

Attached: 3A700AFA-0158-48BE-AC64-F6B0FB7722E5.jpg (628x587, 65K)


You can be a fan of anything.

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Good, easy and free!
Fuck nerds!

Yes user we get it, he's retarded and his butt buddies are too.

i hate living

Why are these trannies so insistent on being a fan of something? If you can't get into something, that's perfectly fine, why try so desperately?

>Twitter users

It's retarded that you haven't played the game yourself and experienced the gameplay but you can watch someone play it and admire it's aspects and see what's great about it. So yeah I suppose you can be a fan. I love Limbo of The Lost because of its absolute insanity but I haven't played it yet.

What about if I just read shitposts about it on Yea Forums?

>literally who twitter tranny
Another excellent video games thread

Absolutely Disgusting.

he's 16

Makes sense. People are fans of sports that they've never played.

Literally switchfags going apeshit over Persona

>Twitter screenshot
>Weeb avatar
>Twitter polls

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The people are retarded

You can be a fan, you're just a secondary for it. It's that simple.

yes yes you've made this thread like 2 days ago, fuck off

I mean yeah why wouldn't you? I love watching Starcraft turnaments. But i fucking hate playing the actual game.

Alright let's settle this

Can you be gay if you only jerk off to traps?

Video games aren't sports. People who watch Street Fighter but have never actually played it or own the game are fucking weird.

I guess there is nothing stopping you from being a fan, but its extremely cringeworthy.

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daily reminder that if your IQ is above 10 you can definitely tell a game's qualities by studying footage of it

anyone telling you that you need to personally interface with something to have an opinion on it either
>is a hopeless retard who never deserved the money they spend on vidya
>is a shill trying to get you to go in blind for one reason or another
>has found something so dumbfoundedly niche that the control scheme, the only thing you can't glean from a video, feels like the fruit of knowledge tastes, ruining anything else for the next millennia

These twitter persona "fans" are a fucking riot. They've been freaking out for months because people have been calling them out for not playing the game.

More like calling yourself a football fan because you occasionally enjoy hearing your friends talk about it

Can you be a fan of Hitler if you never lived in the Nazi regime?

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So can you be a fan of a movie if you've only read the synopsis?

changes nothing

Thinking a game is good/worth playing =/= being a fan. I can watch footage of whatever game and then decide it's worth my money. That doesn't make me a fan though

Experiencing a game through playthroughs is like saying you had sex by watching porn.

These are all Switch only owning Persona fans cause of Joker being in Smash. The game is on fucking PS3, play it on that if you gotta.

next let's ask idiots if they're idiots
or let's have a vote on whether the productive should give half of their income to the unproductive lol

shouldn't be on the internet then

>like saying you had sex by watching porn
Uh what? Is this weird?
Wait am I actually a virgin?

and they get so fucking mad about it too. I wish someone would screencap them all

it's 2019
even kids under 10 are online

weird take on this topic, the OP made me think of Telltale games or Last of us, sure it's unfair to compare LoU with something so bare bones but both are clear games were most of the focus lies on the story rather than an engaging gameplay, people get engrossed in their stories.


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you can glean a lot from footage, but you shouldn't talk shit like you've played it if you haven't, you should preface with "I've only watched footage admittedly" because otherwise you're just pretending to have the experience. Watching =/= playing even if you can get a good idea of what the game plays like, that is still just an idea of it and not the actual thing.

shouldn't be

>watch LP of super hard puzzle game
>call all the people who actually played it retards because the puzzles were easy and obvious

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100% these. You can't be a fan of something you never fucking played.


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That's like saying you're a fan of a sports team but only watch highlights of the games but don't actually watch the games themselves

>fagsona 5 avatar


You mean a smash avatar


haha, false equivalency!! xDD

Anyone getting triggered by that deserved it.
Same as any difficult game here. Just say that the hardest boss was easy and you get guaranteed replies. People are so retarded.

Im fan of persona 5 but only waifus, i never played the game or saw gameplay of it lol.
