Is piracy in linux a thing yet?
Is piracy in linux a thing yet?
No, all software is free as in free beer. There's no need for piracy.
talking about games...
>Using Linux to play video games
>Using Linux to play video games and not even using WINE
yeah lutris doesn't care if you got your gog file legally
Windows 7 going eol....
Windows 8 ROFL
Windows 10 2gb ram standby + spyware
The change is coming brother.
>linux mouse input
actual trash
Tuxcart is all you need holmes
i was looking for a cracked version of binding of isaac for linux cant find anything
What fucking games?
You're not missing anything shit game
Are cracking groups cracking games for linux?I know its more of a "it can be done" thing
The way linux hands mouse input is different to Windows. Nobody has been able to emulate windows-like mouse input in Linux, and fuck retraining decades of muscle memory.
congratulation on being the first person on Earth to complain about this non issue
uh what? literally no idea what youre talking about. granted i dont play csgo on a "pro" level but you just sound autistic
Not an argument.
yes, i am glad you are at least self-aware
Can you explain this in greater detail? Genuinely curious.
source, and show why it matters if you can provide source
it has always been a thing
in what way is it different?
I never noticed a difference.
>it has always been a thing
Torrent site?
The racing one but it is free.
You torrent windows games and try wine or proton with them.
>Spend at least half hour tinkering with every game
>Game barely works anyway
t-thanks linux
>t. has never used WINE
takes 5-10 minutes to set up. just drop your games into the C_Drive it creates and you're done.
So you're saying Windows and Linux have the same mouse input? You're actually retarded and don't know what you're talking about.
What is there to explain? Look at ANY mouse enthusiast forum or game discussion regarding sensitivity, nobody has been able to emulate windows input on Linux.
>mouse enthusiast
ah, so it's like audiophiles but for mice. Show me the proof and why it matters
where is the proof
>look at any mouse enthusiast
>mouse enthusiast
Holy shit, thanks for the laugh, user.
I spent last 10 or so years fucking about with WINE since I had Linux throughout my teenage years (still do). Even though WINE has come a long way and is still getting better with updates, it still has a long way to go. For starters performance usually takes a big hit. Then you have problems that are game specific. For example mouse input in games like AvP classic or SWAT 4. Then there are graphical problems and some games don't run at all since dotnet support is fucking shit (Distant Worlds universe among others).
I enjoy tinkering with WINE and finding out what the problem is but for the average linux user it's just a ballache and unnecessary.
Playonlinux is better since you can create individual drives for individual games since some work better with earlier versions of Wine and some might need a game specific compilation of Wine.
>Are cracking groups cracking games for linux
There are torrents for Linux games, but they're mostly GoG downloads that were DRM free in the first place
It's embarrasing that you can't google this shit for yourselves.
Thanks for admitting you're just some retard casual
where is the proof
Burden of proof lies on you, retard. You're the one making the retarded claim that Windows and Linux have the exact same input when they demonstrably do not given all the threads asking for windows-like input on linux.
Me 1, you 0.
you started the entire discussion by stating that windows and linux have different inputs. burden of proof is on you no matter how much you project
where is the proof
Jesus Christ you're mentally ill if you can't remember what happened 30 minutes ago. Literally the exact opposite of what you say is true.
I gave you proof. You chose to ignore it.
Me 2, you 0.
you didnt give me anything
where is the proof
>you are now aware of a whole new breed of retards lurking the internet, with their very own fatwahs, theories and inner wars over computer mice
>there is one ITT right now
I did not expect to be this surprised today.
Me 3. You 0.
I have all the evidence supporting my claim. You have nothing to disprove it. I'm not even saying anything contentious. You're only demonstrating that you are fucking retarded lmao.
>with their very own fatwahs, theories and inner wars over computer mice
Fucking hell user my sides
linking to google is not proof
where is the proof
You must be 18 or over to post on Yea Forums.
Seethe more you fucking autist, tell me how the earth is flat next
>linking to google threads for people asking for windows-like input on linux isn't proof
Me 4, you 0.
Hold onto that L kid, you lost this one.
Yes Linux game piracy is big in eastern europe
Russia is based when it comes to piracy
Top class retard.
The only one seething is you. You got absolutely intellectually raped, and you have no retort.
linking to google is not proof
where is the proof
Imagine thinking that Windows and Linux have the exact same mouse-inputs when they demonstrably don't.
s tier retard.
It is proof, you just won't accept it because it proves you wrong.
Again, you lost.
Me 5, you 0.
That's 5 (you)'s and you got raped every single time. That's a yikes from me.
linking to google is not proof
where is the proof
>this kills the mouse autist
It is proof, you just won't accept it because it proves you wrong.
Again, you lost.
Me 6, you 0.
That's 6 (you)'s and you got raped every single time. That's a yikes from me.
>they demonstrably don't
>refuses to demonstrate it
linking to google is not proof
where is the proof
>hundreds of threads asking for windows input on linux
>somehow not proof
It is proof, you just won't accept it because it proves you wrong.
Again, you lost.
Me 7, you 0.
That's 7 (you)'s and you got raped every single time. That's a yikes from me.
Don't get a brain aneurism.
>>hundreds of threads asking for windows input on linux
Link to one of them, then. Making a google search doesn't demonstrate anything.
linking to google is not proof
where is the proof
Stop bullying the mouse retard. He's already trapped in a seething cycle.
You want me to click on the google link I gave
Open up all those threads
Then post them all here?
Because you're too fucking retarded to do this yourself?
Utterly annihlated lmao.
It is proof, you just won't accept it because it proves you wrong.
Again, you lost.
Me 8, you 0.
That's 8 (you)'s and you got raped every single time. That's a yikes from me.
So you have no proof, as expected.
What the living fuck are you two bickering about? "Windows input on Linux" makes zero fucking sense. Mouse input is the fucking same on both, you move the mouse, your fucking mouse pointer moves. If you think there's a difference in sensitivity and other shit, you're a fucking robot. I use both Linux and Windows and there's no - NO - goddamn difference in the two when it comes to mouse input.
Fucking idiotic goddamn children. This is why I call you the Dumbest Generation.
linking to google is not proof
where is the proof
If they are the same, why are there hundreds of threads asking how to game the same sensitivity across different operating systems?
It is proof, you just won't accept it because it proves you wrong.
Again, you lost.
Me 9, you 0.
That's 9 (you)'s and you got raped every single time. That's a yikes from me.
>why are there hundreds of threads asking how to game the same sensitivity across different operating systems?
You know that every single one of those threads include an answer in them lol
What strain of autism is this?
linking to google is not proof
where is the proof
>You know that every single one of those threads include an answer in them lol
>What strain of autism is this?
It is proof, you just won't accept it because it proves you wrong.
Again, you lost.
Me 10, you 0.
That's 10 (you)'s and you got raped every single time. That's a yikes from me.
>why are there hundreds of threads about mouse sensitivity
because you've made every single one of them
Include me in the screencap
There's not. You just see a bunch of idiots who think HURR LINUX DIFFERENT and have this dumb idea that mouse movement "feels" wrong because of some fucked up mental bullshit.
Install GNU/Linux. Use it. Reboot to Windows. Use it. Confirm that THERE IS NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE WORTH NOTING. There may be some slight, tiny fucking difference, but like I said, unless you're a fucking robot, you're not going to notice in every goddamn day use, you're just going to whine and cry that Linux is different because it's programmed into your fucking brain.
Literally the first word in the thread is (solved) lmao
Autist utterly btfo
You didn't even read the thread. That's utterly embarrasing.
He's talking about mouse accel.
I'm done with this thread.
I'm removing it from my thread watcher.
I cannot believe there are retards that unironically believe that Windows and Linux share the same input, when there are hundreds of threads asking how to get the same feeling.
Anyone who has switched between operating systems know this to be obejctive fact.
It's not even a point of contention, they're just different. I'm not even saying that Linux or Windows is better.
I win. ggez. Hold onto that L, fags.
>I win, bye
Based retard
where is the proof
you're being overly sensitive about this
he's a mouse enthusiast, what do you expect? he has a dozen or so mice that he hooks up at different times and then touches himself to how they look and feel sliding across his screen.
name one with more that 1 seed on game.
>mouse enthusiast
I agree with this.
To be honest I did feel a difference but that was only until I figured out how to disable mouse acceleration.
Everything in Linux is piracy, poorfags use it for that reason, retards don't get cracking Windows is easier than installing drivers on that shit hole also no games
Imagine being so utterly alone and pathetic that you have to "pretend" to be retarded on the internet just to get people to ineract with you.
are you not aware of the change brother?
I get it.
>easier than installing drivers on that shit hole
What's so difficult about drivers? AMD card owner and I've had zero driver issues with GNU/Linux.
Games also run better because the drivers are about 2x as fast as the ones for Windows.
>muh drivers
this isn't 12.04 anymore, you fucking retard
>what is Lutris
Might as well just install windows you fucking dork
Might as well install DOS?
With less than 8 months to go its time to accept the fact that Windows is a legacy platform.
Linux is basically Freedom: the OS, but burgers still won't touch it
Actually, is Linux somehow a communism+freedom combo?
it's embarrassing that you can't google it yourself.
Me: 6 You: 0
And by spyware you mean that they ASK you for some information like anything else does nowadays.
Hell, even if they still take it, why the fuck would you care? You’re most likely a literal nobody and they’re not going to target you directly. What do you have to worry about? What are you, a mentally ill school shooter?
I bet you're the kind of retard who creates an account on pornhub
turn off mouse accel you dumbfuck, both handle raw input the same
didn't you already leave the thread?
I wonder if we can get him to him: over20 us: 0