What gun is he using?

what gun is he using?

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So I started playing Nioh after I beat Sekiro. I'm at a crossroads in deciding which is better. I love the art direction of Sekiro, because Nioh honestly seems like it's a bit too cartoonish for the Yokai presentation? Whereas here it's handled with a bit more taste. I don't know, maybe my taste is shit.

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Attached: Nobunagun 01 - Oda Nobunaga (BD 720p AAC) [9083EFD9].mkv_snapshot_20.47_[2019.03.27_21.34.22].jpg (1280x720, 130K)

But there is actually a model for his gun?
I kinda wish to watch closely at this animation of his shooting.

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glock 17

I don't know about Nioh, but Sekiro's environmental design is god tier as far as I'm concerned.

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At least some people here have respect for the dead men.

Muh, Nobunigga

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Old Isshin > Cocoon Alien Isshin

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Glock 40 Problem Solver

I thought it was clumsy and looked rushed. Good premise and bad execution

There is and he actually has two pistols, one for single fire and one for the multi fire (he pulls them out of thin air though) and the pistol is really well textured, there's a pic floating around that the guy who is doing the model swaps took.

seriously imm on ng+ and i can beat emma without getting hit but then old isshin wrecks me so hard i can hardly get to his fire phase

honestly I agree, my major WTF moments in sekiro were 1. Owl (1) mikiri'ing me, 2. Owl (2)'s reactive/adaptive attacks, and 3. Old Isshin's stationary dodge.


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>when you go in to keep on the pressure and he dodges right through your sword and hits you as you try to lay on a couple more r1s

I'm having trouble finding this; spoonfeed me

>desperately going through your inventory and munching on rice and powder whilst trying to dodge his fire bullshit
Fun fight, but he's probably only harder because people leave him until NG+.

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I like the old isshin fight more but that's probably just because it's novel after doing the other three endings

Always nice to see some gentlemen with taste.

Attached: Nobunagun 13 - Nobunagun (BD 720p AAC) [0C703C6C].mkv_snapshot_11.55_[2019.04.23_05.53.15].jpg (1280x720, 64K)