

Yeah but do a melee build since magic and miracles got nerfed to shit.

Same, except I'm at the Iron Keep. DS2 feels like a slog and I usually prefer playing 1 over and over again. I heard 3 is more like 1, but my autism tells me I have to beat 2 first. Idk why I enjoy it so much less.

Literally the only things Dark Souls 2 has over 1 are replayability, PvP, and lots of content.
The game plays and feels like garbage, fucked world design, half-assed environments and bosses, lazy animations, shit graphics, and it's just so boring.
Quantity over quality: the game

Nigger, I fucking beat Midir, Orphan, defiled Chalice Amy, NG +5 Flamelurker, and NG+6 Four Kings and I still dropped dumpster fire souls 2 at the congregation or whatever the fuck the group of joke hollows that DaS 2 decided are boss worthy. The game is a fucking joke, it looks like shit, and it plays like shit. Just because you had fun playing fight club and dress up with your reddit buddies doesn't make the game good.

Or just run through through normal way since it takes a total of a minute

why is there no texture pack for ds2 tbqh
There's a horde of 20 zombies if you go the normal way

> Leveled up heavily.

> Breezing through NG+, wrecking bosses.

No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.

Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.

Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquerors beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.

How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.

Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.

And then here comes fucking Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind shitposts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.

And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it still says I'm not No, I'm a Conqueror.

Sentinels is hard. If you stay on the platform, stay on it, take out the first Sentinel, then shoot the remaining two from a distance while they beat the shit out of the NPC summon.

Lost Sinner is piss easy. Never gave me any trouble.

If a boss run is tough I clear out the enemies and grind souls so I got a straight run.

> Or let the NPC summon drop down ans take a beating from them while you safely spam magic and fireballs at them.

DaS2 is the easiest Souls game, just level ADP
Ruin Sentinels and the two throne guys are the only hard moments if you don't count the DLC

Why does DS1 have so much specular and bumpmapping while DS2 is littered with flat bland low rez textures which repeat hideously; A huge part of the godawful Shaded Woods is literally one texture.

Heides Tower of Flame, Majula, and Amanda Shrine are the only areas without the hideous repeating textures inducing nausea.

Now beat them without phantoms, noob ass nigger

Meant that nigger, but you are also nigger

fought 3 sentinels underleveled because I thought the Pursuer was a required boss, lost, and found out there was another way through. After getting the levels up, it was really easy.

wait the pursuer is optional? Nice level design miyashitki

It's not worth it even the world feels empty

I dropped it after getting the platinum. Boring game.

Man I'm so glad I played DS2 first.
I didn't have a preconceived bias against anything it does differently from daS1 like everyone on v does

> Primal Bonfire rooms are literally a cube with one texture.

Why redditfags love Dark Souls 2?

It's good, but in a different way from the other Dark Souls games. Scholar is better, but more difficult.

Reddit hates ds2 because its not a soulless copy of ds1 like ds3

because they are faggots.


Why people who can't beat DaS 2 hate it?

Why is the lost bastille so fucking huge compared to every other area in the game? You spend something like a a sixth of game just navigating that single zone alone.

why nobody likes dark souls 2?

I do user

because the controls are fucked up beyond repair. What the fuck were they thinking.

Typical DaS2 nigger cope

>calls others reddit

It's one of the few zones that got somewhat finished and even then lacks multiple things from the earlier version like a giant crab/lobster enemy.

>Lost Bastille is one of the worst parts
if only that were true

>lost bastile is huge
>lost bastile is one of the worst
DaS2 haters niggers actually haven't played the game lol

Where are you running from? If you take the ladder it's an easy run up

You're a brainlet susceptible to suggestion, DaS2 is a great game.
Maybe you're bad too, since you dropped it at 3 sentinels.

I've never been more disappointed in a game than release ds2

Wow nice opinion, now gtfo nigger scrub this game is too hard for your little brain

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I remember when DS2 first came out and Yea Forums was crying about the boss battles. I wonder what happened to those guys.

Sentinel is pretty easy once you figure that the other 2 sentinels don’t go up on the platform as long as you stay on the platform and taking on the first sentinel. They only go up after 1st sentinel die. Tbh, I do find it to be a good design but very poorly execute. There’s no reason for 2 sentinels to just chill out on the bottom when you are staying on the platform and only learn how to jump after you beat the 1st but w/e
After that, you just have to deal with dual sentinel fight and since they are identical enemy with same pace and pattern while not being overly aggressive, you can just back peddle patiently away dodging attack and wait for their attack to sync to go in for a single hit and back out. It’s kinda tedious but pretty easy because individually, their attack are pretty simple

Imagine using anime girl's face because you are too stupid to argue

>Yeah Lost Bastille sucks but after that you have earthen valley which also sucks, then Iron Keep that also sucks, then Shaded Woods that also is terrible, then Nu-blighttown which nobody likes but don't worry after that you have the worst big castle in all the soulsborn games and quite literally the most unfun area in any game ever designed.

Trying to think of the areas in DS2 just brings up terrible area after terrible area.

>Muh graphics
>it's too hard I give up
Fucking zoomers

Go play some smash

Yes, most fights of the game should be a joke to you by now, if you have really finished all the other games.

>Things Betwixt
>Forest of Fallen Giants
OK but ugly
>Heide's Tower of Flame
short but OK
>No-Man's Wharf
>Lost Bastille
>Belfry Luna
fun when online
>Sinner's Rise
>Huntsman's Copse
>Harvest Valley
>Earthen Peak
ugly as all sin but OK
>Iron Keep
>Belfry Sol
see luna
>The Pit
>Grave of Saints
>The Gutter
>Black Gulch
shit but visually OK
>Shaded Woods
fog was OK rest garbage
>Doors of Pharros
>Brightstone Cove Tseldora
>Drangleic Castle
>Shrine of Amana
>Undead Crypt
>Aldia's Keep
>Dragon Aerie
>Dragon Shrine
>Dark Chasm of Old
great but annoying as a boss run
>Memory of Vammar
>Memory of Orro
>Memory of Jeigh
>Shulva - Sanctum City
amazing, best area in the series
>Dragon's Sanctum
>Cave of the Dead
>Brume Tower
>Iron passage
garbage but I still somehow enjoyed it
>Frozen Eleum Loyce
>Frigid Outskirts
garbage despite the OK mechanic

>He thinks release Shrine of Amana was fun
Oh no, he's retarded.

Other user, but I thought it was fun. Didn't cheese it with ranged weapons either.

It wasn't fun for you because you suck at videogames

I understand a lot of the criticism for ds2, by man power stancing was amazing, I hate how dark souls 3 limited dual welding to a set of weapons.

Unironically no. DS2 is a literal 6 out of 10, the others are 8+. Any time devoted to it now would be better spent on any of the other games. Go replay demons souls instead.

Some of the dlc fights are alright, base game is 90% shit, and the dlc "optional multiplayer focused" areas are irredeemable flaming dogshit.

It was fun though.