First time I've been this excited for a Sony game, but my god playing as a cool white dude, having a cute blonde love interest, zombies everywhere, great graphics, that apocalypse setting, fucking riding a motorbike, everything I can ask for.

Who here /hype/?

Attached: days-gone-167211-324365.jpg (1599x900, 486K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/OH GOD THE WAIT IS KILLING ME/

Me too, so excited for this game. Have the deluxe edition preordered and ready to go. Haven't wanted to play a game this bad since God of War

Fuck white people

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It'll be a disappointment.

No I am not hype for Generic Zombie Game #24

Play the new Resident Evil 2 instead.

post more pics of the grill

Is this a shill thread?

literally who gives a fuck about this game
did they even announce a release date for this shit?

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I hope this is an ironic shilling, cause the fact that you guys didn't bother to change the template infuriates me.

Name one other third person open world game with freakers in them.

You cant. Theres nothing generic about this game.

If you think the wait is bad, imagine PLAYING the 'game'!

I know this is a shitpost thread, but I saw some gameplay today and the dynamic weather system timelapse changing from sunny day to snowy day (and the change affecting enemy behavior) was really impressive. You can see the snow actually covering the ground in real time, which is not something we often see in games, usually the weather changes after loading screens or you have weather but no snow build-up on the terrain / grass / trees.

>They're zombies but we call them something else so they aren't zombies!

Attached: seff.gif (349x194, 2.16M)

are you retarded ?

I'll probably wait for a price drop

>cool white dude
Ummmmm, sweatie? You're being problematic again...

Usually I'll get any sony game that comes out but I'm not interested in this

Imagine being excited for the video game equivalent of wallpaper paste

Is there any reason for this beyond the paper-thin guise of creativity it affords? The word Zombie isn't copyrighted, right?

You could at least try to shill a bit better, man

It looks fine, I'll play it if my brother picks up a copy. If not I'll wait 'til it goes on sale.

Metacritic predictions

I hate that its now considered brazen to enjoy a game about a man doing masculine things. The Woke will go broke eventually.

It is a sony movie game, so it will be 85+ at least.

70 seems a little low. This game seems basically functional but unless the critics are feeling particularly ballsy/bored of the whole thing, I doubt it'll go below a 75. Anything below an 8/10 is reserved for the explicitly unplayable.

They just want to have their cake and eat it too, they want to copy zombies but pretend that giving them a different name makes them special. And I'm sure there's one or two things about "freakers" that makes them vaguely different from the stereotypical zombies. I think they have nests?

I NEVER hype, i rather be surprised while playing a game !

The weird thing about this, the most generic game this entire generation, is that it will sell 3 million copies

I don't see anything worth hyping about though? Can someone explain it to me?

>game receives absolutely 0 advertisement for years
>1 week left till launch
>Sony finally decides to advertise this garbage
what do you think Sony meant by this?

First zombie game made right actually.

>somebody is hyped for a non japanese game
kys faggot

Call me when the devs start reviving Syphon Filter

>playing as a """""cool""""" wh*Toid

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Keep being delusional, dev

>but my god playing as a cool white dude, having a cute blonde love interest, zombies everywhere, great graphics, that apocalypse setting, fucking riding a motorbike, everything I can ask for.
Come on user. Do you really think people talk like this?

every bit of gameplay footage I see of this makes it look like the framerate drops to 15 every 20 seconds

>no way, fag, the screenshot

Anyone have that webm where he falls through the bridge?

definitely closer to reality compared to “weeaboshit is cute! CUTE!”

Literally nobody considers anything about this game to be brazen you brainwashed loon

Why would you actually and unmetaphorically make unironic shill threads for free

I hope Bend Studio makes a comeback. We need another Syphon Filter.


reviews embargo until the 25th.
Sony knows it will be shit.

This game looks like trash. I foresee a ~70 as metascore.

That's why I think they don't even bother with marketing at this point. What I've seen so far is an uninspired and buggy mess.

This game being PS4 exclusive is really hurting it. Days Gone would be right at home on the Xbone. It's obviously a TLOU knock off, so putting on the platform where everyone has played the real thing is a bad idea.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/OH GOD THE WAIT IS KILLING ME/

fuck off shill


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