Why Discord attracts so many trannies?

Why Discord attracts so many trannies?

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Why does Discord live rent-free in your head?

no idea. I was first invited to discord by one and it was a shit experience

Why does Yea Forums attract so many virgins?


trannies communicate largely though the internet due to their small population and discord is a popular service for internet chat. of course they'd use discord

>get rejected by a tranny
>angrily shitpost about it on an anonymous video game board

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easiest way to create a hugbox server

It doesnt, its all a meme spread by people who dont actually visit the site, but will swear to high heaven that they did and know everything about it.

Make your own server, invite people you know. Its a lot more convienent than IRC, thats for damn sure

It's a hugely popular service with millions of users. Its full of trannies, niggers, homos, furries, normies, poltards, white supremasists, shut ins, normies, vee tards and much more

Stop being such a close minded faggot participating in the same daily circle jerk. Find a server you like and surround yourself with people of similar interests. Don't be that cunt who complains about anime while actively browsing a Yea Forums board

It doesn't, you are just falling for memes.


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It’s the internet in general, not just Discord.

It doesn't, you're just attracted to servers where they congregate.

Discord allows you to create an insulate group of people, further more it allows you to feel as though you are apart of some organic conversation/peer group when in reality it's artificial and will never allow you to move outside of it. It's internet ghettos basically.
Here's an infographic image I made to illustrate it!

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The future is now, old man

For the same reason discord attracts other fringe and marginal groups. It's a safe space where they can regulate who goes in and out of the community and communicate openly in their bubble.

Would malcolm be an incel in 2019?

>Discord is a public IRC where anyone can pretty much join in and start their own conversation.
>You would need to say something that get peoples attention, otherwise you'll get ignored.
>All new post in discord always start with someone trying to get others attention to stir up some dialog
>Trannies are the no.1 attention whores who sustains them-self out of validation from other people.
>Hence why you see them very often, hanging around discord and Yea Forums

It's owned by Tencent

Tianmen square

Why is this board so obsessed with trannies?

It isn't?

They're everywhere dude, not just discord.

Learn to ask questions in English you dumb fucking pajeet piece of shit.
Retarded fuck.

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Yea Forums is obsessed with both trannies and incels when neither actually affect them in any way.

It's nothing about Discord, just the fact it's popular.

It's the ideal nuthugbox for ugly anxious people.
It gets you attention without needing to show your actual body or voice, you can ban people from your channel if they disagree with your delusions, and if they make their own channel to oppose your delusions then (((Discord Inc))) will shut it down.

>mod discord server
>see people who are clearly from Yea Forums arrive and immediately act like discord is Yea Forums, stirring up arguments and whining obnoxiously
>set them a mute role so they can't post messages anymore until they can "behave better."
>9/10 times they sperg out at me in PM
>say "If that's how you're going to treat a mod I think you're better off not being here." and permaban them from the server

entertaining every time

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this board is obsessed with trannies because trannies are obsessed with this board

I absolutely fucking despise transgender ''people'' with every fiber of my being. I can tolerate flamboyant gays, lesbians, bisexuals and other shit, but trannies? Holy shit they're totally insufferable. ALL OF THEM without exception. They turn everything subject into a personal one and raise hell on you and make any place unbearable for everyone if you don't buy their ''lifestyle''. Never in my life I've seen people that can produce so much shitposting as they do.
They ruined one of my favorite generals on /vg/ thanks to their endless dramas, shitposting and off-topic garbage that not even on Yea Forums people would fall for it. I never checked the /lgbt/ board until recently and the amount of depressed, lonely, sad and suicidal people I saw on the trans generals is out of this world, they make wizardchan look like an upbeat place in comparison.

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Please stop being mean, user.

t. seething tranny

based redditor tyrant mod

Except that isn't the case. Yea Forums finds like 2-3 loud trannies and think they are everyone.

There's no point in hating mentally ill people.

Trannies didn't ruin your threads, falseflagging shitposters did.

This indian nigger is making dumb threads with similar incorrectly written questions every fucking day.

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i saw you post this account in the scorelet submission threads

i dont get it

If only I could get paid to mute autistic anons I would ne ver have to change my job again

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I have a similar opinion but I try to be civil with them. I have never met one, not ONE single transgender person who wasn't a mental nutcase and incredibly autistic and/or narcissistic.

Fuck discord. I despise how it ruined fighting game forums. We used to have all the information and discussion needed on one website, now you have to go around finding links for every character discord and have information spread around multiple chatrooms where "people" talk about their fucking pitiful lives

Every platform that has a bunch of people to annoy attracts trannies.

I can buy that logic

I know right.
Anons here think everything is Yea Forums, in any decent community their kind gets banned very quickly. And no, it's not because they are "redpilled" going against the "circlejerk", it's because you are socially retarded.

t. has expressed many controversial views but did that acting like a human being, never got banned

No need to get angry over it. Just relax a little.

Nice cope, Rajesh. Do the needful or your boss will shit on you.

Do trannies hate Pajeets now because they got BTFO?

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Maybe, I'm not really into that stuff.

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Your server your rules. I respect that

These. Whiny faggot tranny bitches need to be purged and the best communities are the ones moderated by a benevolent tyrant.

Wojak and Pepe are legit awful and way overused.

>because they got BTFO?
They weren't.

>hates degenerate trannies
>doesn't mind that the language he's currently using is being raped in all holes with vinegar
poser cuck

I'm not a tranny because I have no money

discord became defacto for gaming groups
and plenty of tranes are autistic escapists neets who spend all the time online in gaming communities

>there are people who actually think that discord trannies are real and coordinate raids on this board
>they fell for the pol psy op
Why is it every time that there's apparent tranny posting, it's always people complaining about them or spamming the axe wound picture at random people.

I was in an ffxiv thread today where someone posted axe wound picture to someone asking where a good server to transfer to would be.

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Must piss you off that you get talked shit here and can't ban people, huh.

>we both know behind your smirk and shitty jokes that yes, you hate it, and that you work for free

Also, I never use any forums ever get a life nerds.

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trannies are always in a pissy mood all the freaking time, dude

hey tranny don't get mad because you regret cutting off your dick

Your post makes for a strange venn diagram

this desu actually

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Hey man I'm sorry you have the transgender.

How do you encounter trannies on Discord? Been on a few channels other than the private ones I use with friends but never seen a tranny.

/pol/ niggers trying to force their agenda onto Yea Forums with their fetish for trannies.

>poltards and white supremacists
go on
nah I wanna hear more man, elaborate a bit

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yeah its stupid
all the trans discords are too busy imploding with their own drama

Hey, you don't need to be mean either.

Tranny is literally anyone who disagrees with the typical /pol/ thinking. It just turned from the reddit strawman to tranny.

based street shitter
neck yourself trannies

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Your red herring isn't gonna work, poo-in-loo Kumar Ahmed shitter.

Why do you join servers created by degenerates for degenerates?

"Oh, I understand. I am so sorry to hear that you have the transgender."

>mod discord server
>I AM the guy who treats discord like Yea Forums
>when thin-skinned trannies, SJWs, and other general undesirables get upset at the rest of the server's rampant shitposting we simply expunge them and nobody bats an eye
nobody can stop us

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Never, much like almost everyone on Yea Forums. Then again people on Yea Forums think if you use a female as your avatar and are a man, you are a tranny.

>random people.
Trannies are barely people, to be honest.

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Every time I see somebody say they're a moderator on a forum somewhere I immediately picture the guy who was the mod for this chick and how sad and pathetic he was.

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yeah, it's almost like everyone can see who is posting what,
and that means that if you exclusively detract from the conversation then people aren't going to want you around.

They never understand that though.

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Cause anybody can come in and post just like anybody can just get inside your mom's pussy.

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>Yea Forums with forced tripcodes
sounds gay

Why does gaming attract so many trannies? It seems they think this hobby must be the most left wing on the planet.

you don't believe that? i was in an actual trans and chaser server that was full of /pol/tards, including the trannies and i can guarantee you that's not the only one.

It's very absurd and I don't get it. Everytime there's tranny spam and you read the actual content of the fucking post followed by axe wound meme or picture of tranny suicide rates, I never think "wow it's an actual tranny", it's just a shit poster.

I don't get it though because you could unironically btfo actual trannies by going to lgbt. But these people think they're saving "v from the discord trannies (made up)" by raiding it with constant shit posting.


>Its a lot more convienent than IRC
Maybe if you’re a brainlet.

It doesn't.


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>join discord
>some servers are dead
>some has nice gaming discussion
>have no idea if other people in the channel have dicks

user, why do you join servers where people flaunt their genitals?

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join my shitcord and talk to me before I have to go to work

Video game enthusiasm has disproportionate amount of gays and trannies to the general populace. I don't know why but I'm pretty sure it's true because I meet them way more in video games than IRL, and no I'm not a shut in.

/pol/ would rather scorch the Earth due to an imaginary threat instead of actually trying to make Yea Forums better.

your choice.

Personally I like to keep my discords nice and save my shitposting for Yea Forums.

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4chans become too safe these days, ironically in the same vein as all the reasons they throw shit at reddit and discord for

I don't have any trannies my server. I keep seeing these threads about them, but I can't find a single tranny to ban, is Yea Forums lying to me about the platform being nothing but trannies or is it just specific servers like some boards here are faggier than others?

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Stop false flaging and go back.

How has this man managed to create a tranny cult?

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That's an ironic sentence.

The fuck do you think Yea Forums is if not a forum?

It's literally in the name.

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Look at any discord server from /r9k/ or the speed running threads.
The latex thread on /d/ also has a discord with dudes posting their fat bodies in latex bodysuits